
Відьми (1967)

The Witches

Le streghe

1 год 45 хв  • 
Країни: Італія Франція
Жанр: комедія драма романтичний
Прем'єра в світі:
Прем'єра на DVD: 22 липня 2022
Прем'єра на Blu-Ray: 22 липня 2022
Режисери: Мауро Болоньїні, Вітторіо де Сіка, П'єр Паоло Пазоліні
КіноБаза: 6.5 (2)  IMDb: 5.9 (2147)
Моя оцінка:
Сюжет (англ.):

Five short stories loosely dealing with the roles of women in society. A superstar actress travels to a mountain resort, only to evoke jealousy from women and lust from men. A woman offers to take an injured man to the hospital. A widowed father and his son seek for a new wife/mother. A man seeks revenge for a woman's honor. A bored housewife tries to explain to her husband that he's not as romantic as he used to be.

Код для перегляду рейтингу кінобази

Виробничі компанії:

Les Productions Artistes Associés, Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica

Актори: (Всі 53)
Сільвана Мангано
Gloria (segment "Strega Bruciata viva, La") / Lady in a hurry (segment "Senso civico") / Assurdina Caì (segment "Terra vista dalla luna, La") / Nunzia (segment "Siciliana, La") / Giovanna (segment "Sera come le altre, Una")
Анні Жірардо
Valeria (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Франсиско Рабаль
Paolo (Segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Массімо Джіротті
Sportsman (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Véronique Vendell
Young Girl Friend (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Ельза Албані
Gossip (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Клара Каламаи
Ex-actress (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Марілу Толо
Waitress (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Нора Річчі
Gloria's secretary (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Діно Меле
Dino, the waiter (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Гельмут Берґер
Young man at Hotel (segment "La Strega Bruciata Viva")
Бруно Філіппіни
Singer (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Леслі Френч
Industrialist (segment "Strega Bruciata Viva, La")
Альберто Сорді
Elio Ferocci (segment "Senso Civico")
Ciancicato Miao (segment "La terra vista dalla luna")
Нінетто Даволі
Baciu Miao (segment "La terra vista dalla luna")
Лаура Бетті
Male Tourist (segment "La terra vista dalla luna")
Луїджі Леоні
Female Tourist (segment "La terra vista dalla luna")
Клінт Іствуд
Carlo (Segment "Sera Come Le Altre, Una")
Валентіно Маккі
Man at Stadium (segment "Sera come le altre, Una")

Режисери: , ,
Сценаристи: Мауро Болоньїні, Фабіо Карпи, Роберто Джанвити
Композитори: Енніо Морріконе, П'єро Піччіоні
Оператори: Джузеппе Ротунно
Відео: (Всі 1)
Зображення: (Всі 5)

Фільми з циклу: (Всі 81)
Hands Off Me!
Hands Off Me!
San Giovanni decollato
San Giovanni decollato
L'allegro fantasma
L'allegro fantasma
Due cuori fra le belve
Due cuori fra le belve
The Rape of the Sabine
The Rape of the Sabine
I due orfanelli
I due orfanelli
Fifa e arena
Fifa e arena
Toto Tours Italy
Toto Tours Italy
Yvonne of the Night
Yvonne of the Night
The Emperor of Capri
The Emperor of Capri
Totò le mokò
Totò le mokò
Totò cerca moglie
Totò cerca moglie
Side Street Story
Side Street Story
Figaro qua, Figaro là
Figaro qua, Figaro là
Le sei mogli di Barbablù
Le sei mogli di Barbablù
Toto the Sheik
Toto the Sheik
47 Talking Corpses
47 Talking Corpses
Sette ore di guai
Sette ore di guai
Toto in color
Toto in color
Toto and the Kings of Rome
Toto and the Kings of Rome
Toto and the Women
Toto and the Women
Man, Beast and Virtue
Man, Beast and Virtue
Neapolitan Turk
Neapolitan Turk
One of Those
One of Those
Of Life and Love
Of Life and Love
Де свобода?
Where Is Freedom?
Poverty and Nobility
Poverty and Nobility
I tre ladri
I tre ladri
Il medico dei pazzi
Il medico dei pazzi
The Gold of Naples
The Gold of Naples
Totò cerca pace
Totò cerca pace
Toto and Carolina
Toto and Carolina
Totò all'inferno
Totò all'inferno
Are We Men or Corporals?
Are We Men or Corporals?
Destination Piovarolo
Destination Piovarolo
Roman Tales
Roman Tales
Il coraggio
Il coraggio
The Band of Honest Men
The Band of Honest Men
Toto Double or Nothing?
Toto Double or Nothing?
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy
Totò, Peppino e i fuorilegge
Totò, Peppino e i fuorilegge
Toto, Vittorio and the Doctor
Toto, Vittorio and the Doctor
Toto and Marcellino
Toto and Marcellino
Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche
Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche
Закон є закон
The Law Is the Law
Toto in Paris
Toto in Paris
Totò nella luna
Totò nella luna
Toto in Madrid
Toto in Madrid
The Overtaxed
The Thieves
You're on Your Own
You're on Your Own
La cambiale
La cambiale
Signori si nasce
Signori si nasce
Toto, Fabrizi and the Young People Today
Toto, Fabrizi and the Young People Today
Ліжко на трьох
Letto a tre piazze
The Passionate Thief
The Passionate Thief
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
Toto, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Toto, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Totòtruffa '62
Totòtruffa '62
The Two Marshals
The Two Marshals
Totò contro Maciste
Totò contro Maciste
Totò diabolicus
Totò diabolicus
Lo smemorato di Collegno
Lo smemorato di Collegno
Toto and Peppino Divided in Berlin
Toto and Peppino Divided in Berlin
Toto at Night
Toto at Night
Two Colonels
Two Colonels
Toto vs the Four
Toto vs the Four
The Monk of Monza
The Monk of Monza
Toto and Cleopatra
Toto and Cleopatra
Gli onorevoli
Gli onorevoli
The Commandant
Totò contro il pirata nero
Totò contro il pirata nero
What Ever Happened to Baby Toto?
What Ever Happened to Baby Toto?
Totò d'Arabia
Totò d'Arabia
The Mandrake
The Mandrake
Птахи великі і малі
The Hawks and the Sparrows
The Witches
Рекомендації: (Всі 16)
The Wheelchair
The Wheelchair
Think Again
Think Again
仁義なき戦い 頂上作戦
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Police Tactics
Fat Families
Fat Families
Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno
Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno
Seasons of the Year
Seasons of the Year
Сезар і Розалі
Cesar and Rosalie
Макс і бляхарі
Max and the Junkmen
The Innocent
The Innocent
Time Regained
Time Regained
Girl with a Suitcase
Girl with a Suitcase
Фільми того ж режисера: (Всі 10)
La rabbia di Pasolini
La rabbia di Pasolini
12 Directors for 12 Cities
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Lo scialo
Lo scialo
Farewell Moscow
Farewell Moscow
A Child Called Jesus
A Child Called Jesus
The Venetian Woman
The Venetian Woman
The Charterhouse of Parma
The Charterhouse of Parma
Lady of the Camelias
Lady of the Camelias
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
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