Наомі Ґроссман
Naomi Grossman
Дата народження: 6 лютого 1975 (50 років)
Знак зодіаку: Водолій
Місце народження: Колорадо, США
Зріст: 152 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 37
Ролі: актриса (36), продюсерка (1)
Команда спецпризначенців святкує зрив смертельно небезпечної змови в Місті гріхів. Але коли у Вегасі з’являється реальна загроза, їм доведеться швидко протверезіти.Готові (2023)
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Команда спецпризначенців святкує зрив смертельно небезпечної змови в Місті гріхів. Але коли у Вегасі з’являється реальна загроза, їм доведеться швидко протверезіти.Сюжет (англ.)
An African American trans woman gets accidentally stranded in LA and becomes engulfed in a gritty world when she's introduced to a neo Nazi meth dealer. They begin falling in love just as they find themselves the prey of some drug...Replica (2023)
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An African American trans woman gets accidentally stranded in LA and becomes engulfed in a gritty world when she's introduced to a neo Nazi meth dealer. They begin falling in love just as they find themselves the prey of some drug...Сюжет (англ.)
Guided unknowingly by paranormal forces, a couple struggles to find peace and acceptance with death when presented with a terminal illnessСюжет (англ.)
When an astrophysics student working towards his PhD loses priceless research to an auto theft, he makes a bargain with a woman at a local pawn shop in order to get it back.The Allnighter (2023)
The Allnighter
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When an astrophysics student working towards his PhD loses priceless research to an auto theft, he makes a bargain with a woman at a local pawn shop in order to get it back.Сюжет (англ.)
Vanessa has always had trouble in the dating world, never mind now being confined to her home. She soon discovers just how much she can get away with dating via Webcam, but is the love she feels true or only a distorted version of...Just Swipe (2021)
Just Swipe
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Vanessa has always had trouble in the dating world, never mind now being confined to her home. She soon discovers just how much she can get away with dating via Webcam, but is the love she feels true or only a distorted version of...Сюжет (англ.)
Emmy Award-winning makeup artist, and RuPaul's Drag Race star, Raven is determined to find the world's next makeup superstar. In this exciting new competition series, seven makeup artists from across the country compete from the c...Painted with Raven (2021—)
Painted with Raven
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Emmy Award-winning makeup artist, and RuPaul's Drag Race star, Raven is determined to find the world's next makeup superstar. In this exciting new competition series, seven makeup artists from across the country compete from the c...Сюжет
Захоплюючий містично-пригодницький жахастик, що являє собою антологію різних, не пов’язаних між собою, моторошних історій та міських легенд.Американські історії жахів (2021—)
American Horror Stories
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Захоплюючий містично-пригодницький жахастик, що являє собою антологію різних, не пов’язаних між собою, моторошних історій та міських легенд.Сюжет (англ.)
"Deep in the ice of the antarctic, a team of geologists uncover an old nazi laboratory still intact where dark experiments had occured. In order to conquer the world, the Nazis created ...Sky Sharks (2020)
Sky Sharks
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"Deep in the ice of the antarctic, a team of geologists uncover an old nazi laboratory still intact where dark experiments had occured. In order to conquer the world, the Nazis created ...Сюжет (англ.)
"SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible" documents the jaw-dropping experiences of individuals with extra-sensory powers that seem to defy the laws of physics known to man today. Producer and host Caroline Cory, who has her own ex...Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible (2020)
Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible
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"SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible" documents the jaw-dropping experiences of individuals with extra-sensory powers that seem to defy the laws of physics known to man today. Producer and host Caroline Cory, who has her own ex...Сюжет (англ.)
A single mom moves to a small town hoping for a fresh start. Soon she discovers dark secrets hidden in this quaint town that she may not be able to escape.Сюжет (англ.)
When an ambitious ghost hunter performs a risky ritual, opening a portal to "the other side," he and his team quickly find themselves way in over their heads in a fight for survival against an ancient demonic force.Portal (2019)
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When an ambitious ghost hunter performs a risky ritual, opening a portal to "the other side," he and his team quickly find themselves way in over their heads in a fight for survival against an ancient demonic force.Сюжет (англ.)
A group of theatre students, celebrating their final show, begin to slowly disappear one at a time.The Lurker (2019)
The Lurker
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A group of theatre students, celebrating their final show, begin to slowly disappear one at a time.Сюжет
Сара намагається розпочати нове життя в Лос-Анджелесі, але її сусіди не ті, ким здаються.Пекло по сусідству (2019)
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Сара намагається розпочати нове життя в Лос-Анджелесі, але її сусіди не ті, ким здаються.Сюжет (англ.)
A subversive romantic comedy about the real-life subculture of people who believe that they're vampires and the IRS agent who audits them.Сюжет (англ.)
Plagued by guilt following the death of his son in a car crash, John Clarke, a brilliant surgeon comes to realize that the only thing that can ease his pain is the taste of human blood.Painkillers (2018)
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Plagued by guilt following the death of his son in a car crash, John Clarke, a brilliant surgeon comes to realize that the only thing that can ease his pain is the taste of human blood.Сюжет
У трьох матерів з передмістя, скрутні часи і вони вирішують їх за допомогою пограбування, але це спричиняє ще більше проблем коли виявляється, що гроші які вони вкрали належали бандитам.Хороші дівчата (2018—2021)
Good Girls
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У трьох матерів з передмістя, скрутні часи і вони вирішують їх за допомогою пограбування, але це спричиняє ще більше проблем коли виявляється, що гроші які вони вкрали належали бандитам.Сюжет (англ.)
Schlitzie: One of Us is a love letter to the 4-foot-tall performer, who was born with microcephaly, and made his most notable cultural impact via the 1932 classic film Freaks. The Ramones immortalized him with a song; the FX serie...Schlitzie: One of Us ()
Schlitzie: One of Us
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Schlitzie: One of Us is a love letter to the 4-foot-tall performer, who was born with microcephaly, and made his most notable cultural impact via the 1932 classic film Freaks. The Ramones immortalized him with a song; the FX serie...Сюжет (англ.)
Ted is not a zombie. Just ask him. Sure, he picked up a "skin thing" on his vacay in The Caribbean, and he's hungering for brains, but who isn't? Anyway, things are bound to get better when Ted inherits his grandpa's fortune; all he's gotta do is wait for the old man to die. In the meantime, in case things weren't strange enough, Ted follows a hot vampire into group therapy where the patients all suffer disorders of the paranormal. Yep. Things just went from weird to wacky.Written by
An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted) (2017)
An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted)
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Ted is not a zombie. Just ask him. Sure, he picked up a "skin thing" on his vacay in The Caribbean, and he's hungering for brains, but who isn't? Anyway, things are bound to get better when Ted inherits his grandpa's fortune; all he's gotta do is wait for the old man to die. In the meantime, in case things weren't strange enough, Ted follows a hot vampire into group therapy where the patients all suffer disorders of the paranormal. Yep. Things just went from weird to wacky.Written by
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A man struggles to escape a grisly fate on death row in this intense story of betrayal, revenge, and humanity's horrifying capacity for evil.Сюжет (англ.)
Horror junkie Joe Foster gets to live out his ultimate scary movie fantasy courtesy of Fear Inc., a company that specializes in giving you the fright of your life. But as lines blur between what is and is not part of the game, Joe's dream come true begins to look more like a nightmare.Страх (2016)
Fear, Inc.
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Horror junkie Joe Foster gets to live out his ultimate scary movie fantasy courtesy of Fear Inc., a company that specializes in giving you the fright of your life. But as lines blur between what is and is not part of the game, Joe's dream come true begins to look more like a nightmare.Сюжет (англ.)
The two main "families" of the secret and elite Point Society, struggle against powerful foes for authority over the path of Humanity. A sexy, dark study on power and control.Point Society (2015)
Point Society
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The two main "families" of the secret and elite Point Society, struggle against powerful foes for authority over the path of Humanity. A sexy, dark study on power and control.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the top stories in entertainment and celebrity news.Celebrity Page (2013—2011)
Celebrity Page
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A look at the top stories in entertainment and celebrity news.Сюжет (англ.)
The world is obsessed with celebrity culture: who's hooking up, who's hanging it up, and--most importantly--what they were wearing when they did it. Websites like TMZ, PerezHilton, Hollywood Life, and Gawker have some of the most ...TMI Hollywood (2012)
TMI Hollywood
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The world is obsessed with celebrity culture: who's hooking up, who's hanging it up, and--most importantly--what they were wearing when they did it. Websites like TMZ, PerezHilton, Hollywood Life, and Gawker have some of the most ...Сюжет (англ.)
Follows a group of affluent young Persian-American friends who juggle their flamboyant, fast-paced L.A. lifestyles with the demands of their families and traditions.Shahs of Sunset (2012—2021)
Shahs of Sunset
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Follows a group of affluent young Persian-American friends who juggle their flamboyant, fast-paced L.A. lifestyles with the demands of their families and traditions.Сюжет
Родина Гармонів переживає не найкращі часи. Вони мріють розпочати життя з чистого аркушу, переїхавши у новий будинок. Проте замість затишного родинного гніздечка на них чекає низка страшних убивств, містичних таємниць й розчарувань. Нова домівка піднімає на поверхню всі страхи, сумніви й переживання. А боятися є чого - будинок просто переповнений духами померлих у ньому людей, і далеко не всі з них - невинні жертви.Американська історія жаху (2011)
American Horror Story
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Родина Гармонів переживає не найкращі часи. Вони мріють розпочати життя з чистого аркушу, переїхавши у новий будинок. Проте замість затишного родинного гніздечка на них чекає низка страшних убивств, містичних таємниць й розчарувань. Нова домівка піднімає на поверхню всі страхи, сумніви й переживання. А боятися є чого - будинок просто переповнений духами померлих у ньому людей, і далеко не всі з них - невинні жертви.Сюжет (англ.)
In this four-episode competition series, five teams are comprised of candy makers, pumpkin carvers, and cake decorators. While working together to create the ultimate Halloween themed ...Halloween Wars (2011)
Halloween Wars
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In this four-episode competition series, five teams are comprised of candy makers, pumpkin carvers, and cake decorators. While working together to create the ultimate Halloween themed ...Сюжет (англ.)
Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Звіт з червоної доріжки (2009)
Red Carpet Report
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Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Молодий хлопець Скотт, що звикає до ролі холостяка, запрошує «ідеальну пару» Райана й Мері розділити з ним його величезну квартиру. Як виявилося, Скотт зробив досить необачно, оскільки парочка відразу починає втручатися в його життя й нові романтичні відносини.Стілець на трьох (2009)
Table for Three
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Молодий хлопець Скотт, що звикає до ролі холостяка, запрошує «ідеальну пару» Райана й Мері розділити з ним його величезну квартиру. Як виявилося, Скотт зробив досить необачно, оскільки парочка відразу починає втручатися в його життя й нові романтичні відносини.Сюжет (англ.)
A globe-trekking reality show that follows Josh Gates around the world as he explores different sites of supernatural import.Destination Truth (2007—2012)
Destination Truth
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A globe-trekking reality show that follows Josh Gates around the world as he explores different sites of supernatural import.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати