Марк Ферґюсон
Mark Ferguson
Дата народження: 28 лютого 1961 (64 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Риби
Місце народження: Сідней, Австралія
Зріст: 194 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 24
Ролі: актор
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Head High charts the rise of high school rugby stars, Mana and Tai. Under the guidance of their step-father coach Vince and police officer mum Renee, the brothers fight to achieve the 'Kiwi' dream of the black jersey.Head High (2020—2021)
Head High
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Head High charts the rise of high school rugby stars, Mana and Tai. Under the guidance of their step-father coach Vince and police officer mum Renee, the brothers fight to achieve the 'Kiwi' dream of the black jersey.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in the future, a secret agency combines a newly discovered substance called "Morph-X" with animal DNA to create the Power Rangers Beast Morphers team.Power Rangers Beast Morphers (2019)
Power Rangers Beast Morphers
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Set in the future, a secret agency combines a newly discovered substance called "Morph-X" with animal DNA to create the Power Rangers Beast Morphers team.Сюжет (англ.)
A recently widowed father, quits his job as a popular 800 word columnist for a top selling Sydney newspaper. Over the internet he buys a house on an impulse in a remote New Zealand seaside town. He then has to break the news to his two teenage kids who just lost their mum, and now face an even more uncertain future. But the colourful and inquisitive locals ensure his dream of a fresh start does not go to plan.800 Words (2015—2018)
800 Words
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A recently widowed father, quits his job as a popular 800 word columnist for a top selling Sydney newspaper. Over the internet he buys a house on an impulse in a remote New Zealand seaside town. He then has to break the news to his two teenage kids who just lost their mum, and now face an even more uncertain future. But the colourful and inquisitive locals ensure his dream of a fresh start does not go to plan.Сюжет (англ.)
A contemporary, smart investigative drama in which the lowly back-room office staff join forces to fight for justice in a corrupt corporate world.The Blue Rose (2013)
The Blue Rose
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A contemporary, smart investigative drama in which the lowly back-room office staff join forces to fight for justice in a corrupt corporate world.Сюжет (англ.)
The contemporary story of Chinese New Zealand-born over-achiever Emily Chu, raised to believe she can get anything she puts her mind to. Even if 'anything' is at odds with her traditional ...My Wedding and Other Secrets (2011)
My Wedding and Other Secrets
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The contemporary story of Chinese New Zealand-born over-achiever Emily Chu, raised to believe she can get anything she puts her mind to. Even if 'anything' is at odds with her traditional ...Сюжет
«Спартак» - це жорстка і виразна розповідь про найзнаменитішого з римських гладіаторів. Спартака розлучили з любов'ю всього його життя і змусили виходити на арену, де смерть - краща розвага для натовпу. Спартак повинен боротися за виживання, подружитися з ворогами, і засвоїти політику нового світу жорстокості, сексу і слави. Його будуть спокушати владою і переводити помстою. Але його пристрасть дасть йому сили подолати всі випробування в цій історії про смерть, честі і стійкості.Включає Спартак: Кров і пісок ч.1 (сезон 1) / Спартак Помста ч.3 (сезон 2) / Спартак Війна проклятих ч.4 (сезон 3)
Спартак (2010—2013)
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«Спартак» - це жорстка і виразна розповідь про найзнаменитішого з римських гладіаторів. Спартака розлучили з любов'ю всього його життя і змусили виходити на арену, де смерть - краща розвага для натовпу. Спартак повинен боротися за виживання, подружитися з ворогами, і засвоїти політику нового світу жорстокості, сексу і слави. Його будуть спокушати владою і переводити помстою. Але його пристрасть дасть йому сили подолати всі випробування в цій історії про смерть, честі і стійкості.Включає Спартак: Кров і пісок ч.1 (сезон 1) / Спартак Помста ч.3 (сезон 2) / Спартак Війна проклятих ч.4 (сезон 3)
Сюжет (англ.)
Five teenagers must locate and secure ancient relics with unbelievable power, while at the same time stop a demonic corporation who want the relics for their power.Могутні Рейнджери: Операція «Блискавка» (2007)
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
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Five teenagers must locate and secure ancient relics with unbelievable power, while at the same time stop a demonic corporation who want the relics for their power.Сюжет (англ.)
Legend says when the darkness arises, five brave teen sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet's survival - with the guidance from their wise mentor and the ancient Xenotome, book of the unknown. They will embark on magical aМогутні рейнджери: Містична сила (2006)
Power Rangers Mystic Force
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Legend says when the darkness arises, five brave teen sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet's survival - with the guidance from their wise mentor and the ancient Xenotome, book of the unknown. They will embark on magical aСюжет (англ.)
A thriller loosely based on Ian Wishart's book The Paradise Conspiracy, about the mysterious death of a New Zealander who happened upon international banking records after purchasing a used computer.Spooked (2004)
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A thriller loosely based on Ian Wishart's book The Paradise Conspiracy, about the mysterious death of a New Zealander who happened upon international banking records after purchasing a used computer.Сюжет
Разом зі своїми супутниками та друзями Фродо вирушає у далеку і небезпечну дорогу, щоб виконати не менш небезпечну місію - він має знищити легендарний Перстень. І вже зараз його почали переслідувати слуги Темного Владаря. Підступний Саурон колись уже створив Перстень - і якщо він знову потрапить до його рук - то Середзем'я буде навіки втрачене.Володар перснів: Хранителі персня (2001)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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Разом зі своїми супутниками та друзями Фродо вирушає у далеку і небезпечну дорогу, щоб виконати не менш небезпечну місію - він має знищити легендарний Перстень. І вже зараз його почали переслідувати слуги Темного Владаря. Підступний Саурон колись уже створив Перстень - і якщо він знову потрапить до його рук - то Середзем'я буде навіки втрачене.Сюжет
Big Brother Australia is the Australian version of the international Big Brother reality television series.Big Brother: Australia (2001—)
Big Brother: Australia
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Big Brother Australia is the Australian version of the international Big Brother reality television series.Сюжет (англ.)
Life for the residents of an apartment complex that has a police station on the ground floor.Above the Law (2000)
Above the Law
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Life for the residents of an apartment complex that has a police station on the ground floor.Сюжет (англ.)
An exotic dancer, cryogenically frozen in the year 2001, is accidentally thawed out in 2525 by two female warriors who are fighting against evil robots which have taken over the world. The ...Cleopatra 2525 (2000—2001)
Cleopatra 2525
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An exotic dancer, cryogenically frozen in the year 2001, is accidentally thawed out in 2525 by two female warriors who are fighting against evil robots which have taken over the world. The ...Сюжет
Для однієї дружини він — агент ЦРУ, якого часто посилають на спеціальні завдання. Для іншої дружини — він впливовий бізнесмен. Для них він — ідеал чоловіка. Але життя, побудоване на обмані, не може тривати довго, тим більше якщо одне завдання змінюється іншим по кілька разів на день.Мрія кожної жінки (1996)
Every Woman's Dream
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Для однієї дружини він — агент ЦРУ, якого часто посилають на спеціальні завдання. Для іншої дружини — він впливовий бізнесмен. Для них він — ідеал чоловіка. Але життя, побудоване на обмані, не може тривати довго, тим більше якщо одне завдання змінюється іншим по кілька разів на день.Сюжет
Фільм розказує про часи коли ще не було античної Греції і Римської імперії, коли всім управляли боги, які і в гріш не ставили людське життя. За цих темних діб з'являється непереможна і безстрашна воячка, яка приходить на допомогу всім, хто в ній має потребу, і ім'я їй - Зена.Її головний ворог - підступний і жорстокий воєначальник Драко. Серед її супротивників і інші персонажі - люди, боги і чудовиська, що служать силам зла.
Ксена - принцеса-воїн (1995—2001)
Xena: Warrior Princess
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Фільм розказує про часи коли ще не було античної Греції і Римської імперії, коли всім управляли боги, які і в гріш не ставили людське життя. За цих темних діб з'являється непереможна і безстрашна воячка, яка приходить на допомогу всім, хто в ній має потребу, і ім'я їй - Зена.Її головний ворог - підступний і жорстокий воєначальник Драко. Серед її супротивників і інші персонажі - люди, боги і чудовиська, що служать силам зла.
Ви чули коли-небудь про дванадцять подвигів Геркулеса? Насправді їх було 103... і всі вони записані на плівку!Легендарні пригоди Геркулеса (1995—1999)
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
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Ви чули коли-небудь про дванадцять подвигів Геркулеса? Насправді їх було 103... і всі вони записані на плівку!Сюжет (англ.)
Hercules is finally a happy family man with his wife Deianeira, two young sons Aeson and Clonus, daughter Ilea and in-living centaur Nessus. When a trickster lures men to fight -using a fake- Eryx the Boxer, they are slain, so Hercules is called and slays the giant, but to Zeus' disappointment loses his temper when Hera shows by a peacock feather to be behind it again, and wrecks her temple. Nessus grumbles he's tired of the Herc-idolatry. The next call for help is made by Iole, from a city where people are killed by the fume from an entrance to the underworld which opened the earth there. He goes, but when an old woman recognizes the pendant the messenger gave Deianeira, saying it proves she belongs to maidens trained so well in the art of seduction they can get any man in their power, she finally believes jealous Nessus' warnings not to trust her with Hercules; they catch up with him, but he convinces her to trust him, then Nessus tries to rape her and dies cursing Hera's failure to protect him and showing Deianeira the cloak his blood drenches can secure his love again. They continue their journey, discussing their past and popularly exaggerated reputations. Iole demonstrates how her power can work for good, stopping an apparently ranging men from causing a major fight be touching him and diagnosing he just burnt his mouth at hot soup. She also stops Hercules killing Lycastus from her village, who attacks anyone he considers a rival for Iole. When they arrive at the village, the hell-mouth is stronger then ever. The half-god hesitates to believe his father Zeus, who answers reluctantly he can die, yet turns Ioles desperate plea -offering herself- down but when the cloak drenched in Nessus' blood nearly kills him as he puts it on setting out to return home and displays Hera's peacock-sign, he jumps into the underworld. He forces the ferryman Charon to bring him over the river Styx. Back home, a messenger tells his wife Deianeira the cloak killed him, driving her to despair as she gave it to him. Numerous monsters attack Hercules, but fail to stop him, nor can a hosts of villains he killed and cleverly makes fight each-other. The centaur Nessus is worse: he shows him Deianeira has committed suicide and is in Elysium, but enjoys Hercules' torment enough to grant him a 'last view', so he can jump into the magical image. There Hades tells him she is happy but oblivious of everything, even him, but parental love gets trough. When Hades tells him she still can not be relieved, he makes a deal: they can go if he delivers back the three-headed hell-hound Cerberus, who got loose and causes havoc all trough the underworld. The hunt is arduous, but his physical force and kindness at the right time do the job, so Hera closes the hell-mouth and Hercules' family can resume its earthly happiness too.Hercules in the Underworld (1994)
Hercules in the Underworld
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Hercules is finally a happy family man with his wife Deianeira, two young sons Aeson and Clonus, daughter Ilea and in-living centaur Nessus. When a trickster lures men to fight -using a fake- Eryx the Boxer, they are slain, so Hercules is called and slays the giant, but to Zeus' disappointment loses his temper when Hera shows by a peacock feather to be behind it again, and wrecks her temple. Nessus grumbles he's tired of the Herc-idolatry. The next call for help is made by Iole, from a city where people are killed by the fume from an entrance to the underworld which opened the earth there. He goes, but when an old woman recognizes the pendant the messenger gave Deianeira, saying it proves she belongs to maidens trained so well in the art of seduction they can get any man in their power, she finally believes jealous Nessus' warnings not to trust her with Hercules; they catch up with him, but he convinces her to trust him, then Nessus tries to rape her and dies cursing Hera's failure to protect him and showing Deianeira the cloak his blood drenches can secure his love again. They continue their journey, discussing their past and popularly exaggerated reputations. Iole demonstrates how her power can work for good, stopping an apparently ranging men from causing a major fight be touching him and diagnosing he just burnt his mouth at hot soup. She also stops Hercules killing Lycastus from her village, who attacks anyone he considers a rival for Iole. When they arrive at the village, the hell-mouth is stronger then ever. The half-god hesitates to believe his father Zeus, who answers reluctantly he can die, yet turns Ioles desperate plea -offering herself- down but when the cloak drenched in Nessus' blood nearly kills him as he puts it on setting out to return home and displays Hera's peacock-sign, he jumps into the underworld. He forces the ferryman Charon to bring him over the river Styx. Back home, a messenger tells his wife Deianeira the cloak killed him, driving her to despair as she gave it to him. Numerous monsters attack Hercules, but fail to stop him, nor can a hosts of villains he killed and cleverly makes fight each-other. The centaur Nessus is worse: he shows him Deianeira has committed suicide and is in Elysium, but enjoys Hercules' torment enough to grant him a 'last view', so he can jump into the magical image. There Hades tells him she is happy but oblivious of everything, even him, but parental love gets trough. When Hades tells him she still can not be relieved, he makes a deal: they can go if he delivers back the three-headed hell-hound Cerberus, who got loose and causes havoc all trough the underworld. The hunt is arduous, but his physical force and kindness at the right time do the job, so Hera closes the hell-mouth and Hercules' family can resume its earthly happiness too.Сюжет (англ.)
Hercules and Deianeira go in search of fire to save the world from cold. All the world's fire are fast going out. Hercules' father, Zeus, is on hand to help (and sometime hinder) the two.Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Hercules and the Circle of Fire (1994)
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Hercules and the Circle of Fire
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Hercules and Deianeira go in search of fire to save the world from cold. All the world's fire are fast going out. Hercules' father, Zeus, is on hand to help (and sometime hinder) the two.Сюжет (англ.)
This film tells the true story of the sinking of the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior (commanded by Jon Voight), in Auckland Harbor in 1984, and the subsequent investigation by the New ...The Rainbow Warrior (1993)
The Rainbow Warrior
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This film tells the true story of the sinking of the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior (commanded by Jon Voight), in Auckland Harbor in 1984, and the subsequent investigation by the New ...Сюжет
A fast-paced serial drama in an urban setting, this show explores the lives and loves of the patients and staff of a modern metropolitan hospital and contains a heady mix of medical crisis, human drama, comedy, romance and suspense.Shortland Street (1992—)
Shortland Street
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A fast-paced serial drama in an urban setting, this show explores the lives and loves of the patients and staff of a modern metropolitan hospital and contains a heady mix of medical crisis, human drama, comedy, romance and suspense.Сюжет (англ.)
Follows a family who live at Melbourne Zoo in Victoria, Australia. Doctor David Mitchell is the zoo's veterinarian. His children Nick and Susie love being with all the animals.Zoo Family (1985—1986)
Zoo Family
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Follows a family who live at Melbourne Zoo in Victoria, Australia. Doctor David Mitchell is the zoo's veterinarian. His children Nick and Susie love being with all the animals.Сюжет (англ.)
Dramatic incidents in the lives of the wealthy Hamilton family and working class Palmer family, linked by the long-ago secret affair of David Palmer and Patricia Hamilton and the offspring ...Sons and Daughters (1982—1987)
Sons and Daughters
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Dramatic incidents in the lives of the wealthy Hamilton family and working class Palmer family, linked by the long-ago secret affair of David Palmer and Patricia Hamilton and the offspring ...Сюжет (англ.)
Follow the highs and lows of the townsfolk of Wandin Valley. This drama TV series revolves around the daily happenings of a 'small town' rural Australian hospital, its doctors, nurses, patients, and pretty much everyone else in th...A Country Practice (1981—1994)
A Country Practice
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Follow the highs and lows of the townsfolk of Wandin Valley. This drama TV series revolves around the daily happenings of a 'small town' rural Australian hospital, its doctors, nurses, patients, and pretty much everyone else in th...Сюжет (англ.)
The series was based around the work of a helicopter rescue team operating on Dee Why beach in Sydney. It has been said that the American series Baywatch was based upon Chopper Squad.Chopper Squad (1977—1978)
Chopper Squad
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The series was based around the work of a helicopter rescue team operating on Dee Why beach in Sydney. It has been said that the American series Baywatch was based upon Chopper Squad.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати