Льюїс Чарльз
Lewis Charles
Дата народження: 2 листопада 1920
Знак зодіаку: Скорпіон
Дата смерті: 9 листопада 1979 (59 років)
Місце народження: Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 142
Ролі: актор
Сюжет (англ.)
A wealthy realtor sends out dozens of copies of a book that paints the FBI in an unfavorable light. They harass her. So she turns to Nero Wolfe to get them off her back.Nero Wolfe (1979)
Nero Wolfe
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A wealthy realtor sends out dozens of copies of a book that paints the FBI in an unfavorable light. They harass her. So she turns to Nero Wolfe to get them off her back.Сюжет (англ.)
A luxury liner is hijacked by terrorists.The French Atlantic Affair (1979)
The French Atlantic Affair
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A luxury liner is hijacked by terrorists.Сюжет (англ.)
Jason and Margaret Winters were the sophisticated hosts of the Time Express, a train whih took its passengers back in time to relive a momentous moment of their lives.Time Express (1979)
Time Express
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Jason and Margaret Winters were the sophisticated hosts of the Time Express, a train whih took its passengers back in time to relive a momentous moment of their lives.Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of the fast-drivin', rubber-burnin' Duke boys of Hazzard County.The Dukes of Hazzard (1979—1985)
The Dukes of Hazzard
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The adventures of the fast-drivin', rubber-burnin' Duke boys of Hazzard County.Сюжет (англ.)
The trials of a group of law students under the tutelage of a strict professor.The Paper Chase (1978—1986)
The Paper Chase
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The trials of a group of law students under the tutelage of a strict professor.Сюжет (англ.)
A gorgeous lawyer and her con man father solve crimes.The Feather and Father Gang (1976)
The Feather and Father Gang
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A gorgeous lawyer and her con man father solve crimes.Сюжет
Розслідування детектива Департаменту поліції Лос-Анджелеса Домініка Дельвеккіо.Дельвеккіо (1976—1977)
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Розслідування детектива Департаменту поліції Лос-Анджелеса Домініка Дельвеккіо.Сюжет (англ.)
After his family is brutally murdered for an unknown reason, a computer engineer sets out to find those responsible.The 'Human' Factor (1975)
The 'Human' Factor
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After his family is brutally murdered for an unknown reason, a computer engineer sets out to find those responsible.Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of detective Alex Bronkov of the Ocean City, California Police Department.Сюжет (англ.)
The son of a police detective solves baffling crimes.Ellery Queen (1975—1976)
Ellery Queen
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The son of a police detective solves baffling crimes.Сюжет (англ.)
Ex-cop Frank McBride (Eddie Albert) and ex-con Pete Ryan (Robert Wagner) start their own detective agency.Сюжет (англ.)
The exploits of Los Angeles beat cop Bumper Morgan.The Blue Knight (1975—1976)
The Blue Knight
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The exploits of Los Angeles beat cop Bumper Morgan.Сюжет (англ.)
A teenage girl's charismatic boyfriend frames her in a robbery and she finds herself convicted of first-degree murder.Cage Without a Key (1975)
Cage Without a Key
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A teenage girl's charismatic boyfriend frames her in a robbery and she finds herself convicted of first-degree murder.Сюжет (англ.)
A lonely widow and a postman find romance late in life at the local dance hall.Queen of the Stardust Ballroom (1975)
Queen of the Stardust Ballroom
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A lonely widow and a postman find romance late in life at the local dance hall.Сюжет (англ.)
The captain of a city police station and his staff handle the various local troubles and characters that come to the building.Barney Miller (1974—1982)
Barney Miller
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The captain of a city police station and his staff handle the various local troubles and characters that come to the building.Сюжет (англ.)
Carl Kolchak was a reporter for Chicago's Independent News Service, and a trouble magnet for situations involving the supernatural. Kolchak turned his investigative skills to vampires, werewolves, zombies and all manner of legendary creatures, but in the end he always failed to convince his skeptical editor, Tony Vincenzo, that the stories weren't products of Kolchak's own overworked imagination.Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974—1975)
Kolchak: The Night Stalker
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Carl Kolchak was a reporter for Chicago's Independent News Service, and a trouble magnet for situations involving the supernatural. Kolchak turned his investigative skills to vampires, werewolves, zombies and all manner of legendary creatures, but in the end he always failed to convince his skeptical editor, Tony Vincenzo, that the stories weren't products of Kolchak's own overworked imagination.Сюжет (англ.)
Classic anthology series, which details the personal lives of the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department. The stories ranged from highly dramatic to extremely funny. Even though there weren't any real regulars, Don Meredith and Tony LoBianco were often seen throughout the run of the show as detectives Bert Jameson and Tony Calabrese respectively.Поліційна історія (1973—1988)
Police Story
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Classic anthology series, which details the personal lives of the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department. The stories ranged from highly dramatic to extremely funny. Even though there weren't any real regulars, Don Meredith and Tony LoBianco were often seen throughout the run of the show as detectives Bert Jameson and Tony Calabrese respectively.Сюжет (англ.)
Three insurance investigators search for a mysterious billionaire.I Love a Mystery (1973)
I Love a Mystery
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Three insurance investigators search for a mysterious billionaire.Сюжет (англ.)
The exploits of milk-swilling, geriatric private eye Barnaby Jones.Барнабі Джонс (1973—1980)
Barnaby Jones
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The exploits of milk-swilling, geriatric private eye Barnaby Jones.Сюжет
Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.Вулиці Сан-Франциско (1972—1977)
The Streets of San Francisco
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Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression, World War II, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death.Волтони (1971—1981)
The Waltons
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In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression, World War II, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death.Сюжет (англ.)
Thomas Banacek is a clever and well-to-do insurance investigator living in Boston. He makes good money by solving the most intricate and unusual mysteries, and is very proud of his Polish heritage. His contacts include his street-smart chauffeur Jay and British bookstore owner Felix.Banacek (1972—1974)
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Thomas Banacek is a clever and well-to-do insurance investigator living in Boston. He makes good money by solving the most intricate and unusual mysteries, and is very proud of his Polish heritage. His contacts include his street-smart chauffeur Jay and British bookstore owner Felix.Сюжет (англ.)
Dr. Michael Rhodes is a college professor with an interest in the paranormal. He and his assistant Nancy spend much of their time investigating mysteries involving extra-sensory perception, spirits, possessions, and other such experiThe Sixth Sense (1972)
The Sixth Sense
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Dr. Michael Rhodes is a college professor with an interest in the paranormal. He and his assistant Nancy spend much of their time investigating mysteries involving extra-sensory perception, spirits, possessions, and other such experiСюжет (англ.)
Samuel "Sarge" Cavanaugh is a priest at the St. Aloysius Parish in San Diego, California. He is known as Sarge because of his police background of working for nine years as a homicide detective in the area in which he tries to hel...Sarge (1971—1972)
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Samuel "Sarge" Cavanaugh is a priest at the St. Aloysius Parish in San Diego, California. He is known as Sarge because of his police background of working for nine years as a homicide detective in the area in which he tries to hel...Сюжет (англ.)
Lennie Crooke and George Robinson are inept detectives teamed together to solve crimes. Captain Andrews is their exasperated boss, Sgt. Higgenbottom a smarmy co-worker. Freddy confesses to most of the neighborhood crimes.The Partners (1971—1972)
The Partners
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Lennie Crooke and George Robinson are inept detectives teamed together to solve crimes. Captain Andrews is their exasperated boss, Sgt. Higgenbottom a smarmy co-worker. Freddy confesses to most of the neighborhood crimes.Сюжет
Дія відбувається в 1962 році. Високопоставлений співробітник радянської розвідки переходить на бік США. Він заявляє, що Радянський Союз і Куба підписали секретний договір про співпрацю, в тому числі у військовій сфері. Однак дізнатися подробиці про події на острові дуже важко. Тому агент ЦРУ Майкл Нордстром просить свого французького друга Андре Деврі використати свої кубинські зв'язки та з'ясувати якомога більше інформації. Справа ускладнюється тим, що у вищих ешелонах французького уряду існує група осіб, які працюють на радянську розвідку.Топаз (1969)
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Дія відбувається в 1962 році. Високопоставлений співробітник радянської розвідки переходить на бік США. Він заявляє, що Радянський Союз і Куба підписали секретний договір про співпрацю, в тому числі у військовій сфері. Однак дізнатися подробиці про події на острові дуже важко. Тому агент ЦРУ Майкл Нордстром просить свого французького друга Андре Деврі використати свої кубинські зв'язки та з'ясувати якомога більше інформації. Справа ускладнюється тим, що у вищих ешелонах французького уряду існує група осіб, які працюють на радянську розвідку.Сюжет
У Лас-Вегасі має відбутися чемпіонат світу з армреслінгу, Лінкольн Хоук, водій-далекобійник, який отримав прізвисько «Яструб», збирається прийняти в ньому участь. До чемпіонату йому необхідно розібратися з низкою проблем. Відвідати свою колишню дружину, яка знаходиться при смерті. Поговорити з тестем, який не бажає бачити Хоука. І, нарешті, повернути собі сина, якого Ястреб не бачив вже десять років. Спочатку стосунки батька з сином складаються не дуже добре, але хлопчик все ж вирішує відправитися разом з ним на чемпіонат в Лас-Вегас.Love, American Style (1969—1974)
Love, American Style
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У Лас-Вегасі має відбутися чемпіонат світу з армреслінгу, Лінкольн Хоук, водій-далекобійник, який отримав прізвисько «Яструб», збирається прийняти в ньому участь. До чемпіонату йому необхідно розібратися з низкою проблем. Відвідати свою колишню дружину, яка знаходиться при смерті. Поговорити з тестем, який не бажає бачити Хоука. І, нарешті, повернути собі сина, якого Ястреб не бачив вже десять років. Спочатку стосунки батька з сином складаються не дуже добре, але хлопчик все ж вирішує відправитися разом з ним на чемпіонат в Лас-Вегас.My World and Welcome to It (1969—1970)
My World and Welcome to It
Сюжет (англ.)
Young people in trouble with the law (wealthy Pete stole a car; Linc arrested during Watts riots; Julie ran away from her San Francisco prostitute mother) can avoid jail by infiltrating the counter culture and exposing badguys who prey on other kids.The Mod Squad (1968—1973)
The Mod Squad
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Young people in trouble with the law (wealthy Pete stole a car; Linc arrested during Watts riots; Julie ran away from her San Francisco prostitute mother) can avoid jail by infiltrating the counter culture and exposing badguys who prey on other kids.Сюжет (англ.)
The further misadventures of the citizens of Mayberry.Mayberry R.F.D. (1968—1971)
Mayberry R.F.D.
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The further misadventures of the citizens of Mayberry.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати