Альфред Гічкок
Alfred Hitchcock
Дата народження: 13 серпня 1899
Знак зодіаку: Лев
Дата смерті: 29 квітня 1980 (80 років)
Місце народження: Лейтонстоун, Лондон, Англія, Великобританія
Зріст: 170 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 121
Ролі: актор (83), режисер ★ 7.74 (69), продюсер (28), сценарист ★ 7.27 (23)
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A documentary showcasing the epic and at times controversial career of masterful director Alfred Hitchcock.I Am Alfred Hitchcock (2021)
I Am Alfred Hitchcock
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A documentary showcasing the epic and at times controversial career of masterful director Alfred Hitchcock.Сюжет (англ.)
A Spanish-language TV remake of the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie is in the works with Javier Olivares, creator of hit Spanish drama "El Ministerio del Tiempo" ("The Department of Time") on board to adapt.To Catch a Thief (2019)
To Catch a Thief
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A Spanish-language TV remake of the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie is in the works with Javier Olivares, creator of hit Spanish drama "El Ministerio del Tiempo" ("The Department of Time") on board to adapt.Сюжет (англ.)
Alfred Hitchcock is known as a giant of movie making, a facetious master of suspense, obsessed with blond heroines in peril, with the reputation of being tyrannical towards his actors. But who knows the real Hitchcock? During his lasHitchcock Confidential (2019)
Hitchcock Confidential
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Alfred Hitchcock is known as a giant of movie making, a facetious master of suspense, obsessed with blond heroines in peril, with the reputation of being tyrannical towards his actors. But who knows the real Hitchcock? During his lasСюжет (англ.)
Who was the greatest icon of the 20th century? Celebrities profile a range of outstanding figures and it's up to the public to decide.Icons (2019)
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Who was the greatest icon of the 20th century? Celebrities profile a range of outstanding figures and it's up to the public to decide.Сюжет (англ.)
An unprecedented look at the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960), the "man behind the curtain", and the screen murder that profoundly changed the course of world cinema.78/52 (2017)
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An unprecedented look at the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960), the "man behind the curtain", and the screen murder that profoundly changed the course of world cinema.Сюжет (англ.)
Cameramen from Britain's Army Film Unit capture footage of concentration camps in German in 1945.Memory of the Camps (2014)
Memory of the Camps
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Cameramen from Britain's Army Film Unit capture footage of concentration camps in German in 1945.Сюжет
Такі кінематографісти, як Вес Андерсон, Мартін Скорсезе, Девід Фінчер, Кійосі Куросава та Олів'є Ассаяс, розповідають, як книга «Кіно за Гічкоком» Франсуа Трюффо 1966 року вплинула на них та їх роботу.Гічкок/Трюффо (2015)
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Такі кінематографісти, як Вес Андерсон, Мартін Скорсезе, Девід Фінчер, Кійосі Куросава та Олів'є Ассаяс, розповідають, як книга «Кіно за Гічкоком» Франсуа Трюффо 1966 року вплинула на них та їх роботу.Сюжет
Цей документальний фільм, за допомогою унікальних архівних кадрів, листів, нотаток, щоденників та інтерв’ю з її дітьми, представляє особистий портрет Берґман та погляд залаштунки життя молодої шведської дівчини, яка стала однією з найбільших акторок американського та світового кіна.Інґрід Берґман: У її власних словах (2015)
Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words
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Цей документальний фільм, за допомогою унікальних архівних кадрів, листів, нотаток, щоденників та інтерв’ю з її дітьми, представляє особистий портрет Берґман та погляд залаштунки життя молодої шведської дівчини, яка стала однією з найбільших акторок американського та світового кіна.Сюжет (англ.)
Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.Night Will Fall (2014)
Night Will Fall
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Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.Top 40 Ultimate Action Movies (2014)
Top 40 Ultimate Action Movies
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Amidst a constant stream of hundreds of film clips, dozens of filmmakers voice their opinions on the titular question while primarily looking beyond the Hollywood mainstream to independent, experimental, documentary and avant-garde films.What Is Cinema? (2013)
What Is Cinema?
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Amidst a constant stream of hundreds of film clips, dozens of filmmakers voice their opinions on the titular question while primarily looking beyond the Hollywood mainstream to independent, experimental, documentary and avant-garde films.Сюжет (англ.)
A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: THE SUSPENSEFUL WORLD OF THRILLERS will look at thrillers from all sides, including different types of thrillers and the stylistic tools filmmakers use to give their audiences a shot of adrenaline. The speci...A Night at the Movies: The Suspenseful World of Thrillers (2009)
A Night at the Movies: The Suspenseful World of Thrillers
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A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: THE SUSPENSEFUL WORLD OF THRILLERS will look at thrillers from all sides, including different types of thrillers and the stylistic tools filmmakers use to give their audiences a shot of adrenaline. The speci...Сюжет (англ.)
Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story (2007)
Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story
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Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary on the history of the slasher film.Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film (2006)
Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film
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A documentary on the history of the slasher film.Сюжет (англ.)
Following the documentary "Filmmakers vs. Tycoons", this second part focus on the measures to protect authors' copyright, and the legal difference in the figure of the author in the United States or in France.Filmmakers in Action (2005)
Filmmakers in Action
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Following the documentary "Filmmakers vs. Tycoons", this second part focus on the measures to protect authors' copyright, and the legal difference in the figure of the author in the United States or in France.Сюжет (англ.)
Billy Wilder discusses his life and films in interviews filmed by Volker Schlondorff over two weeks in 1988.Billy Wilder Speaks (2006)
Billy Wilder Speaks
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Billy Wilder discusses his life and films in interviews filmed by Volker Schlondorff over two weeks in 1988.Сюжет (англ.)
This documentary on the elusive director 'Alan Smithee' was first shown on the American Movie Classics (AMC) cable channel. We learn where the name came from and why the Directors Guild of ...Who Is Alan Smithee? (2002)
Who Is Alan Smithee?
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This documentary on the elusive director 'Alan Smithee' was first shown on the American Movie Classics (AMC) cable channel. We learn where the name came from and why the Directors Guild of ...Сюжет (англ.)
A retrospective on the entire movie, from start to finish. There are interviews with many of the principle cast and crew (including Janet Leigh and Joseph Stefano), who all talk openly and ...The Making of 'Psycho' (1997)
The Making of 'Psycho'
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A retrospective on the entire movie, from start to finish. There are interviews with many of the principle cast and crew (including Janet Leigh and Joseph Stefano), who all talk openly and ...Citizen Langlois (1995)
Citizen Langlois
2169 рік. Величезний космічний корабель перевозив кілька тисяч пасажирів, що поспішали з різних далеких планет на Землю, щоб зустріти Новий рік у колі родини. Але коли відбулася аварія, і пролунав сигнал тривоги, усього лише десяток людей встигли вирватися на рятувальному човнику за кілька хвилин до вибуху гігантського зорельота. Але це лише початок пригод.рімейк фільму Альфреда Гічкока Lifeboat (1944).
Рятувальний модуль (1993)
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2169 рік. Величезний космічний корабель перевозив кілька тисяч пасажирів, що поспішали з різних далеких планет на Землю, щоб зустріти Новий рік у колі родини. Але коли відбулася аварія, і пролунав сигнал тривоги, усього лише десяток людей встигли вирватися на рятувальному човнику за кілька хвилин до вибуху гігантського зорельота. Але це лише початок пригод.рімейк фільму Альфреда Гічкока Lifeboat (1944).
Сюжет (англ.)
Twenty-six people - including two daughters, an ex-wife, his last lover, actors, fellow directors and writers, a neighbor, and boyhood friends - talk about François Truffaut. They discuss ...Francois Truffaut: Stolen Portraits (1993)
Francois Truffaut: Stolen Portraits
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Twenty-six people - including two daughters, an ex-wife, his last lover, actors, fellow directors and writers, a neighbor, and boyhood friends - talk about François Truffaut. They discuss ...Сюжет (англ.)
"Cinema of Our Time" is a documentary series about contemporary filmmakers from around the world, created by Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, as a follow-up to the acclaimed initial series "Filmmakers of Our Time" (1964-1972).Cinéma, de notre temps (1989—)
Cinéma, de notre temps
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"Cinema of Our Time" is a documentary series about contemporary filmmakers from around the world, created by Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, as a follow-up to the acclaimed initial series "Filmmakers of Our Time" (1964-1972).Сюжет (англ.)
HIS OWN MAN One of Hollywood's most enduring and popular stars draws on his memories to tell the amusing and touching story of how it was when the studios ruled supreme, and how a shy and inarticulate boy from a broken family coul...Ґреґорі Пек: Сам по собі (1988)
Gregory Peck: His Own Man
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HIS OWN MAN One of Hollywood's most enduring and popular stars draws on his memories to tell the amusing and touching story of how it was when the studios ruled supreme, and how a shy and inarticulate boy from a broken family coul...Сюжет (англ.)
Donald Pleasance and Nancy Allen take us through some of Hollywood's most terrifying moments in horror history in this anthology, which features many of the finest science fiction, crime drama and horror films of the 1930s through 1980s. Included are Night of the Living Dead (1968), Psycho (1960), Rosemary's Baby (1968), The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), Jaws (1975), Jaws 2 (1978), The Fog (1980), Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981), as well as countless others. Blood and gore abound making this movie not very much for the squeamish.Terror in the Aisles (1984)
Terror in the Aisles
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Donald Pleasance and Nancy Allen take us through some of Hollywood's most terrifying moments in horror history in this anthology, which features many of the finest science fiction, crime drama and horror films of the 1930s through 1980s. Included are Night of the Living Dead (1968), Psycho (1960), Rosemary's Baby (1968), The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), Jaws (1975), Jaws 2 (1978), The Fog (1980), Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981), as well as countless others. Blood and gore abound making this movie not very much for the squeamish.Сюжет (англ.)
Investigative journalist documentaries.Сюжет
«Сімейна змова» - дезертирське, дотепне й взагалі досить гостре блюдо для гурманів і шанувальників старого Хіча, де неперевершений кіно кулінар востаннє вишукано змішав підпал, викрадення, пограбування й... убивство.Родинна змова (1976)
Family Plot
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«Сімейна змова» - дезертирське, дотепне й взагалі досить гостре блюдо для гурманів і шанувальників старого Хіча, де неперевершений кіно кулінар востаннє вишукано змішав підпал, викрадення, пограбування й... убивство.Сюжет (англ.)
The César is the national film prize of France. He is named after the French sculptor César Baldaccini.La nuit des Césars (1976—)
La nuit des Césars
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The César is the national film prize of France. He is named after the French sculptor César Baldaccini.Сюжет (англ.)
The Tomorrow Show was an American late-night television talk show hosted by Tom Snyder.Tomorrow Coast to Coast (1973)
Tomorrow Coast to Coast
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The Tomorrow Show was an American late-night television talk show hosted by Tom Snyder.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати