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Ахмед Кхан

Ahmed Khan

Всього фільмів (на сайті): 35

Ролі: актор


Знайдено 35 результатів

Дикий-дикий Пенджаб
Дикий-дикий Пенджаб (2024) актор у ролі Chef 0.0 imdb 6.2
Сюжет Четверо друзів вирушають у подорож Пенджабом, щоб допомогти одному з них забути про колишню дівчину, але їхні плани швидко летять шкереберть.
Дикий-дикий Пенджаб Трейлер

Дикий-дикий Пенджаб (2024)

Wild Wild Punjab

актор у ролі Chef
Індія   1 год 49 хв
Читати опис Четверо друзів вирушають у подорож Пенджабом, щоб допомогти одному з них забути про колишню дівчину, але їхні плани швидко летять шкереберть.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.2 (15453)
Моя оцінка:

Доступно в netflix (укр. субтитри)

Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 (2020) актор у ролі Brigadier Mohan Tiwari ( Suman's paternal grandfather ) 0.0 imdb 8.6
Сюжет (англ.) Set against army backdrop, "Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2" will narrate the love story of Shravan(Mohit Kumar) and Suman(Kanikka Kapur).

Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 (2020)

Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2

Серіал 1 сезон, 1 епізод Поновлений серіал
актор у ролі Brigadier Mohan Tiwari ( Suman's paternal grandfather )
Індія   22 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Set against army backdrop, "Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2" will narrate the love story of Shravan(Mohit Kumar) and Suman(Kanikka Kapur).
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 8.6 (1955)
Моя оцінка:
Rangbaaz (2018—2022) актор у ролі Madan Singh (2019) unknown episodes 0.0 imdb 7.8
Сюжет (англ.) Shiv Prakash Shukla, a 25 year old boy from Gorakhpur becomes the deadliest gangsters of Uttar Pradesh in 1990s. He works for powerful politicians and is involved in organized crimes. The ...

Rangbaaz (2018—2022)


Серіал 3 сезони, 24 епізоди Завершений
актор у ролі Madan Singh (2019) unknown episodes
Індія   35 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Shiv Prakash Shukla, a 25 year old boy from Gorakhpur becomes the deadliest gangsters of Uttar Pradesh in 1990s. He works for powerful politicians and is involved in organized crimes. The ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.8 (5683)
Моя оцінка:
Крріш 3
Крріш 3 (2013) актор у ролі Dr. Mathur  ✓ укр. аудіо 4.2 imdb 5.3
Сюжет Після перемоги над лиходієм, Доктором Сидхартом Арья, і повернення його батька Рохіта, воскреслого з мертвих, Крріш продовжує боротися проти зла і врятувати невинні життя.Тепер Крішна живе життям в щасливому шлюбі з Пріей, в той час як Рохіт використовує свої наукові дані на благо суспільства. І Крріш ? улюблений супергерой кожного врятованого.Їм невідомо, що темна сила зростає в іншій частині світу. Каал, злий геній, егоїстично зловживає свої сили, щоб посіяти страх, смерть і руйнування. І він користується підтримкою армії дуже небезпечних істот, яких він створив сам.Незабаром плани Каала приведені в дію, Рохіт і Крріш виявляються перед обличчям кризи епічних масштабів, що тільки вони можуть вирішити разом. Коли ж нарешті їх шляхи перетнулися з Каалом і його армією, жоден з них не був готовий до того, що чекає їх попереду.
Крріш 3 Трейлер

Крріш 3 (2013)

Krrish 3

актор у ролі Dr. Mathur
Індія   2 год 32 хв
Читати опис Після перемоги над лиходієм, Доктором Сидхартом Арья, і повернення його батька Рохіта, воскреслого з мертвих, Крріш продовжує боротися проти зла і врятувати невинні життя.Тепер Крішна живе життям в щасливому шлюбі з Пріей, в той час як Рохіт використовує свої наукові дані на благо суспільства. І Крріш ? улюблений супергерой кожного врятованого.Їм невідомо, що темна сила зростає в іншій частині світу. Каал, злий геній, егоїстично зловживає свої сили, щоб посіяти страх, смерть і руйнування. І він користується підтримкою армії дуже небезпечних істот, яких він створив сам.Незабаром плани Каала приведені в дію, Рохіт і Крріш виявляються перед обличчям кризи епічних масштабів, що тільки вони можуть вирішити разом. Коли ж нарешті їх шляхи перетнулися з Каалом і його армією, жоден з них не був готовий до того, що чекає їх попереду.
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 4.2 (4)  IMDb: 5.3 (26554)
Моя оцінка:
Sadiyaan: Boundaries Divide... Love Unites (2010) актор у ролі Noor Muhammad 0.0 imdb 4.5
Сюжет (англ.) A Hindu/Sikh family face challenges when their adopted son falls in love with a Muslim girl.

Sadiyaan: Boundaries Divide... Love Unites (2010)

Sadiyaan: Boundaries Divide... Love Unites

актор у ролі Noor Muhammad
Індія   3 год 20 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A Hindu/Sikh family face challenges when their adopted son falls in love with a Muslim girl.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.5 (92)
Моя оцінка:
Чамку (2008) актор у ролі Cabinet Secretary 0.0 imdb 4.5
Сюжет Історія подорожі хлопчика Чандрама Сінгх, під псевдонімом Чаммку, його родина була жорстоко вбита. Його ж переправили на південь. Там його оселили в табір, у якому сотню таких же як він, учили вбивати! Через кілька років навчання його відібрали за задумом RAW і IB. Він був натренований для того, що б убивати. Він виявився найкращим у своїй справі. Політичні вбивства, міжнародні викрадення, зустрічі із впливовими людьми, все це він клацав як горіхи. Йому доручали найскладніші завдання, з якими він справлявся, навіть не замислюючись.
Чамку Трейлер

Чамку (2008)


актор у ролі Cabinet Secretary
Індія   1 год 45 хв
Читати опис Історія подорожі хлопчика Чандрама Сінгх, під псевдонімом Чаммку, його родина була жорстоко вбита. Його ж переправили на південь. Там його оселили в табір, у якому сотню таких же як він, учили вбивати! Через кілька років навчання його відібрали за задумом RAW і IB. Він був натренований для того, що б убивати. Він виявився найкращим у своїй справі. Політичні вбивства, міжнародні викрадення, зустрічі із впливовими людьми, все це він клацав як горіхи. Йому доручали найскладніші завдання, з якими він справлявся, навіть не замислюючись.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.5 (619)
Моя оцінка:
Chhodon Naa Yaar (2007) актор у ролі Principal 0.0 imdb 3.8
Сюжет (англ.) Three college friends decide to make the film on the remote village only to hunt them by the spirit.

Chhodon Naa Yaar (2007)

Chhodon Naa Yaar

актор у ролі Principal
Індія   1 год 37 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Three college friends decide to make the film on the remote village only to hunt them by the spirit.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 3.8 (131)
Моя оцінка:
Крріш (2006) актор  ✓ укр. аудіо 5.3 imdb 6.5
Сюжет Це зразкове фантастичне кіно про супергероїв з надмірною участю комп'ютерних спецефектів і яскравими боями, поставленими гонконзьким маестро Чін Су Таном, відомим хоча б своєю роботою над такими фільмами як «Герой» і «Дім літаючих кинджалів». Творці фільму «Krrish» вирішили в комерційних цілях зробити сіквел цілком самостійним твором. Для цього вони змусили героїв першого фільму загинути в автокатастрофі вже до початку сиквела. З цієї причини героєм нового фільму стане їхній син Кріш (скорочено від «Крішна»), який, досягши повноліття, виявить у себе неймовірні здібності. Далі - зрозуміло. Якщо ти виявив у себе здатність кулаком пробивати стіни, то цілком логічно, якщо вже на другу добу ти виходиш на вулицю виключно в костюмі супергероя.
Крріш Трейлер

Крріш (2006)


Індія   3 год 5 хв
Читати опис Це зразкове фантастичне кіно про супергероїв з надмірною участю комп'ютерних спецефектів і яскравими боями, поставленими гонконзьким маестро Чін Су Таном, відомим хоча б своєю роботою над такими фільмами як «Герой» і «Дім літаючих кинджалів». Творці фільму «Krrish» вирішили в комерційних цілях зробити сіквел цілком самостійним твором. Для цього вони змусили героїв першого фільму загинути в автокатастрофі вже до початку сиквела. З цієї причини героєм нового фільму стане їхній син Кріш (скорочено від «Крішна»), який, досягши повноліття, виявить у себе неймовірні здібності. Далі - зрозуміло. Якщо ти виявив у себе здатність кулаком пробивати стіни, то цілком логічно, якщо вже на другу добу ти виходиш на вулицю виключно в костюмі супергероя.
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 5.3 (3)  IMDb: 6.5 (25471)
Моя оцінка:
Фанаа (2006) актор у ролі Naana - Rehan's maternal grandpa 9.3 imdb 7.1
Сюжет (англ.) Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) is a blind Kashmiri girl who travels without her parents for the first time with a dance troupe to Delhi to perform in a ceremony for independence day. On her journey, she meets Rehan Khan (Aamir Khan), a casanova and tour guide who flirts with her. Although her friends warn Zooni about him, she cannot resist falling in love with him and he takes her on a private tour of New Delhi. But there is more to Rehan than meets the eye and Zooni will have to make a heartbreaking decision.
Фанаа Трейлер

Фанаа (2006)


актор у ролі Naana - Rehan's maternal grandpa
Індія   2 год 48 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) is a blind Kashmiri girl who travels without her parents for the first time with a dance troupe to Delhi to perform in a ceremony for independence day. On her journey, she meets Rehan Khan (Aamir Khan), a casanova and tour guide who flirts with her. Although her friends warn Zooni about him, she cannot resist falling in love with him and he takes her on a private tour of New Delhi. But there is more to Rehan than meets the eye and Zooni will have to make a heartbreaking decision.
КіноБаза: 9.3 (3)  IMDb: 7.1 (35995)
Моя оцінка:
Humko Deewana Kar Gaye (2006) актор у ролі A.J. Yashwardhan 0.0 imdb 5.2
Сюжет (англ.) Ravishing Jia A. Yashvardhan lives a very wealthy, though lonely, lifestyle in India with her widowed father Industrialist, A.J. Yashvardhan. In a bid to augment his business, he arranges her marriage with dynamic business tycoon, Karan Oberoi, who operates from Canada. Jia re-locates to Canada to do some shopping, and runs into a young automobile engineer, Aditya Malhotra. Both continue meeting and eventually fall in love with each other. But both are not fated to be each other's soul-mates, for Aditya is engaged to be married to "India's hottest female" Sonia Berry, while Jia will eventually marry Karan. They part and go their individual ways. Then Sonia gets an assignment with Karan, and she and Aditya get invited to his wedding. The wedding takes place with great pomp and ceremony, it is then Aditya and Jia are introduced to each other, and both find that they still have feelings for each other, at the same time both know that according to Hindu traditions, this marriage cannot be broken at any cost.

Humko Deewana Kar Gaye (2006)

Humko Deewana Kar Gaye

актор у ролі A.J. Yashwardhan
Індія   2 год 35 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Ravishing Jia A. Yashvardhan lives a very wealthy, though lonely, lifestyle in India with her widowed father Industrialist, A.J. Yashvardhan. In a bid to augment his business, he arranges her marriage with dynamic business tycoon, Karan Oberoi, who operates from Canada. Jia re-locates to Canada to do some shopping, and runs into a young automobile engineer, Aditya Malhotra. Both continue meeting and eventually fall in love with each other. But both are not fated to be each other's soul-mates, for Aditya is engaged to be married to "India's hottest female" Sonia Berry, while Jia will eventually marry Karan. They part and go their individual ways. Then Sonia gets an assignment with Karan, and she and Aditya get invited to his wedding. The wedding takes place with great pomp and ceremony, it is then Aditya and Jia are introduced to each other, and both find that they still have feelings for each other, at the same time both know that according to Hindu traditions, this marriage cannot be broken at any cost.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.2 (4483)
Моя оцінка:
Fight Club: Members Only (2006) актор 0.0 imdb 3.6
Сюжет (англ.) Four friends Vicky, Karan, Somil and Diku is a constant endeavor to help each other, get entangled in a web of incidents, some romantic, many funny and all that test the extremes of their friendship. These four friends who could be mistaken for brothers; offer an example of wonderful camaraderie, all throughout a journey with numerous highs, twists and dark turns. An exciting journey is accelerated when Vicky stumbles upon the design of a Fight Club. A club which gives people a platform to score with their enemies in a atmosphere of fun, action and excitement. Amidst the on-going fun, team fight club get entangled in affairs of the heart and mind with Anu and Shonali which thicken their bonds tighter and make them travel to Delhi to look after a nightclub, 'Crossroads', which is in the eye of a storm created by Delhi's most dangerous gang lords. Gang lords who kill to survive! In the ongoing ever-increasing drama, the ex-king pin Anna's brother Mohit , gets killed. This fills Anna with vengeance, the situations take an ugly turn, time calls for a clash, Dinesh a merciless soul, masterminds the plan of a killing. His brother Sandy gives him strong company as always. Team Fight Club calls on their ace, Sameer, a power packed bouncer to tilt the balance in their favor. In the puffed up atmosphere of fists and fights Sameer finds love in the name of Komal. Now, in a strange new city, these five boys from Mumbai experience love, passion and also the worst enemies in the form of gang lords that one can even imagine.

Fight Club: Members Only (2006)

Fight Club: Members Only

Індія   2 год 20 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Four friends Vicky, Karan, Somil and Diku is a constant endeavor to help each other, get entangled in a web of incidents, some romantic, many funny and all that test the extremes of their friendship. These four friends who could be mistaken for brothers; offer an example of wonderful camaraderie, all throughout a journey with numerous highs, twists and dark turns. An exciting journey is accelerated when Vicky stumbles upon the design of a Fight Club. A club which gives people a platform to score with their enemies in a atmosphere of fun, action and excitement. Amidst the on-going fun, team fight club get entangled in affairs of the heart and mind with Anu and Shonali which thicken their bonds tighter and make them travel to Delhi to look after a nightclub, 'Crossroads', which is in the eye of a storm created by Delhi's most dangerous gang lords. Gang lords who kill to survive! In the ongoing ever-increasing drama, the ex-king pin Anna's brother Mohit , gets killed. This fills Anna with vengeance, the situations take an ugly turn, time calls for a clash, Dinesh a merciless soul, masterminds the plan of a killing. His brother Sandy gives him strong company as always. Team Fight Club calls on their ace, Sameer, a power packed bouncer to tilt the balance in their favor. In the puffed up atmosphere of fists and fights Sameer finds love in the name of Komal. Now, in a strange new city, these five boys from Mumbai experience love, passion and also the worst enemies in the form of gang lords that one can even imagine.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 3.6 (1665)
Моя оцінка:
Mano Ya Na Mano (2007—2006) актор у ролі Dr. Srivastav 0.0 imdb 8.1
Сюжет (англ.) Documentary based on paranormal activity, spirituality and metaphysics.

Mano Ya Na Mano (2007—2006)

Mano Ya Na Mano

Серіал 1 сезон, 1 епізод Завершений
актор у ролі Dr. Srivastav
Читати опис (англ.) Documentary based on paranormal activity, spirituality and metaphysics.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 8.1 (73)
Моя оцінка:
Bose, le heros oublié (2005) актор у ролі Mian Akbar 0.0 imdb 7.6
Сюжет (англ.) The film, which is about the last five years of the Indian leader Subhas Chandra's life, also includes his life's story in flashback sequences. However, it does not cover the controversy surrounding Bose's death.

Bose, le heros oublié (2005)

Bose, le heros oublié

актор у ролі Mian Akbar
Індія   3 год 28 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The film, which is about the last five years of the Indian leader Subhas Chandra's life, also includes his life's story in flashback sequences. However, it does not cover the controversy surrounding Bose's death.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.6 (1400)
Моя оцінка:
Shikhar (2005) актор 0.0 imdb 5.2
Сюжет (англ.) Jai Vardhan is influenced by an overambitious man. He is unable to differentiate the good from the bad and is carried over into a world full of women and wealth.

Shikhar (2005)


Індія   2 год 42 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Jai Vardhan is influenced by an overambitious man. He is unable to differentiate the good from the bad and is carried over into a world full of women and wealth.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.2 (1249)
Моя оцінка:
Julie (2004) актор 0.0 imdb 4.1
Сюжет (англ.) A heart broken Julie comes to Mumbai to make a living, but the fast moving city will force her to take prostitution as her profession.

Julie (2004)


Індія   2 год 24 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A heart broken Julie comes to Mumbai to make a living, but the fast moving city will force her to take prostitution as her profession.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.1 (477)
Моя оцінка:
Armaan (2003) актор 0.0 imdb 5.3
Сюжет (англ.) Dr. Siddharth Sinha is a dedicated selfless doctor who dreams of building a state-of-the-art hospital with all the modern instruments and amenities for patient care . His foster son Akash ...

Armaan (2003)


Індія   2 год 38 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Dr. Siddharth Sinha is a dedicated selfless doctor who dreams of building a state-of-the-art hospital with all the modern instruments and amenities for patient care . His foster son Akash ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.3 (1235)
Моя оцінка:
Люблячі серця
Люблячі серця (2001) актор у ролі Akash's Father 5.0 imdb 8.0
Сюжет (англ.) Three inseparable childhood friends are just out of college. Nothing comes between them - until they each fall in love, and their wildly different approaches to relationships creates tension.
Люблячі серця Трейлер

Люблячі серця (2001)

Dil Chahta Hai

актор у ролі Akash's Father
Індія   3 год 3 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Three inseparable childhood friends are just out of college. Nothing comes between them - until they each fall in love, and their wildly different approaches to relationships creates tension.
КіноБаза: 5.0 (1)  IMDb: 8.0 (77617)
Моя оцінка:
Dahek: A Burning Passion (1999) актор 0.0 imdb 5.1
Сюжет (англ.) Neelima Bakshi is a girl who belongs to a conservative Muslim family from Bombay. At the post office, she meets a boy named Sameer 'Prince' Roshan and it is love at first sight. The bond ...

Dahek: A Burning Passion (1999)

Dahek: A Burning Passion

Індія   2 год 35 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Neelima Bakshi is a girl who belongs to a conservative Muslim family from Bombay. At the post office, she meets a boy named Sameer 'Prince' Roshan and it is love at first sight. The bond ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.1 (247)
Моя оцінка:
Патріот (1999) актор у ролі Haji  ✓ укр. аудіо 3.0 imdb 8.1
Сюжет (англ.) Ajay Rathore is a no-nonsense police officer from Mumbai Crime Branch. Long time ago his elder brother was killed by terrorists which caused him to quit his medical studies and join Indian Police Service. He is a great admirer of Pakistan-based ghazal singer Gulfam Hassan. During one of Hassan's concerts, they meet for the first time and become great friends. Meanwhile, Ajay's investigation into the Pakistan-supported cross-border terrorism takes him to Rajasthan and reveals an unsettling truth about someone close to his heart.
Патріот Трейлер

Патріот (1999)


актор у ролі Haji
Індія   2 год 54 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Ajay Rathore is a no-nonsense police officer from Mumbai Crime Branch. Long time ago his elder brother was killed by terrorists which caused him to quit his medical studies and join Indian Police Service. He is a great admirer of Pakistan-based ghazal singer Gulfam Hassan. During one of Hassan's concerts, they meet for the first time and become great friends. Meanwhile, Ajay's investigation into the Pakistan-supported cross-border terrorism takes him to Rajasthan and reveals an unsettling truth about someone close to his heart.
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 3.0 (1)  IMDb: 8.1 (27845)
Моя оцінка:
Jai Hind (1999) актор у ролі Mohammed Ali 0.0 imdb 3.8
Сюжет (англ.) Two retired colonels are at loggerheads with each other because one of them had been a traitor to the country. The grandson of the traitor and the grand-daughter of the other colonel fall ...

Jai Hind (1999)

Jai Hind

актор у ролі Mohammed Ali
Індія   2 год 28 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Two retired colonels are at loggerheads with each other because one of them had been a traitor to the country. The grandson of the traitor and the grand-daughter of the other colonel fall ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 3.8 (85)
Моя оцінка:
Jaanam Samjha Karo (1999) актор 0.0 imdb 4.8
Сюжет (англ.) Talented singer and dancer, Chandni's life is dominated by three aunts, and a soft-spoken maternal grandmother. She meets with a womanizer named Rahul, and falls in love with him. Rahul treats her just like any of his other girlfriends, and decides to have an affair with her. Rahul unexpectedly meets with his dadaji, who wants him to get married to Chandni. In order to fool him, Rahul asks Chandni to pretend to be his wife, which she does. After Dadaji leaves, will Rahul and Chandni go their separate ways, and will Rahul return to the waiting arms of his many girlfriends?

Jaanam Samjha Karo (1999)

Jaanam Samjha Karo

Індія   2 год 33 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Talented singer and dancer, Chandni's life is dominated by three aunts, and a soft-spoken maternal grandmother. She meets with a womanizer named Rahul, and falls in love with him. Rahul treats her just like any of his other girlfriends, and decides to have an affair with her. Rahul unexpectedly meets with his dadaji, who wants him to get married to Chandni. In order to fool him, Rahul asks Chandni to pretend to be his wife, which she does. After Dadaji leaves, will Rahul and Chandni go their separate ways, and will Rahul return to the waiting arms of his many girlfriends?
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.8 (2062)
Моя оцінка:
Ghatak: Lethal (1996) актор у ролі Doctor 0.0 imdb 7.5
Сюжет (англ.) Unable to witness the injustice and brutality inflict on the residents by a tyrannical gangster, Katya, in a small Indian village in India; Kashinath alias Kashi decides to single-handily ...

Ghatak: Lethal (1996)

Ghatak: Lethal

актор у ролі Doctor
Індія   2 год 38 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Unable to witness the injustice and brutality inflict on the residents by a tyrannical gangster, Katya, in a small Indian village in India; Kashinath alias Kashi decides to single-handily ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.5 (4443)
Моя оцінка:
Mafia (1996) актор у ролі Military Official 0.0 imdb 5.1
Сюжет (англ.) Gowda is a goonda (an Indian Mafioso) whose octopus like tentacles have a hold on illegal numbers game (matka), brewing and distribution of illicit liquor, smuggling of firearms and other ...

Mafia (1996)


актор у ролі Military Official
Читати опис (англ.) Gowda is a goonda (an Indian Mafioso) whose octopus like tentacles have a hold on illegal numbers game (matka), brewing and distribution of illicit liquor, smuggling of firearms and other ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.1 (81)
Моя оцінка:
Tu Chor Main Sipahi (1996) актор у ролі Thakur's Client 0.0 imdb 5.1
Сюжет (англ.) Inspector Amar Varma is known within the Indian police force for his bravery in arresting many wanted criminals during his years of service. His adventures lead him on the trail of a petty con man named King who is known for looting various wealthy businessmen around the city. Then after various attempts Amar is able to ascertain King's where-about and goes to arrest him where-by he finds himself in a village being lord over by a powerful and influential gangster, Thakur Gajendra Singh who heads his own empire by enslaving the village men as well as killing any police officer who dare to oppose his rule. Now Amar must make a decision whether to oppose the Thakur and become another casualty or leave the Thakur to continue having his way with the villagers.

Tu Chor Main Sipahi (1996)

Tu Chor Main Sipahi

актор у ролі Thakur's Client
Індія   2 год 33 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Inspector Amar Varma is known within the Indian police force for his bravery in arresting many wanted criminals during his years of service. His adventures lead him on the trail of a petty con man named King who is known for looting various wealthy businessmen around the city. Then after various attempts Amar is able to ascertain King's where-about and goes to arrest him where-by he finds himself in a village being lord over by a powerful and influential gangster, Thakur Gajendra Singh who heads his own empire by enslaving the village men as well as killing any police officer who dare to oppose his rule. Now Amar must make a decision whether to oppose the Thakur and become another casualty or leave the Thakur to continue having his way with the villagers.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.1 (1564)
Моя оцінка:
Oh Darling! Yeh Hai India! (1995) актор 0.0 imdb 4.0
Сюжет (англ.) Don Quixote is a gangster based in Mumbai, India. His dream is to take control of India, and sell it at an well-attended and much publicised auction. In order to fulfill this dream, he recruits five men - all resembling the President of India, and asks them to undergo vigorous training in order to take over as the President. That done, he selects one of them, Nathuram, eliminates the other four, and arranges the kidnapping of the President, with success. He than implants Nathuram as the President - and the stage is set for the biggest auction in Earth's history - when India will be auctioned to the highest bidder.

Oh Darling! Yeh Hai India! (1995)

Oh Darling! Yeh Hai India!

Індія   2 год 40 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Don Quixote is a gangster based in Mumbai, India. His dream is to take control of India, and sell it at an well-attended and much publicised auction. In order to fulfill this dream, he recruits five men - all resembling the President of India, and asks them to undergo vigorous training in order to take over as the President. That done, he selects one of them, Nathuram, eliminates the other four, and arranges the kidnapping of the President, with success. He than implants Nathuram as the President - and the stage is set for the biggest auction in Earth's history - when India will be auctioned to the highest bidder.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.0 (2004)
Моя оцінка:
Pehchaan (1993) актор у ролі Police Inspector 0.0 imdb 4.6
Сюжет (англ.) A convict by the name of Yogi Shankar is accused of sexual molestation in court. The Judge Jagdish Verma who is responsible for passing Jogi's sentence is well aware of Jogi's behavior as ...

Pehchaan (1993)


актор у ролі Police Inspector
Індія   2 год 18 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A convict by the name of Yogi Shankar is accused of sexual molestation in court. The Judge Jagdish Verma who is responsible for passing Jogi's sentence is well aware of Jogi's behavior as ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.6 (213)
Моя оцінка:
Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar (1992) актор у ролі Girdhari - Anjali's Father 3.0 imdb 8.1
Сюжет Ramlal Sharma lives a poor life-style with two sons Ratanlal Sharma and Sanjaylal Sharma. Both sons attend Model School for the poorer folks. Rantanlal excels at everything he does including his studies and outdoor activities while Sanjaylal is a no good slacker who loves to enjoy himself with his friends and have everything done without any hard work. Both sons run a small café providing eatable

Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar (1992)

Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar

актор у ролі Girdhari - Anjali's Father
Індія   2 год 54 хв
Читати опис Ramlal Sharma lives a poor life-style with two sons Ratanlal Sharma and Sanjaylal Sharma. Both sons attend Model School for the poorer folks. Rantanlal excels at everything he does including his studies and outdoor activities while Sanjaylal is a no good slacker who loves to enjoy himself with his friends and have everything done without any hard work. Both sons run a small café providing eatable
КіноБаза: 3.0 (1)  IMDb: 8.1 (24855)
Моя оцінка:
Yaara Dildara (1991) актор у ролі Character role 0.0 imdb 7.9
Сюжет (англ.) A lonely son of a rich industrialist falls in love with a poor girl but life won't be easy for him without his mother's consent. A local goon is also deeply in love with the same girl.

Yaara Dildara (1991)

Yaara Dildara

актор у ролі Character role
Індія   2 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A lonely son of a rich industrialist falls in love with a poor girl but life won't be easy for him without his mother's consent. A local goon is also deeply in love with the same girl.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.9 (86)
Моя оцінка:
Shehzaade (1989) актор у ролі The Judge 0.0 imdb 4.5
Сюжет (англ.) After witnessing the assassination of his parents by Thakur Hakim Singh, Laakhan Singh and Roshan Singh; Captain Zorawar Singh from the Indian army takes aid in Gauri's house and consume an...

Shehzaade (1989)


актор у ролі The Judge
Читати опис (англ.) After witnessing the assassination of his parents by Thakur Hakim Singh, Laakhan Singh and Roshan Singh; Captain Zorawar Singh from the Indian army takes aid in Gauri's house and consume an...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.5 (62)
Моя оцінка:
Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988) актор у ролі Bhagwandas 7.0 imdb 7.4
Сюжет Both Dhanraj Singh and Randhir Singh are two bitter and old time enemies. They faced a disastrous situation when their children, Raj and Rashmi fall deeply in love. They openly declare their hatred for one another and will do anything in their power, even kill - but they will not accept their children's choice. But Raj and Rashmi are dedicated to their love and are not willing to accept the fact that their fathers are mutual enemies.

Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988)

Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak

актор у ролі Bhagwandas
Індія   2 год 42 хв
Читати опис Both Dhanraj Singh and Randhir Singh are two bitter and old time enemies. They faced a disastrous situation when their children, Raj and Rashmi fall deeply in love. They openly declare their hatred for one another and will do anything in their power, even kill - but they will not accept their children's choice. But Raj and Rashmi are dedicated to their love and are not willing to accept the fact that their fathers are mutual enemies.
КіноБаза: 7.0 (1)  IMDb: 7.4 (11560)
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