[s02e12] Ejo Jo Attacks

Прем'єра: 17 березня 2013
Тривалість: 20 хв
Оцінка: 0.0 (0)
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BoBoiBoy, Yaya Ying, Gopal and Fang and classmates face to face with Ejo Jo for the first time. See Probe knowledging him as a combat robot, make Ejo Jo felt funny. Therefore, Ejo Jo directing minions to reduce its combat robot, P.E.T.A.I. to show the real face of combat robot to probe. Then, P.E.T.A.I. dabertarung start an all-out attack by Probe. Using Super Probe, Probe can survive until ... Probe maintain Adu Du from being shot by P.E.T.A.I .. As a result, Probe died in the bosom of his own master. While teachers and classmates BoBoiBoy (except Fang) was captured and taken prisoner. Unable to do anything, BoBoiBoy and Fang were forced to retreat first.

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