Taylor Fry
Дата народження: 1 серпня 1981 (43 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Лев
Місце народження: Сан-Матео, Каліфорнія, США
Зріст: 163 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 25
Ролі: актриса
Сюжет (англ.)
Kirk Hartman is no longer a mischievous screw up teenage son and school kid but has a job as a graphical artist and lives alone in the city where he works. When his parents move to Europe, the tables are turned as he finds himself...Kirk (1995)
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Kirk Hartman is no longer a mischievous screw up teenage son and school kid but has a job as a graphical artist and lives alone in the city where he works. When his parents move to Europe, the tables are turned as he finds himself...Сюжет
Сара живе як принцеса в екзотичній Індії зі своїм батьком, але його закликають на військову службу, а Сару відправляють в суворий інтернат. У Нью-Йорку все було не так, як в Індії. Але дівчинку підтримує думка про те, що для свого батька вона завжди залишиться улюбленою маленькою принцесою. Мужність, доброта і уява дозволяють їй здолати всі незгоди і допомогти тим, хто живе поряд з нею. Адже принцеса — завжди і скрізь принцеса.Маленька принцеса (1995)
A Little Princess
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Сара живе як принцеса в екзотичній Індії зі своїм батьком, але його закликають на військову службу, а Сару відправляють в суворий інтернат. У Нью-Йорку все було не так, як в Індії. Але дівчинку підтримує думка про те, що для свого батька вона завжди залишиться улюбленою маленькою принцесою. Мужність, доброта і уява дозволяють їй здолати всі незгоди і допомогти тим, хто живе поряд з нею. Адже принцеса — завжди і скрізь принцеса.Сюжет
У Норта було все: іграшки, друзі-приятелі, школа, в якій Норт досягав успіху по всіх предметах; бейсбол, який Норт дуже любив. Чого ж хлопчаку не вистачало? Батьків. Тобто тато і мама у Норта теж були, тільки хлопчику здавалося, що справжні батьки його абсолютно не цінують.І тому одного разу Норт відправляється в подорож, щоб знайти собі нових, прийоних батьків. Техас, Гаваї, Аляска, Китай, африканські джунглі, Париж, передмістя Нью-Йорка... Де ж вони, найкращі на світі мама і тато?
Норт (1994)
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У Норта було все: іграшки, друзі-приятелі, школа, в якій Норт досягав успіху по всіх предметах; бейсбол, який Норт дуже любив. Чого ж хлопчаку не вистачало? Батьків. Тобто тато і мама у Норта теж були, тільки хлопчику здавалося, що справжні батьки його абсолютно не цінують.І тому одного разу Норт відправляється в подорож, щоб знайти собі нових, прийоних батьків. Техас, Гаваї, Аляска, Китай, африканські джунглі, Париж, передмістя Нью-Йорка... Де ж вони, найкращі на світі мама і тато?
Сюжет (англ.)
Revolves around John Bowman juggling his home life and the lock company where he serves as a middle manager.The Good Life (1994)
The Good Life
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Revolves around John Bowman juggling his home life and the lock company where he serves as a middle manager.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of Sherri Finkbine, a woman who sought a medically recommended abortion and endured a firestorm of public controversy about her decision.A Private Matter (1992)
A Private Matter
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The story of Sherri Finkbine, a woman who sought a medically recommended abortion and endured a firestorm of public controversy about her decision.Сюжет (англ.)
Alone on "Executioner's Row," Ned Blessing is a haggard, old cowboy and former sheriff. With nothing more than reflections on a life that's been filled with danger and excitement, he marks ...Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life (1992)
Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life
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Alone on "Executioner's Row," Ned Blessing is a haggard, old cowboy and former sheriff. With nothing more than reflections on a life that's been filled with danger and excitement, he marks ...Сюжет (англ.)
Eli Levinson (Alan Rosenberg) and Sydney Guilford (Mariel Hemingway) are top divorce attorneys in New York City. The dynamic changes when Charlie Howell (Peter Onorati) is hired and Eli takes a lower profile. Sydney and Charlie de...Civil Wars (1991—1993)
Civil Wars
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Eli Levinson (Alan Rosenberg) and Sydney Guilford (Mariel Hemingway) are top divorce attorneys in New York City. The dynamic changes when Charlie Howell (Peter Onorati) is hired and Eli takes a lower profile. Sydney and Charlie de...Сюжет (англ.)
The FBI pursues two men who were involved in a string of 1986 Miami bank robberies.FBI: The Untold Stories (1991—1993)
FBI: The Untold Stories
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The FBI pursues two men who were involved in a string of 1986 Miami bank robberies.Сюжет (англ.)
Marshall Teller's family moves to the small country town of Eerie, Indiana (Pop. 16,661). There, Marshall discovers that Eerie, as he puts it, "is the center of weirdness for the universe". Elvis lives there, so do a pair of twins who stay young by sleeping in Tupperware, and many other strange things. Each episode, Marshall and his friend Simon collect evidence about the creepy things that happen there.Eerie, Indiana (1991—1993)
Eerie, Indiana
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Marshall Teller's family moves to the small country town of Eerie, Indiana (Pop. 16,661). There, Marshall discovers that Eerie, as he puts it, "is the center of weirdness for the universe". Elvis lives there, so do a pair of twins who stay young by sleeping in Tupperware, and many other strange things. Each episode, Marshall and his friend Simon collect evidence about the creepy things that happen there.Германова голова (1991—1994)
Herman's Head
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Despite her husband's doubts, a woman reaches out to her dead daughter with a psychiatrist's help.Death Dreams (1991)
Death Dreams
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Despite her husband's doubts, a woman reaches out to her dead daughter with a psychiatrist's help.Сюжет (англ.)
Cry In The Wind is a true story of a young woman's abuction by a deranged loner that led to the largest manhunt in the history of Pennsylvania, USA. A mountain man kidnaps the 17 year old, ...Cry in the Wild: The Taking of Peggy Ann (1991)
Cry in the Wild: The Taking of Peggy Ann
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Cry In The Wind is a true story of a young woman's abuction by a deranged loner that led to the largest manhunt in the history of Pennsylvania, USA. A mountain man kidnaps the 17 year old, ...Сюжет (англ.)
Maxwell Beckett worked for Scotland Yard as a researcher. Today is an author of mystery novels living in San Francisco. Somehow everyone believes that he was an Inspector, so that's what they call him. And it seems that he has bee...Over My Dead Body (1990—1991)
Over My Dead Body
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Maxwell Beckett worked for Scotland Yard as a researcher. Today is an author of mystery novels living in San Francisco. Somehow everyone believes that he was an Inspector, so that's what they call him. And it seems that he has bee...Сюжет
Хтось у залізній масці наводить лад у місті, де зовсім розперезалися банди.Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of a 30-year-old paper-boy (played by Late Night alum Chris Elliot) and his wacky parents. Such show topics included the eating of a space alien, a robotic paper-boy and numerous beheadings. Get a Life was also one of the first television shows that featured the killing of the star of the show.Get a Life (1990—1992)
Get a Life
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The misadventures of a 30-year-old paper-boy (played by Late Night alum Chris Elliot) and his wacky parents. Such show topics included the eating of a space alien, a robotic paper-boy and numerous beheadings. Get a Life was also one of the first television shows that featured the killing of the star of the show.Сюжет (англ.)
Buck, a slob who drinks beer, smokes cigars, et cetera, becomes the guardian of his brother's three kids when his brother and wife are called out of town. Mrs. Hogoboom is the kids ...Uncle Buck (1990—1991)
Uncle Buck
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Buck, a slob who drinks beer, smokes cigars, et cetera, becomes the guardian of his brother's three kids when his brother and wife are called out of town. Mrs. Hogoboom is the kids ...Сюжет
Головну героїню у 14 років зґвалтував вітчим. Мати, дізнавшись про це, вигнала її з дому, вона невдало вийшла заміж, потім потрапила в руки до наркомана, а закінчилась невесела історія вбивством чоловіка, який дівчині був дійсно небайдужий, і смертною карою для 15-річної злочинниці...Надто молода, щоб померти (1990)
Too Young to Die?
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Головну героїню у 14 років зґвалтував вітчим. Мати, дізнавшись про це, вигнала її з дому, вона невдало вийшла заміж, потім потрапила в руки до наркомана, а закінчилась невесела історія вбивством чоловіка, який дівчині був дійсно небайдужий, і смертною карою для 15-річної злочинниці...Сюжет (англ.)
Five pretty nurse students and their boss Leonore are the focus of this TV series. They are all living together in a villa called "Nightingale House" located in Los Angeles. Leonore has a ...Nightingales (1989)
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Five pretty nurse students and their boss Leonore are the focus of this TV series. They are all living together in a villa called "Nightingale House" located in Los Angeles. Leonore has a ...Сюжет (англ.)
Jack Killian is an ex-cop in San Francisco. He quit the police force after accidentally shooting his partner. He was approached by Devon King, the manager of a local radio station, and ...Midnight Caller (1988—1998)
Midnight Caller
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Jack Killian is an ex-cop in San Francisco. He quit the police force after accidentally shooting his partner. He was approached by Devon King, the manager of a local radio station, and ...Сюжет (англ.)
Roseanne is an American sitcom that was broadcast on ABC from October 18, 1988, to May 20, 1997. Starring Roseanne Barr, the show revolved around the Conners, an Illinois working-class family. The series reached #1 in the Nielsen ratings becoming the most watched television show in the United States from 1989 to 1990, and remained in the top four for six of its nine seasons, and in the top twenty for eight seasons.In 1993, the episode "A Stash from the Past" was ranked #21 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All-Time. In 2002, Roseanne was ranked #35 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
Розанна (1988—2018)
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Roseanne is an American sitcom that was broadcast on ABC from October 18, 1988, to May 20, 1997. Starring Roseanne Barr, the show revolved around the Conners, an Illinois working-class family. The series reached #1 in the Nielsen ratings becoming the most watched television show in the United States from 1989 to 1990, and remained in the top four for six of its nine seasons, and in the top twenty for eight seasons.In 1993, the episode "A Stash from the Past" was ranked #21 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All-Time. In 2002, Roseanne was ranked #35 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
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"Empty Nest" is set in Miami and tells of the day to day misadventures of a widowed pediatrician, Harry Weston, and his two adult daughters, Barbara and Carol Weston, who have come back to live with him after failed marriages. Much of the humour is derived from Barbara and Carols' ongoing attempts, and failure, to find the perfect partner, and once again leave the "nest". There is also the skirt-chasing next door neighbour, Charlie Dietz and Harry's southern nurse, Laverne Todd, unique for her unbelievable Hickory stories.Порожнє гніздечко (1988—1995)
Empty Nest
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"Empty Nest" is set in Miami and tells of the day to day misadventures of a widowed pediatrician, Harry Weston, and his two adult daughters, Barbara and Carol Weston, who have come back to live with him after failed marriages. Much of the humour is derived from Barbara and Carols' ongoing attempts, and failure, to find the perfect partner, and once again leave the "nest". There is also the skirt-chasing next door neighbour, Charlie Dietz and Harry's southern nurse, Laverne Todd, unique for her unbelievable Hickory stories.Сюжет
В суперсучасному хмарочосі Лос-Анджелеса поліцейський Джон МакКлейн веде смертельну сутичку з бандою терористів, що взяли в заручники два десятки людей, серед яких і його дружина.Міцний горішок (1988)
Die Hard
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В суперсучасному хмарочосі Лос-Анджелеса поліцейський Джон МакКлейн веде смертельну сутичку з бандою терористів, що взяли в заручники два десятки людей, серед яких і його дружина.Сюжет (англ.)
Coach Lubbock, his wife, and their 8 kids move to Eureka, CA for a job as a coach. Little did coach know when he got there, that his 4 highly attractive teenage daughters would have to ...Just the Ten of Us (1988—1990)
Just the Ten of Us
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Coach Lubbock, his wife, and their 8 kids move to Eureka, CA for a job as a coach. Little did coach know when he got there, that his 4 highly attractive teenage daughters would have to ...Сюжет (англ.)
Veteran district attorney "Fatman" McCabe solves cases with the help of his easygoing private investigator partner Jake Styles.Jake and the Fatman (1987—1992)
Jake and the Fatman
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Veteran district attorney "Fatman" McCabe solves cases with the help of his easygoing private investigator partner Jake Styles.Сюжет (англ.)
Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who breaks the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals.Hunter (1984—1991)
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Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who breaks the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати