Norman G. Langley
Дата народження: 10 жовтня 1935 (89 років)
Знак зодіаку: Терези
Місце народження: Лондон, Англія, Об'єднане Королівство
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 25
Ролі: кінематографіст
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The series explores strange and unknown creatures that have been allegedly spotted by witnesses in various parts of the country and the world.Monsterquest (2007—2010)
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The series explores strange and unknown creatures that have been allegedly spotted by witnesses in various parts of the country and the world.Сюжет
Розповідь про юридичну фірму, в якій працюють адвокати, і по-справжньому люблять свою роботу. Вони готові боротися до кінця за кожну справу і за кожного клієнта. Несподіване трактування законів - коник фірми, і вони можуть зробити так, що навіть найсуперечливіші аргументи здадуться переконливими. І хоча, зрозуміло, вони не можуть виграти кожен процес, відновлення справедливості завжди є для них основною метою. Однак, саме через це їм часто доводиться стикатися з етичними та моральними дилемами.Практика (1997—2004)
The Practice
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Розповідь про юридичну фірму, в якій працюють адвокати, і по-справжньому люблять свою роботу. Вони готові боротися до кінця за кожну справу і за кожного клієнта. Несподіване трактування законів - коник фірми, і вони можуть зробити так, що навіть найсуперечливіші аргументи здадуться переконливими. І хоча, зрозуміло, вони не можуть виграти кожен процес, відновлення справедливості завжди є для них основною метою. Однак, саме через це їм часто доводиться стикатися з етичними та моральними дилемами.Сюжет (англ.)
Henry Farr is a mild-mannered solicitor (lawyer) who lives a rather boring life in the London suburb of Wimbledon. Fed up with being bullied by his overpowering, feminist wife, Elinor, he decides that the only way to solve his pro...The Wimbledon Poisoner (1994)
The Wimbledon Poisoner
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Henry Farr is a mild-mannered solicitor (lawyer) who lives a rather boring life in the London suburb of Wimbledon. Fed up with being bullied by his overpowering, feminist wife, Elinor, he decides that the only way to solve his pro...Сюжет (англ.)
In this compelling story of a daring conman, Leo Hopkins (Hugh Laurie) prospers from the greed of others - but his undeniable charm and willingness to take risks plunge him into a mess of troubles and worry. Addicted to gambling, sedAll or Nothing at All (1993)
All or Nothing at All
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In this compelling story of a daring conman, Leo Hopkins (Hugh Laurie) prospers from the greed of others - but his undeniable charm and willingness to take risks plunge him into a mess of troubles and worry. Addicted to gambling, sedСюжет
Лондон. 1889 рік. Генрі Джекілл нещасна людина. Його дружина померла від пневмонії. Він хоче одружитися на невістці, але її батько забороняє будь-які контакти з ним. А експерименти з подвійності натури дедалі більш турбують Джекілла. Так як прийняті ліки перетворюють його в жорстоку тварину, яка жадає насильства і збочених насолод. Джекілл швидко звикає до брудної свободи, викликаної ліками.Джекіл і Гайд (1990)
Jekyll & Hyde
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Лондон. 1889 рік. Генрі Джекілл нещасна людина. Його дружина померла від пневмонії. Він хоче одружитися на невістці, але її батько забороняє будь-які контакти з ним. А експерименти з подвійності натури дедалі більш турбують Джекілла. Так як прийняті ліки перетворюють його в жорстоку тварину, яка жадає насильства і збочених насолод. Джекілл швидко звикає до брудної свободи, викликаної ліками.Сюжет (англ.)
Provides a panorama of 2000 years of architecture, painting and sculpture, and studies the art masterpieces as reflections of the Western culture that produced them.Art of the Western World (1989)
Art of the Western World
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Provides a panorama of 2000 years of architecture, painting and sculpture, and studies the art masterpieces as reflections of the Western culture that produced them.Сюжет (англ.)
Henry Wilt is a more or less failure of a teacher who fantasizes about murdering his dominant, non-attentive wife Eva. At a party Wilt is stuck to an inflatable doll and makes a complete ...The Misadventures of Mr. Wilt (1990)
The Misadventures of Mr. Wilt
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Henry Wilt is a more or less failure of a teacher who fantasizes about murdering his dominant, non-attentive wife Eva. At a party Wilt is stuck to an inflatable doll and makes a complete ...Сюжет
Ви любите справжній класичний детектив зі складною інтригою й інтелектуальним розслідуванням? Якщо так, то серіал "Пуаро" по творах Королеви детектива Агати Кристі - для Вас. Образ знаменитого літературного героя з неймовірними вусами й неповторною ходою чудово втілений на екрані англійським актором Девідом Суше.Пуаро (1989—2013)
Agatha Christie's Poirot
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Ви любите справжній класичний детектив зі складною інтригою й інтелектуальним розслідуванням? Якщо так, то серіал "Пуаро" по творах Королеви детектива Агати Кристі - для Вас. Образ знаменитого літературного героя з неймовірними вусами й неповторною ходою чудово втілений на екрані англійським актором Девідом Суше.Сюжет (англ.)
This is the story of a little rich girl (Tena Tidy) and her search for her mother, believed killed in a car crash 15 years earlier. Tena has been in a convent since the crash. Her mafioso dad wants his daughter back before she dis...Adventures Beyond Belief (1988)
Adventures Beyond Belief
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This is the story of a little rich girl (Tena Tidy) and her search for her mother, believed killed in a car crash 15 years earlier. Tena has been in a convent since the crash. Her mafioso dad wants his daughter back before she dis...Сюжет (англ.)
A man whose wife entertains eccentric individuals, has no other choice to avoid ruin than to sell a patent on laser beams he invented...Where Is Parsifal? (1984)
Where Is Parsifal?
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A man whose wife entertains eccentric individuals, has no other choice to avoid ruin than to sell a patent on laser beams he invented...Сюжет (англ.)
A series of mystery-thriller stories, linked only by the character of The Hitchhiker, who would introduce and close each episode in the style of Rod Serling or Alfred Hitchcock. Occasional stories involved supernatural forces, but most plot twists stemmed only from the dark side of the human spirit.Deadly Nightmares (1983)
Deadly Nightmares
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A series of mystery-thriller stories, linked only by the character of The Hitchhiker, who would introduce and close each episode in the style of Rod Serling or Alfred Hitchcock. Occasional stories involved supernatural forces, but most plot twists stemmed only from the dark side of the human spirit.Сюжет (англ.)
An American writer goes to a remote Welsh manor on a $20,000 bet: can he write a classic novel like "Wuthering Heights" in twenty-four hours? Upon his arrival, however, the writer discovers that the manor, thought empty, actually has several, rather odd, inhabitants.House of the Long Shadows (1983)
House of the Long Shadows
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An American writer goes to a remote Welsh manor on a $20,000 bet: can he write a classic novel like "Wuthering Heights" in twenty-four hours? Upon his arrival, however, the writer discovers that the manor, thought empty, actually has several, rather odd, inhabitants.Сюжет (англ.)
The classic Dickens tale of an orphan boy who escapes the horrors of the orphanage only to be taken in by a band of thieves and pickpockets.Oliver Twist (1982)
Oliver Twist
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The classic Dickens tale of an orphan boy who escapes the horrors of the orphanage only to be taken in by a band of thieves and pickpockets.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of Winston Churchill's life between 1929, when he lost his cabinet position, and 1939, when he joined Great Britain's War Cabinet - a period he described as the most difficult in his life.Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years (1981)
Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years
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The story of Winston Churchill's life between 1929, when he lost his cabinet position, and 1939, when he joined Great Britain's War Cabinet - a period he described as the most difficult in his life.Сюжет (англ.)
True story about James Thornwell, who was serving the Army in Europe when some military documents went missing. He was wrongfully accused of the theft, brutally interrogated and given drugs to force a confession out of him. That d...Thornwell (1981)
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True story about James Thornwell, who was serving the Army in Europe when some military documents went missing. He was wrongfully accused of the theft, brutally interrogated and given drugs to force a confession out of him. That d...Сюжет (англ.)
A group of tourists on a "once-in-a-lifetime" European vacation try to rekindle their romance with themselves.Сюжет (англ.)
The series chronicles the exploits of the fictional Royal Engineer Tunnelling Company 97, which has been made a bomb disposal unit to deal with the thousands of unexploded bombs ("UXBs") in London during the Battle of Britain.Danger UXB (1979)
Danger UXB
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The series chronicles the exploits of the fictional Royal Engineer Tunnelling Company 97, which has been made a bomb disposal unit to deal with the thousands of unexploded bombs ("UXBs") in London during the Battle of Britain.Сюжет (англ.)
This series chronicled the lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie was a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, came to CI5 from the regular police force, and was more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship was often contentious, but they were the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.Професіонали (1977—1983)
The Professionals
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This series chronicled the lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie was a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, came to CI5 from the regular police force, and was more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship was often contentious, but they were the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.Сюжет (англ.)
British Police television series, which revolutionized the genre on UK television in the mid 1970s, starring John Thaw as a hard-edged detective in the Flying Squad of London's Metropolitan Police.Летючий загін Скотланд-Ярду (1975—1978)
The Sweeney
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British Police television series, which revolutionized the genre on UK television in the mid 1970s, starring John Thaw as a hard-edged detective in the Flying Squad of London's Metropolitan Police.Сюжет (англ.)
After their parents divorce, one daughter lives with her mother in England while the other lives with her father in Portugal. After the untimely death of her mother, the one daughter stands to inherit a large sum of money and also a number of documents containing information that will incriminate her father, who was a crooked judge. While her father wants the documents, her sister wants the money and they will each stop at nothing, even murder, to get what they want.Die Screaming Marianne (1971)
Die Screaming Marianne
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After their parents divorce, one daughter lives with her mother in England while the other lives with her father in Portugal. After the untimely death of her mother, the one daughter stands to inherit a large sum of money and also a number of documents containing information that will incriminate her father, who was a crooked judge. While her father wants the documents, her sister wants the money and they will each stop at nothing, even murder, to get what they want.Сюжет (англ.)
Filmed and televised versions of theater productions, such as plays, musicals, operas, ballets, and concerts from around the world.Great Performances (1971—)
Great Performances
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Filmed and televised versions of theater productions, such as plays, musicals, operas, ballets, and concerts from around the world.Сюжет (англ.)
A mercenary joins forces with 2 crooked cops in an attempt to steal a fortune in gold bullion from a corrupt Arab country.Man of Violence (1971)
Man of Violence
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A mercenary joins forces with 2 crooked cops in an attempt to steal a fortune in gold bullion from a corrupt Arab country.Сюжет (англ.)
A small time London con-artist (McShane) witnesses a gangland hit. Determined to carry out his schemes, he must do so while avoiding the same hitman.Freelance (1971)
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A small time London con-artist (McShane) witnesses a gangland hit. Determined to carry out his schemes, he must do so while avoiding the same hitman.Сюжет (англ.)
Groundbreaking British police drama series following the exploits of the Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police. An elite group of officers tasked with protecting London from spies, terrorists, and subversives.Special Branch (1969—1974)
Special Branch
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Groundbreaking British police drama series following the exploits of the Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police. An elite group of officers tasked with protecting London from spies, terrorists, and subversives.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary series focusing on current affairs.World in Action (1963—1975)
World in Action
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A documentary series focusing on current affairs.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати