Марк Ґоддар
Mark Goddard
Дата народження: 24 липня 1936
Знак зодіаку: Лев
Дата смерті: 10 жовтня 2023 (87 років)
Місце народження: Lowell, Массачусетс, США
Зріст: 183 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 52
Ролі: актор (51), сценарист (1)
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In January 1990, artist José Leonilson starts registering an intimate journal.However, J.L. suffers the unexpected blow of the discovery that he himself is HIV positive.JL's Passion (2015)
JL's Passion
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In January 1990, artist José Leonilson starts registering an intimate journal.However, J.L. suffers the unexpected blow of the discovery that he himself is HIV positive.Сюжет (англ.)
Along with Hard Copy (1989) and A Current Affair (1986), this show was one of the early alternative news shows to be carried nationwide in the US. Primary stories usually focused on sex scandals, sensational crimes and emerging re...Inside Edition (1988—)
Inside Edition
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Along with Hard Copy (1989) and A Current Affair (1986), this show was one of the early alternative news shows to be carried nationwide in the US. Primary stories usually focused on sex scandals, sensational crimes and emerging re...Сюжет
У недалекому майбутньому родині професора Джона Робінсона належить першій оселитися на іншій планеті. Пілотований Доном Уестом космічний корабель «Юпітер – 2» стартує на Альфу-Прим, єдину придатну для життя планету в іншій зоряній системі. Але під час польоту, на кораблі внаслідок диверсії, відбувся збій системи, внаслідок чого корабель сильно відхилився від курсу, і тепер його екіпажу треба зібрати всі сили для того, щоб завершити свою місію й урятуватися від смерті в далекому космосі...Загублені в космосі (1998)
Lost in Space
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У недалекому майбутньому родині професора Джона Робінсона належить першій оселитися на іншій планеті. Пілотований Доном Уестом космічний корабель «Юпітер – 2» стартує на Альфу-Прим, єдину придатну для життя планету в іншій зоряній системі. Але під час польоту, на кораблі внаслідок диверсії, відбувся збій системи, внаслідок чого корабель сильно відхилився від курсу, і тепер його екіпажу треба зібрати всі сили для того, щоб завершити свою місію й урятуватися від смерті в далекому космосі...Сюжет (англ.)
The resolution to lost in space in this TV movie documentary.Lost in Space Forever (1998)
Lost in Space Forever
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The resolution to lost in space in this TV movie documentary.Сюжет (англ.)
Laura's parents divorced when she was eight. Now, at thirteen, she lives with her mother, her stepfather, two stepbrothers, a stepsister, and a half-brother. She used to visit her father, stepmother (third stepmother) and half-sister, but now *another* divorce is in the works, so Laura visits her father and his pregnant girlfriend -- who's only six years older than she is. Who should she feel loyalty to? And is it any wonder she wants to run away from home?Великі дівчата не плачуть... Вони дають здачі (1992)
Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even
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Laura's parents divorced when she was eight. Now, at thirteen, she lives with her mother, her stepfather, two stepbrothers, a stepsister, and a half-brother. She used to visit her father, stepmother (third stepmother) and half-sister, but now *another* divorce is in the works, so Laura visits her father and his pregnant girlfriend -- who's only six years older than she is. Who should she feel loyalty to? And is it any wonder she wants to run away from home?Сюжет (англ.)
Howard Stern's short lived WWOR-TV Channel 9 show.The Howard Stern Show (1990—1992)
The Howard Stern Show
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Howard Stern's short lived WWOR-TV Channel 9 show.Сюжет (англ.)
Veteran district attorney "Fatman" McCabe solves cases with the help of his easygoing private investigator partner Jake Styles.Jake and the Fatman (1987—1992)
Jake and the Fatman
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Veteran district attorney "Fatman" McCabe solves cases with the help of his easygoing private investigator partner Jake Styles.Сюжет (англ.)
When Gus Steward's wife announces that she wants to divorce him, he starts thinking about committing suicide. His 14 year old son Alex notices this and desperately tries to prevent him from...A Reason to Live (1985)
A Reason to Live
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When Gus Steward's wife announces that she wants to divorce him, he starts thinking about committing suicide. His 14 year old son Alex notices this and desperately tries to prevent him from...Сюжет (англ.)
An aging American ninja master and his headstrong young apprentice search for the elder man's daughter.The Master (1984)
The Master
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An aging American ninja master and his headstrong young apprentice search for the elder man's daughter.Сюжет (англ.)
Charlie's ex-wife disappears, and he goes to where she grew up--a rural town in the midwest--to look for her. But, surprisingly, nobody knows about her or any of her many relatives, the Newmans. He meets aliens; but when he contacts the FBI, they don't believe him. He tells his story to a tabloid; and suddenly, he is chased by the aliens.Strange Invaders (1983)
Strange Invaders
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Charlie's ex-wife disappears, and he goes to where she grew up--a rural town in the midwest--to look for her. But, surprisingly, nobody knows about her or any of her many relatives, the Newmans. He meets aliens; but when he contacts the FBI, they don't believe him. He tells his story to a tabloid; and suddenly, he is chased by the aliens.Сюжет (англ.)
Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.The Fall Guy (1981—1986)
The Fall Guy
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Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.Сюжет (англ.)
Skaters band together to keep their roller-disco open.Roller Boogie (1979)
Roller Boogie
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Skaters band together to keep their roller-disco open.Сюжет (англ.)
In this spinoff of "Soap", Benson DuBois is sent out West to serve as butler to widowed state governor Gene Gatling, an honest but bumbling servant of the people. Although he has his rivals in German maid Kraus and persnickety aides Clayton and Taylor, Benson, armed with an acerbic wit and plenty of smarts, becomes the Governor's close friend and helper, and eventually is elected Lieutenant Governor!Benson (1979—1986)
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In this spinoff of "Soap", Benson DuBois is sent out West to serve as butler to widowed state governor Gene Gatling, an honest but bumbling servant of the people. Although he has his rivals in German maid Kraus and persnickety aides Clayton and Taylor, Benson, armed with an acerbic wit and plenty of smarts, becomes the Governor's close friend and helper, and eventually is elected Lieutenant Governor!B.J. and the Bear (1978—1981)
B.J. and the Bear
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An updated version of the popular series from the late 50's and early 60's, One Step Beyond. Still hosted by John Newland, this series looked for supposedly real stories of hauntings, strange creatures and supernatural phenomena, ...The Next Step Beyond (1978—1979)
The Next Step Beyond
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An updated version of the popular series from the late 50's and early 60's, One Step Beyond. Still hosted by John Newland, this series looked for supposedly real stories of hauntings, strange creatures and supernatural phenomena, ...Сюжет
Джеррі помилково звинувачують у трьох вбивствах, що сталися на вечірці, на якій він мав нещастя бути присутнім. Джеррі вдається до втечі, а вбивства між тим тривають, лише посилюючи підозри поліції щодо нього.Синя радість (1977)
Blue Sunshine
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Джеррі помилково звинувачують у трьох вбивствах, що сталися на вечірці, на якій він мав нещастя бути присутнім. Джеррі вдається до втечі, а вбивства між тим тривають, лише посилюючи підозри поліції щодо нього.Сюжет (англ.)
Cop show about a veteran detective and his sexy younger female partner.Dog and Cat (1977)
Dog and Cat
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Cop show about a veteran detective and his sexy younger female partner.Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths that usually suggest murder.Quincy M.E (1976—1983)
Quincy M.E
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The cases of a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths that usually suggest murder.Сюжет (англ.)
Ex-cop Frank McBride (Eddie Albert) and ex-con Pete Ryan (Robert Wagner) start their own detective agency.Сюжет (англ.)
Tony Petrocelli is an Italian-American Harvard-educated lawyer who gave up the big money and frenetic pace of major-metropolitan life to practice in a sleepy city in the American Southwest.Петрочеллі (1974—1976)
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Tony Petrocelli is an Italian-American Harvard-educated lawyer who gave up the big money and frenetic pace of major-metropolitan life to practice in a sleepy city in the American Southwest.Сюжет (англ.)
When petty criminals start turning up murdered, a detective discovers they are being killed by a group of his fellow officers who think the criminals were treated too leniently by the courts.The Death Squad (1974)
The Death Squad
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When petty criminals start turning up murdered, a detective discovers they are being killed by a group of his fellow officers who think the criminals were treated too leniently by the courts.Сюжет (англ.)
The exploits of milk-swilling, geriatric private eye Barnaby Jones.Барнабі Джонс (1973—1980)
Barnaby Jones
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The exploits of milk-swilling, geriatric private eye Barnaby Jones.Сюжет (англ.)
A 90 minute late-night mystery and suspense anthology series which ran on ABC (American Broadcasting Company), between 1973 and 1978.The Wide World of Mystery (1973)
The Wide World of Mystery
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A 90 minute late-night mystery and suspense anthology series which ran on ABC (American Broadcasting Company), between 1973 and 1978.Сюжет
Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.Вулиці Сан-Франциско (1972—1977)
The Streets of San Francisco
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Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.Сюжет
Невдалого кінокритика Алана Фелікса після дворічного шлюбу кидає дружина. Алан впадає в депресію, під впливом нервового напруження його починають відвідувати примари Гамфрі Богарта, виконавця головної ролі «Касабланки», і його колишня дружина Ненсі. Вони намагаються дати йому поради в стосунках з жінками.Лінда і Дік Робертс вмовляють свого друга знову ходити на побачення. Але кожен раз він поводиться неприродно, і тільки з Ліндою він починає відчувати себе самим собою. Незабаром їх дружба переходить до більш близьких відносин. Однак Лінда дорожить шлюбом, а Алан своїм кращим другом.Остання сцена фільму відсилає нас до кінцівки легендарної кінострічки «Касабланка» (туман, аеродром, літак запускає двигун, діалоги). Алан благородно пояснює Лінді, чому вона повинна залишитися з чоловіком.Зіграй мені знову, Семе (1972)
Play It Again, Sam
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Невдалого кінокритика Алана Фелікса після дворічного шлюбу кидає дружина. Алан впадає в депресію, під впливом нервового напруження його починають відвідувати примари Гамфрі Богарта, виконавця головної ролі «Касабланки», і його колишня дружина Ненсі. Вони намагаються дати йому поради в стосунках з жінками.Лінда і Дік Робертс вмовляють свого друга знову ходити на побачення. Але кожен раз він поводиться неприродно, і тільки з Ліндою він починає відчувати себе самим собою. Незабаром їх дружба переходить до більш близьких відносин. Однак Лінда дорожить шлюбом, а Алан своїм кращим другом.Остання сцена фільму відсилає нас до кінцівки легендарної кінострічки «Касабланка» (туман, аеродром, літак запускає двигун, діалоги). Алан благородно пояснює Лінді, чому вона повинна залишитися з чоловіком.Сюжет (англ.)
Young people in trouble with the law (wealthy Pete stole a car; Linc arrested during Watts riots; Julie ran away from her San Francisco prostitute mother) can avoid jail by infiltrating the counter culture and exposing badguys who prey on other kids.The Mod Squad (1968—1973)
The Mod Squad
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Young people in trouble with the law (wealthy Pete stole a car; Linc arrested during Watts riots; Julie ran away from her San Francisco prostitute mother) can avoid jail by infiltrating the counter culture and exposing badguys who prey on other kids.Сюжет (англ.)
A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Adam-12 (1968—1975)
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A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Сюжет (англ.)
One Life to Live centres takes place in the fictional town of Llanview, PA.around the wealthy Lord family, and the middle-class Woleks and Rileys.One Life to Live (1968—2012)
One Life to Live
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One Life to Live centres takes place in the fictional town of Llanview, PA.around the wealthy Lord family, and the middle-class Woleks and Rileys.Сюжет (англ.)
A college professor resigns in protest to the dismissal of student underground newspaper workers and later joins their "hippie movement" and becomes their "Messiah."The Love-Ins (1967)
The Love-Ins
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A college professor resigns in protest to the dismissal of student underground newspaper workers and later joins their "hippie movement" and becomes their "Messiah."Сюжет (англ.)
A woman's sexual compulsions threaten to destroy her marriage.A Rage to Live (1965)
A Rage to Live
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A woman's sexual compulsions threaten to destroy her marriage.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати