Джон Форд
John Ford
Дата народження: 1 лютого 1894
Знак зодіаку: Водолій
Дата смерті: 31 серпня 1973 (79 років)
Місце народження: Мис Елізабет, Мен, США
Зріст: 183 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 153
Ролі: режисер ★ 7.32 (128), продюсер (41), актор (26), сценарист ★ 6.8 (15), кінематографіст (1)
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The director sets off in search of the film « Nuremberg : it’s lesson for today », the official 80’ film of the Nuremberg trial by the Schulberg brothers, that was withdrawn from circulation in post-war United States for geo political reasons, and then disappeared.This is the story of the film itself, that contained excruciating evidence of the Nazi crimes, how and why it was censored, how it was found again and the lessons it teaches us on how we treat collective memory.
There have been a number of films about Nuremberg, but this documentary takes a novel approach, exploring the trial process from a personal angle, via the fascinating story of Budd and Stuart Schulberg, the two brothers the OSS assigned to gather film evidence of the Nazis' crimes.
Втрачений фільм Нюрберґського процесу (2021)
Filmmakers for the Prosecution
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The director sets off in search of the film « Nuremberg : it’s lesson for today », the official 80’ film of the Nuremberg trial by the Schulberg brothers, that was withdrawn from circulation in post-war United States for geo political reasons, and then disappeared.This is the story of the film itself, that contained excruciating evidence of the Nazi crimes, how and why it was censored, how it was found again and the lessons it teaches us on how we treat collective memory.
There have been a number of films about Nuremberg, but this documentary takes a novel approach, exploring the trial process from a personal angle, via the fascinating story of Budd and Stuart Schulberg, the two brothers the OSS assigned to gather film evidence of the Nazis' crimes.
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This documentary follows the life of the renowned American director, author of more than 150 works and winner of more Oscar awards than any other, and shed light on the significance of his most outstanding films.John Ford: The Man Who Invented America (2019)
John Ford: The Man Who Invented America
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This documentary follows the life of the renowned American director, author of more than 150 works and winner of more Oscar awards than any other, and shed light on the significance of his most outstanding films.Сюжет (англ.)
Documentary about the impact of film shoots in Spain during the 60s and 70s, which modified the “modus vivendi” in the region of Almeria.Іспанський вестерн (2014)
Spanish Western
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Documentary about the impact of film shoots in Spain during the 60s and 70s, which modified the “modus vivendi” in the region of Almeria.Сюжет (англ.)
Amidst a constant stream of hundreds of film clips, dozens of filmmakers voice their opinions on the titular question while primarily looking beyond the Hollywood mainstream to independent, experimental, documentary and avant-garde films.What Is Cinema? (2013)
What Is Cinema?
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Amidst a constant stream of hundreds of film clips, dozens of filmmakers voice their opinions on the titular question while primarily looking beyond the Hollywood mainstream to independent, experimental, documentary and avant-garde films.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the movies in the year 1939, considered by many to be one of the greatest years in film history.1939-й. Найкращий рік у Голівуді (2009)
1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year
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A look at the movies in the year 1939, considered by many to be one of the greatest years in film history.Сюжет (англ.)
A dive into the cinematographic universe of John Carpenter, the director of "Halloween", "The Thing", "Fog" or "Invasion Los Angeles".Сюжет (англ.)
Following the documentary "Filmmakers vs. Tycoons", this second part focus on the measures to protect authors' copyright, and the legal difference in the figure of the author in the United States or in France.Filmmakers in Action (2005)
Filmmakers in Action
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Following the documentary "Filmmakers vs. Tycoons", this second part focus on the measures to protect authors' copyright, and the legal difference in the figure of the author in the United States or in France.Сюжет (англ.)
This documentary explores the incredible life of Merian C. Cooper, from his time as a soldier and pilot in three different wars, to his exploits in Hollywood, as a director, producer and cinematic innovator.I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper (2005)
I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper
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This documentary explores the incredible life of Merian C. Cooper, from his time as a soldier and pilot in three different wars, to his exploits in Hollywood, as a director, producer and cinematic innovator.Сюжет (англ.)
When World War II broke out, John Ford, in his forties, commissioned in the Naval Reserve, was put in charge of the Field Photographic Unit by Bill Donavan, director of the soon-to-be-OSS. During the war, Field Photo made at least...John Ford Goes to War (2002)
John Ford Goes to War
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When World War II broke out, John Ford, in his forties, commissioned in the Naval Reserve, was put in charge of the Field Photographic Unit by Bill Donavan, director of the soon-to-be-OSS. During the war, Field Photo made at least...Сюжет (англ.)
Produced by Steven Spielberg and presented by Tom Hanks this documentary tells how war photographers faced the horrors that looked both in Europe and in the Pacific during World War II .Shooting War: World War II Combat Cameramen (2000)
Shooting War: World War II Combat Cameramen
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Produced by Steven Spielberg and presented by Tom Hanks this documentary tells how war photographers faced the horrors that looked both in Europe and in the Pacific during World War II .Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the first centenary of the largest exporter of films in the world, that is Hollywood, is the story told by its protagonists, actors and writers and other people who made life in this business, interspersing images of famousThe First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies (1995)
The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies
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Based on the first centenary of the largest exporter of films in the world, that is Hollywood, is the story told by its protagonists, actors and writers and other people who made life in this business, interspersing images of famousСюжет
Як народився американський кінематограф? Хто присутній при його пологах? Куди дивився в цей час Грифіт? Отчого на світі студії? Що вони витворяють з режисерами і скільки разів на день? Приведіть десять найвиразніших сцен американського кіно. Думати, ніби відповіді на ці і інші питання в такій екзаменаційній формі ви одержите в цьому фільмі, - помилково. Але на дуже багато з них ви зможете відповісти після перегляду самостійно.Історія американського кіно від Мартіна Скорсезе (1995)
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies
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Як народився американський кінематограф? Хто присутній при його пологах? Куди дивився в цей час Грифіт? Отчого на світі студії? Що вони витворяють з режисерами і скільки разів на день? Приведіть десять найвиразніших сцен американського кіно. Думати, ніби відповіді на ці і інші питання в такій екзаменаційній формі ви одержите в цьому фільмі, - помилково. Але на дуже багато з них ви зможете відповісти після перегляду самостійно.Сюжет (англ.)
Katharine Hepburn gives a detailed account of her life and career.Katharine Hepburn: All About Me (1993)
Katharine Hepburn: All About Me
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Katharine Hepburn gives a detailed account of her life and career.Сюжет (англ.)
A tribute documentary on the most decorated U.S. Marine, General Lewis B. 'Chesty' Puller.Chesty: A Tribute to a Legend (1976)
Chesty: A Tribute to a Legend
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A tribute documentary on the most decorated U.S. Marine, General Lewis B. 'Chesty' Puller.Сюжет (англ.)
The Award is the highest honor for a career in film and celebrates an individual whose career has greatly contributed to the enrichment of American culture.AFI Life Achievement Award (1973—)
AFI Life Achievement Award
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The Award is the highest honor for a career in film and celebrates an individual whose career has greatly contributed to the enrichment of American culture.Сюжет (англ.)
The Western films of iconic director John Ford are fondly remembered by stars James Stewart, Henry Fonda, and John Wayne, with whom he shoots a scene in Monument Valley.The American West of John Ford (1971)
The American West of John Ford
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The Western films of iconic director John Ford are fondly remembered by stars James Stewart, Henry Fonda, and John Wayne, with whom he shoots a scene in Monument Valley.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary on the life and films of director John Ford.Directed by John Ford (1971)
Directed by John Ford
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A documentary on the life and films of director John Ford.Сюжет (англ.)
In China in 1935, seven dedicated missionary women try to protect themselves from the advances of a barbaric Mongolian warlord and his cut-throat gang of warriors.Сюжет (англ.)
Biographical drama based on the early life of playwright Sean O'Casey, depicting his rise from the 1910 Dublin slums to the celebrated openings of his early plays. Johnny Cassidy, an ...Young Cassidy (1965)
Young Cassidy
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Biographical drama based on the early life of playwright Sean O'Casey, depicting his rise from the 1910 Dublin slums to the celebrated openings of his early plays. Johnny Cassidy, an ...Сюжет (англ.)
When the government agency fails to deliver even the meager supplies due by treaty to the proud Cheyenne tribe in their barren desert reserve, the starving Indians have taken more abuse than it's worth and break it too by embarking on a 1,500 miles journey back to their ancestral hunting grounds. US Cavalry Capt. Thomas Archer is charged with their retrieval, but during the hunt grows to respect their noble courage, and decides to help them.Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
Cheyenne Autumn
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When the government agency fails to deliver even the meager supplies due by treaty to the proud Cheyenne tribe in their barren desert reserve, the starving Indians have taken more abuse than it's worth and break it too by embarking on a 1,500 miles journey back to their ancestral hunting grounds. US Cavalry Capt. Thomas Archer is charged with their retrieval, but during the hunt grows to respect their noble courage, and decides to help them.Сюжет (англ.)
In-depth documentaries about the greatest filmmakers from around the world, all in the form of candid face-to-face interviews, conducted, created and produced by former critics for Les Cahiers du Cinéma, Janine Bazin and André S. ...Cinéastes de notre temps (1964)
Cinéastes de notre temps
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In-depth documentaries about the greatest filmmakers from around the world, all in the form of candid face-to-face interviews, conducted, created and produced by former critics for Les Cahiers du Cinéma, Janine Bazin and André S. ...Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy subtly dealing with moral issues such as racial bigotry, corporate greed, American belief of societal superiority and hypocrisy.Donovan's Reef (1963)
Donovan's Reef
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Comedy subtly dealing with moral issues such as racial bigotry, corporate greed, American belief of societal superiority and hypocrisy.Сюжет
Оповідання цієї кінокартини розпочинається з 1830-го року, з моменту прибуття сім'ї переселенців з Європи в Америку. Перед глядачами проходить життя перших поколінь переселенців, на плечі яких ліг нелегкий тягар освоєння Дикого заходу. Під керівництвом чотирьох ведучих режисерів США ціле сузір'я акторів утілили на екрані п'ятдесят важких і цікавих років життя однієї сім'ї переселенців.Як підкорили захід (1962)
How the West Was Won
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Оповідання цієї кінокартини розпочинається з 1830-го року, з моменту прибуття сім'ї переселенців з Європи в Америку. Перед глядачами проходить життя перших поколінь переселенців, на плечі яких ліг нелегкий тягар освоєння Дикого заходу. Під керівництвом чотирьох ведучих режисерів США ціле сузір'я акторів утілили на екрані п'ятдесят важких і цікавих років життя однієї сім'ї переселенців.Сюжет
Сенатор Рейнс Стоддард повертається у місто Шінбон, яке на Дикому Заході, щоб взяти участь у похоронах свого друга, Тома Доніфона. На питання журналіста, що сенатор робить у такому глухому містечку, він розповідає історію про те, як починалася його кар'єра — кар'єра людини, яка застрелила Ліберті Веланса.Людина, яка застрелила Ліберті Веленса (1962)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
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Сенатор Рейнс Стоддард повертається у місто Шінбон, яке на Дикому Заході, щоб взяти участь у похоронах свого друга, Тома Доніфона. На питання журналіста, що сенатор робить у такому глухому містечку, він розповідає історію про те, як починалася його кар'єра — кар'єра людини, яка застрелила Ліберті Веланса.Сюжет (англ.)
Hosted by famous dancer and actor Fred Astaire, this series presented a new drama with each week's episode. Unlike some of the earlier drama series, which tended either toward classics or toward light subject matter, this series o...Alcoa Premiere (1961—1963)
Alcoa Premiere
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Hosted by famous dancer and actor Fred Astaire, this series presented a new drama with each week's episode. Unlike some of the earlier drama series, which tended either toward classics or toward light subject matter, this series o...Сюжет (англ.)
The US Army is under pressure from the desperate relatives of white prisoners of the Comanches to secure their rescue. A cynical and corrupt marshal, Guthrie McCabe, is persuaded by an army lieutenant to assist in the negotiations with the Comanches; however, just two captives are released, and their reintegration into white society proves highly problematic.Two Rode Together (1961)
Two Rode Together
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The US Army is under pressure from the desperate relatives of white prisoners of the Comanches to secure their rescue. A cynical and corrupt marshal, Guthrie McCabe, is persuaded by an army lieutenant to assist in the negotiations with the Comanches; however, just two captives are released, and their reintegration into white society proves highly problematic.Сюжет (англ.)
Lieutenant Tom Cantrell is sent to defend Sergeant Braxton Rutledge, a black cavalry soldier, on a charge of rape and murder. The story begins in a courtroom and it is told through flashbacks. This is a story of how a black soldier in the face of danger from the Indians can be so easily mistaken as a criminal.Sergeant Rutledge (1960)
Sergeant Rutledge
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Lieutenant Tom Cantrell is sent to defend Sergeant Braxton Rutledge, a black cavalry soldier, on a charge of rape and murder. The story begins in a courtroom and it is told through flashbacks. This is a story of how a black soldier in the face of danger from the Indians can be so easily mistaken as a criminal.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1863, a Union outfit is sent behind Confederate lines in Mississippi to destroy enemy railroads but a captive southern belle and the unit's doctor cause frictions within ranks.Кавалеристи (1959)
The Horse Soldiers
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In 1863, a Union outfit is sent behind Confederate lines in Mississippi to destroy enemy railroads but a captive southern belle and the unit's doctor cause frictions within ranks.Сюжет (англ.)
An aging politician tries to get re-elected one last time in the changing world of the 1950s when TV started to play a bigger part in politics. Based loosely on the career of multi-term Boston Mayor James Michael Curley, this film examines the good and evil inherent in politics and all the things that go into an election. Tracy's uphill battle to stay in office is set against the political machinery that preyed on ethnic hatred and old-time money.The Last Hurrah (1958)
The Last Hurrah
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An aging politician tries to get re-elected one last time in the changing world of the 1950s when TV started to play a bigger part in politics. Based loosely on the career of multi-term Boston Mayor James Michael Curley, this film examines the good and evil inherent in politics and all the things that go into an election. Tracy's uphill battle to stay in office is set against the political machinery that preyed on ethnic hatred and old-time money.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати