André S. Labarthe
Дата народження: 18 грудня 1931
Знак зодіаку: Стрілець
Дата смерті: 5 березня 2018 (86 років)
Місце народження: Олорон-Сент-Марі, Піренеї-Атлантида, Франція
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 24
Ролі: актор (20), сценарист (4), продюсер (4), режисер (2), ідея (2)
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In 1985, filmmaker Richard Linklater began a film screening society in Austin, Texas, that aimed to show classic art-house and experimental films to a budding community of cinephiles and ...Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater (2013)
Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater
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In 1985, filmmaker Richard Linklater began a film screening society in Austin, Texas, that aimed to show classic art-house and experimental films to a budding community of cinephiles and ...Сюжет (англ.)
Formerly successful television producer Joachim Zand returns from America to his native France, where he previously has left everything behind, including friends, enemies and his own children. In his company is a burlesque striptease troupe whom he has promised a grand performance in Paris.Together they tour the French port cities, staying at cheap hotels and making success along the way. Old conflicts are however reignated upon the return to the French capital. Joachim is betrayed by people from his past, making him lose the venue where they were to perform, and the Paris finale comes to nothing.On Tour (2010)
On Tour
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Formerly successful television producer Joachim Zand returns from America to his native France, where he previously has left everything behind, including friends, enemies and his own children. In his company is a burlesque striptease troupe whom he has promised a grand performance in Paris.Together they tour the French port cities, staying at cheap hotels and making success along the way. Old conflicts are however reignated upon the return to the French capital. Joachim is betrayed by people from his past, making him lose the venue where they were to perform, and the Paris finale comes to nothing.Сюжет (англ.)
Mixing interviews, rare archival footage and film extracts, the film shows how Melville's works were impacted by what he experienced in his youth during WWII, and how it structured his ...Code Name: Melville (2008)
Code Name: Melville
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Mixing interviews, rare archival footage and film extracts, the film shows how Melville's works were impacted by what he experienced in his youth during WWII, and how it structured his ...Сюжет (англ.)
Two directors struggle to survive in the movie industry.Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie? (2001)
Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie?
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Two directors struggle to survive in the movie industry.Сюжет (англ.)
Those who loved Graham yesterday shouldn't count on today. Those who love him today risk being heartbroken tomorrow... Suffering from recurring memory loss, Graham is restricted to a limited short-term memory. He forgets most things after only a few minutes. He no longer recognizes his wife Isabelle nor his young son Antoine nor his best friend Fred. Since each day is a new day, Graham copes with life by referring to the details of his little notebook, the defining key to his identity. He works as a photocopy clerk under the close watch of his sexy boss Sabine, who uses him to his libido's advantage. Pretty new temp Irene can't help falling for Graham's spontaneous charm. But how can Graham really fall in love with her when he sees each time as the first time? Irene is about to experience all new ways of romance. She'll just have to remember everything for the both of them. Everyone around Graham has their reasons why he should or shouldn't fully recover...Novo (2002)
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Those who loved Graham yesterday shouldn't count on today. Those who love him today risk being heartbroken tomorrow... Suffering from recurring memory loss, Graham is restricted to a limited short-term memory. He forgets most things after only a few minutes. He no longer recognizes his wife Isabelle nor his young son Antoine nor his best friend Fred. Since each day is a new day, Graham copes with life by referring to the details of his little notebook, the defining key to his identity. He works as a photocopy clerk under the close watch of his sexy boss Sabine, who uses him to his libido's advantage. Pretty new temp Irene can't help falling for Graham's spontaneous charm. But how can Graham really fall in love with her when he sees each time as the first time? Irene is about to experience all new ways of romance. She'll just have to remember everything for the both of them. Everyone around Graham has their reasons why he should or shouldn't fully recover...Сюжет (англ.)
Director Jean-Luc Godard reflects in this movie about his place in film history, the interaction of film industry and film as art, as well as the act of creating art.JLG/JLG: Self-Portrait in December (1994)
JLG/JLG: Self-Portrait in December
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Director Jean-Luc Godard reflects in this movie about his place in film history, the interaction of film industry and film as art, as well as the act of creating art.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in the past, follows young African boy who uses his friends, the wild animals, to defend his village from Arab slave traders.The Lion Child (1993)
The Lion Child
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Set in the past, follows young African boy who uses his friends, the wild animals, to defend his village from Arab slave traders.Сюжет (англ.)
A famous French filmmaker is hired by a major Hollywood producer to make a documentary on the state of post-Cold War Russia. The filmmaker, though, subverts the project by stubbornly ...The Children Play Russian (1993)
The Children Play Russian
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A famous French filmmaker is hired by a major Hollywood producer to make a documentary on the state of post-Cold War Russia. The filmmaker, though, subverts the project by stubbornly ...Сюжет
Возз'єднання двох частин Німеччини в 1990 було однією з найважливіших політичних подій в Європі, починаючи з Другої Світової війни. Кіно Годара це не кіно в традиційному значенні, не документальний фільм. Це - швидше філософський підхід до тієї події - Годар показує короткі фрагменти вигаданих і документальних епізодів, думок і фактів.Німеччина, рік 90: Самітності (1991)
Germany Year 90 Nine Zero
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Возз'єднання двох частин Німеччини в 1990 було однією з найважливіших політичних подій в Європі, починаючи з Другої Світової війни. Кіно Годара це не кіно в традиційному значенні, не документальний фільм. Це - швидше філософський підхід до тієї події - Годар показує короткі фрагменти вигаданих і документальних епізодів, думок і фактів.Сюжет (англ.)
"Cinema of Our Time" is a documentary series about contemporary filmmakers from around the world, created by Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, as a follow-up to the acclaimed initial series "Filmmakers of Our Time" (1964-1972).Cinéma, de notre temps (1989—)
Cinéma, de notre temps
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"Cinema of Our Time" is a documentary series about contemporary filmmakers from around the world, created by Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, as a follow-up to the acclaimed initial series "Filmmakers of Our Time" (1964-1972).Contes modernes: A propos du travail (1982)
Contes modernes: A propos du travail
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A multi-national anthology of television thriller and crime features.Black Sequence (1984)
Black Sequence
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A multi-national anthology of television thriller and crime features.Сюжет (англ.)
A 151-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It is considered to be the longest film ever released.Сюжет (англ.)
Family mother and model wife, Agnes hits a vehicle while driving in Paris. She immediately falls in love with the driver of the damaged car.Your Turn, My Turn (1978)
Your Turn, My Turn
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Family mother and model wife, Agnes hits a vehicle while driving in Paris. She immediately falls in love with the driver of the damaged car.Urgent, or what is the point of completing projects since the project is in itself a sufficient enjoyment (1977)
Urgent, or what is the point of completing projects since the project is in itself a sufficient enjoyment
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During the rehearsals for the production of the tragedy Andromaque, the leading actress and her director, a couple behind the scenes, can't find a way to leave their personal problems at home. And life imitates fiction, creating a real tragedy for this couple when the man finds comfort with other women while the actress prefers to stay focused on her work, as if nothing is happening with her partner.L'amour fou (1969)
L'amour fou
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During the rehearsals for the production of the tragedy Andromaque, the leading actress and her director, a couple behind the scenes, can't find a way to leave their personal problems at home. And life imitates fiction, creating a real tragedy for this couple when the man finds comfort with other women while the actress prefers to stay focused on her work, as if nothing is happening with her partner.Сюжет (англ.)
A peeping tom caught spying on a women's self defence class is taken captive by the class leader. At first the class uses to practice on, but his treatment steadily becomes more humiliating and fetishistic.Сюжет (англ.)
In-depth documentaries about the greatest filmmakers from around the world, all in the form of candid face-to-face interviews, conducted, created and produced by former critics for Les Cahiers du Cinéma, Janine Bazin and André S. ...Cinéastes de notre temps (1964)
Cinéastes de notre temps
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In-depth documentaries about the greatest filmmakers from around the world, all in the form of candid face-to-face interviews, conducted, created and produced by former critics for Les Cahiers du Cinéma, Janine Bazin and André S. ...Сюжет (англ.)
Four short films by four different directors dealing with the principles of modern life.Ro.Go.Pa.G. (1963)
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Four short films by four different directors dealing with the principles of modern life.Сюжет
Фільм складається з 12 сцен і розповідає про молоду парижанку Нану. Вона хоче жити своїм життям, прагне незалежності і свободи, але стикається на своєму шляху з банальними матеріальними складнощами. Свобода виявляється лиш ілюзією, щоб вижити людині необхідно продавати себе. Нана стає повією…Жити своїм життям (1962)
Vivre Sa Vie
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Фільм складається з 12 сцен і розповідає про молоду парижанку Нану. Вона хоче жити своїм життям, прагне незалежності і свободи, але стикається на своєму шляху з банальними матеріальними складнощами. Свобода виявляється лиш ілюзією, щоб вижити людині необхідно продавати себе. Нана стає повією…Сюжет
Мішель Пуакар — справжній марнотратник життя, що заробляє на життя крадіжками дорогих машин. Він ніколи не замислюється про наслідки своїх кримінальних витівок — просто живе, як хоче, ні на кого не розраховуючи, ні з ким не рахуючись. Мабуть, тому що молодий і самовпевнений. Та якось, по дорозі у Париж, Мішель убиває поліцейського: просто для того, щоб уникнути неприємних розпитів. Але з цієї хвилини у його житті більше не буде нічого, крім неприємностей.На останньому подиху (1960)
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Мішель Пуакар — справжній марнотратник життя, що заробляє на життя крадіжками дорогих машин. Він ніколи не замислюється про наслідки своїх кримінальних витівок — просто живе, як хоче, ні на кого не розраховуючи, ні з ким не рахуючись. Мабуть, тому що молодий і самовпевнений. Та якось, по дорозі у Париж, Мішель убиває поліцейського: просто для того, щоб уникнути неприємних розпитів. Але з цієї хвилини у його житті більше не буде нічого, крім неприємностей.Bande-annonce de 'Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux' (1962)
Bande-annonce de 'Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux'
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