Яромир Дулава
Jaromír Dulava
Дата народження: 25 вересня 1960 (64 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Терези
Місце народження: Frýdek-Místek, Československo
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 50
Ролі: актор
Hvezdy nad hlavou (2021)
Hvezdy nad hlavou
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The Inspector Hynek Budik as been assigned chief of police in the area on the outskirts of Prague, With detectives Martin Novacek an inexperienced rookie and the inspector Havlik will seek to solve difficult cases of murder.Zlociny Velké Prahy (2020—)
Zlociny Velké Prahy
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The Inspector Hynek Budik as been assigned chief of police in the area on the outskirts of Prague, With detectives Martin Novacek an inexperienced rookie and the inspector Havlik will seek to solve difficult cases of murder.Сюжет (англ.)
An old woman finds herself trapped in her own apartment as she finds out a man pretending to be her distant nephew is actually a stranger.Сюжет (англ.)
An elderly woman decides to act on her own with a rifle as she gets fed up with injustice.Сюжет (англ.)
Recent Czech history as seen through the story of one of their basketball teams.Golden Sting (2018)
Golden Sting
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Recent Czech history as seen through the story of one of their basketball teams.Prijela pout (2018—)
Prijela pout
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This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of European Jews.Toman (2018)
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This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of European Jews.My Uncle Archimedes (2018)
My Uncle Archimedes
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The story of Milada Horáková, democratic pre-WW2 Czech politician first arrested and tried by the Nazis during the War and then the post-war Communist government for her refusal to cease her opposition activity and leave the country.Milada (2017)
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The story of Milada Horáková, democratic pre-WW2 Czech politician first arrested and tried by the Nazis during the War and then the post-war Communist government for her refusal to cease her opposition activity and leave the country.Сюжет (англ.)
Eva, the owner of a pastry shop hopes to re-unite with her ex-husband Honza, with whom she has a son Tobias. Honza surprises Eva with the request for a wedding cake. He is planning to marry...How to Shake Off a Bride (2016)
How to Shake Off a Bride
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Eva, the owner of a pastry shop hopes to re-unite with her ex-husband Honza, with whom she has a son Tobias. Honza surprises Eva with the request for a wedding cake. He is planning to marry...Сюжет (англ.)
The last drop for Jan's resolution is the voluntary death of his father-in-law, whose strength and patience ran dry. Grandma made decisions about Grandpa's life, old age as well as the funeral. Jan is sure that he and his wife Olga aTiger Theory (2016)
Tiger Theory
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The last drop for Jan's resolution is the voluntary death of his father-in-law, whose strength and patience ran dry. Grandma made decisions about Grandpa's life, old age as well as the funeral. Jan is sure that he and his wife Olga aСюжет (англ.)
What happens in the mountains, stay in the mountains. Giant Mountains are truly the spice of local highlanders who live here, whether any season. Skier with one leg, the legendary womanizer...Chasing Fifty (2015)
Chasing Fifty
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What happens in the mountains, stay in the mountains. Giant Mountains are truly the spice of local highlanders who live here, whether any season. Skier with one leg, the legendary womanizer...Doktor Martin (2015—2016)
Doktor Martin
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Hedvika would like to be a journalist. She succeeds with her application and joins the editorial staff of the experienced reporter Vlach. In the same time, the ambitious Roman Wies assumes the office of editor-in-chief's deputy. H...Reportérka (2015)
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Hedvika would like to be a journalist. She succeeds with her application and joins the editorial staff of the experienced reporter Vlach. In the same time, the ambitious Roman Wies assumes the office of editor-in-chief's deputy. H...Сюжет (англ.)
The Zodiac Murders series does not aspire to rank among other popular crime serials; it seeks to become one of a new, modern style. The line connecting all its parts are the signs of the zodiac. Each of the twelve episodes deals w...The Zodiac Murders (2015)
The Zodiac Murders
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The Zodiac Murders series does not aspire to rank among other popular crime serials; it seeks to become one of a new, modern style. The line connecting all its parts are the signs of the zodiac. Each of the twelve episodes deals w...Сюжет (англ.)
A businessman discovers he has a hidden gene that enables him to breathe water, threatening the existence of the secret Aquarian race, in this charming, comedic fantasy from the Czech Republic.The Invisibles (2014)
The Invisibles
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A businessman discovers he has a hidden gene that enables him to breathe water, threatening the existence of the secret Aquarian race, in this charming, comedic fantasy from the Czech Republic.Сюжет (англ.)
The serial in thirteen parts about the life and time of judge A.K. tells an up-to-date, realistic and internally dramatic story of a young man struggling his way through the maze of civil law disputes typical of the present-day so...The Life and Time of Judge A.K. (2014—2017)
The Life and Time of Judge A.K.
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The serial in thirteen parts about the life and time of judge A.K. tells an up-to-date, realistic and internally dramatic story of a young man struggling his way through the maze of civil law disputes typical of the present-day so...Сюжет (англ.)
Vlasticka died. Village church, funeral carriage pulled by horses, priest, and companions residents Olsan special life Bohumil Stejskal, a multi-millionaire by the will of God from Legacy I got older. Bohumil a little old. Added his possession, charge, kilograms and children. Woman lost her life. Plays music, sings local women's choir Quail, which was Vlasticka member. Death known approximates. All are sad, or so at least appear. Behind the wall of the cemetery stopped older Mercedes and it performs well Stale "Actress" Irena. Regards funeral over the wall inside will not dare. I leave before the end of the ceremony.Dedictví aneb Kurvaseneríká (2014)
Dedictví aneb Kurvaseneríká
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Vlasticka died. Village church, funeral carriage pulled by horses, priest, and companions residents Olsan special life Bohumil Stejskal, a multi-millionaire by the will of God from Legacy I got older. Bohumil a little old. Added his possession, charge, kilograms and children. Woman lost her life. Plays music, sings local women's choir Quail, which was Vlasticka member. Death known approximates. All are sad, or so at least appear. Behind the wall of the cemetery stopped older Mercedes and it performs well Stale "Actress" Irena. Regards funeral over the wall inside will not dare. I leave before the end of the ceremony.Сюжет (англ.)
Czech Century brings the key moments of the history of the Czech nation from 1918 to 1989.The Czech Century (2013—2014)
The Czech Century
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Czech Century brings the key moments of the history of the Czech nation from 1918 to 1989.Сюжет (англ.)
Continuation of the series about the emergency medical service which was highly popular in the 1980s, featuring some of the original characters - for instance doctor Jandera, his great love Eliska, and brother Jarda with his girlf...Sanitka II (2013)
Sanitka II
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Continuation of the series about the emergency medical service which was highly popular in the 1980s, featuring some of the original characters - for instance doctor Jandera, his great love Eliska, and brother Jarda with his girlf...Сюжет
Малий хлопчик Гуїнплен потрапив до рук психічно хворого лікаря, який нагородив його «вічною посмішкою» — потворними шрамами на обличчі, завдяки яким створюється враження, ніби нещасний постійно сміється. Помираючого на снігу малюка підібрав бродячий артист на ім’я Урсус. Разом з Гуїнпленом він виховав ще й сліпу дівчинку Дею. Минають роки, діти виросли і, подорожуючи, розважають публіку шоу, зіркою якого є Гуїнплен. Лише Деї бачить в ньому внутрішню красу, тоді як інші жінки здатні розгледіти лише потворні шрами…Людина, яка сміється (2012)
The Man Who Laughs
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Малий хлопчик Гуїнплен потрапив до рук психічно хворого лікаря, який нагородив його «вічною посмішкою» — потворними шрамами на обличчі, завдяки яким створюється враження, ніби нещасний постійно сміється. Помираючого на снігу малюка підібрав бродячий артист на ім’я Урсус. Разом з Гуїнпленом він виховав ще й сліпу дівчинку Дею. Минають роки, діти виросли і, подорожуючи, розважають публіку шоу, зіркою якого є Гуїнплен. Лише Деї бачить в ньому внутрішню красу, тоді як інші жінки здатні розгледіти лише потворні шрами…Сюжет
Колись давно жила-була дівчинка Саксана, юна учениця школи магії, яка втекла з Чарівної Країни в Світ Людей. Там вона закохалася в звичайного юнака і залишилася з ним, зберігаючи в таємниці від усіх історію свого минулого. У щасливої пари народилася прекрасна донька Саксана. Минуло багато років, дівчинка виросла і стала дуже всім цікавитись. Одного ранку Саксана заглянула на горище, де знайшла і відкрила стару Книгу заклинань, а потім через магічний портал потрапила до Чарівної Країни. Тепер дівчинці доведеться досліджувати неймовірний світ, повний карликів, чортів, драконів, гоблінів та гадюк, зробити все, щоб не потрапити під арешт на 300 років за проступок матері, битися з гангстерами і головне - врятувати мешканців казкового королівства від повного знищення! Наберіться сміливості погуляти по казковій країні разом з маленькою Саксаною і пам'ятайте, що дивовижне, неймовірне, чарівне завжди поруч із нами...Саксана в країні чудес (2011)
Little Witch on a Broomstick
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Колись давно жила-була дівчинка Саксана, юна учениця школи магії, яка втекла з Чарівної Країни в Світ Людей. Там вона закохалася в звичайного юнака і залишилася з ним, зберігаючи в таємниці від усіх історію свого минулого. У щасливої пари народилася прекрасна донька Саксана. Минуло багато років, дівчинка виросла і стала дуже всім цікавитись. Одного ранку Саксана заглянула на горище, де знайшла і відкрила стару Книгу заклинань, а потім через магічний портал потрапила до Чарівної Країни. Тепер дівчинці доведеться досліджувати неймовірний світ, повний карликів, чортів, драконів, гоблінів та гадюк, зробити все, щоб не потрапити під арешт на 300 років за проступок матері, битися з гангстерами і головне - врятувати мешканців казкового королівства від повного знищення! Наберіться сміливості погуляти по казковій країні разом з маленькою Саксаною і пам'ятайте, що дивовижне, неймовірне, чарівне завжди поруч із нами...Сюжет (англ.)
Bittersweet comedy from Ondrej Trojan - "Obcanský prukaz", based on book by Petr Sabach about four teenage boys, their friends, parents, lovers - from the moment when they are 15 to moment when they are 18. Story is set in 1970s, when is Czechoslovakia occupied by Russians.Identity Card (2010)
Identity Card
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Bittersweet comedy from Ondrej Trojan - "Obcanský prukaz", based on book by Petr Sabach about four teenage boys, their friends, parents, lovers - from the moment when they are 15 to moment when they are 18. Story is set in 1970s, when is Czechoslovakia occupied by Russians.Сюжет (англ.)
A mill owner in the Sudetenland and his family's lives are changed as Europe heats up in 1938.Сюжет (англ.)
The elements that rule Earth - Air, Fire, Earth and Water - are on their "regular inspection tour." We are following Water, in the form of the Rain Fairy (Lenka Vlasáková). Traversing the ...The Rain Fairy (2010)
The Rain Fairy
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The elements that rule Earth - Air, Fire, Earth and Water - are on their "regular inspection tour." We are following Water, in the form of the Rain Fairy (Lenka Vlasáková). Traversing the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Men in Rut draws its humor from the clash of small and big worlds as politicians in a remote burg - so remote, in fact, that the road ends there - try to realize their dream of a new highway connecting them to Europe.Men in Rut (2009)
Men in Rut
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Men in Rut draws its humor from the clash of small and big worlds as politicians in a remote burg - so remote, in fact, that the road ends there - try to realize their dream of a new highway connecting them to Europe.Jménem krále (2009)
Jménem krále
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