Ґреґґ Палмер
Gregg Palmer
Дата народження: 25 січня 1927
Знак зодіаку: Водолій
Дата смерті: 31 жовтня 2015 (88 років)
Місце народження: Сан-Франциско, Каліфорнія, США
Зріст: 188 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 150
Ролі: актор
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Railroad detective Matt Clark roams the west, tracking down outlaws and bandits who are preying on the railroad.Stories of the Century (1954)
Stories of the Century
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Railroad detective Matt Clark roams the west, tracking down outlaws and bandits who are preying on the railroad.Сюжет
Після знаменитої перестрілки в О-Кей Корралі минуло чверть століття, і тепер, маршал Ваєтт Ерп повертається у Тумстоун. Він вирішує виконати обіцянку, яку дав багато років тому, і розповідає усю правду про давно минулі події.Ваєтт Ерп: Повернення у Тумстоун (1994)
Wyatt Earp: Return to Tombstone
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Після знаменитої перестрілки в О-Кей Корралі минуло чверть століття, і тепер, маршал Ваєтт Ерп повертається у Тумстоун. Він вирішує виконати обіцянку, яку дав багато років тому, і розповідає усю правду про давно минулі події.Сюжет (англ.)
A group of friends on a rafting trip down a river stop in at an old ghost town to spend the night. Soon their rafts disappear, and then they begin to be eliminated one by one by a mysterious killer.Сюжет (англ.)
A man with a fixation on Humphrey Bogart gets plastic surgery to make him look exactly like Bogart. Then he changes his name to Sam Marlowe (after Sam Spade and Phillip Marlowe, two of ...The Man with Bogart's Face (1980)
The Man with Bogart's Face
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A man with a fixation on Humphrey Bogart gets plastic surgery to make him look exactly like Bogart. Then he changes his name to Sam Marlowe (after Sam Spade and Phillip Marlowe, two of ...Сюжет (англ.)
Sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man" with more characters branching off from the Jordache family.Beggarman, Thief (1979)
Beggarman, Thief
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Sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man" with more characters branching off from the Jordache family.Сюжет (англ.)
This saga of the old west involves twin brothers who compete for possession of a rickety cow town founded by their father while a crooked mayor tries to put an end to the competitors so he can inherit the town himself.Hot Lead and Cold Feet (1978)
Hot Lead and Cold Feet
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This saga of the old west involves twin brothers who compete for possession of a rickety cow town founded by their father while a crooked mayor tries to put an end to the competitors so he can inherit the town himself.Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of two California Highway Patrol motorcycle officers.Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths that usually suggest murder.Quincy M.E (1976—1983)
Quincy M.E
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The cases of a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths that usually suggest murder.Сюжет (англ.)
Afflicted with a terminal illness John Bernard Brooks, the last of the legendary gunfighters, quietly returns to Carson City for medical attention from his old friend Dr. Hostetler. Aware that his days are numbered, the troubled man seeks solace and peace in a boarding house run by a widow and her son.However, it is not Brooks' fate to die in peace, as he becomes embroiled in one last valiant battle.The Shootist (1976)
The Shootist
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Afflicted with a terminal illness John Bernard Brooks, the last of the legendary gunfighters, quietly returns to Carson City for medical attention from his old friend Dr. Hostetler. Aware that his days are numbered, the troubled man seeks solace and peace in a boarding house run by a widow and her son.However, it is not Brooks' fate to die in peace, as he becomes embroiled in one last valiant battle.Сюжет (англ.)
Three young women who posed as the daughters of an elderly homesteader find out that he has been falsely accused of murder, convicted, and sentenced to hang. They hatch a plot to smuggle him out of prison.The New Daughters of Joshua Cabe (1976)
The New Daughters of Joshua Cabe
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Three young women who posed as the daughters of an elderly homesteader find out that he has been falsely accused of murder, convicted, and sentenced to hang. They hatch a plot to smuggle him out of prison.Сюжет (англ.)
Episodes revolving around the Macahan family as they try to fulfill their dream of going to Oregon. They run into many setbacks along the way and are forced to delay their move many times as a result. Common wild west themes and characters abound, such as Native Americans and crazy mountain men.Як підкорили Захід (1976—1979)
How the West Was Won
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Episodes revolving around the Macahan family as they try to fulfill their dream of going to Oregon. They run into many setbacks along the way and are forced to delay their move many times as a result. Common wild west themes and characters abound, such as Native Americans and crazy mountain men.Сюжет (англ.)
Carl Kolchak was a reporter for Chicago's Independent News Service, and a trouble magnet for situations involving the supernatural. Kolchak turned his investigative skills to vampires, werewolves, zombies and all manner of legendary creatures, but in the end he always failed to convince his skeptical editor, Tony Vincenzo, that the stories weren't products of Kolchak's own overworked imagination.Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974—1975)
Kolchak: The Night Stalker
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Carl Kolchak was a reporter for Chicago's Independent News Service, and a trouble magnet for situations involving the supernatural. Kolchak turned his investigative skills to vampires, werewolves, zombies and all manner of legendary creatures, but in the end he always failed to convince his skeptical editor, Tony Vincenzo, that the stories weren't products of Kolchak's own overworked imagination.Сюжет (англ.)
Providence is up to his old tricks again and must find a new way to get money after the new President declares a general amnesty.Here We Go Again, Eh Providence? (1973)
Here We Go Again, Eh Providence?
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Providence is up to his old tricks again and must find a new way to get money after the new President declares a general amnesty.Сюжет (англ.)
An eccentric bounty hunter named Providence captures and sets free a criminal in order to collect the same bounty over and over again in different states, until they discover that a local sheriff is up to something crooked.Life Is Tough, Eh Providence? (1972)
Life Is Tough, Eh Providence?
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An eccentric bounty hunter named Providence captures and sets free a criminal in order to collect the same bounty over and over again in different states, until they discover that a local sheriff is up to something crooked.Сюжет
Китай, сорокові роки. Невдалий шахрай Сін замислив крупну справу. Він вступає до банди зарізяк "Сокири", яка намагається встановити панування в тихому кварталі під назвою ""Свинарник"". Чарівний, але незграбний герой стає ланкою в ланцюзі подій, що породжують карколомні поєдинки, захоплюючий екшн, купу смішних ситуацій і масу вражаючих спецефектів..Розбірки в стилі кунг-фу (1972—1975)
Kung Fu
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Китай, сорокові роки. Невдалий шахрай Сін замислив крупну справу. Він вступає до банди зарізяк "Сокири", яка намагається встановити панування в тихому кварталі під назвою ""Свинарник"". Чарівний, але незграбний герой стає ланкою в ланцюзі подій, що породжують карколомні поєдинки, захоплюючий екшн, купу смішних ситуацій і масу вражаючих спецефектів..Сюжет (англ.)
Professional killer is hired by his brother, a gang boss, to wipe out a rival gangster.Steel Wreath (1971)
Steel Wreath
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Professional killer is hired by his brother, a gang boss, to wipe out a rival gangster.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1914, Nichols, a soldier, sick of killing, returns to his Arizona hometown, named after his family, and is strong-armed into serving as Sheriff by the Ketcham clan, who run the area. Nichols, who doesn't believe in toting a gun...Nichols (1971—1972)
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In 1914, Nichols, a soldier, sick of killing, returns to his Arizona hometown, named after his family, and is strong-armed into serving as Sheriff by the Ketcham clan, who run the area. Nichols, who doesn't believe in toting a gun...Сюжет (англ.)
This spin-off from the earlier "Department S" continued the adventures of hedonistic, womanizing dandy Jason King. After leaving Department S, Jason settled down to a full-time career of ...Jason King (1971—1972)
Jason King
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This spin-off from the earlier "Department S" continued the adventures of hedonistic, womanizing dandy Jason King. After leaving Department S, Jason settled down to a full-time career of ...Сюжет (англ.)
The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place.Cannon (1971—1976)
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The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place.Сюжет (англ.)
An aging Texas cattle man who has outlived his time swings into action when outlaws kidnap his grandson.Сюжет (англ.)
Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry, two of the most wanted outlaws in the history of the West, are popular "with everyone except the railroads and the banks", since "in all the trains and banks ...Alias Smith and Jones (1971—1973)
Alias Smith and Jones
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Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry, two of the most wanted outlaws in the history of the West, are popular "with everyone except the railroads and the banks", since "in all the trains and banks ...Сюжет
Заключний етап Другої світової війни. У таборі для німецьких військовополонених в Північній Англії відбувається бунт і британське командування посилає в табір ірландського капітана Кейта в надії на те, що він зможе з'ясувати, що ж насправді там відбувається. Ірландець відразу вступає в конфлікт з головним німецьким полоненим, колишнім командиром підводного човна. У напруженій грі в кішки-мишки, Кейт вдається розгадати задум ув'язнених і він дозволяє їм бігти в надії захопити німецьку підводний човен. Але його план йде шкереберть.Втеча з табору МакКензі (1970)
The McKenzie Break
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Заключний етап Другої світової війни. У таборі для німецьких військовополонених в Північній Англії відбувається бунт і британське командування посилає в табір ірландського капітана Кейта в надії на те, що він зможе з'ясувати, що ж насправді там відбувається. Ірландець відразу вступає в конфлікт з головним німецьким полоненим, колишнім командиром підводного човна. У напруженій грі в кішки-мишки, Кейт вдається розгадати задум ув'язнених і він дозволяє їм бігти в надії захопити німецьку підводний човен. Але його план йде шкереберть.Сюжет (англ.)
As one of the founders of the town of Lincoln, John Chisum is increasingly worried as Lawrence Murphy moves in on the local stores, bank and land by questionable means. Chisum and fellow honest ranch owner Henry Tunstall try and use the law, but Murphy owns that too. Confrontation threatens and Tunstall's man Billy Bonney is not slow to get involved.Chisum (1970)
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As one of the founders of the town of Lincoln, John Chisum is increasingly worried as Lawrence Murphy moves in on the local stores, bank and land by questionable means. Chisum and fellow honest ranch owner Henry Tunstall try and use the law, but Murphy owns that too. Confrontation threatens and Tunstall's man Billy Bonney is not slow to get involved.Сюжет (англ.)
Col. Cord McNally an ex union officer teams up with a couple of ex Johnny Rebs to search for the traitor who sold information to the South during the Civil War. Their quest brings them to the town of Rio Lobo where they help recover this little Texas town from ruthless outlaws who are led by the traitor they were looking for.Rio Lobo (1970)
Rio Lobo
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Col. Cord McNally an ex union officer teams up with a couple of ex Johnny Rebs to search for the traitor who sold information to the South during the Civil War. Their quest brings them to the town of Rio Lobo where they help recover this little Texas town from ruthless outlaws who are led by the traitor they were looking for.Сюжет (англ.)
A period piece about the McIver family trying to protect their home from Civil War deserters. Actor Jodie Foster, then approximately 8, plays Suellen McIver. Actor Mitch Vogel, Jamie, is their protector.Menace on the Mountain (1970)
Menace on the Mountain
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A period piece about the McIver family trying to protect their home from Civil War deserters. Actor Jodie Foster, then approximately 8, plays Suellen McIver. Actor Mitch Vogel, Jamie, is their protector.Сюжет (англ.)
After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.The Undefeated (1969)
The Undefeated
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After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.Сюжет (англ.)
When the Indian Jimmyboy is accused of murder of a white man, he flees onto the ranch of Smith, who's well known for his tolerance for Indians, since he was raised by the old Indian Antoine...Smith! (1969)
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When the Indian Jimmyboy is accused of murder of a white man, he flees onto the ranch of Smith, who's well known for his tolerance for Indians, since he was raised by the old Indian Antoine...Сюжет (англ.)
An escaped convict goes to a small town to clear his name. He becomes part of a murder plot in order to pull his plan off.If He Hollers, Let Him Go! (1968)
If He Hollers, Let Him Go!
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An escaped convict goes to a small town to clear his name. He becomes part of a murder plot in order to pull his plan off.The Good Guys (1968)
The Good Guys
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Mannix worked originally for Wickersham at Intertect and then struck out on his own, assisted by Peggy Fair (whose cop-husband had been killed) and police department contact Tobias.Меннікс (1967—1975)
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Mannix worked originally for Wickersham at Intertect and then struck out on his own, assisted by Peggy Fair (whose cop-husband had been killed) and police department contact Tobias.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати