Ламонт Джонсон
Lamont Johnson
Дата народження: 30 вересня 1922
Знак зодіаку: Терези
Дата смерті: 24 жовтня 2010 (88 років)
Місце народження: Стоктон, Каліфорнія, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 99
Ролі: режисер ★ 7.34 (71), актор (35), продюсер (4), сценарист ★ 10 (1)
Фелісіті Портер навчається в школі і вже цілих чотири роки їй подобається Бен, від якого вона божевільна, але за весь час навчання вона з ним навіть не розмовляла. Якось на випускному вона просить Бена підписати її щоденник. Те, що написав Бен Ковінгтон у її щоденнику, повністю змінює Фелісіті. Вона навіть відмовляється вступати до військово-медичного училища, а прямує за Беном до Нью-Йоркського університету. У цьому місті їй не пощастить знайти кохання, зате вона зможе відкрити себе.Фелісіті (1998—2002)
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Фелісіті Портер навчається в школі і вже цілих чотири роки їй подобається Бен, від якого вона божевільна, але за весь час навчання вона з ним навіть не розмовляла. Якось на випускному вона просить Бена підписати її щоденник. Те, що написав Бен Ковінгтон у її щоденнику, повністю змінює Фелісіті. Вона навіть відмовляється вступати до військово-медичного училища, а прямує за Беном до Нью-Йоркського університету. У цьому місті їй не пощастить знайти кохання, зате вона зможе відкрити себе.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about celebrities lives before and after being famous.E! True Hollywood Story (1996—)
E! True Hollywood Story
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A documentary about celebrities lives before and after being famous.Сюжет (англ.)
A community is shocked to learn that their new neighbor is a convicted sex offender who has been paroled.The Man Next Door (1996)
The Man Next Door
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A community is shocked to learn that their new neighbor is a convicted sex offender who has been paroled.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of two Iroquis brothers caught in the midst of the Revolutionary War.The Broken Chain (1993)
The Broken Chain
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The story of two Iroquis brothers caught in the midst of the Revolutionary War.Сюжет (англ.)
Authentic drama of United Airlines flight 232 from Denver to Chicago. The DC-10 crashed during an emergency landing at Sioux City Gateway Airport on July 19, 1989. 184 people survived, partly thanks to the ground rescue workers who had 40 minutes to prepare for the eventCrash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232 (1992)
Crash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232
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Authentic drama of United Airlines flight 232 from Denver to Chicago. The DC-10 crashed during an emergency landing at Sioux City Gateway Airport on July 19, 1989. 184 people survived, partly thanks to the ground rescue workers who had 40 minutes to prepare for the eventСюжет (англ.)
A woman who suffers from multiple personality disorder is found during therapy to have suffered child abuse in this fact-based story.Voices Within: The Lives of Truddi Chase (1990)
Voices Within: The Lives of Truddi Chase
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A woman who suffers from multiple personality disorder is found during therapy to have suffered child abuse in this fact-based story.Сюжет (англ.)
This sweeping mini-series profiling the Kennedy family ran three nights. The film chronicles 55 years in the lives of the family opening in 1906 with the marriage of Joseph P. Kennedy, a ...The Kennedys of Massachusetts (1990)
The Kennedys of Massachusetts
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This sweeping mini-series profiling the Kennedy family ran three nights. The film chronicles 55 years in the lives of the family opening in 1906 with the marriage of Joseph P. Kennedy, a ...Сюжет (англ.)
After arriving in Washington in 1861 after his election, Abraham Lincoln struggles with personal and political problems during his Presidency.Сюжет (англ.)
Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included ...Американські майстри (1985—)
American Masters
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Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included ...Сюжет (англ.)
The story of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat responsible for saving thousands of lives from the Nazi Holocaust.Wallenberg: A Hero's Story (1985)
Wallenberg: A Hero's Story
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The story of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat responsible for saving thousands of lives from the Nazi Holocaust.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of Ernie Kovacs, a talented radio and TV presenter and entertainer ahead of his time, who tried to make his shows as innovative and quirky as budget and censorship would allow. Ignored during life, celebrated after death.Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter (1984)
Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter
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The story of Ernie Kovacs, a talented radio and TV presenter and entertainer ahead of his time, who tried to make his shows as innovative and quirky as budget and censorship would allow. Ignored during life, celebrated after death.Сюжет (англ.)
Three women make an emergency landing on a planet plagued with a fatal disease, but are captured by dictator Overdog. Adventurer Wolff goes there to rescue them and meets Niki, the only Earthling left from a medical expedition. Combining their talents, they try to rescue the women.Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (1983)
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
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Three women make an emergency landing on a planet plagued with a fatal disease, but are captured by dictator Overdog. Adventurer Wolff goes there to rescue them and meets Niki, the only Earthling left from a medical expedition. Combining their talents, they try to rescue the women.Сюжет (англ.)
At a time when most other shows for children were either low-budget productions or product-inspired cartoons that were little more than half-hour commercials, this program set out to produce high-quality classic entertainment that children would enjoy. Much inspired by an earlier children's program, Shirley Temple's Storybook (1958) (also known as "Shirley Temple Theatre"), Shelley Duvall hosts this program featuring some of the best-known in Hollywood performing adaptations of traditional stories.Театр чарівних історій (1982—1987)
Faerie Tale Theatre
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At a time when most other shows for children were either low-budget productions or product-inspired cartoons that were little more than half-hour commercials, this program set out to produce high-quality classic entertainment that children would enjoy. Much inspired by an earlier children's program, Shirley Temple's Storybook (1958) (also known as "Shirley Temple Theatre"), Shelley Duvall hosts this program featuring some of the best-known in Hollywood performing adaptations of traditional stories.Сюжет (англ.)
The true story of Ray Johnson, a convict who spent most of his life in and out of prison until he finally decided to turn his life around.Dangerous Company (1982)
Dangerous Company
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The true story of Ray Johnson, a convict who spent most of his life in and out of prison until he finally decided to turn his life around.Сюжет (англ.)
A dramatized account of how the staff of the Canadian Embassy helped a group of American diplomats escape from Iran during the Iranian Revolution.Escape from Iran: The Canadian Caper (1981)
Escape from Iran: The Canadian Caper
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A dramatized account of how the staff of the Canadian Embassy helped a group of American diplomats escape from Iran during the Iranian Revolution.Сюжет (англ.)
In 19th-century Oklahoma, two teen girls who love stories about outlaws are on a quest to meet and join up with them. They find a shadow of a former gang and, although disappointed, still try to help them escape from a vigorous Ma...Cattle Annie and Little Britches (1980)
Cattle Annie and Little Britches
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In 19th-century Oklahoma, two teen girls who love stories about outlaws are on a quest to meet and join up with them. They find a shadow of a former gang and, although disappointed, still try to help them escape from a vigorous Ma...Сюжет
Жив-був самурай. За наказом обезголовлював тих, кого сьогун призначав винуватими. А сьогун страждав психічними розладами, і одного разу темною ніччю підіслав до самурая загін ніндзя. Ніндзі не знайшли самурая, але убили його дружину. І самурай ухвалив рішення помститися. Він йшов по Японії і віз в колясці свого маленького сина. Де міг, підробляв найманою вбивцею. А по сліду за ним йшли підіслані сьогуном ніндзя...Вбивця Шьоґуна (1980)
Shogun Assassin
12+Читати опис
Жив-був самурай. За наказом обезголовлював тих, кого сьогун призначав винуватими. А сьогун страждав психічними розладами, і одного разу темною ніччю підіслав до самурая загін ніндзя. Ніндзі не знайшли самурая, але убили його дружину. І самурай ухвалив рішення помститися. Він йшов по Японії і віз в колясці свого маленького сина. Де міг, підробляв найманою вбивцею. А по сліду за ним йшли підіслані сьогуном ніндзя...Сюжет (англ.)
A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to ...Off the Minnesota Strip (1980)
Off the Minnesota Strip
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A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to ...Сюжет (англ.)
A woman's husband is murdered and she and her lover must find the killer or stand accused of doing it themselves.Somebody Killed Her Husband (1978)
Somebody Killed Her Husband
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A woman's husband is murdered and she and her lover must find the killer or stand accused of doing it themselves.Сюжет (англ.)
Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport...One on One (1977)
One on One
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Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport...Сюжет (англ.)
A top fashion model seeks justice after she is brutally raped by her teenaged sister's music teacher.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of John Henry Faulk, a radio/TV personality of the 1950s, who was blacklisted during the McCarthy era. Faulk sued the organization that was behind the blacklisting, and the ...Fear on Trial (1975)
Fear on Trial
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The story of John Henry Faulk, a radio/TV personality of the 1950s, who was blacklisted during the McCarthy era. Faulk sued the organization that was behind the blacklisting, and the ...Сюжет (англ.)
An American anthropologist and his son benefit from their experiences with an East African tribe.Visit to a Chief's Son (1974)
Visit to a Chief's Son
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An American anthropologist and his son benefit from their experiences with an East African tribe.Сюжет
Історія Едді Словіка, який був страчений армією в 1945 році. Єдиний американський солдат, який був страчений за дезертирство з часів громадянської війни в США.Страта рядового Словіка (1974)
The Execution of Private Slovik
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Історія Едді Словіка, який був страчений армією в 1945 році. Єдиний американський солдат, який був страчений за дезертирство з часів громадянської війни в США.Сюжет (англ.)
A young hellraiser quits his moonshine business to try to become the best NASCAR racer the south has ever seen.The Last American Hero (1973)
The Last American Hero
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A young hellraiser quits his moonshine business to try to become the best NASCAR racer the south has ever seen.Сюжет (англ.)
Teenager Nick Salter visits his divorced father Doug and meets Dad's new friend Gary McLain. But Doug enjoys Gary's company more than the company of women. Nick must then learn to deal with Doug's homosexuality.That Certain Summer (1972)
That Certain Summer
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Teenager Nick Salter visits his divorced father Doug and meets Dad's new friend Gary McLain. But Doug enjoys Gary's company more than the company of women. Nick must then learn to deal with Doug's homosexuality.Сюжет (англ.)
Francesa Kinsolving, a very pregnant widow whose husband was rescently killed in action in Vietnam, travels to visit her late husband's mother in a snowy Minnesota town only to get snowed ...You'll Like My Mother (1972)
You'll Like My Mother
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Francesa Kinsolving, a very pregnant widow whose husband was rescently killed in action in Vietnam, travels to visit her late husband's mother in a snowy Minnesota town only to get snowed ...Сюжет (англ.)
A break-in and sabotage attempt occurs at a top secret research institute and the culprit is cornered and captured. The problem is that he's been badly injured and claims to have lost his memory entirely. A cat-and-mouse game ensues between investigator Tuxan, the mystery intruder Welles and the people who sent him on the mission.The Groundstar Conspiracy (1972)
The Groundstar Conspiracy
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A break-in and sabotage attempt occurs at a top secret research institute and the culprit is cornered and captured. The problem is that he's been badly injured and claims to have lost his memory entirely. A cat-and-mouse game ensues between investigator Tuxan, the mystery intruder Welles and the people who sent him on the mission.Сюжет (англ.)
Will Tenneray and Abe Cross are two famous gunfighters who are getting old and need money. Cross tried his luck at gold prospecting but failed. Tenneray works at the local saloon where he capitalizes on his past fame to "sucker fools into buying drinks". The town expects them to become enemies and kill each other in a gunfight but the two aging gunfighters start liking one another. Desperate for money, Tenneray suggests to Cross to put on a show for the townsfolk and fight in an arena for money. The proceeds from the ticket sales would go to the winner of the gunfight. Both men like the idea of a paid show but hate the possibility of one of them killing the other.A Gunfight (1971)
A Gunfight
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Will Tenneray and Abe Cross are two famous gunfighters who are getting old and need money. Cross tried his luck at gold prospecting but failed. Tenneray works at the local saloon where he capitalizes on his past fame to "sucker fools into buying drinks". The town expects them to become enemies and kill each other in a gunfight but the two aging gunfighters start liking one another. Desperate for money, Tenneray suggests to Cross to put on a show for the townsfolk and fight in an arena for money. The proceeds from the ticket sales would go to the winner of the gunfight. Both men like the idea of a paid show but hate the possibility of one of them killing the other.Сюжет
Заключний етап Другої світової війни. У таборі для німецьких військовополонених в Північній Англії відбувається бунт і британське командування посилає в табір ірландського капітана Кейта в надії на те, що він зможе з'ясувати, що ж насправді там відбувається. Ірландець відразу вступає в конфлікт з головним німецьким полоненим, колишнім командиром підводного човна. У напруженій грі в кішки-мишки, Кейт вдається розгадати задум ув'язнених і він дозволяє їм бігти в надії захопити німецьку підводний човен. Але його план йде шкереберть.Втеча з табору МакКензі (1970)
The McKenzie Break
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Заключний етап Другої світової війни. У таборі для німецьких військовополонених в Північній Англії відбувається бунт і британське командування посилає в табір ірландського капітана Кейта в надії на те, що він зможе з'ясувати, що ж насправді там відбувається. Ірландець відразу вступає в конфлікт з головним німецьким полоненим, колишнім командиром підводного човна. У напруженій грі в кішки-мишки, Кейт вдається розгадати задум ув'язнених і він дозволяє їм бігти в надії захопити німецьку підводний човен. Але його план йде шкереберть.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати