Френк Де Вол
Frank De Vol
Дата народження: 20 вересня 1911
Знак зодіаку: Діва
Дата смерті: 27 жовтня 1999 (88 років)
Місце народження: Курундсвілл, Західна Вірджинія, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 107
Ролі: композитор (76), актор (38)
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Charles, a college student, is a live-in housekeeper in the Powell household. Charles, along with his friend Buddy, attempts to juggle his studies, friendships, and duties to the family.Чарльзів клопіт (1984—1990)
Charles in Charge
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Charles, a college student, is a live-in housekeeper in the Powell household. Charles, along with his friend Buddy, attempts to juggle his studies, friendships, and duties to the family.Сюжет (англ.)
Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.The Fall Guy (1981—1986)
The Fall Guy
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Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.Сюжет (англ.)
It's quiet in Chastity Gulch, a small town in the Wild West. The men of the village are all in the army and fight their battles far away. The women are getting very bored! At once a bunch ...The Wild Women of Chastity Gulch (1982)
The Wild Women of Chastity Gulch
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It's quiet in Chastity Gulch, a small town in the Wild West. The men of the village are all in the army and fight their battles far away. The women are getting very bored! At once a bunch ...Сюжет
Одного дня дивакуватий мільйонер Едвард Стреттон ІІІ дізнається, що він банкрут і має сина від невдалого триденного шлюбу.Срібні ложки (1982—1987)
Silver Spoons
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Одного дня дивакуватий мільйонер Едвард Стреттон ІІІ дізнається, що він банкрут і має сина від невдалого триденного шлюбу.Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of the staff and guests of the St. Gregory Hotel.Herbie, the Love Bug (1982)
Herbie, the Love Bug
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Harry Sears manages The California Dolls, a female wrestling tag team who tour America, hoping for a chance at winning big time. Harry's also romantically involved with one of them. Their fortunes seem osecondary to him (particularly...All the Marbles (1981)
...All the Marbles
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Harry Sears manages The California Dolls, a female wrestling tag team who tour America, hoping for a chance at winning big time. Harry's also romantically involved with one of them. Their fortunes seem osecondary to him (particularlyСюжет (англ.)
The pilot for "Brady Bunch" revival series, "The Brady Brides." Jan and Marcia have met the men of their dreams and decide to tie the knot. They agree to hold the weddings together in the ...The Brady Girls Get Married (1981)
The Brady Girls Get Married
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The pilot for "Brady Bunch" revival series, "The Brady Brides." Jan and Marcia have met the men of their dreams and decide to tie the knot. They agree to hold the weddings together in the ...Сюжет (англ.)
The oldest Brady girls, Marcia and Jan have grown up and met the men they have been looking for. The girls find a house that they have always wanted but have to convince the guys that it's ...The Brady Brides (1981)
The Brady Brides
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The oldest Brady girls, Marcia and Jan have grown up and met the men they have been looking for. The girls find a house that they have always wanted but have to convince the guys that it's ...Сюжет (англ.)
Ghosts and a young cadet try to save a military academy from being closed.The Ghosts of Buxley Hall (1980)
The Ghosts of Buxley Hall
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Ghosts and a young cadet try to save a military academy from being closed.Сюжет
Піт Станчек отримує у спадок від свого дядька Джима Дугласа гоночний автомобіль, який зберігатися в Пуерто-Вальярті. Піт засмучується, дізнавшись, що автомобілем є стара модель Фольксваген Жук. Але коли Піт бачить, що автомобіль може робити і розуміє, що він має свій власний розум, він вирішує взяти участь на ньому в гонці Гран-Прі в Бразилії.Гербі летить з котушок (1980)
Herbie Goes Bananas
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Піт Станчек отримує у спадок від свого дядька Джима Дугласа гоночний автомобіль, який зберігатися в Пуерто-Вальярті. Піт засмучується, дізнавшись, що автомобілем є стара модель Фольксваген Жук. Але коли Піт бачить, що автомобіль може робити і розуміє, що він має свій власний розум, він вирішує взяти участь на ньому в гонці Гран-Прі в Бразилії.Сюжет
На дворі 1850-ий рік - новоспечений ортодоксальний раввін Аврам Белінські вирішив добратися з Філадельфії до Сан-Франциско… верхи на коні.Єдине, що знає про Каліфорнію невдалий їздець - це те, що вона «десь недалеко від Нью-Йорка». На щастя, Аврам знайомиться з бувалим ковбоєм Томом Ліллардом, який готовий протягнути руку допомоги.
Шлях в Сан-Франциско - вельми ризикований захід, що приніс супутникам масу неприємностей: проблеми із законом, зустрічі з індійцями і бандою жорстоких головорізів.
Хлопець із Фріско (1979)
The Frisco Kid
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На дворі 1850-ий рік - новоспечений ортодоксальний раввін Аврам Белінські вирішив добратися з Філадельфії до Сан-Франциско… верхи на коні.Єдине, що знає про Каліфорнію невдалий їздець - це те, що вона «десь недалеко від Нью-Йорка». На щастя, Аврам знайомиться з бувалим ковбоєм Томом Ліллардом, який готовий протягнути руку допомоги.
Шлях в Сан-Франциско - вельми ризикований захід, що приніс супутникам масу неприємностей: проблеми із законом, зустрічі з індійцями і бандою жорстоких головорізів.
Сюжет (англ.)
This was an attempt to revive the old television series wherein a millionaire gives a million dollars to total strangers and how it affects their lives. In this case he first gives to a man who works in a garage with his two broth...The Millionaire (1978)
The Millionaire
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This was an attempt to revive the old television series wherein a millionaire gives a million dollars to total strangers and how it affects their lives. In this case he first gives to a man who works in a garage with his two broth...Сюжет (англ.)
Phillip Drummond, a widowed Manhattan millionaire and president of the mega-firm Trans Allied Inc., adopts two African American orphans from Harlem, 8-year-old Arnold and 12-year-old Willis. Drummond had made a promise to their dying mother, his housekeeper, that he would care for the boys after she passes away; their father had died years earlier. The boys, whom Drummond always introduced as his two sons, went from rags to riches literally overnight. At first, Willis was rather skeptical of their newfound wealth, but eventually, both he and Arnold felt right at home in their newfound surroundings. Also part of the family were Drummond's beautiful daughter, 13-year-old Kimberly; and his no-nonsense housekeeper, Edna Garrett. As the years passed, Mrs. Garrett left to become housemother at the Eastland School for Girls; she was replaced by the cantankerous Adelaide Brubaker and still later, charming Pearl Gallagher. Arnold's friends, Dudley and Robbie (and later, Charlie); Willis' girlfriend, Charlene; cast members from "The Facts of Life"; and Drummond's sister, Sophia, were frequently seen. In early 1984, Drummond found true love, marrying fitness instructor Maggie McKinney; she had a 6-year-old son, Sam. While most series revolved around the typical lessons of growing up, some were quite serious (including a frightening encounter with a child molester and a memorable episode dealing with drug abuse guest starring First Lady Nancy Reagan).Diff'rent Strokes (1978—1986)
Diff'rent Strokes
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Phillip Drummond, a widowed Manhattan millionaire and president of the mega-firm Trans Allied Inc., adopts two African American orphans from Harlem, 8-year-old Arnold and 12-year-old Willis. Drummond had made a promise to their dying mother, his housekeeper, that he would care for the boys after she passes away; their father had died years earlier. The boys, whom Drummond always introduced as his two sons, went from rags to riches literally overnight. At first, Willis was rather skeptical of their newfound wealth, but eventually, both he and Arnold felt right at home in their newfound surroundings. Also part of the family were Drummond's beautiful daughter, 13-year-old Kimberly; and his no-nonsense housekeeper, Edna Garrett. As the years passed, Mrs. Garrett left to become housemother at the Eastland School for Girls; she was replaced by the cantankerous Adelaide Brubaker and still later, charming Pearl Gallagher. Arnold's friends, Dudley and Robbie (and later, Charlie); Willis' girlfriend, Charlene; cast members from "The Facts of Life"; and Drummond's sister, Sophia, were frequently seen. In early 1984, Drummond found true love, marrying fitness instructor Maggie McKinney; she had a 6-year-old son, Sam. While most series revolved around the typical lessons of growing up, some were quite serious (including a frightening encounter with a child molester and a memorable episode dealing with drug abuse guest starring First Lady Nancy Reagan).Сюжет (англ.)
Dan Tanna is a private investigator in the gambling town of Las Vegas, Nevada. Vegas can be seedy or glamorous, depending upon the point of view. This show is also notable for perhaps the only known portrayal of a house with a "driveВеґа$ (1978—1981)
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Dan Tanna is a private investigator in the gambling town of Las Vegas, Nevada. Vegas can be seedy or glamorous, depending upon the point of view. This show is also notable for perhaps the only known portrayal of a house with a "driveСюжет (англ.)
The second season version of "Fernwood 2Nite". The small time talk show from Fernwood, Ohio has moved to Alta Coma, California, where it has taken on a more national flavor. This satire of ...America 2-Night (1978)
America 2-Night
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The second season version of "Fernwood 2Nite". The small time talk show from Fernwood, Ohio has moved to Alta Coma, California, where it has taken on a more national flavor. This satire of ...Сюжет (англ.)
A group of Los Angeles cops decide to take off some of the pressures of their jobs by engaging in various forms of after hours debauchery.The Choirboys (1977)
The Choirboys
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A group of Los Angeles cops decide to take off some of the pressures of their jobs by engaging in various forms of after hours debauchery.Сюжет (англ.)
The romantic and comic tales of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess.Корабель кохання (1977—1987)
The Love Boat
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The romantic and comic tales of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess.Fernwood Tonight (1977)
Fernwood Tonight
Джим Дуглас та його механік Віллі Епплгейт приїздять до Монте-Карло на автоперегони зі своїм Фольксвагеном "Гербі". Тим часом, двоє злодіїв цуплять дорогоцінний діямант вартістю 6 мільйонів $ у музеї, поряд з яким розташувалися учасники майбутніх перегонів. "Перлина" випадково потрапляє до бензобаку Гербі і крадії будуть намагатися заволодіти коштовністю будь-яким способом упродовж перегонів.Гербі їде в Монте-Карло (1977)
Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo
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Джим Дуглас та його механік Віллі Епплгейт приїздять до Монте-Карло на автоперегони зі своїм Фольксвагеном "Гербі". Тим часом, двоє злодіїв цуплять дорогоцінний діямант вартістю 6 мільйонів $ у музеї, поряд з яким розташувалися учасники майбутніх перегонів. "Перлина" випадково потрапляє до бензобаку Гербі і крадії будуть намагатися заволодіти коштовністю будь-яким способом упродовж перегонів.Сюжет (англ.)
W.C. Fields is an American original, the curmudgeonly master of wit and good, mean fun.W.C. Fields and Me (1976)
W.C. Fields and Me
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W.C. Fields is an American original, the curmudgeonly master of wit and good, mean fun.Сюжет (англ.)
Phil Gaines is a bitter, cynical cop who investigates the case of a dead stripper/porno actress found on the beach. Gaines is experiencing a troubled relationship with a hooker, and things don't get any better when the dead girl's father launches his own investigation.Hustle (1975)
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Phil Gaines is a bitter, cynical cop who investigates the case of a dead stripper/porno actress found on the beach. Gaines is experiencing a troubled relationship with a hooker, and things don't get any better when the dead girl's father launches his own investigation.Сюжет (англ.)
This sitcom follows recently divorced mother (Ann Romano) and her two teenage daughters (Barbara and Julie) as they start a new life together in Indianapolis, They are befriended by the building superintendent (Dwayne Schneider), who treats them like family. Together, these four main characters face life's challenges together.One Day at a Time (1975—2005)
One Day at a Time
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This sitcom follows recently divorced mother (Ann Romano) and her two teenage daughters (Barbara and Julie) as they start a new life together in Indianapolis, They are befriended by the building superintendent (Dwayne Schneider), who treats them like family. Together, these four main characters face life's challenges together.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of a young woman and an older man, who were stranded in the Yukon wilderness for 49 days and survived by eating melted snow.Hey, I'm Alive (1975)
Hey, I'm Alive
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The story of a young woman and an older man, who were stranded in the Yukon wilderness for 49 days and survived by eating melted snow.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Fabulous Thirties, Doc Savage and his five Amazing Adventurers are sucked into the mystery of Doc's father disappearing in the wilds of South America. The maniacal Captain Seas tries to thwart them at every turn as they travel to the country of Hidalgo to investigate Doc's father's death and uncover a vast horde of Incan gold.Док Севідж: Бронзова людина (1975)
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
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In the Fabulous Thirties, Doc Savage and his five Amazing Adventurers are sucked into the mystery of Doc's father disappearing in the wilds of South America. The maniacal Captain Seas tries to thwart them at every turn as they travel to the country of Hidalgo to investigate Doc's father's death and uncover a vast horde of Incan gold.Сюжет (англ.)
"The Jeffersons" was perhaps the most-successful spinoff series to "All in the Family." George Jefferson was the black version of Archie Bunker in many respects, both were loud-mouthed, opinionated and set in their bigoted ways. By 1975, Jefferson's fledging dry-cleaning business, Jefferson Cleaners, had successfully grown into a small chain; his newfound wealth led to moving his family to a "deluxe apartment in the sky" in Manhattan. His family included his wife, Louise, a level-headed and open-minded woman who often had to scold George when his mouth got him into trouble; and Lionel, an engineering major at a local college. He especially disliked Tom and Helen Willis, a mixed couple (he was white, she was black) whose daughter, Jenny, was dating and later married Lionel; Florence, his sharp-tongued maid; and Harry Bentley, the esoteric Englishman who lived next door. George often flaunted his wealth and displayed rude, arrogant, bigoted behavior; however, he often found that money didn't open every door or win him favor with everyone. In later years, George and Louise became grandparents (welcoming an adorable little girl, Jessica); and Lionel and Jenny found work he as an electrical engineer, she as a fashion designer. However, Lionel and Jenny's marriage soon began to crumble. Meanwhile, as Jefferson Cleaners continued to expand, George continually had to deal with competing dry-cleaning franchises, who sought to put George out of business. In the final season, George and Tom formed a partnership and purchased Charlie's Bar, their favorite hangout.Джефферсони (1975—1985)
The Jeffersons
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"The Jeffersons" was perhaps the most-successful spinoff series to "All in the Family." George Jefferson was the black version of Archie Bunker in many respects, both were loud-mouthed, opinionated and set in their bigoted ways. By 1975, Jefferson's fledging dry-cleaning business, Jefferson Cleaners, had successfully grown into a small chain; his newfound wealth led to moving his family to a "deluxe apartment in the sky" in Manhattan. His family included his wife, Louise, a level-headed and open-minded woman who often had to scold George when his mouth got him into trouble; and Lionel, an engineering major at a local college. He especially disliked Tom and Helen Willis, a mixed couple (he was white, she was black) whose daughter, Jenny, was dating and later married Lionel; Florence, his sharp-tongued maid; and Harry Bentley, the esoteric Englishman who lived next door. George often flaunted his wealth and displayed rude, arrogant, bigoted behavior; however, he often found that money didn't open every door or win him favor with everyone. In later years, George and Louise became grandparents (welcoming an adorable little girl, Jessica); and Lionel and Jenny found work he as an electrical engineer, she as a fashion designer. However, Lionel and Jenny's marriage soon began to crumble. Meanwhile, as Jefferson Cleaners continued to expand, George continually had to deal with competing dry-cleaning franchises, who sought to put George out of business. In the final season, George and Tom formed a partnership and purchased Charlie's Bar, their favorite hangout.Сюжет (англ.)
A sadistic warden asks a former pro quarterback, now serving time in his prison, to put together a team of inmates to take on (and get pummeled by) the guards.Усе або нічого (1974)
The Longest Yard
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A sadistic warden asks a former pro quarterback, now serving time in his prison, to put together a team of inmates to take on (and get pummeled by) the guards.Сюжет (англ.)
Adventures of sexy & sassy black undercover cop Christie Love.Get Christie Love! (1974—1975)
Get Christie Love!
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Adventures of sexy & sassy black undercover cop Christie Love.Сюжет (англ.)
A former CIA agent and his friend operate a boat service in Florida find themselves the target of an eccentric millionaire with a score to settle.Сюжет
Hobos encounter a sadistic railway conductor that will not let anyone "ride the rails" for free.Emperor of the North (1973)
Emperor of the North
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Hobos encounter a sadistic railway conductor that will not let anyone "ride the rails" for free.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати