Дон Мюррей
Don Murray
Дата народження: 31 липня 1929
Знак зодіаку: Лев
Дата смерті: 2 лютого 2024 (94 роки)
Місце народження: Голлівуд, Каліфорнія, США
Зріст: 188 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 102
What Ever Happened to Norma Jeane? (2018)
What Ever Happened to Norma Jeane?
зіграв самого себе
28 листопада 2022 (Світ)
2 год 36 хв
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A retired contract scout for the union, compelled to move on from his tragic past, embarks on a deadly mission with gunfight battles, double crosses, and an unexpected showdown to learn what happened to his true love and her little girl.Promise (2021)
актор у ролі Zacharias
6 квітня 2021 (Світ)
1 год 59 хв
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A retired contract scout for the union, compelled to move on from his tragic past, embarks on a deadly mission with gunfight battles, double crosses, and an unexpected showdown to learn what happened to his true love and her little girl.Сюжет
25 років тому мешканці маленького містечка Твін Пікс були приголомшені загадковим вбивством королеви школи Лори Палмер. Проте історія ще не закінчена, події давно минулих днів дають про себе знати.Твін Пікс (2017)
Twin Peaks
Серіал 1 сезон, 0 епізодів
актор у ролі Bushnell Mullins
14 березня 2017 (Світ)
60 хв
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25 років тому мешканці маленького містечка Твін Пікс були приголомшені загадковим вбивством королеви школи Лори Палмер. Проте історія ще не закінчена, події давно минулих днів дають про себе знати.
Є українське аудіо
Сюжет (англ.)
Friendship turns to resentment when a young woman comes between two roommates.Call Me by My Rightful Name (1972)
Call Me by My Rightful Name
актор у ролі Doug, продюсер, сценарист
17 липня 2016 (Світ)
1 год 31 хв
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Friendship turns to resentment when a young woman comes between two roommates.Сюжет (англ.)
In the 1950s, Tab Hunter is number one at the box office and number one on the music charts. He is Hollywood's most sought-after star and America's boy next door. Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren are just a few of the actresses he is romantically linked to. Nothing, it seems, can damage his skyrocketing career. Nothing, that is, except for the fact that Tab Hunter is secretly gay. Now, Tab Hunter's secret is out. In TAB HUNTER CONFIDENTIAL we will meet, for the first time, the real Tab Hunter as he shares with us the whole story of a happy, healthy survivor of Hollywood's roller coaster.Tab Hunter Confidential (2015)
Tab Hunter Confidential
зіграв самого себе
15 березня 2015 (Світ)
1 год 30 хв
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In the 1950s, Tab Hunter is number one at the box office and number one on the music charts. He is Hollywood's most sought-after star and America's boy next door. Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren are just a few of the actresses he is romantically linked to. Nothing, it seems, can damage his skyrocketing career. Nothing, that is, except for the fact that Tab Hunter is secretly gay. Now, Tab Hunter's secret is out. In TAB HUNTER CONFIDENTIAL we will meet, for the first time, the real Tab Hunter as he shares with us the whole story of a happy, healthy survivor of Hollywood's roller coaster.Сюжет
Документальний фільм знайомить аудиторію з незнайомим раніше публіці образом Мерилін Монро. Для створення картини були використані особисті листи, щоденники та вірші, написані зіркою. Всі ці речі знайшли в останнього чоловіка жінки — Артура Міллера.Невідома Мерилін (2012)
Love, Marilyn
зіграв самого себе
30 травня 2013 (Світ)
США, Франція
1 год 47 хв
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Документальний фільм знайомить аудиторію з незнайомим раніше публіці образом Мерилін Монро. Для створення картини були використані особисті листи, щоденники та вірші, написані зіркою. Всі ці речі знайшли в останнього чоловіка жінки — Артура Міллера.Сюжет (англ.)
In the aftermath of Stonewall, a newly politicized Vito Russo found his voice as a gay activist and critic of LGBT representation in the media. He went on to write "The Celluloid Closet," the first book to critique Hollywood's portrayals of gays on screen. During the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Vito became a passionate advocate for justice via the newly formed ACT UP, before his death in 1990.Vito (2011)
актор у ролі Senator Brigham Anderson
14 жовтня 2011 (Світ)
1 год 33 хв
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In the aftermath of Stonewall, a newly politicized Vito Russo found his voice as a gay activist and critic of LGBT representation in the media. He went on to write "The Celluloid Closet," the first book to critique Hollywood's portrayals of gays on screen. During the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Vito became a passionate advocate for justice via the newly formed ACT UP, before his death in 1990.Сюжет (англ.)
The stars of Knots Landing (1979) reunite to discuss their experiences working on the series.Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again (2005)
Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again
актор у ролі Self / Sid Fairgate
2 грудня 2005 (Світ)
1 год 26 хв
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The stars of Knots Landing (1979) reunite to discuss their experiences working on the series.Сюжет (англ.)
Catherine Gaits, married, has an affair with Peter Thornton and has made it very clear that this one time will stay one time. But Thornton is obsessive and doesn't give up. He blackmails her to try to renew their relationship.Island Prey (2001)
Island Prey
актор у ролі Parker Gaits
1 січня 2001 (Світ)
1 год 33 хв
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Catherine Gaits, married, has an affair with Peter Thornton and has made it very clear that this one time will stay one time. But Thornton is obsessive and doesn't give up. He blackmails her to try to renew their relationship.Сюжет (англ.)
Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.E! Mysteries & Scandals (1998—2001)
E! Mysteries & Scandals
Серіал 1 сезон, 1 епізод
зіграв самого себе
9 квітня 1998 (Світ)
30 хв
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Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.Сюжет (англ.)
Experience the magic and adventure from Walt Disney world of color.Чарівний світ Діснею (1997—2008)
The Wonderful World of Disney
Серіал 9 сезонів, 138 епізодів
актор у ролі Reporter
28 вересня 1997 (Світ)
2 год 0 хв
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Experience the magic and adventure from Walt Disney world of color.Сюжет (англ.)
In a world where there are no obvious "bad guys", where governments engage in secret wars and illegal activities that threaten the security of every individual and nation on the planet, a group of highly trained covert military op...Soldier of Fortune, Inc. (1997—1999)
Soldier of Fortune, Inc.
Серіал 2 сезони, 37 епізодів
актор у ролі 'John James'
27 вересня 1997 (Світ)
Канада, США
60 хв
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In a world where there are no obvious "bad guys", where governments engage in secret wars and illegal activities that threaten the security of every individual and nation on the planet, a group of highly trained covert military op...Сюжет
Документалка про першу половину століття корпорації 20 століття Фокс від її початку під керівництвом угорського імміґранта Вілльяма Фокса.Двадцяте Століття Фокс. Перші 50 років (1997)
Twentieth Century Fox: The First 50 Years
зіграв самого себе
21 січня 1997 (Світ)
2 год 30 хв
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Документалка про першу половину століття корпорації 20 століття Фокс від її початку під керівництвом угорського імміґранта Вілльяма Фокса.Сюжет (англ.)
Max Raines and her mom are going to visit a friend, where she meets his son. Rich playboys don't interest Max. But she gives him a chance, and they get to know each other better...Hearts Adrift (1996)
Hearts Adrift
актор у ролі Lloyd Raines
7 серпня 1996 (Світ)
2 год 0 хв
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Max Raines and her mom are going to visit a friend, where she meets his son. Rich playboys don't interest Max. But she gives him a chance, and they get to know each other better...Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about celebrities lives before and after being famous.E! True Hollywood Story (1996—)
E! True Hollywood Story
Серіал 14 сезонів, 506 епізодів
Поновлений серіал
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29 березня 1996 (Світ)
60 хв
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A documentary about celebrities lives before and after being famous.Сюжет (англ.)
A struggling New York writer (Jonathan Silverman) attempts to find success and dates.The Single Guy (1995—1997)
The Single Guy
Серіал 2 сезони, 44 епізоди
актор у ролі Chip Bremley
21 вересня 1995 (Світ)
30 хв
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A struggling New York writer (Jonathan Silverman) attempts to find success and dates.Сюжет (англ.)
Find out more about the women you love and admire who have made their mark in movies, music, politics, sports, and more in these "Intimate Portraits."Intimate Portrait (1990—2005)
Intimate Portrait
Серіал 12 сезонів, 281 епізод
зіграв самого себе
3 січня 1994 (Світ)
60 хв
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Find out more about the women you love and admire who have made their mark in movies, music, politics, sports, and more in these "Intimate Portraits."Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy-darma series focusing on an extended family in Portland, Oregon. After many years of absence from his family, Bing Hammersmith returns with a new wife and young son to his ...Sons and Daughters (1991)
Sons and Daughters
Серіал 1 сезон, 13 епізодів
актор у ролі Bing Hammersmith
4 січня 1991 (Світ)
60 хв
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Comedy-darma series focusing on an extended family in Portland, Oregon. After many years of absence from his family, Bing Hammersmith returns with a new wife and young son to his ...Сюжет (англ.)
Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.Сюжет
Чоловік Бо Дерек покінчує з життям самогубством, але на небесах йому дають другий шанс повернутися в світ живих. Однак є дві умови: перша, у нього тільки два дні на це, друга, вибрану ним людину, потрібно вбити, щоб переселитися в її тіло ...Привиди цього не роблять (1989)
Ghosts Can't Do It
актор у ролі Winston
17 жовтня 1989 (Світ)
1 год 30 хв
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Чоловік Бо Дерек покінчує з життям самогубством, але на небесах йому дають другий шанс повернутися в світ живих. Однак є дві умови: перша, у нього тільки два дні на це, друга, вибрану ним людину, потрібно вбити, щоб переселитися в її тіло ...
Є українське аудіо
Сюжет (англ.)
A millionaire father of three (Don Murray) falls in love with and marries a sweet blue-collar waitress (Barbara Eden), who has her own three kids. They combine families in Murray's Bel-Air mansion in this Disney TV movie which led...Зовсім нове життя (1989—1990)
A Brand New Life
Серіал 1 сезон, 6 епізодів
актор у ролі Roger Gibbons
1 жовтня 1989 (Світ)
60 хв
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A millionaire father of three (Don Murray) falls in love with and marries a sweet blue-collar waitress (Barbara Eden), who has her own three kids. They combine families in Murray's Bel-Air mansion in this Disney TV movie which led...Сюжет
«Зроблено на небесах» — це романтичний фільм-казка про дві душі, які вперше зустрілись на Небесах і планують зустрітись в наступному земному житті.Зроблено в раю (1987)
Made in Heaven
актор у ролі Ben Chandler
6 листопада 1987 (Світ)
1 год 43 хв
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«Зроблено на небесах» — це романтичний фільм-казка про дві душі, які вперше зустрілись на Небесах і планують зустрітись в наступному земному житті.Сюжет (англ.)
Her story is well-known - the lonely child who yearned for affection and approval which she finally seemed to find as Hollywood's greatest love goddess. But even though she scaled heights ...Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend (1987)
Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend
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1 листопада 1987 (Світ)
60 хв
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Her story is well-known - the lonely child who yearned for affection and approval which she finally seemed to find as Hollywood's greatest love goddess. But even though she scaled heights ...Сюжет (англ.)
A woman who's been having an affair with a married man who's been taking care of her. When he dies she finds herself with nothing. So she tries to rebuild her life but not without the stigma of being a kept woman following her.Mistress (1987)
актор у ролі Wyn
4 жовтня 1987 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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A woman who's been having an affair with a married man who's been taking care of her. When he dies she finds herself with nothing. So she tries to rebuild her life but not without the stigma of being a kept woman following her.Сюжет (англ.)
First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Біографія (1987—)
Серіал 6 сезонів, 76 епізодів
Поновлений серіал
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6 квітня 1987 (Світ)
60 хв
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First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Сюжет (англ.)
Television journalist, Patricia Traymore, moves to Washington to do an in-depth interview with vice presidential hopeful, Senator Abigail Winslow. She moves into a house where she lived as ...Stillwatch (1987)
актор у ролі Sam Kingsley
10 лютого 1987 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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Television journalist, Patricia Traymore, moves to Washington to do an in-depth interview with vice presidential hopeful, Senator Abigail Winslow. She moves into a house where she lived as ...Сюжет (англ.)
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and later in the movie Peter Fonda narrate the story about the censorship, exploitation and sex in Hollywood movies from the 1930s and the Hays' Motion Picture Production Code to the present day era.Hollywood Uncensored (1987)
Hollywood Uncensored
зіграв самого себе
1 січня 1987 (Світ)
1 год 15 хв
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Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and later in the movie Peter Fonda narrate the story about the censorship, exploitation and sex in Hollywood movies from the 1930s and the Hays' Motion Picture Production Code to the present day era.Сюжет (англ.)
In this sequel to The Stepford Wives, Steven and Laura Harding (along with their kids David and Mary) have moved to the quiet community of Stepford, CT. Steven joins the men's club, which is still assimilating their wives into robots. This time, they have begun to turn their out of control teens into robots as well. Once they are assimilated, they are obedient, homework loving, big band dancing droids. Laura, David, and Mary stumble onto this mystery, and they must avoid Steven's plans to turn them into robots.The Stepford Children (1987)
The Stepford Children
актор у ролі Steven Harding
1 січня 1987 (Світ)
1 год 36 хв
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In this sequel to The Stepford Wives, Steven and Laura Harding (along with their kids David and Mary) have moved to the quiet community of Stepford, CT. Steven joins the men's club, which is still assimilating their wives into robots. This time, they have begun to turn their out of control teens into robots as well. Once they are assimilated, they are obedient, homework loving, big band dancing droids. Laura, David, and Mary stumble onto this mystery, and they must avoid Steven's plans to turn them into robots.Сюжет (англ.)
American spy Scorpion learns of the KGB capture of The Widow just as she is ready to retire. Later Scorpion gets kidnapped from her hot tub.Сюжет (англ.)
A young man and a nice woman in her forties fall in love. His mother goes berserk when he tells her about it and when the girlfriend comes to meet the mother, she wants to jump out of her skin. Accepting her son's choice won't be ...Something in Common (1986)
Something in Common
актор у ролі Theo Fontana
2 листопада 1986 (Світ)
1 год 42 хв
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A young man and a nice woman in her forties fall in love. His mother goes berserk when he tells her about it and when the girlfriend comes to meet the mother, she wants to jump out of her skin. Accepting her son's choice won't be ...Коментарі:
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