Бадд Боттичер
Budd Boetticher
Дата народження: 29 липня 1916
Знак зодіаку: Лев
Дата смерті: 29 листопада 2001 (85 років)
Місце народження: Чікаґо, Іллінойс, США
Зріст: 180 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 48
Ролі: режисер ★ 8 (41), актор (7), сценарист ★ 7.1 (6), продюсер (5)
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Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story (2007)
Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story
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Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.Сюжет (англ.)
Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.E! Mysteries & Scandals (1998—2001)
E! Mysteries & Scandals
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Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.Сюжет (англ.)
"Cinema of Our Time" is a documentary series about contemporary filmmakers from around the world, created by Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, as a follow-up to the acclaimed initial series "Filmmakers of Our Time" (1964-1972).Cinéma, de notre temps (1989—)
Cinéma, de notre temps
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"Cinema of Our Time" is a documentary series about contemporary filmmakers from around the world, created by Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, as a follow-up to the acclaimed initial series "Filmmakers of Our Time" (1964-1972).Сюжет
Біл (Гібсон) торгує наркотиками вже 15 років і хоче "зав’язати". Його друг дитинства Нік (Расселл) - поліцейський, і він повний бажання спіймати Біла на місці злочину. Обидва вони небайдужі до власниці італійського ресторану Джоани (Пфайффер). Любовна лінія органічно вписується в добротну схему пригодницького бойовика, де відчувається рука Тауна (автора сценаріїв знаменитих стрічок "Китайський квартал" і "Останній наряд"). Номінація за кращу операторську роботу.П'яний світанок (1988)
Tequila Sunrise
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Біл (Гібсон) торгує наркотиками вже 15 років і хоче "зав’язати". Його друг дитинства Нік (Расселл) - поліцейський, і він повний бажання спіймати Біла на місці злочину. Обидва вони небайдужі до власниці італійського ресторану Джоани (Пфайффер). Любовна лінія органічно вписується в добротну схему пригодницького бойовика, де відчувається рука Тауна (автора сценаріїв знаменитих стрічок "Китайський квартал" і "Останній наряд"). Номінація за кращу операторську роботу.Сюжет (англ.)
First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Біографія (1987—)
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First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Сюжет (англ.)
When Robert and Rosemarie Stack (Robert starred in Boetticher's "The Bullfighter and the Lady") visit Mary and Budd Boetticher to attend the Boettichers' showing of their exquisite ...My Kingdom For... (1985)
My Kingdom For...
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When Robert and Rosemarie Stack (Robert starred in Boetticher's "The Bullfighter and the Lady") visit Mary and Budd Boetticher to attend the Boettichers' showing of their exquisite ...Сюжет (англ.)
Biography of bullfighter "Carlos Arruza" who tragically died in a car wreck in 1966.Сюжет
Стрілець-одинак Хоган, подорожуючи під пекучим сонцем мексиканської пустелі, рятує від насильників черницю - сестру Сару. Вдячна дівчина розповідає своєму рятівникові подробиці про французький форт, який живо цікавить цього шукача пригод. Річ у тому, що Хоган найнятий мексиканськими борцями за незалежність, щоб висадити форт. І ще: там золото... А сестра Сара, здається, і не черниця зовсім...Два мули для сестри Сари (1970)
Two Mules for Sister Sara
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Стрілець-одинак Хоган, подорожуючи під пекучим сонцем мексиканської пустелі, рятує від насильників черницю - сестру Сару. Вдячна дівчина розповідає своєму рятівникові подробиці про французький форт, який живо цікавить цього шукача пригод. Річ у тому, що Хоган найнятий мексиканськими борцями за незалежність, щоб висадити форт. І ще: там золото... А сестра Сара, здається, і не черниця зовсім...Сюжет (англ.)
In Silver City, naive farm boy Cass and newcomer saloon girl Nellie are married by Judge Roy Bean in a shotgun wedding but their honeymoon is marred by outlaws.A Time for Dying (1969)
A Time for Dying
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In Silver City, naive farm boy Cass and newcomer saloon girl Nellie are married by Judge Roy Bean in a shotgun wedding but their honeymoon is marred by outlaws.Сюжет
Ненсі Лоу викрало плем'я індіанців Команчі. Джефферсон Коуді, ковбой-одинак, звільняє жінку і везе назад до чоловіка. Але на зворотньому шляху вони зустрічають трьох бандитів, які хочуть повернути Ненсі за винагороду. Тепер Джефферсону доведеться захищати жінку не тільки від Команч, які переслідують його, а й від кровожерливих злочинців.Зупинка команчів (1960)
Comanche Station
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Ненсі Лоу викрало плем'я індіанців Команчі. Джефферсон Коуді, ковбой-одинак, звільняє жінку і везе назад до чоловіка. Але на зворотньому шляху вони зустрічають трьох бандитів, які хочуть повернути Ненсі за винагороду. Тепер Джефферсону доведеться захищати жінку не тільки від Команч, які переслідують його, а й від кровожерливих злочинців.Сюжет (англ.)
Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewellery thieves. After a spell in jail the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself, and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond (1960)
The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond
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Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewellery thieves. After a spell in jail the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself, and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1864 Capt. John Hayes goes to Colorado to take over the stagecoach line and keep the flow of Western gold flowing and help the North win the Civil War.Сюжет
Мисливець за злочинцями з незвичайним ім'ям Бен Брігейд захопив небезпечного вбивцю та везе його, щоб отримати винагороду. По дорозі проти своєї волі Брігейд зустрічає трьох попутників: привабливу дружину начальника станції та веселих головорізів, які збираються вкрасти у Брігейда його бранця.Самотній вершник (1959)
Ride Lonesome
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Мисливець за злочинцями з незвичайним ім'ям Бен Брігейд захопив небезпечного вбивцю та везе його, щоб отримати винагороду. По дорозі проти своєї волі Брігейд зустрічає трьох попутників: привабливу дружину начальника станції та веселих головорізів, які збираються вкрасти у Брігейда його бранця.Сюжет (англ.)
Widower Lucas McCain can fire a round with his specially modified Winchester in three-tenths of a second. Added to his high moral code and resolve enable him to help Marshal Micah Torrance maintain order in town while raising his son, Mark, on a ranch near North Fork, New Mexico.The Rifleman (1958—1963)
The Rifleman
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Widower Lucas McCain can fire a round with his specially modified Winchester in three-tenths of a second. Added to his high moral code and resolve enable him to help Marshal Micah Torrance maintain order in town while raising his son, Mark, on a ranch near North Fork, New Mexico.Сюжет
По дорозі до Західного Техасу, Том Б`юкенен заїжджає у каліфорнійське містечко Агрі, де ведеться війна між членами сім'ї Агрі. Намагаючись допомогти мексиканцеві, який має намір помститися одному з членів цієї сім'ї, Том опиняється один проти них всіх.Самотній вершник Б`юкенен (1958)
Buchanan Rides Alone
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По дорозі до Західного Техасу, Том Б`юкенен заїжджає у каліфорнійське містечко Агрі, де ведеться війна між членами сім'ї Агрі. Намагаючись допомогти мексиканцеві, який має намір помститися одному з членів цієї сім'ї, Том опиняється один проти них всіх.Сюжет (англ.)
Bart Allison arrives in Sundown planning to kill Tate Kimbrough. Three years earlier he believed Kimbrough was responsible for the death of his wife. He finds Kimbrough and warns him he is going to kill him but gets pinned down in the livery stable with his friend Sam by Kimbrough's stooge Sheriff and his men. When Sam is shot in the back after being told he could leave safely, some of the townsmen change sides and disarm the Sheriff's men forcing him to face Allison alone. Taking care of the Sheriff, Allison injures his gun hand and must now face Kimbrough left-handed.Decision at Sundown (1957)
Decision at Sundown
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Bart Allison arrives in Sundown planning to kill Tate Kimbrough. Three years earlier he believed Kimbrough was responsible for the death of his wife. He finds Kimbrough and warns him he is going to kill him but gets pinned down in the livery stable with his friend Sam by Kimbrough's stooge Sheriff and his men. When Sam is shot in the back after being told he could leave safely, some of the townsmen change sides and disarm the Sheriff's men forcing him to face Allison alone. Taking care of the Sheriff, Allison injures his gun hand and must now face Kimbrough left-handed.Сюжет (англ.)
Bret and Bart Maverick are well-dressed gamblers who migrate from town to town always looking for a good game.Сюжет (англ.)
Having lost his horse in a bet, Pat Brennan hitches a ride with a stagecoach carrying newlyweds, Willard and Doretta Mims. At the next station the coach and its passengers fall into the hands of a trio of outlaws headed by a man named Usher. When Usher learns that Doretta is the daughter of a rich copper-mine owner, he decides to hold her for ransom. Tension builds over the next 24 hours as Usher awaits a response to his demands and as a romantic attachment grows between Brennan and Doretta.The Tall T (1957)
The Tall T
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Having lost his horse in a bet, Pat Brennan hitches a ride with a stagecoach carrying newlyweds, Willard and Doretta Mims. At the next station the coach and its passengers fall into the hands of a trio of outlaws headed by a man named Usher. When Usher learns that Doretta is the daughter of a rich copper-mine owner, he decides to hold her for ransom. Tension builds over the next 24 hours as Usher awaits a response to his demands and as a romantic attachment grows between Brennan and Doretta.Сюжет (англ.)
An anthology based (earlier moreso than later) on the novels and stories of Zane Grey. Powell was often the star as well as the host.Zane Grey Theater (1956—1961)
Zane Grey Theater
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An anthology based (earlier moreso than later) on the novels and stories of Zane Grey. Powell was often the star as well as the host.Сюжет (англ.)
A former sheriff blames himself for his wife's death during a Wells Fargo robbery and vows to track down and kill the seven men responsible.Seven Men from Now (1956)
Seven Men from Now
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A former sheriff blames himself for his wife's death during a Wells Fargo robbery and vows to track down and kill the seven men responsible.Сюжет (англ.)
A TV series adaptated from the classic Alexandre Dumas novel. Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. Whil...The Count of Monte Cristo (1956)
The Count of Monte Cristo
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A TV series adaptated from the classic Alexandre Dumas novel. Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. Whil...Сюжет (англ.)
A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. About three years later, Poole (until then a model prisoner) abruptly takes his chance to kill a guard and escape. It's clear during the ensuing manhunt that Poole is obsessed in pursuit of a single end; but not quite the end everyone supposes.The Killer Is Loose (1956)
The Killer Is Loose
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A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. About three years later, Poole (until then a model prisoner) abruptly takes his chance to kill a guard and escape. It's clear during the ensuing manhunt that Poole is obsessed in pursuit of a single end; but not quite the end everyone supposes.Сюжет (англ.)
In Mexico City, rich American Karen Harrison falls in-love with famous bullfighter Luis Santos who hides a personal secret regarding his young protege bullfighter Rafael Reyes.The Magnificent Matador (1955)
The Magnificent Matador
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In Mexico City, rich American Karen Harrison falls in-love with famous bullfighter Luis Santos who hides a personal secret regarding his young protege bullfighter Rafael Reyes.Сюжет (англ.)
Bart Matthews defends the poor and others who cannot afford an attorney. All episodes are based on actual cases from across the country.Public Defender (1954—1955)
Public Defender
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Bart Matthews defends the poor and others who cannot afford an attorney. All episodes are based on actual cases from across the country.Сюжет (англ.)
Tough Duke Mullane tries to open a new mine in the jungle, but the natives turn hostile...except for one lissome dancer.East of Sumatra (1953)
East of Sumatra
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Tough Duke Mullane tries to open a new mine in the jungle, but the natives turn hostile...except for one lissome dancer.Сюжет (англ.)
During the Mexican revolution of 1910, an American prospector gets involved with the revolutionaries after a corrupt Mexican official confiscates his mine.Wings of the Hawk (1953)
Wings of the Hawk
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During the Mexican revolution of 1910, an American prospector gets involved with the revolutionaries after a corrupt Mexican official confiscates his mine.Сюжет (англ.)
During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others' families) but is too late to accomplish his mission, and is branded a coward. Since he cannot now expose a gang of turncoats, he infiltrates them instead. Can he save a wagon train of refugees from Wade's Guerillas?The Man from the Alamo (1953)
The Man from the Alamo
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During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others' families) but is too late to accomplish his mission, and is branded a coward. Since he cannot now expose a gang of turncoats, he infiltrates them instead. Can he save a wagon train of refugees from Wade's Guerillas?Сюжет (англ.)
Two American divers are distracted by fair ladies and skulduggery while trying to salvage a gold ship off Jamaica.City Beneath the Sea (1953)
City Beneath the Sea
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Two American divers are distracted by fair ladies and skulduggery while trying to salvage a gold ship off Jamaica.Сюжет (англ.)
A cavalry lieutenant on trial for murder recounts his efforts make peace with the Seminole Indian tribe, under an evil major.Сюжет (англ.)
Home from the Civil War, young Neal Hammond is happy to return to Texas ranching, but brother Dan wants more. His attempt to enter business is thwarted when carpetbagger Cord Hardin beats and humiliates him in a poker game. So Dan forms a rustling gang and parlays his ill-gotten gains into a land empire. But among the growing opposition to his gang is the new Marshal of Austin...brother Neal.Horizons West (1952)
Horizons West
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Home from the Civil War, young Neal Hammond is happy to return to Texas ranching, but brother Dan wants more. His attempt to enter business is thwarted when carpetbagger Cord Hardin beats and humiliates him in a poker game. So Dan forms a rustling gang and parlays his ill-gotten gains into a land empire. But among the growing opposition to his gang is the new Marshal of Austin...brother Neal.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати