Анджела Ковач
Angela Kovacs
Дата народження: 23 травня 1964 (60 років)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Vaksala, Uppland, Sweden
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 24
Ролі: актриса
Двоє друзів дитинства вирішують учинити останнє пограбування — викрасти мільйони крон із найзахищенішого грошового сховища Швеції. Але поліція вже наступає їм на п’яти.Пограбування на гвинтокрилі (2024)
The Helicopter Heist
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Двоє друзів дитинства вирішують учинити останнє пограбування — викрасти мільйони крон із найзахищенішого грошового сховища Швеції. Але поліція вже наступає їм на п’яти.Сюжет
Коли земля під шведським містом Кіруна починає просідати, Фріґґа розривається між сім’єю та обов’язками начальниці служби безпеки в найбільшій у світі підземній шахті.Сюжет (англ.)
When Sofie, a career-driven consultant and married mother of two, gets an assignment to modernize an old publishing house, she meets young IT tech Max and an unexpected flirting game begins.Love & Anarchy (2020)
Love & Anarchy
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When Sofie, a career-driven consultant and married mother of two, gets an assignment to modernize an old publishing house, she meets young IT tech Max and an unexpected flirting game begins.Сюжет
Одружена консультантка й молодий ІТ-спеціаліст починають інтрижку, яка кидає виклик суспільним нормам і змушує їх переосмислити все своє життя.Любов та анархія (2020—2022)
Love & Anarchy
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Одружена консультантка й молодий ІТ-спеціаліст починають інтрижку, яка кидає виклик суспільним нормам і змушує їх переосмислити все своє життя.Сюжет (англ.)
Olle Hulten wakes up drunk on the ferry between Sandefjord and Strömstad. In his car is a gun and a lot of money. Simultaneously the police is chasing a robber whom have hijacked a car and is holding the security guard at gunpoint.The Machinery (2020—)
The Machinery
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Olle Hulten wakes up drunk on the ferry between Sandefjord and Strömstad. In his car is a gun and a lot of money. Simultaneously the police is chasing a robber whom have hijacked a car and is holding the security guard at gunpoint.Сюжет (англ.)
Detective Roland Hassel's father figure and mentor, Yngve Ruda, is brutally murdered in the middle of the street. Devastated, Hassel decides to undertake his own covert investigation to ...Hassel (2017)
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Detective Roland Hassel's father figure and mentor, Yngve Ruda, is brutally murdered in the middle of the street. Devastated, Hassel decides to undertake his own covert investigation to ...Сюжет (англ.)
A student at the Police Academy is tasked to study a cold case: the murder of a pregnant woman on a Swedish beach 25 years ago.Сюжет (англ.)
Sonja lives a carefree life with her family near Stockholm and works as an accountant in the family business at the marina. One day Sonja is drawn into the criminal underworld to save her family.Gasmamman (2015—2022)
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Sonja lives a carefree life with her family near Stockholm and works as an accountant in the family business at the marina. One day Sonja is drawn into the criminal underworld to save her family.Сюжет (англ.)
Viveca Sten's popular novels come to life in "The Sandhamn Murders", a perfect mix of Nordic crime and the beautiful surroundings of the outer Stockholm archipelago.The Sandhamn Murders (2010—)
The Sandhamn Murders
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Viveca Sten's popular novels come to life in "The Sandhamn Murders", a perfect mix of Nordic crime and the beautiful surroundings of the outer Stockholm archipelago.Сюжет (англ.)
The lives of two very different families in the posh neighborhood of Solsidan in Sweden.Сюжет (англ.)
A Swedish policewoman is confronted with crime on Gotland Island.Maria Wern (2008—)
Maria Wern
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A Swedish policewoman is confronted with crime on Gotland Island.Сюжет (англ.)
German police inspector Robert Anders a family man who lives with his Swedish wife and investigates murder cases located in the spectacular landscapes of Swedish island of Gotland , it is ...The Inspector and the Sea (2007—2021)
The Inspector and the Sea
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German police inspector Robert Anders a family man who lives with his Swedish wife and investigates murder cases located in the spectacular landscapes of Swedish island of Gotland , it is ...Сюжет (англ.)
Police investigator Irene Huss lives in Gothenburg, Sweden, and tries to balance between murder investigations and family life.Detective Inspector Irene Huss (2007—2011)
Detective Inspector Irene Huss
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Police investigator Irene Huss lives in Gothenburg, Sweden, and tries to balance between murder investigations and family life.Сюжет (англ.)
Homeless man finds a bag with half a million in cash.All it Takes is a Miracle (2006)
All it Takes is a Miracle
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Homeless man finds a bag with half a million in cash.Сюжет
Комісар поліції Курт Валландер - вразливий і впертий мізантроп, який мало їсть та нерегулярно спить, зате багато п'є і слухає оперну музику. Він різкий і використовує нестандартні методи роботи. Він покладається на свої власні інстинкти та досвід і не гребує незаконними способами розкриття злочинів. І навіть його дочка Лінда, яка працює разом з ним, не завжди здатна його зрозуміти.Валландер (2005—2013)
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Комісар поліції Курт Валландер - вразливий і впертий мізантроп, який мало їсть та нерегулярно спить, зате багато п'є і слухає оперну музику. Він різкий і використовує нестандартні методи роботи. Він покладається на свої власні інстинкти та досвід і не гребує незаконними способами розкриття злочинів. І навіть його дочка Лінда, яка працює разом з ним, не завжди здатна його зрозуміти.Сюжет
Підліток відвідує сім’ю, яка врятувала йому життя.Серця мого частинка (2004)
Passing Hearts
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Підліток відвідує сім’ю, яка врятувала йому життя.Сюжет (англ.)
Tabloid journalist Annika Bengtzon is writing about a murder in the port of Stockholm and she suspects that the Yugoslav mafia is involved. However, she also finds links to a foundation that runs a shelter for battered women, Paradiset. Looking for a good story she also meets a welfare official, Thomas, who also thinks that the foundation should be looked into.Paradise (2003)
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Tabloid journalist Annika Bengtzon is writing about a murder in the port of Stockholm and she suspects that the Yugoslav mafia is involved. However, she also finds links to a foundation that runs a shelter for battered women, Paradiset. Looking for a good story she also meets a welfare official, Thomas, who also thinks that the foundation should be looked into.Сюжет (англ.)
Hoffa, Nicke and Hamid want more luxury but the money is just not enough. So they get faster money, but not legalTusenbröder (2002—2007)
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Hoffa, Nicke and Hamid want more luxury but the money is just not enough. So they get faster money, but not legalСюжет (англ.)
When a man is found murdered in a London hotel room, Swedish detective Erik Winter investigates a similar killing in Gothenburg, uncovering a pattern of macabre crimes.Kommissarie Winter (2001—2004)
Kommissarie Winter
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When a man is found murdered in a London hotel room, Swedish detective Erik Winter investigates a similar killing in Gothenburg, uncovering a pattern of macabre crimes.Сюжет (англ.)
Johan and Anna-Karin have been a couple for years but despite many attempts, Anna-Karin doesn't get pregnant. A visit to a fertility clinic shows why: Johan's sperm quality is too low. Johan is waiting to take over his father's farm, but what's the point if they can never have children? The news also puts a strain on their relationship since Anna-Karin desperately wants to be a mother.His and Hers (2001)
His and Hers
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Johan and Anna-Karin have been a couple for years but despite many attempts, Anna-Karin doesn't get pregnant. A visit to a fertility clinic shows why: Johan's sperm quality is too low. Johan is waiting to take over his father's farm, but what's the point if they can never have children? The news also puts a strain on their relationship since Anna-Karin desperately wants to be a mother.Сюжет (англ.)
the center was the mysterious murder of Felicia EkebladhSjätte dagen (1999—2001)
Sjätte dagen
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the center was the mysterious murder of Felicia EkebladhNär karusellerna sover (1998)
När karusellerna sover
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Commissioner Martin Beck and his eccentric partner Gunvald Larsson investigate murders in the flawed social structure of Stockholm, Sweden.Сюжет (англ.)
"Rederiet" is one of the most successful and longest running series in Swedish television history. The story is about a shipping company which conducts passenger traffic on the Baltic sea ...Rederiet (1992—2002)
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"Rederiet" is one of the most successful and longest running series in Swedish television history. The story is about a shipping company which conducts passenger traffic on the Baltic sea ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати