Віктор Флемінг
Victor Fleming
Дата народження: 23 лютого 1889
Знак зодіаку: Риби
Дата смерті: 6 січня 1949 (59 років)
Місце народження: La Cañada, Каліфорнія, США
Зріст: 185 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 67
Ролі: режисер ★ 7.91 (49), кінематографіст (16), актор (5), продюсер (5), сценарист (1)
Цей документальний фільм, за допомогою унікальних архівних кадрів, листів, нотаток, щоденників та інтерв’ю з її дітьми, представляє особистий портрет Берґман та погляд залаштунки життя молодої шведської дівчини, яка стала однією з найбільших акторок американського та світового кіна.Інґрід Берґман: У її власних словах (2015)
Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words
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Цей документальний фільм, за допомогою унікальних архівних кадрів, листів, нотаток, щоденників та інтерв’ю з її дітьми, представляє особистий портрет Берґман та погляд залаштунки життя молодої шведської дівчини, яка стала однією з найбільших акторок американського та світового кіна.Сюжет (англ.)
The movie The Wizard of Oz (1939) with the soundtrack replaced by Pink Floyd's album The Dark Side of the Moon (1973); several uncanny moments of synchronisation and a generally darker tone than the original film.The Legend Floyd: The Dark Side of the Rainbow (2000)
The Legend Floyd: The Dark Side of the Rainbow
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The movie The Wizard of Oz (1939) with the soundtrack replaced by Pink Floyd's album The Dark Side of the Moon (1973); several uncanny moments of synchronisation and a generally darker tone than the original film.Сюжет (англ.)
Documentary about the making of the 1939 MGM classic film The Wizard of Oz. Includes interviews of cast and crew members, their families and fans of the film.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic (1990)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic
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Documentary about the making of the 1939 MGM classic film The Wizard of Oz. Includes interviews of cast and crew members, their families and fans of the film.Сюжет (англ.)
This is a documentary that revisits the making of Gone with the Wind (1939) with archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind (1988)
The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind
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This is a documentary that revisits the making of Gone with the Wind (1939) with archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Fifteenth Century, France is a defeated and ruined nation after the One Hundred Years War against England. The fourteen years old farm girl Joan of Arc claims to hear voices from Heaven asking her to lead God's Army against Orleans and crowning the weak Dauphin Charles VII as King of France. Joan gathers the people with her faith, forms an army and conquerors Orleans. When her army is ready to attack Paris, the corrupt Charles sells his country to England and dismiss the army. Joan is arrested, sold to the Burgundians England and submitted to a shameful political trial in Rouen castle.Joan of Arc (1948)
Joan of Arc
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In the Fifteenth Century, France is a defeated and ruined nation after the One Hundred Years War against England. The fourteen years old farm girl Joan of Arc claims to hear voices from Heaven asking her to lead God's Army against Orleans and crowning the weak Dauphin Charles VII as King of France. Joan gathers the people with her faith, forms an army and conquerors Orleans. When her army is ready to attack Paris, the corrupt Charles sells his country to England and dismiss the army. Joan is arrested, sold to the Burgundians England and submitted to a shameful political trial in Rouen castle.Сюжет (англ.)
Dark, romantic, complicated drama about a rowdy merchant marine and sophisticated librarian who clash over their lifestyles and values - and then fall in love.Сюжет (англ.)
Maj. Pete Sandidge is a very able pilot who seems to have a streak of luck as far as flying goes. World War II is raging and Pete has come out of it pretty so far. He even has a beautiful girlfriend Dorinda Durston, herself a qualified pilot who ferries aircraft to different bases. When Pete is killed however, he finds himself in heaven and learns that every pilot has a guardian angel. He returns to Earth where, unseen by anyone, he coaches a pilot-in-training Ted Randall. Ted is a pretty good kid and is coming along nicely but when he's shipped to New Guinea he runs into Dorinda who has remained faithful to her lost love. As Ted pursues her, Pete will have to decide what he wants to do about it.A Guy Named Joe (1943)
A Guy Named Joe
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Maj. Pete Sandidge is a very able pilot who seems to have a streak of luck as far as flying goes. World War II is raging and Pete has come out of it pretty so far. He even has a beautiful girlfriend Dorinda Durston, herself a qualified pilot who ferries aircraft to different bases. When Pete is killed however, he finds himself in heaven and learns that every pilot has a guardian angel. He returns to Earth where, unseen by anyone, he coaches a pilot-in-training Ted Randall. Ted is a pretty good kid and is coming along nicely but when he's shipped to New Guinea he runs into Dorinda who has remained faithful to her lost love. As Ted pursues her, Pete will have to decide what he wants to do about it.Сюжет (англ.)
Danny inherits two houses so Pilon and his lazy, impoverished friends move in. One of them, Pirate, is saving money which Pilon hopes to steal till he learns it is being saved to buy a gold candlestick for St. Francis. When one of the houses burns down and Danny is hurt fighting, Pilon makes an effort to make life better for his friend.Tortilla Flat (1942)
Tortilla Flat
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Danny inherits two houses so Pilon and his lazy, impoverished friends move in. One of them, Pirate, is saving money which Pilon hopes to steal till he learns it is being saved to buy a gold candlestick for St. Francis. When one of the houses burns down and Danny is hurt fighting, Pilon makes an effort to make life better for his friend.Сюжет (англ.)
Dr. Jekyll believes good and evil exist in everyone. Experiments reveal his evil side, named Hyde. Experience teaches him how evil Hyde can be: he kills Ivy who earlier expressed interest in Jekyll and Sir Charles, Jekyll's fiancée's father.Доктор Джекілл і містер Гайд (1941)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
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Dr. Jekyll believes good and evil exist in everyone. Experiments reveal his evil side, named Hyde. Experience teaches him how evil Hyde can be: he kills Ivy who earlier expressed interest in Jekyll and Sir Charles, Jekyll's fiancée's father.Сюжет (англ.)
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. While in London, he meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving ...They Dare Not Love (1941)
They Dare Not Love
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An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. While in London, he meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving ...Сюжет
Колись існувала країна вправних вершників та бавовняних полів, її називали Старим Півднем. Там, в маленьких кутках, завмерла в уклоні сама галантність, там жили останні лицарі, та прекрасні дами, останні хазяї та їхні раби. Тепер про це можна прочитати лише в книгах, тепер це не більше ніж сон, який складно забути. Це цілий світ, віднесений вітром...Віднесені вітром (1939)
Gone with the Wind
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Колись існувала країна вправних вершників та бавовняних полів, її називали Старим Півднем. Там, в маленьких кутках, завмерла в уклоні сама галантність, там жили останні лицарі, та прекрасні дами, останні хазяї та їхні раби. Тепер про це можна прочитати лише в книгах, тепер це не більше ніж сон, який складно забути. Це цілий світ, віднесений вітром...Сюжет
Школярка Дороті живе в Канзасі зі своєю сім'єю та цуценям Тото. Але одного разу буревій відносить її та Тото разом з будиночком в казкову країну маленьких людей, де вона знаходить нових друзів та стає володаркою чарівних червоних черевичків. Дороті, Тото та друзі подорожують жовтою цегляною дорогою в Смарагдове місто, щоб просити всемогутнього чарівника допомогти Дороті повернутися додому, а друзям — виконати їхні заповітні бажання. Але зла відьма хоче забрати чарівні черевички і Дороті загрожує серйозна небезпека.Чарівник країни Оз (1939)
The Wizard of Oz
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Школярка Дороті живе в Канзасі зі своєю сім'єю та цуценям Тото. Але одного разу буревій відносить її та Тото разом з будиночком в казкову країну маленьких людей, де вона знаходить нових друзів та стає володаркою чарівних червоних черевичків. Дороті, Тото та друзі подорожують жовтою цегляною дорогою в Смарагдове місто, щоб просити всемогутнього чарівника допомогти Дороті повернутися додому, а друзям — виконати їхні заповітні бажання. Але зла відьма хоче забрати чарівні черевички і Дороті загрожує серйозна небезпека.Сюжет
Феноменально популярний "трофейний" фільм часів радянського прокату про життя, кар'єру, музику і любовні романи короля вальсу Іоганна Штрауса. В основі сюжету лежить вигадана історія кохання композитору до оперної співачки Карлі Доннер. В той же час, єдиний раз за всю історію кінематографу, головним героєм музично-біографічного фільму став не сам персонаж, а його творіння.Великий вальс (1938)
The Great Waltz
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Феноменально популярний "трофейний" фільм часів радянського прокату про життя, кар'єру, музику і любовні романи короля вальсу Іоганна Штрауса. В основі сюжету лежить вигадана історія кохання композитору до оперної співачки Карлі Доннер. В той же час, єдиний раз за всю історію кінематографу, головним героєм музично-біографічного фільму став не сам персонаж, а його творіння.Сюжет (англ.)
Jim Lane is a test pilot, whose professional life is dangerous, and whose personal life compensates for that danger by fast living and recklessness. As such, he lives from paycheck to paycheck, and is often in debt, but knows his lucrative job will eventually get him out of those debts. On a coast to coast record attempt speed flight, Jim's plane, the Drake Bullet (named after the company's owner), hits some mechanical problems and Jim is forced to make an emergency landing on a farmer's field in Kansas. The farm belongs to the Barton family, whose straight talking daughter, Ann Barton, falls for Jim, and visa versa. They impulsively decide to get married and live in New York. Jim's sidekick and mechanic, "Gunner" Morris, doesn't know if Jim and marriage go hand in hand, both because of the type of person he is and his profession. Ann too soon learns that she plays second fiddle to Jim's work, she referring to the sky as Jim's mistress. Ann also truly comes to understand the dangers of Jim's work, he who is often required to push the planes beyond their physical limits. With each flight, Ann fears that she will become a widow, as she has seen it before with the wives of Jim's colleagues. Can Jim and Ann's marriage survive the many pressures stemming from Jim's life as a test pilot?Test Pilot (1938)
Test Pilot
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Jim Lane is a test pilot, whose professional life is dangerous, and whose personal life compensates for that danger by fast living and recklessness. As such, he lives from paycheck to paycheck, and is often in debt, but knows his lucrative job will eventually get him out of those debts. On a coast to coast record attempt speed flight, Jim's plane, the Drake Bullet (named after the company's owner), hits some mechanical problems and Jim is forced to make an emergency landing on a farmer's field in Kansas. The farm belongs to the Barton family, whose straight talking daughter, Ann Barton, falls for Jim, and visa versa. They impulsively decide to get married and live in New York. Jim's sidekick and mechanic, "Gunner" Morris, doesn't know if Jim and marriage go hand in hand, both because of the type of person he is and his profession. Ann too soon learns that she plays second fiddle to Jim's work, she referring to the sky as Jim's mistress. Ann also truly comes to understand the dangers of Jim's work, he who is often required to push the planes beyond their physical limits. With each flight, Ann fears that she will become a widow, as she has seen it before with the wives of Jim's colleagues. Can Jim and Ann's marriage survive the many pressures stemming from Jim's life as a test pilot?Сюжет (англ.)
Harvey, the arrogant and spoiled son of an indulgent absentee-father, falls overboard from a transatlantic steamship and is rescued by a fishing vessel on the Grand Banks. Harvey fails to persuade them to take him ashore, nor convince the crew of his wealth. The captain offers him a low-paid job, until they return to port, as part of the crew that turns him into a mature, considerate young man.Captains Courageous (1937)
Captains Courageous
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Harvey, the arrogant and spoiled son of an indulgent absentee-father, falls overboard from a transatlantic steamship and is rescued by a fishing vessel on the Grand Banks. Harvey fails to persuade them to take him ashore, nor convince the crew of his wealth. The captain offers him a low-paid job, until they return to port, as part of the crew that turns him into a mature, considerate young man.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of a farmer in China: a story of humility and bravery. His father gives Wang Lung a freed slave as wife. By diligence and frugality the two manage to enlarge their property. But ...The Good Earth (1937)
The Good Earth
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The story of a farmer in China: a story of humility and bravery. His father gives Wang Lung a freed slave as wife. By diligence and frugality the two manage to enlarge their property. But ...Сюжет (англ.)
Charming love story set on the Erie Canal in the mid-19th Century. A farmer works on the canal to earn money to buy a farm. He meets a cook on a canal boat, but she can't even consider ...The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935)
The Farmer Takes a Wife
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Charming love story set on the Erie Canal in the mid-19th Century. A farmer works on the canal to earn money to buy a farm. He meets a cook on a canal boat, but she can't even consider ...Сюжет (англ.)
Wealthy Bob Harrison buys all the seats in the theatre to watch Mona Leslie's musical by himself. He loves her, her agent Ned Riley loves her. Conflict ensues.Сюжет (англ.)
Former pirate Billy Bones boards at the seaside inn operated by Jim Hawkins and his mother and confides his dread of discovery by his old cohorts to the young boy. After Bones' death, Jim shares his treasure map with the reputable gentry, Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney, who organize an expedition to recover the buried loot. Long John Silver, a charming but ruthless rogue, is able to infiltrate the ship with his pirate co-conspirators and mercilessly murders loyal crew members. In the subsequent struggle with the mutineers over the buried gold, half-witted marooned pirate Ben Gunn may hold the key to victory.Treasure Island (1934)
Treasure Island
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Former pirate Billy Bones boards at the seaside inn operated by Jim Hawkins and his mother and confides his dread of discovery by his old cohorts to the young boy. After Bones' death, Jim shares his treasure map with the reputable gentry, Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney, who organize an expedition to recover the buried loot. Long John Silver, a charming but ruthless rogue, is able to infiltrate the ship with his pirate co-conspirators and mercilessly murders loyal crew members. In the subsequent struggle with the mutineers over the buried gold, half-witted marooned pirate Ben Gunn may hold the key to victory.Сюжет (англ.)
Lola Burns is at the top of the pile in Hollywood. But life ain't easy, what with her father and brother always hanging around for handouts, and devious studio publicity honcho Space Hanlon cooking up endless lurid newspaper stories. Makes a girl want to give up pictures.Bombshell (1933)
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Lola Burns is at the top of the pile in Hollywood. But life ain't easy, what with her father and brother always hanging around for handouts, and devious studio publicity honcho Space Hanlon cooking up endless lurid newspaper stories. Makes a girl want to give up pictures.Сюжет (англ.)
A young woman falls in love with a dashing officer, but becomes a nun when she believes him to be killed in battle.The White Sister (1933)
The White Sister
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A young woman falls in love with a dashing officer, but becomes a nun when she believes him to be killed in battle.Сюжет (англ.)
Conditions are spartan on Dennis Carson's Indochina rubber plantation during a dusty dry monsoon. The latest boat upriver brings Carson an unwelcome guest: Vantine, a floozy from Saigon, hoping to evade the police by a stay upcountry. But Carson, initially uninterested, soon succumbs to Vantine's ostentatious charms...until the arrival of surveyor Gary Willis, ill with malaria, and his refined but sensuous wife Barbara. Now the rains begin, and passion flows like water...Red Dust (1932)
Red Dust
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Conditions are spartan on Dennis Carson's Indochina rubber plantation during a dusty dry monsoon. The latest boat upriver brings Carson an unwelcome guest: Vantine, a floozy from Saigon, hoping to evade the police by a stay upcountry. But Carson, initially uninterested, soon succumbs to Vantine's ostentatious charms...until the arrival of surveyor Gary Willis, ill with malaria, and his refined but sensuous wife Barbara. Now the rains begin, and passion flows like water...Сюжет (англ.)
The evils of alcohol before and during prohibition become evident as we see its effects on the rich Chilcote family.The Wet Parade (1932)
The Wet Parade
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The evils of alcohol before and during prohibition become evident as we see its effects on the rich Chilcote family.Сюжет (англ.)
This film was also known as Around the World in 80 Minutes. Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. and a crew of three journey around the world and report on various cultural curiosities and the humour they find in everyday life overseas.Around the World with Douglas Fairbanks (1931)
Around the World with Douglas Fairbanks
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This film was also known as Around the World in 80 Minutes. Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. and a crew of three journey around the world and report on various cultural curiosities and the humour they find in everyday life overseas.Сюжет (англ.)
Four one-for-all and all-for-one privates in the French Foreign Legion are all in jail for disorderly conduct, but they break out and rejoin their regiment and fight off a band of marauding...Сюжет (англ.)
Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to ...Common Clay (1930)
Common Clay
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Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to ...Сюжет (англ.)
A good-natured cowboy who is romancing the new schoolmarm has a crisis of conscience when he discovers his best friend is engaged in cattle rustling.Вірджинець (1929)
The Virginian
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A good-natured cowboy who is romancing the new schoolmarm has a crisis of conscience when he discovers his best friend is engaged in cattle rustling.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love aThe Wolf Song (1929)
The Wolf Song
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In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love aСюжет (англ.)
The Awakening (1928) is a feature film directed by Victor Fleming.The Awakening (1928)
The Awakening
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The Awakening (1928) is a feature film directed by Victor Fleming.Сюжет (англ.)
A comedy in which a Catholic and a Jew marry, causing tension within both families.Abie's Irish Rose (1928)
Abie's Irish Rose
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A comedy in which a Catholic and a Jew marry, causing tension within both families.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати