Стіві Тарталия
Steve Tartalia
Дата народження: 1 грудня 1967 (57 років)
Знак зодіаку: Стрілець
Зріст: 183 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 25
Ролі: актор (25), продюсер (1)
Через 10 років перед таємничим героєм, що ховає своє лице за маскою, стоїть чергова, найважча місія в його житті – стати зразковим чоловіком та вести звичайне життя, залишивши геройства в минулому: крок вправо – крок вліво загрожує розривом з коханою. Але коли над їх штатом нависає страшна загроза, сімейні справи відходять на другий план – світу потрібен Зорро і можна бути впевненим, що Зорро не підведе і на цей раз.Легенда Зорро (2005)
The Legend of Zorro
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Через 10 років перед таємничим героєм, що ховає своє лице за маскою, стоїть чергова, найважча місія в його житті – стати зразковим чоловіком та вести звичайне життя, залишивши геройства в минулому: крок вправо – крок вліво загрожує розривом з коханою. Але коли над їх штатом нависає страшна загроза, сімейні справи відходять на другий план – світу потрібен Зорро і можна бути впевненим, що Зорро не підведе і на цей раз.Сюжет
Сиквел фільму 1994 року Патруль часу із зіркою Джейсоном Скоттом Лі в ролі Райна Чана, поліцейського часу, чия робота запобігати злочинам, подорожуючи в минуле з майбутнього. На лихо, злочинний розум Брансона замишляє змову для використання минулого як зброї для здобуття контролю за майбутнім. У гонитві проти і крізь час, Чанг повинен вистежити схибленого Брансона в погоні, яка заведе його далеко на Дикий Захід і в Нацистську Німеччину для того, щоб урятувати майбутнє.Патруль часу - 2: Берлінське рішення (2003)
Timecop: The Berlin Decision
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Сиквел фільму 1994 року Патруль часу із зіркою Джейсоном Скоттом Лі в ролі Райна Чана, поліцейського часу, чия робота запобігати злочинам, подорожуючи в минуле з майбутнього. На лихо, злочинний розум Брансона замишляє змову для використання минулого як зброї для здобуття контролю за майбутнім. У гонитві проти і крізь час, Чанг повинен вистежити схибленого Брансона в погоні, яка заведе його далеко на Дикий Захід і в Нацистську Німеччину для того, щоб урятувати майбутнє.Сюжет
Чарівна Джинг - безжальна вбивця, віддана китайському клану Тонг. Виконуючи секретну місію в Лос-Анжелесі, вона зустрічається з одним із зрадників клану.Сюжет (англ.)
After six years as a guest of the state, mob hit man Jason Reed wants nothing more than to get an honest job and spend time with his young son, Tommy. He is not ten steps outside of the ...Manhattan Chase (2000)
Manhattan Chase
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After six years as a guest of the state, mob hit man Jason Reed wants nothing more than to get an honest job and spend time with his young son, Tommy. He is not ten steps outside of the ...Сюжет
Поліціянт з Шанхаю приїжджає на пошуки свого зниклого друга у Лос-Анджелес, де починає війну з наркомафією.З привітом із Шанхая (1998—2000)
Martial Law
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Поліціянт з Шанхаю приїжджає на пошуки свого зниклого друга у Лос-Анджелес, де починає війну з наркомафією.Сюжет (англ.)
Wily ace thief Trinity steals the dragon ball from Shaolin Temple. The dragon ball gets misplaced. Trinity joins forces with gruff, determined Interpol agent Bambino, formidable karate master Meng Ray, and feisty tour guide Wen Li...Trinity Goes East (1998)
Trinity Goes East
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Wily ace thief Trinity steals the dragon ball from Shaolin Temple. The dragon ball gets misplaced. Trinity joins forces with gruff, determined Interpol agent Bambino, formidable karate master Meng Ray, and feisty tour guide Wen Li...Сюжет (англ.)
In the year 2011, the prison system is run by the private sector. Business tycoon R.D. Crowley (Robert Davi) has created a Virtual Reality prison. The prisoner's bodies are locked in suspended animation while their mind traverses ...Absolute Aggression (1996)
Absolute Aggression
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In the year 2011, the prison system is run by the private sector. Business tycoon R.D. Crowley (Robert Davi) has created a Virtual Reality prison. The prisoner's bodies are locked in suspended animation while their mind traverses ...Сюжет (англ.)
It's the year 1990 and the beautiful city of Hong Kong is under siege as the crime world goes 'turbo'. Triad leaders vie for power on the streets, drug trafficking is getting out of hand and the thin blue line that separates justice from anarchy is being erased. Within a few months time, the Triads will control every major crime activity in the Pacific Rim and no law enforcement agency in the world will be powerful enough to stop them. But all of that changes when the 'Angel Terminators' arrive, a new police force led by Detectives Ida and Hon, two close friends who are like sisters and watch each other's back in the line of duty. Ida and Hon are the best there is and they take on some of the toughest cases that ordinary law enforcement won't go near and take on criminal figures that no cop would dare go after. Excelling at gun fighting and hand to hand combat techniques, Ida and Hon are given authorization by their superiors to use any means necessary to stop the crime wave and that includes the use of excessive force if need be. Together as one, they're fighting crime their own way...but now, these two beauties find themselves squaring off against old nemesis, Ken Zhang, a deposed crime lord who is forced into exile after his men first clashed with the Angel Terminators. Now he's back with his loyal bodyguards, led by Miss Nishiwaki and ready to reclaim the spoils of his near-fallen empire. After his return, Ken tries to reconcile with Carrie, his former mistress and Hon's cousin, who is not happy to see him and has given up her old life to marry a young detective who works with Ida and Hon. However, tragedy strikes the group in more ways than one when Hon's family gets in the way of Ken's business and murder starts hitting too close to home. After Ida is framed for the death of a fellow officer who was 'on the take', the battle to bring Ken down gets personal and for the Angel Terminators, 'martial law' will be the only law that counts!Angel Terminators (1992)
Angel Terminators
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It's the year 1990 and the beautiful city of Hong Kong is under siege as the crime world goes 'turbo'. Triad leaders vie for power on the streets, drug trafficking is getting out of hand and the thin blue line that separates justice from anarchy is being erased. Within a few months time, the Triads will control every major crime activity in the Pacific Rim and no law enforcement agency in the world will be powerful enough to stop them. But all of that changes when the 'Angel Terminators' arrive, a new police force led by Detectives Ida and Hon, two close friends who are like sisters and watch each other's back in the line of duty. Ida and Hon are the best there is and they take on some of the toughest cases that ordinary law enforcement won't go near and take on criminal figures that no cop would dare go after. Excelling at gun fighting and hand to hand combat techniques, Ida and Hon are given authorization by their superiors to use any means necessary to stop the crime wave and that includes the use of excessive force if need be. Together as one, they're fighting crime their own way...but now, these two beauties find themselves squaring off against old nemesis, Ken Zhang, a deposed crime lord who is forced into exile after his men first clashed with the Angel Terminators. Now he's back with his loyal bodyguards, led by Miss Nishiwaki and ready to reclaim the spoils of his near-fallen empire. After his return, Ken tries to reconcile with Carrie, his former mistress and Hon's cousin, who is not happy to see him and has given up her old life to marry a young detective who works with Ida and Hon. However, tragedy strikes the group in more ways than one when Hon's family gets in the way of Ken's business and murder starts hitting too close to home. After Ida is framed for the death of a fellow officer who was 'on the take', the battle to bring Ken down gets personal and for the Angel Terminators, 'martial law' will be the only law that counts!Сюжет (англ.)
Max, a prize boxer who has developed a drinking habit after his girlfriend Susan left him, gets involved in dirty business once she asks him to help her find her missing husband.Blood Ring (1991)
Blood Ring
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Max, a prize boxer who has developed a drinking habit after his girlfriend Susan left him, gets involved in dirty business once she asks him to help her find her missing husband.Сюжет
Кінець XIX століття. Разом з технічними досягненнями в Китай завітала вогнепальна зброя. Існування бойових мистецтв опинилось під загрозою. Але знайшлась людина, що змогла кинути виклик новим винаходам... Одна зі стрічок, що зробила популярним Джета Лі, нинішню зірку Голлівуду.Одного разу в Китаї (1991)
Once Upon a Time in China
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Кінець XIX століття. Разом з технічними досягненнями в Китай завітала вогнепальна зброя. Існування бойових мистецтв опинилось під загрозою. Але знайшлась людина, що змогла кинути виклик новим винаходам... Одна зі стрічок, що зробила популярним Джета Лі, нинішню зірку Голлівуду.Сюжет
Під час Другої Світової війни нацисти сховали в Африці величезну кількість золота. Є ключ від сховища, але де воно знаходиться – нікому не відомо. На пошуки скарбів вирушає відомий шукач пригод. Його супроводжують три чарівні дівчини. З одного боку, це дуже приємно, але з іншого боку – надто ускладнює завдання героя.Обладунки Бога 2: Операція Кондор (1991)
Operation Condor
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Під час Другої Світової війни нацисти сховали в Африці величезну кількість золота. Є ключ від сховища, але де воно знаходиться – нікому не відомо. На пошуки скарбів вирушає відомий шукач пригод. Його супроводжують три чарівні дівчини. З одного боку, це дуже приємно, але з іншого боку – надто ускладнює завдання героя.Сюжет (англ.)
Ambitious uncle kidnaps her own niece so that she passes on her name to the business and estate of her late father. The problem is that the girl has a friend who is a champion of fights. And he's not willing to leave things at all.Year of the Kingboxer (1991)
Year of the Kingboxer
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Ambitious uncle kidnaps her own niece so that she passes on her name to the business and estate of her late father. The problem is that the girl has a friend who is a champion of fights. And he's not willing to leave things at all.Lethal Panther (1990)
Lethal Panther
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A cop goes undercover in Thailand to avenge his brother's death in this martial arts film.The King of the Kickboxers (1990)
The King of the Kickboxers
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A cop goes undercover in Thailand to avenge his brother's death in this martial arts film.Сюжет (англ.)
When he is framed for being a spy because of his friend's illegal activities, David must escape from police, CIA, and assassins with the help of his cousin.In the Line of Duty 5: Middle Man (1990)
In the Line of Duty 5: Middle Man
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When he is framed for being a spy because of his friend's illegal activities, David must escape from police, CIA, and assassins with the help of his cousin.Сюжет (англ.)
Follows the exploits of two car thieves, and the female police officer who is on their trail.The Outlaw Brothers (1990)
Outlaw Brothers
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Follows the exploits of two car thieves, and the female police officer who is on their trail.Сюжет (англ.)
One half of the movie follows a guy named Sam and his friend Gus. Sam gets scratched by a radioactive cat in a fight with some wacky drug addicts and achieves amazing super powers. He then ...Catman in Lethal Track (1990)
Catman in Lethal Track
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One half of the movie follows a guy named Sam and his friend Gus. Sam gets scratched by a radioactive cat in a fight with some wacky drug addicts and achieves amazing super powers. He then ...Сюжет (англ.)
The highest spiritual symbol of the Capa Ninja Clan, the Buddha statue, resurfaces after being stolen from them years ago. Three groups set out to get the statue...let the battles begin!Thunder Kids 2: Wonderful Mission (1990)
Thunder Kids 2: Wonderful Mission
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The highest spiritual symbol of the Capa Ninja Clan, the Buddha statue, resurfaces after being stolen from them years ago. Three groups set out to get the statue...let the battles begin!Сюжет (англ.)
A Japanese singer believes her father has been kidnapped. She goes to Hong Kong to find him.Princess Madam (1989)
Princess Madam
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All Satan needs to enslave the souls of all mankind is the Sacred Sword which is kept by Master William and his son Falcon. The Thunder Ninja Kids battle Satan and his ghouls, and with the ...Thunder Kids 3: Hunt for the Devil Boxer (1991)
Thunder Kids 3: Hunt for the Devil Boxer
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All Satan needs to enslave the souls of all mankind is the Sacred Sword which is kept by Master William and his son Falcon. The Thunder Ninja Kids battle Satan and his ghouls, and with the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.Casino Raiders (1989)
Casino Raiders
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Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.Thunder Ninja Kids in the Golden Adventure (1992)
Thunder Ninja Kids in the Golden Adventure
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Nam See Hon represents the Wa Chai Gym in pro Chinese Boxing matches. See Hon sharpens his abilities to survive high profile fights. The owner of the Kents Gym controls local gambling and pressures the Wa Chai Gym in violent ways.Death Cage (1988)
Death Cage
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Nam See Hon represents the Wa Chai Gym in pro Chinese Boxing matches. See Hon sharpens his abilities to survive high profile fights. The owner of the Kents Gym controls local gambling and pressures the Wa Chai Gym in violent ways.Сюжет (англ.)
Newly relocated to the suburbs, married assassins John and Jane Smith have re-established their respective businesses, though the marital issues that plagued them in the past have returned.Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2007)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
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Newly relocated to the suburbs, married assassins John and Jane Smith have re-established their respective businesses, though the marital issues that plagued them in the past have returned.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати