Сюжет (англ.)
It is nearly a generation since we've visited Dobie Gillis, and the middle-aged Dobie is nothing like he was as a youth, having has sown all of his wild oats. He's settled into the ...Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis (1988)
Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis
продюсер, сценарист, режисер
21 лютого 1988 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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It is nearly a generation since we've visited Dobie Gillis, and the middle-aged Dobie is nothing like he was as a youth, having has sown all of his wild oats. He's settled into the ...Сюжет (англ.)
A man from the city returns to his small home town in the countryside to live like a farmer. He finds couple of friends among the locals, but people running the town want his land.Сюжет (англ.)
An unscrupulous businessman tries to win a government contract by playing up to the engineer assigned to review the project. He comes to the engineer's hotel room to offer him money, all ...The Washington Affair (1977)
The Washington Affair
4 березня 1977 (Світ)
1 год 21 хв
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An unscrupulous businessman tries to win a government contract by playing up to the engineer assigned to review the project. He comes to the engineer's hotel room to offer him money, all ...Сюжет (англ.)
A pair of big-rig truckers, one a crusty old veteran, the other a college-educated youngster, team up to haul cargo across the country.Сюжет (англ.)
Bunny is a penniless widow who blackmails a robber into teaching her the trade. Soon the pair starts a successful crime spree, and the cops aren't turning a blind eye.Bunny O'Hare (1971)
Bunny O'Hare
18 жовтня 1971 (Світ)
1 год 31 хв
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Bunny is a penniless widow who blackmails a robber into teaching her the trade. Soon the pair starts a successful crime spree, and the cops aren't turning a blind eye.Сюжет (англ.)
A bachelor's life is interrupted by the appearance of a teenager who claims to be his son.Congratulations, It's a Boy! (1971)
Congratulations, It's a Boy!
21 вересня 1971 (Світ)
1 год 13 хв
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A bachelor's life is interrupted by the appearance of a teenager who claims to be his son.Сюжет (англ.)
Chet Kincaid, gym teacher at an inner-city Los Angeles high school, deals with students, principal Mr. Langford and counselor Marsha Peterson. He lives with his mother Rose, brother Brian ...The Bill Cosby Show (1969—1971)
The Bill Cosby Show
Серіал 2 сезони, 49 епізодів
14 вересня 1969 (Світ)
30 хв
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Chet Kincaid, gym teacher at an inner-city Los Angeles high school, deals with students, principal Mr. Langford and counselor Marsha Peterson. He lives with his mother Rose, brother Brian ...Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of a struggling rock band.The Monkees (1966—1968)
The Monkees
Серіал 2 сезони, 60 епізодів
12 вересня 1966 (Світ)
30 хв
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The misadventures of a struggling rock band.Сюжет (англ.)
A beautiful Hollywood actress who is the star of the show, marries an Air Force sergeant, who insists that they live on the little amount of money he makes, and not the thousands of dollars a week that she makes.Mona McCluskey (1965—1966)
Mona McCluskey
Серіал 1 сезон, 26 епізодів
16 вересня 1965 (Світ)
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A beautiful Hollywood actress who is the star of the show, marries an Air Force sergeant, who insists that they live on the little amount of money he makes, and not the thousands of dollars a week that she makes.Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the best-selling book and movie of the same name (Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960)). Set in Ridgemont, New York, the Nashes are an unusual suburban family. Jim Nash, a college English professor, and his lazy wife Joan, a newspaper columnist, live with their four rambunctious sons, a tolerant family maid, and a huge sheep dog.Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1965—1967)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies
Серіал 2 сезони, 58 епізодів
14 вересня 1965 (Світ)
30 хв
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Based on the best-selling book and movie of the same name (Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960)). Set in Ridgemont, New York, the Nashes are an unusual suburban family. Jim Nash, a college English professor, and his lazy wife Joan, a newspaper columnist, live with their four rambunctious sons, a tolerant family maid, and a huge sheep dog.Сюжет
Сім чоловіків і жінок опинились на незвіданому острові після шторму.Острів Джілліґана (1964—1967)
Gilligan's Island
Серіал 3 сезони, 98 епізодів
26 вересня 1964 (Світ)
30 хв
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Сім чоловіків і жінок опинились на незвіданому острові після шторму.Сюжет (англ.)
Walter Burnley supervises Wilma, Joe, Lynn, and Harry in returns at Krockmeyer's Department store, leaving him harried and sarcastic. The widower heads home to daughter Joan, her husband Bob and granddaughter Laurie.Many Happy Returns (1964—1965)
Many Happy Returns
Серіал 1 сезон, 26 епізодів
21 вересня 1964 (Світ)
30 хв
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Walter Burnley supervises Wilma, Joe, Lynn, and Harry in returns at Krockmeyer's Department store, leaving him harried and sarcastic. The widower heads home to daughter Joan, her husband Bob and granddaughter Laurie.Сюжет
Захоплива історія про дружбу хлопчика і дельфіна на ім’я Фліппер.Сюжет
Сім'я Аддамсів відрізняється від звичайних сімей, їм подобається те, що інших просто б злякало. Глава сім'ї Гомес Аддамс дуже заможний бізнесмен, він любить свою дружину Мортішу і намагається їй ні в чому не відмовляти, навіть якщо вона захоче займатися вирощуванням отруйних рослин або надумає замовити обід на кладовищі. У них служить дворецький Ларч, зріст якого становить два метри, є коробочка з живою рукою, яку звуть Річ. Діти в родині Аддамсів, Пагслі і Венсді, теж не зовсім звичайні — Венсді любить мучити свого брата. А улюблене заняття їх дядька — підривання динаміту. Людей, які вперше приходять у дім Аддамсів, шокує їх спосіб життя.Родина Адамсів (1964—1966)
The Addams Family
Серіал 2 сезони, 64 епізоди
18 вересня 1964 (Світ)
30 хв
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Сім'я Аддамсів відрізняється від звичайних сімей, їм подобається те, що інших просто б злякало. Глава сім'ї Гомес Аддамс дуже заможний бізнесмен, він любить свою дружину Мортішу і намагається їй ні в чому не відмовляти, навіть якщо вона захоче займатися вирощуванням отруйних рослин або надумає замовити обід на кладовищі. У них служить дворецький Ларч, зріст якого становить два метри, є коробочка з живою рукою, яку звуть Річ. Діти в родині Аддамсів, Пагслі і Венсді, теж не зовсім звичайні — Венсді любить мучити свого брата. А улюблене заняття їх дядька — підривання динаміту. Людей, які вперше приходять у дім Аддамсів, шокує їх спосіб життя.Сюжет (англ.)
The original primetime soap took place in the title town, which was founded by the Peyton family, whose members included the Harringtons. Some of the plots involved Rodney Harrington, the ...Пейтон Плейс (1964—1985)
Peyton Place
Серіал 5 сезонів, 517 епізодів
15 вересня 1964 (Світ)
30 хв
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The original primetime soap took place in the title town, which was founded by the Peyton family, whose members included the Harringtons. Some of the plots involved Rodney Harrington, the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo, and Betty Jo Bradley are three sisters living with their Uncle Joe who owns the family hotel, and is always coming up with zany ideas. Their whole town revolves around the train "The Cannon Ball". The show also includes Kate (the mother), Steve (Betty Jo's boyfriend) and Sam Drucker (Store Keeper) who is also in "Green Acres".Petticoat Junction (1963—1970)
Petticoat Junction
Серіал 7 сезонів, 222 епізоди
24 вересня 1963 (Світ)
30 хв
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Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo, and Betty Jo Bradley are three sisters living with their Uncle Joe who owns the family hotel, and is always coming up with zany ideas. Their whole town revolves around the train "The Cannon Ball". The show also includes Kate (the mother), Steve (Betty Jo's boyfriend) and Sam Drucker (Store Keeper) who is also in "Green Acres".Сюжет (англ.)
This NBC spinoff of "The Danny Thomas Show" featured the character of Jose Jiminez, a nasally sounding Latin American bellhop at a New York hotel.The Bill Dana Show (1963—1965)
The Bill Dana Show
Серіал 2 сезони, 42 епізоди
22 вересня 1963 (Світ)
30 хв
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This NBC spinoff of "The Danny Thomas Show" featured the character of Jose Jiminez, a nasally sounding Latin American bellhop at a New York hotel.Сюжет (англ.)
Amos Burke was a Los Angeles chief of detectives who was also a millionaire with a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce, a mansion, and a high-wheeling lifestyle. The hallmarks of this series were ...Burke's Law (1963—1966)
Burke's Law
Серіал 3 сезони, 81 епізод
20 вересня 1963 (Світ)
60 хв
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Amos Burke was a Los Angeles chief of detectives who was also a millionaire with a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce, a mansion, and a high-wheeling lifestyle. The hallmarks of this series were ...Сюжет (англ.)
Harry Burns is the leader of a old-style vaudeville troup consisting of three girls, Rusty, Lois, and Terry. Their old-fashioned style dance numbers are out of style in the US, but they've found a new audience in Europe. Now Harry...Harry's Girls (1963—1964)
Harry's Girls
Серіал 1 сезон, 15 епізодів
13 вересня 1963 (Світ)
30 хв
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Harry Burns is the leader of a old-style vaudeville troup consisting of three girls, Rusty, Lois, and Terry. Their old-fashioned style dance numbers are out of style in the US, but they've found a new audience in Europe. Now Harry...Сюжет (англ.)
Rob, Buddy and Sally write for the Alan Brady TV show under the thumb of Brady's brother-in-law Mel. Rob and Laura live in new Rochelle next-door to Jerry and Millie.Шоу Діка Ван Дайка (1961—1966)
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Серіал 5 сезонів, 158 епізодів
3 жовтня 1961 (Світ)
30 хв
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Rob, Buddy and Sally write for the Alan Brady TV show under the thumb of Brady's brother-in-law Mel. Rob and Laura live in new Rochelle next-door to Jerry and Millie.Сюжет (англ.)
Sensitive teenager Dobie Gillis (yes, Dobie being his real given name) exasperates his grocer father Herbert T. Gillis and is the apple of Winnie Gillis' eye, she being his mother. Dobie has an almost singular focus on the opposite sex, more often than not the object of his affection being the beautiful but money hungry Thalia Menninger, who in turn often loves Dobie but always loves money more, which Dobie never has and in his current life direction probably will never have to the extent that would satisfy Thalia. If not Thalia, Dobie pursues several other girls in his search for true love. His best friend is Maynard G. Krebs, a largely clueless but kind-hearted beatnik and lover of jazz music, he who always does what his best buddy Dobie does, often much to the chagrin of others in Dobie's life. While Dobie chases girls, the one girl he knows he does not want but who in turn knows that one day she will become Mrs. Dobie Gillis is bright Zelda Gilroy, who largely uses logic to convince Dobie that she is the girl for him.The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis (1959—1963)
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis
Серіал 4 сезони, 147 епізодів
29 вересня 1959 (Світ)
30 хв
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Sensitive teenager Dobie Gillis (yes, Dobie being his real given name) exasperates his grocer father Herbert T. Gillis and is the apple of Winnie Gillis' eye, she being his mother. Dobie has an almost singular focus on the opposite sex, more often than not the object of his affection being the beautiful but money hungry Thalia Menninger, who in turn often loves Dobie but always loves money more, which Dobie never has and in his current life direction probably will never have to the extent that would satisfy Thalia. If not Thalia, Dobie pursues several other girls in his search for true love. His best friend is Maynard G. Krebs, a largely clueless but kind-hearted beatnik and lover of jazz music, he who always does what his best buddy Dobie does, often much to the chagrin of others in Dobie's life. While Dobie chases girls, the one girl he knows he does not want but who in turn knows that one day she will become Mrs. Dobie Gillis is bright Zelda Gilroy, who largely uses logic to convince Dobie that she is the girl for him.Сюжет (англ.)
Another popular 1950's sitcom about a close family. The Stones consist of loving homemaker Donna, her pediatrician husband Alex, and their children Mary and Jeff. Many situations arise like...The Donna Reed Show (1958—1966)
The Donna Reed Show
Серіал 8 сезонів, 274 епізоди
24 вересня 1958 (Світ)
30 хв
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Another popular 1950's sitcom about a close family. The Stones consist of loving homemaker Donna, her pediatrician husband Alex, and their children Mary and Jeff. Many situations arise like...Сюжет (англ.)
From the hills of West Virginia, Amos McCoy moves his family to an inherited farm in California. Grandpa Amos is quick to give advice to his three grandchildren and wonders how his neighbors ever managed without him around.The Real McCoys (1957—1963)
The Real McCoys
Серіал 6 сезонів, 224 епізоди
3 жовтня 1957 (Світ)
30 хв
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From the hills of West Virginia, Amos McCoy moves his family to an inherited farm in California. Grandpa Amos is quick to give advice to his three grandchildren and wonders how his neighbors ever managed without him around.Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of a single adopted father raising a teenage niece with the help of his manservant.Bachelor Father (1957—1962)
Bachelor Father
Серіал 5 сезонів, 157 епізодів
15 вересня 1957 (Світ)
30 хв
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The misadventures of a single adopted father raising a teenage niece with the help of his manservant.Коментарі:
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