Пег Ширлі
Peg Shirley
Дата народження: 6 жовтня 1933 (91 рік)
Знак зодіаку: Терези
Місце народження: Філадельфія, Пенсильванія, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 49
Ролі: актриса (48), сценаристка (1)
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This is the story of the night Matt and Dave met Amy and Syd. All feeling a bit fed up with their jobs and Los Angeles, luck would have it that they decide to go to the same bar on the same...The Night Is Young (2015)
The Night Is Young
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This is the story of the night Matt and Dave met Amy and Syd. All feeling a bit fed up with their jobs and Los Angeles, luck would have it that they decide to go to the same bar on the same...Сюжет (англ.)
When a teenager is kidnapped during a daring bank robbery, her mother vows to find her.Teenage Bank Heist (2012)
Teenage Bank Heist
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When a teenager is kidnapped during a daring bank robbery, her mother vows to find her.Сюжет (англ.)
A talk show parody that features celebrity guests, comedy sketches and animation. Based on the podcast of the same name.Comedy Bang! Bang! (2012—2016)
Comedy Bang! Bang!
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A talk show parody that features celebrity guests, comedy sketches and animation. Based on the podcast of the same name.Сюжет (англ.)
A hidden camera show where senior citizens play pranks on unsuspecting youngsters.Betty White's Off Their Rockers (2012)
Betty White's Off Their Rockers
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A hidden camera show where senior citizens play pranks on unsuspecting youngsters.Сюжет
Хлопець Джесіки зрадив її з іншою у день їх річниці. Тепер їй терміново потрібно знайти нове житло, на що грошей у неї зовсім небагато.Удача посміхається вчительці молодших класів, яка залишилася без даху над головою і по оголошенню в газеті Джессіка знаходить вільну кімнату. Але є одна заковика - сусіди. Тепер дівчині доведеться жити з трьома самотніми парубками - барменом Ніком, який пережив недавно розрив з дівчиною; Шмідтом, який уявляє себе невідпорним Казановою і тренером з фітнесу, якого всі називають просто «Тренер».Новенька (2011—2018)
New Girl
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Хлопець Джесіки зрадив її з іншою у день їх річниці. Тепер їй терміново потрібно знайти нове житло, на що грошей у неї зовсім небагато.Удача посміхається вчительці молодших класів, яка залишилася без даху над головою і по оголошенню в газеті Джессіка знаходить вільну кімнату. Але є одна заковика - сусіди. Тепер дівчині доведеться жити з трьома самотніми парубками - барменом Ніком, який пережив недавно розрив з дівчиною; Шмідтом, який уявляє себе невідпорним Казановою і тренером з фітнесу, якого всі називають просто «Тренер».Сюжет
Розлучена письменниця, колишня зірка мильної опери і англійка-стиліст - три ексцентричні кращі подруги по дорозі з Лос-Анжелеса до Парижу здійснюють екстрену посадку в Клівленді, де місцеві жителі приймають їх за неземних красунь. Тепер вони повинні вирішити: чи повернутися до Лос-Анжелесу, де вони вже "не в ціні", або ж залишитися в місті, де вони користуються незвичайним успіхом. Безперечною прикрасою серіалу (крім відмінного гумору, звичайно) є ветеран американського кiно- і телеекрану - Бетті Вайт.Кралі в Клівленді (2010—2015)
Hot in Cleveland
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Розлучена письменниця, колишня зірка мильної опери і англійка-стиліст - три ексцентричні кращі подруги по дорозі з Лос-Анжелеса до Парижу здійснюють екстрену посадку в Клівленді, де місцеві жителі приймають їх за неземних красунь. Тепер вони повинні вирішити: чи повернутися до Лос-Анжелесу, де вони вже "не в ціні", або ж залишитися в місті, де вони користуються незвичайним успіхом. Безперечною прикрасою серіалу (крім відмінного гумору, звичайно) є ветеран американського кiно- і телеекрану - Бетті Вайт.Сюжет (англ.)
Close to Home is a legal drama that tears away the facade of suburbia to reveal that sometimes quiet and tranquil streets can hide the darkest of crimes. Annabeth Chase is a young, aggressive prosecutor with a perfect conviction record who tries the cases that come out of her own neighborhood. Returning to work after having her first child, Annabeth is ready to take on the most difficult cases, fueled by her passion to protect her community and her family. Challenging Annabeth's legal strategies is her new boss, Maureen Scofield, a no-nonsense lawyer not afraid to push her hard. Leading the team is Steve Sharpe, who is one of Annabeth's biggest supporters but is concerned about how her cases will play in the media. Annabeth's husband, Jack, is devoted to their family and is a rock for her to lean on when the challenges of her job start to infringe on their home life.Close to Home (2005—2007)
Close to Home
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Close to Home is a legal drama that tears away the facade of suburbia to reveal that sometimes quiet and tranquil streets can hide the darkest of crimes. Annabeth Chase is a young, aggressive prosecutor with a perfect conviction record who tries the cases that come out of her own neighborhood. Returning to work after having her first child, Annabeth is ready to take on the most difficult cases, fueled by her passion to protect her community and her family. Challenging Annabeth's legal strategies is her new boss, Maureen Scofield, a no-nonsense lawyer not afraid to push her hard. Leading the team is Steve Sharpe, who is one of Annabeth's biggest supporters but is concerned about how her cases will play in the media. Annabeth's husband, Jack, is devoted to their family and is a rock for her to lean on when the challenges of her job start to infringe on their home life.Сюжет (англ.)
A therapist named Benjamin Barnes (Christopher Gorham) lives his life in the shadows of his brother, sister, mother, and father, all of whom are doctors, while at the same time trying to keep his family together after the addition ofOut of Practice (2005—2006)
Out of Practice
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A therapist named Benjamin Barnes (Christopher Gorham) lives his life in the shadows of his brother, sister, mother, and father, all of whom are doctors, while at the same time trying to keep his family together after the addition ofСюжет (англ.)
Debbie Strand set a fire that killed her mother and her mother's boyfriend, and is sent to live with her elderly grandmother, who is an ultra-conservative fundamentalist Christian and her dog. Her grandmother is abusive and physically violent, and even forces her to wear her demeaning, outdated clothes. Debbie kills her grandmother's dog and beats her grandmother to death with her cane after she reads her diary and tells her she's putting her in a reform school. Debbie also eyes one of her new teachers, Mr. Rinaldi. After learning that he has a girlfriend, she deletes her messages on his answering machine and tries to kill her so she can have Mr. Rinaldi to herself. Debbie is eventually arrested and placed in an institution.Devil in the Flesh (1998)
Devil in the Flesh
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Debbie Strand set a fire that killed her mother and her mother's boyfriend, and is sent to live with her elderly grandmother, who is an ultra-conservative fundamentalist Christian and her dog. Her grandmother is abusive and physically violent, and even forces her to wear her demeaning, outdated clothes. Debbie kills her grandmother's dog and beats her grandmother to death with her cane after she reads her diary and tells her she's putting her in a reform school. Debbie also eyes one of her new teachers, Mr. Rinaldi. After learning that he has a girlfriend, she deletes her messages on his answering machine and tries to kill her so she can have Mr. Rinaldi to herself. Debbie is eventually arrested and placed in an institution.Сюжет (англ.)
Ally Walker stars as Dr. Sam Waters, a detective with the Violent Crimes Task Force, a federal agency which often works with the FBI, ATF, and other crime-solving agencies. The VCTF ...Profiler (1996—2000)
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Ally Walker stars as Dr. Sam Waters, a detective with the Violent Crimes Task Force, a federal agency which often works with the FBI, ATF, and other crime-solving agencies. The VCTF ...Сюжет
У Норта було все: іграшки, друзі-приятелі, школа, в якій Норт досягав успіху по всіх предметах; бейсбол, який Норт дуже любив. Чого ж хлопчаку не вистачало? Батьків. Тобто тато і мама у Норта теж були, тільки хлопчику здавалося, що справжні батьки його абсолютно не цінують.І тому одного разу Норт відправляється в подорож, щоб знайти собі нових, прийоних батьків. Техас, Гаваї, Аляска, Китай, африканські джунглі, Париж, передмістя Нью-Йорка... Де ж вони, найкращі на світі мама і тато?
Норт (1994)
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У Норта було все: іграшки, друзі-приятелі, школа, в якій Норт досягав успіху по всіх предметах; бейсбол, який Норт дуже любив. Чого ж хлопчаку не вистачало? Батьків. Тобто тато і мама у Норта теж були, тільки хлопчику здавалося, що справжні батьки його абсолютно не цінують.І тому одного разу Норт відправляється в подорож, щоб знайти собі нових, прийоних батьків. Техас, Гаваї, Аляска, Китай, африканські джунглі, Париж, передмістя Нью-Йорка... Де ж вони, найкращі на світі мама і тато?
Грейс Келлі - розумна, рішуча, не падаюча духом домогосподарка, якій набриднув її чоловік і саме життя в законному шлюбі. Після 8 років байдикування, Грейс вирішує, що у неї залишилося тільки 2 шляхи: залишатися заміжньою (і бути нещасною в шлюбі) або піти працювати і довести перш за все собі, що вона здатна на більше, і вона влаштовується працювати на завод...Грейс у вогні (1993—1998)
Grace Under Fire
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Грейс Келлі - розумна, рішуча, не падаюча духом домогосподарка, якій набриднув її чоловік і саме життя в законному шлюбі. Після 8 років байдикування, Грейс вирішує, що у неї залишилося тільки 2 шляхи: залишатися заміжньою (і бути нещасною в шлюбі) або піти працювати і довести перш за все собі, що вона здатна на більше, і вона влаштовується працювати на завод...Сюжет
Cеріал показує життя учнів, які живуть у найбагатших районах Беверлі Гілс, і як вони дорослішають разом поступають у коледж та починають працювати. Молодь стає друзями та ворогами, вони закохуються та ненавидять, проходять скрізь безліч кризових ситуацій, такі як алкоголізм, апартеїд у Південній Африці, вагітність та наркотики...Беверлі Гілс 90210 (1990—2000)
Beverly Hills, 90210
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Cеріал показує життя учнів, які живуть у найбагатших районах Беверлі Гілс, і як вони дорослішають разом поступають у коледж та починають працювати. Молодь стає друзями та ворогами, вони закохуються та ненавидять, проходять скрізь безліч кризових ситуацій, такі як алкоголізм, апартеїд у Південній Африці, вагітність та наркотики...Сюжет (англ.)
Clint is an every day working man whose wife Joanna is having an affair with a doctor. They plot to kill him and get the insurance money. Only trouble the drug overdose they give him doesn't kill him. Lucky for Clint he's buried in a cheap wooden box and he unburies himself. Just remember, Hell hath no fury like a man buried alive!Buried Alive (1990)
Buried Alive
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Clint is an every day working man whose wife Joanna is having an affair with a doctor. They plot to kill him and get the insurance money. Only trouble the drug overdose they give him doesn't kill him. Lucky for Clint he's buried in a cheap wooden box and he unburies himself. Just remember, Hell hath no fury like a man buried alive!Сюжет (англ.)
Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.Крила (1990—1997)
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Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.Сюжет (англ.)
Toby Kellogg is an aspiring musician, who's sent off to music school over the summer. Not wishing to stay away from his band and potential girlfriend, he slips away late one night, where soon after police storm his sleeping dorm in looking for him. He returns home, expecting further grief from his folks and disappointment from his kid brother David, only to find his family is nowhere to be found, in fact house is completely devoid of all it's contents...in-short abandoned. He isn't aware that his father stumbled across a mafia conspiracy and has been spirited away along with his wife and son, by witness protection program. But none of that matters know since an ace assassin has just gunned down his closest friend in mistaken identity and is now back to correct his goof.Moving Target (1988)
Moving Target
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Toby Kellogg is an aspiring musician, who's sent off to music school over the summer. Not wishing to stay away from his band and potential girlfriend, he slips away late one night, where soon after police storm his sleeping dorm in looking for him. He returns home, expecting further grief from his folks and disappointment from his kid brother David, only to find his family is nowhere to be found, in fact house is completely devoid of all it's contents...in-short abandoned. He isn't aware that his father stumbled across a mafia conspiracy and has been spirited away along with his wife and son, by witness protection program. But none of that matters know since an ace assassin has just gunned down his closest friend in mistaken identity and is now back to correct his goof.Сюжет (англ.)
Ben Matlock is a very expensive criminal defense attorney, who charges one hundred thousand dollars to take a case. Fortunately, he's worth every penny, as he and his associates defend his clients by finding the real killer.Метлок (1986—1995)
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Ben Matlock is a very expensive criminal defense attorney, who charges one hundred thousand dollars to take a case. Fortunately, he's worth every penny, as he and his associates defend his clients by finding the real killer.Сюжет (англ.)
A group of American teenage boys goes south of the border to work for the summer at a Mexican resort. There they encounter many wacky guests and have zany adventures involving a German ...Hot Chili (1985)
Hot Chili
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A group of American teenage boys goes south of the border to work for the summer at a Mexican resort. There they encounter many wacky guests and have zany adventures involving a German ...Сюжет
Crazy Like a Fox is an American television series set in San Francisco, California, that aired on CBS from December 30, 1984 to May 3, 1986.Crazy like a Fox (1984)
Crazy like a Fox
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Crazy Like a Fox is an American television series set in San Francisco, California, that aired on CBS from December 30, 1984 to May 3, 1986.Сюжет (англ.)
Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who breaks the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals.Hunter (1984—1991)
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Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who breaks the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals.Сюжет (англ.)
Paulie is falling to pieces. His every encounter with the opposite sex ends in violence, while stirring up memories of his prostitute mother and her brutal pimp and the sexually abusive hooker who molested him as a child.Victims (1982)
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Paulie is falling to pieces. His every encounter with the opposite sex ends in violence, while stirring up memories of his prostitute mother and her brutal pimp and the sexually abusive hooker who molested him as a child.Сюжет (англ.)
A.J. Simon is a polished fellow with a taste for classic cars and tailored suits. Rick Simon is his less refined (but still pleasant) older brother who has a taste for cowboy boots and four-wheel drive pickups. The two of them live in San Diego, where they own a private detective agency. The series chronicles their exploits.Simon & Simon (1981—1989)
Simon & Simon
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A.J. Simon is a polished fellow with a taste for classic cars and tailored suits. Rick Simon is his less refined (but still pleasant) older brother who has a taste for cowboy boots and four-wheel drive pickups. The two of them live in San Diego, where they own a private detective agency. The series chronicles their exploits.Сюжет (англ.)
A poor, elderly white woman living in a tenement in a black ghetto is befriended by a neighborhood boy, and the two of them form a mutually beneficial relationship: he provides her ...White Mama (1980)
White Mama
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A poor, elderly white woman living in a tenement in a black ghetto is befriended by a neighborhood boy, and the two of them form a mutually beneficial relationship: he provides her ...Сюжет (англ.)
The further misadventures of Archie Bunker, now the owner of a local pub, and his regulars.Archie Bunker's Place (1979—1983)
Archie Bunker's Place
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The further misadventures of Archie Bunker, now the owner of a local pub, and his regulars.Сюжет (англ.)
A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.Die Sister, Die! (1978)
Die Sister, Die!
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A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.Сюжет (англ.)
A divorced man hooks up with a street-smart sixteen-year-old who makes her living by repossessing cars from their owners.Zero to Sixty (1978)
Zero to Sixty
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A divorced man hooks up with a street-smart sixteen-year-old who makes her living by repossessing cars from their owners.Сюжет
На загадковому Тропічному острові, чоловік на ім’я містер Рорк за допомогою своїх асистентів виконує будь-які бажання і фантазії своїх гостей. Єдина умова: «Ви нікому не повинні розповідати, про те що станеться із Вами на Острові». Але чи готові гості до втілення своїх мрій? Чи зможуть контролювати свої бажання?Острів фантазій (1977—1984)
Fantasy Island
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На загадковому Тропічному острові, чоловік на ім’я містер Рорк за допомогою своїх асистентів виконує будь-які бажання і фантазії своїх гостей. Єдина умова: «Ви нікому не повинні розповідати, про те що станеться із Вами на Острові». Але чи готові гості до втілення своїх мрій? Чи зможуть контролювати свої бажання?Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths that usually suggest murder.Quincy M.E (1976—1983)
Quincy M.E
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The cases of a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths that usually suggest murder.Сюжет (англ.)
Athletic youth, aware of his terminal illness, refuses to give up.Сюжет (англ.)
The captain of a city police station and his staff handle the various local troubles and characters that come to the building.Barney Miller (1974—1982)
Barney Miller
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The captain of a city police station and his staff handle the various local troubles and characters that come to the building.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати