Кріс Томсон
Chris Thomson
Дата народження: 1 січня 1945
Знак зодіаку: Козоріг
Дата смерті: 1 липня 2015 (70 років)
Місце народження: Нова Зеландія
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 19
Сюжет (англ.)
A meteor shower threatens a small American town.Meteorites! (1998)
3 червня 1998 (Світ)
1 год 29 хв
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A meteor shower threatens a small American town.Сюжет
Поблизу "Зони 51", де були помічені НЛО, починають відбуватися неймовірні події: ніким не керовані могутні вантажівки оживають і починають переслідувати своїх водіїв, а потім і всіх людей навколо, вбиваючи їх самими звірячими і витонченими способами. Декілька місцевих жителів і приїжджих, які прибули в надії побачити НЛО, виявляються відрізаними від зовнішнього світу. Чи вдасться їм врятуватися, або армада вантажівок-вбивць на чолі з "Королем автостради " - 18-ти колісним рефрижератором зажене їх в кут?Вантажівки (1997)
29 жовтня 1997 (Світ)
1 год 35 хв
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Поблизу "Зони 51", де були помічені НЛО, починають відбуватися неймовірні події: ніким не керовані могутні вантажівки оживають і починають переслідувати своїх водіїв, а потім і всіх людей навколо, вбиваючи їх самими звірячими і витонченими способами. Декілька місцевих жителів і приїжджих, які прибули в надії побачити НЛО, виявляються відрізаними від зовнішнього світу. Чи вдасться їм врятуватися, або армада вантажівок-вбивць на чолі з "Королем автостради " - 18-ти колісним рефрижератором зажене їх в кут?Сюжет (англ.)
The series looks at the people who investigate the circumstances surrounding accidental, unnecessary or unexplained deaths.State Coroner (1997)
State Coroner
Серіал 2 сезони, 0 епізодів
14 серпня 1997 (Світ)
50 хв
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The series looks at the people who investigate the circumstances surrounding accidental, unnecessary or unexplained deaths.Сюжет (англ.)
A husband and wife and their youngest son are murdered in this true story. Their two other sons are left to cope with their loss, but the local sherrif begins to suspect that one of the brothers committed the crime, and must convince the other to help him discover the truth.Written by
>David Kinne <davros@gargoyle.apana.org.au>
The Morrison Murders: Based on a True Story (1996)
The Morrison Murders: Based on a True Story
5 листопада 1996 (Світ)
Канада, США
1 год 30 хв
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A husband and wife and their youngest son are murdered in this true story. Their two other sons are left to cope with their loss, but the local sherrif begins to suspect that one of the brothers committed the crime, and must convince the other to help him discover the truth.Written by
>David Kinne <davros@gargoyle.apana.org.au>
Юному Майку разом з матір’ю доводиться приїхати на невеликий острів, де знаходиться науково-дослідна станція. Спочатку Майк дуже засмучений, адже на цьому острові абсолютно нічого робити: у нього немає ні друзів, ні розваг. Але трохи згодом Майк знайомиться із симпатичною дівчинкою на ім’я Майя, а їх кращим другом стає чарівний і дуже розумний дельфін Фліппер.Фліппер (1995—2000)
Серіал 4 сезони, 87 епізодів
2 жовтня 1995 (Світ)
США, Австралія
60 хв
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Юному Майку разом з матір’ю доводиться приїхати на невеликий острів, де знаходиться науково-дослідна станція. Спочатку Майк дуже засмучений, адже на цьому острові абсолютно нічого робити: у нього немає ні друзів, ні розваг. Але трохи згодом Майк знайомиться із симпатичною дівчинкою на ім’я Майя, а їх кращим другом стає чарівний і дуже розумний дельфін Фліппер.Сюжет (англ.)
A dramatic police mystery, exposes the unending prejudice faced by the only female detective in a male-dominated police squad.Under Suspicion (1994—1995)
Under Suspicion
Серіал 1 сезон, 18 епізодів
16 вересня 1994 (Світ)
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A dramatic police mystery, exposes the unending prejudice faced by the only female detective in a male-dominated police squad.Сюжет (англ.)
In rural Comfort, Texas, the strict protestant Horizon Bible church community holds its annual, pretty strictly supervised summer camp, with mandatory prayer sessions, for fraternizing teens from all over the States. The day before their departure, storm weather is announced, the busses even ride early to keep ahead, but the wind makes a river rise too fast: the busses are caught, everybody must run on foot. As TV reporters see from their helicopter, the rising water is too fast for one bus after choosing the wrong way, children and staff must climb in trees but can't cling on very long. Some kids break down in understandable panic, others prove true and unselfish courage, including Brad, the natural leader, every girl's dream and the most boisterous of the pack, occasionally braving the rather totalitarian system. Worried parents fly in to the rescue center in a public school, where survivors and corpses are brought in, including that of Tonya Smith; her overprotective father heartlessly does like always: rebuke poor older brother Michael, an obedient, fat kid who never gets a break or treat and still is never good enough for pa's praise, now even gets blamed for 'failing' to watch over his kid sisters, obviously brother Koons's adult team's job, actually just beyond human strength. A brave reporter can't stand by idly as too many victims are still in desperate need for the military rescue crew to handle, but his own helicopter gets in trouble. The growing victims list and guilt feelings, even just for surviving when others didn't, cause a flood of tears too...The Flood: Who Will Save Our Children? (1993)
The Flood: Who Will Save Our Children?
10 жовтня 1993 (Світ)
Австралія, США
1 год 36 хв
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In rural Comfort, Texas, the strict protestant Horizon Bible church community holds its annual, pretty strictly supervised summer camp, with mandatory prayer sessions, for fraternizing teens from all over the States. The day before their departure, storm weather is announced, the busses even ride early to keep ahead, but the wind makes a river rise too fast: the busses are caught, everybody must run on foot. As TV reporters see from their helicopter, the rising water is too fast for one bus after choosing the wrong way, children and staff must climb in trees but can't cling on very long. Some kids break down in understandable panic, others prove true and unselfish courage, including Brad, the natural leader, every girl's dream and the most boisterous of the pack, occasionally braving the rather totalitarian system. Worried parents fly in to the rescue center in a public school, where survivors and corpses are brought in, including that of Tonya Smith; her overprotective father heartlessly does like always: rebuke poor older brother Michael, an obedient, fat kid who never gets a break or treat and still is never good enough for pa's praise, now even gets blamed for 'failing' to watch over his kid sisters, obviously brother Koons's adult team's job, actually just beyond human strength. A brave reporter can't stand by idly as too many victims are still in desperate need for the military rescue crew to handle, but his own helicopter gets in trouble. The growing victims list and guilt feelings, even just for surviving when others didn't, cause a flood of tears too...Сюжет
Поліцейський з 2193 року Дерієн Ламберт вирушає XX століття, щоб вистежити втікачів, які сховалися у минулому за допомогою машини часу.Слід крізь час (1993—1994)
Time Trax
Серіал 2 сезони, 44 епізоди
20 січня 1993 (Світ)
45 хв
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Поліцейський з 2193 року Дерієн Ламберт вирушає XX століття, щоб вистежити втікачів, які сховалися у минулому за допомогою машини часу.Сюжет (англ.)
A woman believes that her husband is molesting their daughter. Unfortunately she can't prove it, so when the courts grant him custody, she is approached by a woman who went through the same...Stop at Nothing (1991)
Stop at Nothing
3 грудня 1991 (Світ)
1 год 36 хв
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A woman believes that her husband is molesting their daughter. Unfortunately she can't prove it, so when the courts grant him custody, she is approached by a woman who went through the same...Сюжет (англ.)
A small town in Australia, in the late 1950s: Brownie and Lola are deeply in love. But because they are under-age, their parents are against their relationship and try to separate them.The Delinquents (1989)
The Delinquents
21 грудня 1989 (Світ)
Австралія, США, Канада
1 год 41 хв
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A small town in Australia, in the late 1950s: Brownie and Lola are deeply in love. But because they are under-age, their parents are against their relationship and try to separate them.Сюжет (англ.)
The lives and cases of the members the Australian, Sydney based, New South Wales Police Rescue Squad.Sidney police (1989—1996)
Sidney police
Серіал 5 сезонів, 62 епізоди
15 березня 1989 (Світ)
Австралія, Велика Британія
50 хв
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The lives and cases of the members the Australian, Sydney based, New South Wales Police Rescue Squad.Сюжет (англ.)
Mrs. Allison is the owner of the Saltare Swimsuit company. Her top man Brian, and his not so bright assitant Willard have to find men and women that can be prospective models for her ...Сюжет (англ.)
Toby Kellogg is an aspiring musician, who's sent off to music school over the summer. Not wishing to stay away from his band and potential girlfriend, he slips away late one night, where soon after police storm his sleeping dorm in looking for him. He returns home, expecting further grief from his folks and disappointment from his kid brother David, only to find his family is nowhere to be found, in fact house is completely devoid of all it's contents...in-short abandoned. He isn't aware that his father stumbled across a mafia conspiracy and has been spirited away along with his wife and son, by witness protection program. But none of that matters know since an ace assassin has just gunned down his closest friend in mistaken identity and is now back to correct his goof.Moving Target (1988)
Moving Target
8 лютого 1988 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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Toby Kellogg is an aspiring musician, who's sent off to music school over the summer. Not wishing to stay away from his band and potential girlfriend, he slips away late one night, where soon after police storm his sleeping dorm in looking for him. He returns home, expecting further grief from his folks and disappointment from his kid brother David, only to find his family is nowhere to be found, in fact house is completely devoid of all it's contents...in-short abandoned. He isn't aware that his father stumbled across a mafia conspiracy and has been spirited away along with his wife and son, by witness protection program. But none of that matters know since an ace assassin has just gunned down his closest friend in mistaken identity and is now back to correct his goof.Сюжет (англ.)
This series chronicles the events surrounding the activities of the Royal Flying Doctors Service, which operates its own aircraft -in this case from the base at Coopers Crossing, an otherwise hardly notable town- to fly its medical sThe Flying Doctors (1986)
The Flying Doctors
Серіал 9 сезонів, 221 епізод
15 травня 1986 (Світ)
50 хв
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This series chronicles the events surrounding the activities of the Royal Flying Doctors Service, which operates its own aircraft -in this case from the base at Coopers Crossing, an otherwise hardly notable town- to fly its medical sСюжет (англ.)
Barbara and Steward are happily married and have three kids. But one day Barbara decides that her children are old enough now and she can quit as housewife and start to study. Against the ...The Perfectionist (1987)
The Perfectionist
1 грудня 1985 (Світ)
1 год 33 хв
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Barbara and Steward are happily married and have three kids. But one day Barbara decides that her children are old enough now and she can quit as housewife and start to study. Against the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Follows the adventures of a group of Americans who travel to the land down under. Teaming up with a native halfway house owner, together they introduce a stagecoach service to the local economy.Five Mile Creek (1983—1985)
Five Mile Creek
Серіал 3 сезони, 40 епізодів
4 листопада 1983 (Світ)
46 хв
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Follows the adventures of a group of Americans who travel to the land down under. Teaming up with a native halfway house owner, together they introduce a stagecoach service to the local economy.Сюжет (англ.)
A series of mystery-thriller stories, linked only by the character of The Hitchhiker, who would introduce and close each episode in the style of Rod Serling or Alfred Hitchcock. Occasional stories involved supernatural forces, but most plot twists stemmed only from the dark side of the human spirit.Deadly Nightmares (1983)
Deadly Nightmares
Серіал 4 сезони, 85 епізодів
1 листопада 1983 (Світ)
Франція, Канада, США
26 хв
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A series of mystery-thriller stories, linked only by the character of The Hitchhiker, who would introduce and close each episode in the style of Rod Serling or Alfred Hitchcock. Occasional stories involved supernatural forces, but most plot twists stemmed only from the dark side of the human spirit.Сюжет (англ.)
Follow the highs and lows of the townsfolk of Wandin Valley. This drama TV series revolves around the daily happenings of a 'small town' rural Australian hospital, its doctors, nurses, patients, and pretty much everyone else in th...A Country Practice (1981—1994)
A Country Practice
Серіал 13 сезонів, 930 епізодів
режисер, сценарист
18 листопада 1981 (Світ)
60 хв
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Follow the highs and lows of the townsfolk of Wandin Valley. This drama TV series revolves around the daily happenings of a 'small town' rural Australian hospital, its doctors, nurses, patients, and pretty much everyone else in th...Коментарі:
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Останні коментарі до фільмів
Поки дивився фільм дуже часто ловив себе на думці ...
Обличчя зі шрамом (1983)
А на IMDb фільму нема...раша Гудбай (2025)
Справжня Білосніжка в Німеччині :-) https://www.yo...Білосніжка (2025)
Серіал топчик і набуває зовсім іншого значення в н...Фолаут (2024)
Неочікувано вишукана гра Дейзі Рідлі. Простенький ...Іноді я думаю про смерть (2023)
це москальський сайт. не треба його тут рекламуват...Пункт призначення 4 (2009)
Справжня Білосніжка в Кореї https://www.youtube.co...Білосніжка (2025)
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