Монте Хеллман
Monte Hellman
Дата народження: 12 липня 1932
Знак зодіаку: Рак
Дата смерті: 20 квітня 2021 (88 років)
Місце народження: Грінпойнт, Бруклін, Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 34
Ролі: режисер ★ 6.7 (18), актор (16), продюсер (5), сценарист ★ 3 (4)
Сюжет (англ.)
Friends and admirers of iconoclastic film director Sam Fuller read from his memoirs.A Fuller Life (2013)
A Fuller Life
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Friends and admirers of iconoclastic film director Sam Fuller read from his memoirs.Сюжет (англ.)
Seventy short films about cinema and its future.Venice 70: Future Reloaded (2013)
Venice 70: Future Reloaded
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Seventy short films about cinema and its future.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary on DIY producer/director Roger Corman and his alternative approach to making movies in Hollywood.Corman's World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (2011)
Corman's World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel
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A documentary on DIY producer/director Roger Corman and his alternative approach to making movies in Hollywood.Сюжет (англ.)
There's a murky tenuous balance between reality and fiction; particularly when it involves a beautiful young woman, murder, a powerful politico, a missing fortune and suicide. A passionate filmmaker creating a film based upon a true crime casts an unknown mysterious young woman bearing a disturbing resemblance to the femme fatale in the story. Unsuspectingly, he finds himself drawn into a complex web of haunting intrigue, obsessed with the woman, the crime, her possibly notorious past and the disturbing complexity between art and truth. From the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina to Verona, Rome and London, new truths are revealed and clues to other crimes and passions, darker and even more complex are uncovered.Road to Nowhere (2010)
Road to Nowhere
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There's a murky tenuous balance between reality and fiction; particularly when it involves a beautiful young woman, murder, a powerful politico, a missing fortune and suicide. A passionate filmmaker creating a film based upon a true crime casts an unknown mysterious young woman bearing a disturbing resemblance to the femme fatale in the story. Unsuspectingly, he finds himself drawn into a complex web of haunting intrigue, obsessed with the woman, the crime, her possibly notorious past and the disturbing complexity between art and truth. From the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina to Verona, Rome and London, new truths are revealed and clues to other crimes and passions, darker and even more complex are uncovered.Сюжет (англ.)
Sodankyla film festival started at 1986 and was created by Finnish directors Anssi Manttari, Aki and Mika Kaurismaki, along with Peter Von Bagh.Sodankyla Forever is a great documentary especially for movie enthusiasts. Following...
Sodankyla Forever (2010)
Sodankyla Forever
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Sodankyla film festival started at 1986 and was created by Finnish directors Anssi Manttari, Aki and Mika Kaurismaki, along with Peter Von Bagh.Sodankyla Forever is a great documentary especially for movie enthusiasts. Following...
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A portuguese show where Mario Augusto presents the new films of the week and interviews actors, actresses and directors.Janela Indiscreta (2010)
Janela Indiscreta
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A portuguese show where Mario Augusto presents the new films of the week and interviews actors, actresses and directors.Сюжет (англ.)
The actress Phoebe Kane and her boyfriend Andy, the architect Henry and his wife Julia, the former director Leo and Nathalie receive an invitation for a VIP Tour in the Ultra Studios. When they see the spooky house where the missing director Desmond Hacker filmed "Hysteria", they ask their tour guide to stop the car to visit the infamous house. In a moment, they find that they are trapped in a room without any exit and the guide suggests them to tell the scariest experience of each one like in "Hysteria". Each one tells a spooky tale until they finally discover the end of their stories.Trapped Ashes (2006)
Trapped Ashes
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The actress Phoebe Kane and her boyfriend Andy, the architect Henry and his wife Julia, the former director Leo and Nathalie receive an invitation for a VIP Tour in the Ultra Studios. When they see the spooky house where the missing director Desmond Hacker filmed "Hysteria", they ask their tour guide to stop the car to visit the infamous house. In a moment, they find that they are trapped in a room without any exit and the guide suggests them to tell the scariest experience of each one like in "Hysteria". Each one tells a spooky tale until they finally discover the end of their stories.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary on road movies and their effect on American culture.Wanderlust (2006)
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A documentary on road movies and their effect on American culture.Сюжет (англ.)
This made-for-television documentary explores the style, characters, performances, impact, and influence of Quentin Tarantino's landmark indie film Reservoir Dogs (1992).'Reservoir Dogs' Revisited (2005)
'Reservoir Dogs' Revisited
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This made-for-television documentary explores the style, characters, performances, impact, and influence of Quentin Tarantino's landmark indie film Reservoir Dogs (1992).Сюжет (англ.)
The 1970s was an extraordinary time of rebellion, of questioning every accepted idea: political activism, hedonism, protests, the sexual revolution, the women's movement, the civil rights movement, the music revolution, rage and liberation. Every standard by which we set our social and cultural clocks was either turned inside out or thrown away completely and reinvented. For American cinema, the 1970s was an era during which a new generation of filmmakers created work for a new kind of audience--moviegoers who were hungry for stories that reflected their own experiences and who were turning their backs on aged old studio formulas. As a result, emerging filmmakers influenced by foreign directors such as Godard, Kurosawa and Fellini coupled with the social climate and a struggling studio system, converged to create a new kind of moviemaking. Through their choice of material, filmmakers such as Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, Peter Bogdanovich, William Friedkin, Roger Corman and Paul Schrader revolutionized mainstream movies and for the first time personal visions were coming out of the studio system.A Decade Under the Influence (2003)
A Decade Under the Influence
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The 1970s was an extraordinary time of rebellion, of questioning every accepted idea: political activism, hedonism, protests, the sexual revolution, the women's movement, the civil rights movement, the music revolution, rage and liberation. Every standard by which we set our social and cultural clocks was either turned inside out or thrown away completely and reinvented. For American cinema, the 1970s was an era during which a new generation of filmmakers created work for a new kind of audience--moviegoers who were hungry for stories that reflected their own experiences and who were turning their backs on aged old studio formulas. As a result, emerging filmmakers influenced by foreign directors such as Godard, Kurosawa and Fellini coupled with the social climate and a struggling studio system, converged to create a new kind of moviemaking. Through their choice of material, filmmakers such as Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, Peter Bogdanovich, William Friedkin, Roger Corman and Paul Schrader revolutionized mainstream movies and for the first time personal visions were coming out of the studio system.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at 1970s Hollywood when it was known as New Hollywood, and the director was the star of the movie.Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (2003)
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood
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A look at 1970s Hollywood when it was known as New Hollywood, and the director was the star of the movie.Сюжет
Приїхавши в одне з чарівних містечок на півночі Англії, «подаюча надії голлівудська актриса» Барбара познайомилася з міським трунарем Річардом, за сумісництвом пишучим некрологи в місцеву газету.Повернувшись додому до своїх обов'язків офіціантки в японському ресторані, Барбара стала розказувати всім своїм знайомим про «красеня-письменника». До нещастя, «письменнику» надумалося відвідати «актрису». Не знаючи до ладу навіть її адреси, Річард стрибає в літак і відправляється слідом за нею до Лос-Анджелеса...
Лос-Анжелес без мапи (1998)
L.A. Without a Map
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Приїхавши в одне з чарівних містечок на півночі Англії, «подаюча надії голлівудська актриса» Барбара познайомилася з міським трунарем Річардом, за сумісництвом пишучим некрологи в місцеву газету.Повернувшись додому до своїх обов'язків офіціантки в японському ресторані, Барбара стала розказувати всім своїм знайомим про «красеня-письменника». До нещастя, «письменнику» надумалося відвідати «актрису». Не знаючи до ладу навіть її адреси, Річард стрибає в літак і відправляється слідом за нею до Лос-Анджелеса...
Сюжет (англ.)
This straight-talking program seeks to understand the enigmatic and controversial Sam Peckinpah, whose violent films such as The Wild Bunch and Straw Dogs had a telling effect on the cinema of the 1970s and 80s. Those who knew and...Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron (1993)
Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron
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This straight-talking program seeks to understand the enigmatic and controversial Sam Peckinpah, whose violent films such as The Wild Bunch and Straw Dogs had a telling effect on the cinema of the 1970s and 80s. Those who knew and...Сюжет (англ.)
A retrospective of the work of the late actor Warren Oates, with clips from his films and interviews with cast and crew members who worked with him.Warren Oates: Across the Border (1993)
Warren Oates: Across the Border
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A retrospective of the work of the late actor Warren Oates, with clips from his films and interviews with cast and crew members who worked with him.Сюжет
Це повинно було стати ідеальним злочином. Задумавши пограбувати ювелірний магазин, кримінальний бос Джо Кебот зібрав разом шістьох досвідчених і абсолютно незнайомих один з одним злочинців. Але з самого початку все пішло не так, і звичайний грабіж перетворився в криваву бійню.Скажені пси (1992)
Reservoir Dogs
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Це повинно було стати ідеальним злочином. Задумавши пограбувати ювелірний магазин, кримінальний бос Джо Кебот зібрав разом шістьох досвідчених і абсолютно незнайомих один з одним злочинців. Але з самого початку все пішло не так, і звичайний грабіж перетворився в криваву бійню.Сюжет
Фільм починається зі сну сліпої дівчини Лаури Андерсон, якій сниться, як Ріккі вбиває її. Виявляється, вона телепатично пов'язана з ним. Ріккі Колдуелл довгий час був в комі, але коли отримав телепатичні сигнали від Лаури, то повернувся до життя. Ріккі тікає з госпіталю і відправляється на пошуки Лаури, вбиваючи інших людей на своєму шляху.Тиха ніч, смертельна ніч 3 (1989)
Silent Night, Deadly Night III: Better Watch Out!
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Фільм починається зі сну сліпої дівчини Лаури Андерсон, якій сниться, як Ріккі вбиває її. Виявляється, вона телепатично пов'язана з ним. Ріккі Колдуелл довгий час був в комі, але коли отримав телепатичні сигнали від Лаури, то повернувся до життя. Ріккі тікає з госпіталю і відправляється на пошуки Лаури, вбиваючи інших людей на своєму шляху.Сюжет
Гарпунер Оберус — моряк 19 століття, із спотвореним обличчям на прізвисько Ігуана. Він терпить жорстоке поводження з боку моряків на риболовецькому промисловому судні. Одного разу вночі він втікає і залишається жити на віддаленому острові. Там він проголошує себе правителем острова і оголошує війну людству.Ігуана (1988)
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Гарпунер Оберус — моряк 19 століття, із спотвореним обличчям на прізвисько Ігуана. Він терпить жорстоке поводження з боку моряків на риболовецькому промисловому судні. Одного разу вночі він втікає і залишається жити на віддаленому острові. Там він проголошує себе правителем острова і оголошує війну людству.Сюжет (англ.)
A Hollywood film director assembles a group of friends and strangers for a social gathering on Valentines Day in a deserted movie theater where he interviews each one on their opinions on love and loneliness.Someone to Love (1987)
Someone to Love
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A Hollywood film director assembles a group of friends and strangers for a social gathering on Valentines Day in a deserted movie theater where he interviews each one on their opinions on love and loneliness.Сюжет
Під час Каннського кінофестивалю 1982 року Вім Вендерс по черзі запросив своїх колег для інтерв'ю в кімнату, де був спеціально поміщений телевізор як головне джерело загрози для кіно.Вендерсу були цікаві не тільки відповіді колег, але і їх реакція на присутність телевізора. От чому узяті інтерв'ю неможливо видати у вигляді книги або радіопередач. Це треба бачити.
Кімната 666 (1982)
Room 666
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Під час Каннського кінофестивалю 1982 року Вім Вендерс по черзі запросив своїх колег для інтерв'ю в кімнату, де був спеціально поміщений телевізор як головне джерело загрози для кіно.Вендерсу були цікаві не тільки відповіді колег, але і їх реакція на присутність телевізора. От чому узяті інтерв'ю неможливо видати у вигляді книги або радіопередач. Це треба бачити.
Inside the Coppola Personality (1981)
Inside the Coppola Personality
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Soviet KGB General Marenkov defects to the Americans and together with his CIA handler Harry Wargrave they plan an operation meant to reveal the KGB agents in Europe.Avalanche Express (1979)
Avalanche Express
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Soviet KGB General Marenkov defects to the Americans and together with his CIA handler Harry Wargrave they plan an operation meant to reveal the KGB agents in Europe.Сюжет (англ.)
The railroad hires a condemned killer to murder an uncooperative rancher but the assassin fails to deliver, prompting the railroad men to go after him instead.China 9, Liberty 37 (1978)
China 9, Liberty 37
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The railroad hires a condemned killer to murder an uncooperative rancher but the assassin fails to deliver, prompting the railroad men to go after him instead.Сюжет (англ.)
Frank Mansfield has wanted to win the Cockfighter of the Year medal for ages. Frank never speaks. After shooting his mouth off one too many times then losing a champion rooster in a casual hotel room cockfight, he swore never to speak again until he's won that award... He makes a bet with old crony Jack to be settled at the upcoming meet. Frank puts his car and his trailer on the line; he loses. Jack gets the trailer, and Frank's part-time girlfriend who goes with it. Frank's long-time girlfriend Mary Elizabeth wants him to get serious and settle down. But Frank has to raise some money for a new cock - $500 - then he can form a partnership with fellow cocksman Omar Baradansky and make another try for that medal...Cockfighter (1974)
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Frank Mansfield has wanted to win the Cockfighter of the Year medal for ages. Frank never speaks. After shooting his mouth off one too many times then losing a champion rooster in a casual hotel room cockfight, he swore never to speak again until he's won that award... He makes a bet with old crony Jack to be settled at the upcoming meet. Frank puts his car and his trailer on the line; he loses. Jack gets the trailer, and Frank's part-time girlfriend who goes with it. Frank's long-time girlfriend Mary Elizabeth wants him to get serious and settle down. But Frank has to raise some money for a new cock - $500 - then he can form a partnership with fellow cocksman Omar Baradansky and make another try for that medal...Сюжет (англ.)
Shatter, an international hitman, is hiding out in Hong Kong after he has completed a contract out on an African leader. Shatter soon finds out that everyone wants him dead, including the ...Shatter (1974)
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Shatter, an international hitman, is hiding out in Hong Kong after he has completed a contract out on an African leader. Shatter soon finds out that everyone wants him dead, including the ...Сюжет (англ.)
A tennis champion falls in with the Hollywood crowd. He soon finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.The Christian Licorice Store (1971)
The Christian Licorice Store
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A tennis champion falls in with the Hollywood crowd. He soon finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.Сюжет (англ.)
The Driver and The Mechanic are two car freaks driving a 1955 Chevy throughout the southwestern U.S. looking for other cars to race. They are totally dedicated to The Car and converse with each other only when necessary. At a gas station, The Driver and The Mechanic, along with a girl who has ingratiated herself into their world, meet G.T.O., a middle-aged man who fabricates stories about his exploits. It is decided to have a race to Washington, D.C., where the winner will get the loser's car. Along the way, the race and the highway metaphorically depict the lives of these contestants as they struggle to their destination.Двосмугове шосе (1971)
Two-Lane Blacktop
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The Driver and The Mechanic are two car freaks driving a 1955 Chevy throughout the southwestern U.S. looking for other cars to race. They are totally dedicated to The Car and converse with each other only when necessary. At a gas station, The Driver and The Mechanic, along with a girl who has ingratiated herself into their world, meet G.T.O., a middle-aged man who fabricates stories about his exploits. It is decided to have a race to Washington, D.C., where the winner will get the loser's car. Along the way, the race and the highway metaphorically depict the lives of these contestants as they struggle to their destination.Сюжет (англ.)
Arts documentary series with concerts and experimental dramatizations.Omnibus (1967—2003)
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Arts documentary series with concerts and experimental dramatizations.Сюжет
Три ковбої опинилися в непотрібному місці не у той час і були прийняті за банду лінчевателів. Двоє з ковбоїв убиті і останній стає поза законом.Втеча в нікуди (1966)
Ride in the Whirlwind
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Три ковбої опинилися в непотрібному місці не у той час і були прийняті за банду лінчевателів. Двоє з ковбоїв убиті і останній стає поза законом.Сюжет (англ.)
An ex- bounty hunter turned miner returns to his mine dig to find one of his partners dead, how brother has run away and the remaining partner is slightly simple and unclear as to what happened. warren is enlisted by a mysterious women to take her across the desert. The woman is strange and keeps changing her story about what she wants and why. On the journey they pick up a gunslinger the woman has hired. The party ends up tracking a rider who is ahead of them. Warren figures out that the trip is really to track down the rider. It's along hot trip across the desert with a purposeful woman,a homicidal gunslinger, the former bounty hunter and his simple sidekick and the unknown quarry.The Shooting (1966)
The Shooting
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An ex- bounty hunter turned miner returns to his mine dig to find one of his partners dead, how brother has run away and the remaining partner is slightly simple and unclear as to what happened. warren is enlisted by a mysterious women to take her across the desert. The woman is strange and keeps changing her story about what she wants and why. On the journey they pick up a gunslinger the woman has hired. The party ends up tracking a rider who is ahead of them. Warren figures out that the trip is really to track down the rider. It's along hot trip across the desert with a purposeful woman,a homicidal gunslinger, the former bounty hunter and his simple sidekick and the unknown quarry.Сюжет (англ.)
During WWII, a three-man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistants, as they try to knock out a Japanese communication center.Back Door to Hell (1964)
Back Door to Hell
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During WWII, a three-man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistants, as they try to knock out a Japanese communication center.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати