Мішель Філліпс
Michelle Phillips
Дата народження: 4 червня 1944 (80 років)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Лонґ-Біч, Каліфорнія, США
Зріст: 170 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 109
Ролі: актриса
The biggest names in music tell untold stories of the most pivotal moments in pop music history in the new CTV Original Series THIS IS POP. Each director-driven episode is a documentary film that comes with its own style, voice, and one goal in common: to look at how these game-changing moments unfolded and why their legacies on pop music and culture continue today.Це попса (2021)
This Is Pop
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The biggest names in music tell untold stories of the most pivotal moments in pop music history in the new CTV Original Series THIS IS POP. Each director-driven episode is a documentary film that comes with its own style, voice, and one goal in common: to look at how these game-changing moments unfolded and why their legacies on pop music and culture continue today.Сюжет
Зворушливий документальний фільм розповідає історію голлівудської вулиці Лорел Каньйон у 1960-ті роки, яка на той час була творчим осередком молодих музикантів-новаторів.Відлуння у Канйоні (2018)
Echo In the Canyon
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Зворушливий документальний фільм розповідає історію голлівудської вулиці Лорел Каньйон у 1960-ті роки, яка на той час була творчим осередком молодих музикантів-новаторів.Сюжет (англ.)
Docuseries exploring the real life break-ups of popular music groups.Breaking the Band (2018)
Breaking the Band
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Docuseries exploring the real life break-ups of popular music groups.Сюжет (англ.)
Feminists: What Were They Thinking? takes aim at our current culture revealing all too vividly the urgent need for continued change.Feminists: What Were They Thinking? (2018)
Feminists: What Were They Thinking?
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Feminists: What Were They Thinking? takes aim at our current culture revealing all too vividly the urgent need for continued change.Сюжет (англ.)
GOOD FORTUNE is the rags to riches tale of conscious capitalism pioneer John Paul DeJoria. Born with nothing, at times homeless on the streets of LA, "JP" spent his early adulthood in and out of motorcycle gangs only to wheel and deal his way to the top of a vast hair and tequila empire. A modern day Robin Hood, JP's motto is "Success unshared is failure." The son of immigrants, JP defies the stereotype of 'the 1%' and is the poster boy of the triple bottom line - people, planet and profit.Good Fortune (2016)
Good Fortune
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GOOD FORTUNE is the rags to riches tale of conscious capitalism pioneer John Paul DeJoria. Born with nothing, at times homeless on the streets of LA, "JP" spent his early adulthood in and out of motorcycle gangs only to wheel and deal his way to the top of a vast hair and tequila empire. A modern day Robin Hood, JP's motto is "Success unshared is failure." The son of immigrants, JP defies the stereotype of 'the 1%' and is the poster boy of the triple bottom line - people, planet and profit.Сюжет (англ.)
Interviews and archival footage focusing on the politics, music, technical advancements, drugs and the "free love" movement of the 1960s.Шістдесяті (2014)
The Sixties
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Interviews and archival footage focusing on the politics, music, technical advancements, drugs and the "free love" movement of the 1960s.Сюжет (англ.)
Explores the music scene in Greenwich Village, New York in the 60's and early 70's. The film highlights some of the finest singer/songwriters of the day.Greenwich Village: Music That Defined a Generation (2012)
Greenwich Village: Music That Defined a Generation
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Explores the music scene in Greenwich Village, New York in the 60's and early 70's. The film highlights some of the finest singer/songwriters of the day.Сюжет (англ.)
Tor Lindblom makes a fortune supplying the Nazis with everything from liquor and cigarettes to cement and steel. He also owns the Club Havana, a nightclub in Oslo frequented by the ...Betrayal (2009)
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Tor Lindblom makes a fortune supplying the Nazis with everything from liquor and cigarettes to cement and steel. He also owns the Club Havana, a nightclub in Oslo frequented by the ...Сюжет (англ.)
A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew", a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording artists as Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys and Bing Crosby.The Wrecking Crew! (2008)
The Wrecking Crew!
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A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew", a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording artists as Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys and Bing Crosby.Сюжет (англ.)
Tom Brokaw shares the personal odysseys of people who lived through the chaotic decade of the 1960s.1968 with Tom Brokaw (2007)
1968 with Tom Brokaw
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Tom Brokaw shares the personal odysseys of people who lived through the chaotic decade of the 1960s.Сюжет (англ.)
A wannabe Elvis meets his true love, the best waitress in the West.Unbeatable Harold (2006)
Unbeatable Harold
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A wannabe Elvis meets his true love, the best waitress in the West.Сюжет (англ.)
The stars of Knots Landing (1979) reunite to discuss their experiences working on the series.Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again (2005)
Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again
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The stars of Knots Landing (1979) reunite to discuss their experiences working on the series.Сюжет
Що робити, якщо тобі 16 років і ти повний енергії, а на чолі школи стоїть справжній тиран в спідниці? Звичайно, боротися за свої права! Заради цього і об'єдналися учні школи Брукера, дати гарненький стусан під зад директорові Веллер, чий адміністративний запал на кореню душив будь-які прояви вільнодумства.Несподівано для себе, вони знайшли союзника в особі одного з викладачів - Містера Дракера, який повністю підтримував їх в боротьбі за свої права. Не бажаючи миритися з ситуацією, яка склалася в школі, Дракер зважується на відчайдушний крок...
Американські дітки (2005)
Kids in America
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Що робити, якщо тобі 16 років і ти повний енергії, а на чолі школи стоїть справжній тиран в спідниці? Звичайно, боротися за свої права! Заради цього і об'єдналися учні школи Брукера, дати гарненький стусан під зад директорові Веллер, чий адміністративний запал на кореню душив будь-які прояви вільнодумства.Несподівано для себе, вони знайшли союзника в особі одного з викладачів - Містера Дракера, який повністю підтримував їх в боротьбі за свої права. Не бажаючи миритися з ситуацією, яка склалася в школі, Дракер зважується на відчайдушний крок...
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This is a short film based on the 1979 film of the same name. The film is stylized with the actors wearing modernized robes and Roman jewelry and females playing male characters and vice-versa.Needlework Pictures Presents Francesco Vezzoli in Gore Vidal's 'Caligula' (2005)
Needlework Pictures Presents Francesco Vezzoli in Gore Vidal's 'Caligula'
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This is a short film based on the 1979 film of the same name. The film is stylized with the actors wearing modernized robes and Roman jewelry and females playing male characters and vice-versa.Eye on Entertainment (2005)
Eye on Entertainment
Предметом розгляду у фільмі стає любов і секс між двома братами. Взагалі історія схожа на будь-кого іншу лав - сторі з життя геїв: двох хлопців, їх життя, їх сварки. Ось хіба що хлопці ці - рідні брати, які хочуть один одного і емоційно і фізично...Гаррі й Макс (2004)
Harry And Max
18+Читати опис
Предметом розгляду у фільмі стає любов і секс між двома братами. Взагалі історія схожа на будь-кого іншу лав - сторі з життя геїв: двох хлопців, їх життя, їх сварки. Ось хіба що хлопці ці - рідні брати, які хочуть один одного і емоційно і фізично...Сюжет (англ.)
Through the glitter and the grunge, from The Monkees to Coldplay, Rodney Bingenheimer--a.k.a. Rodney on the ROQ--has reigned over the Los Angeles music scene for over two decades. A constantly evolving fixture as rock fan, journalist, promoter, club owner and radio DJ on KROQ, Bingenheimer has helped advance every adventurous rock mutation--California pop, glam, punk, goth, new wave, alternative--since he first hit the Sunset Strip during its psychedelic 1960s heyday.Mayor of the Sunset Strip (2003)
Mayor of the Sunset Strip
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Through the glitter and the grunge, from The Monkees to Coldplay, Rodney Bingenheimer--a.k.a. Rodney on the ROQ--has reigned over the Los Angeles music scene for over two decades. A constantly evolving fixture as rock fan, journalist, promoter, club owner and radio DJ on KROQ, Bingenheimer has helped advance every adventurous rock mutation--California pop, glam, punk, goth, new wave, alternative--since he first hit the Sunset Strip during its psychedelic 1960s heyday.Сюжет (англ.)
Abby has a complicated life. She dumps Will, her charming, but egocentric jock boyfriend only to agree to remain roommates in order to keep their inexpensive, rent controlled apartment in San Francisco. Abby's life is further comp...Abby (2003)
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Abby has a complicated life. She dumps Will, her charming, but egocentric jock boyfriend only to agree to remain roommates in order to keep their inexpensive, rent controlled apartment in San Francisco. Abby's life is further comp...Сюжет (англ.)
Jane White's only ambition is to appear on a popular talk show.Jane White Is Sick & Twisted (2002)
Jane White Is Sick & Twisted
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Jane White's only ambition is to appear on a popular talk show.Сюжет (англ.)
The teenage "dramedy" follows the fast friendship of four Chicago high-school girls with varied personalities and from different backgrounds. Alecia is a transplanted Alabamian whose passion is music and who wants to sing more tha...All About Us (2001)
All About Us
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The teenage "dramedy" follows the fast friendship of four Chicago high-school girls with varied personalities and from different backgrounds. Alecia is a transplanted Alabamian whose passion is music and who wants to sing more tha...Сюжет (англ.)
Lydia DeLucca is a New Jersey bartender who wants more out of her life than just marriage and kids. So she breaks off her engagement, and heads to college. This doesn't make her ex-boyfriend Lou happy, who thinks she is wasting her tThat's Life (2000—2002)
That's Life
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Lydia DeLucca is a New Jersey bartender who wants more out of her life than just marriage and kids. So she breaks off her engagement, and heads to college. This doesn't make her ex-boyfriend Lou happy, who thinks she is wasting her tСюжет (англ.)
In the idyllic suburban dystopia of Orange, the affable but clueless Paul agrees to be a drug courier for Mr. Ball who's about to take delivery of a drug rumored to be "more addictive than ...The Price of Air (2000)
The Price of Air
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In the idyllic suburban dystopia of Orange, the affable but clueless Paul agrees to be a drug courier for Mr. Ball who's about to take delivery of a drug rumored to be "more addictive than ...Сюжет (англ.)
Taken from the life story of Leslie Jordan. A Tennessee country boy realizes he's gay and keeps getting in trouble with the local bad boys. He hears Atlanta is the new place to be, tosses ...Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel (2000)
Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel
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Taken from the life story of Leslie Jordan. A Tennessee country boy realizes he's gay and keeps getting in trouble with the local bad boys. He hears Atlanta is the new place to be, tosses ...Сюжет (англ.)
Two girls who despise each other, due to being on opposite sides of the "popularity fence", are forced together upon learning that their parents are getting married.Popular (1999—2001)
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Two girls who despise each other, due to being on opposite sides of the "popularity fence", are forced together upon learning that their parents are getting married.Сюжет (англ.)
Prematurely deceased people are given the opportunity to correct something that went wrong in their lives and thus change them for the better.Twice in a Lifetime (1999)
Twice in a Lifetime
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Prematurely deceased people are given the opportunity to correct something that went wrong in their lives and thus change them for the better.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1969, the rock band Sweetwater led by lead singer Nansi Nevins opened Woodstock and subsequently received considerable media attention, appearing on a number of television shows. However...Sweetwater (1999)
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In 1969, the rock band Sweetwater led by lead singer Nansi Nevins opened Woodstock and subsequently received considerable media attention, appearing on a number of television shows. However...Сюжет
Події серіалу розгортаються довкола доктора Сідні Гансен, яка кидає престижну роботу пластичного хірурга в одній з клінік Беверлі-Гіллз і повертається до сім'ї у своє рідне місто Провіденс. Там дівчина живе разом з батьком Джимом, братом Роббі, сестрою Джоанн і дочкою сестри Ганною. Вся родина живе у великому будинку, який є за сумісництвом ветеринарною клінікою. Мати Сідні помирає у першій серії, але, тим не менш, продовжує відвідувати дівчину у вигляді примари, допомагаючи їй різними порадами. Серіал закінчується вельми несподівано, двосерійним весільним епізодом.Провіденс (1999)
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Події серіалу розгортаються довкола доктора Сідні Гансен, яка кидає престижну роботу пластичного хірурга в одній з клінік Беверлі-Гіллз і повертається до сім'ї у своє рідне місто Провіденс. Там дівчина живе разом з батьком Джимом, братом Роббі, сестрою Джоанн і дочкою сестри Ганною. Вся родина живе у великому будинку, який є за сумісництвом ветеринарною клінікою. Мати Сідні помирає у першій серії, але, тим не менш, продовжує відвідувати дівчину у вигляді примари, допомагаючи їй різними порадами. Серіал закінчується вельми несподівано, двосерійним весільним епізодом.Сюжет (англ.)
Billie Frank (Sherilyn Fenn), an out-of-work alcoholic actress, used to be somewhat of a star in her day, but now she's all washed up. With the help of her mother Trudy Frank (Lynn Redgrave), Billie tries to pick up the pieces of ...Rude Awakening (1998—2001)
Rude Awakening
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Billie Frank (Sherilyn Fenn), an out-of-work alcoholic actress, used to be somewhat of a star in her day, but now she's all washed up. With the help of her mother Trudy Frank (Lynn Redgrave), Billie tries to pick up the pieces of ...Сюжет (англ.)
Retired Navy commander Jim Kennedy is divorced and has a teenage son. He takes over the famous cruise ship, where he and his crew tackle various scenarios with different passengers every ...Love Boat: The Next Wave (1998—1999)
Love Boat: The Next Wave
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Retired Navy commander Jim Kennedy is divorced and has a teenage son. He takes over the famous cruise ship, where he and his crew tackle various scenarios with different passengers every ...Сюжет (англ.)
When an Indian village is threatened by ex-Confederate soldiers, several villagers head out to seek help. They recruit seven men, each with unique skills, who return to the village and take on the raiders. Following this, the men take up residence in a small town, making their skills available to those in need.The Magnificent Seven (1998—2000)
The Magnificent Seven
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When an Indian village is threatened by ex-Confederate soldiers, several villagers head out to seek help. They recruit seven men, each with unique skills, who return to the village and take on the raiders. Following this, the men take up residence in a small town, making their skills available to those in need.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати