Мелвін Дуглас
Melvyn Douglas
Дата народження: 5 квітня 1901
Знак зодіаку: Овен
Дата смерті: 4 серпня 1981 (80 років)
Місце народження: Мейкон , Джорджія, США
Зріст: 187 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 111
Ролі: актор
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Everything takes place in Leche De Brea. A country where nobody knows nobody and everything is what it seems. When a new global virus called "garland" appears, President Romeo Betto (a.k.a....The Year of Living Locked Up (2020)
The Year of Living Locked Up
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Everything takes place in Leche De Brea. A country where nobody knows nobody and everything is what it seems. When a new global virus called "garland" appears, President Romeo Betto (a.k.a....Сюжет (англ.)
Rich Hall looks at how the most quintessentially American film genre, the Western, came to be killed off.How the West Was Lost (2008)
How the West Was Lost
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Rich Hall looks at how the most quintessentially American film genre, the Western, came to be killed off.Сюжет (англ.)
Billy Wilder discusses his life and films in interviews filmed by Volker Schlondorff over two weeks in 1988.Billy Wilder Speaks (2006)
Billy Wilder Speaks
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Billy Wilder discusses his life and films in interviews filmed by Volker Schlondorff over two weeks in 1988.Сюжет (англ.)
An original documentary from Turner Classic Movies, narrated by Julie ChristieСюжет (англ.)
The history of the influence of Eastern European Jewish Emigre culture has had on Hollywood and the films created in its golden age.Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream (1998)
Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream
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The history of the influence of Eastern European Jewish Emigre culture has had on Hollywood and the films created in its golden age.Сюжет (англ.)
Kathleen Turner hosts a retrospective look at the life and career of actress Myrna Loy through photographs and many clips of her roles, from early bit parts in silent films to her final appearance in a made-for-TV movie.Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home to (1991)
Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home to
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Kathleen Turner hosts a retrospective look at the life and career of actress Myrna Loy through photographs and many clips of her roles, from early bit parts in silent films to her final appearance in a made-for-TV movie.Сюжет (англ.)
This is a documentary that revisits the making of Gone with the Wind (1939) with archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind (1988)
The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind
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This is a documentary that revisits the making of Gone with the Wind (1939) with archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.Сюжет (англ.)
A man comes home after serving time in prison to claim his share of his deceased mother's estate. However, his stepfather, who holds him responsible for his own son's death, intends to ...Hunters Are for Killing (1970)
Hunters Are for Killing
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A man comes home after serving time in prison to claim his share of his deceased mother's estate. However, his stepfather, who holds him responsible for his own son's death, intends to ...Сюжет (англ.)
A master art forger and his partner in crime, an art expert who can vouch for the authenticity of the forgeries, are making a bundle. An art dealer figures out their scheme but agrees to keep quiet if they forge some art lost in WWII.Adorables Faussaires (1981)
Adorables Faussaires
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A master art forger and his partner in crime, an art expert who can vouch for the authenticity of the forgeries, are making a bundle. An art dealer figures out their scheme but agrees to keep quiet if they forge some art lost in WWII.Сюжет
У чотирьох старих є одна спільна таємниця. Колись вони вбили молоду дівчину, дух якої і досі не дає їм спокою. Кожну зиму вони збираються у загадковому будинку в Англії, щоб повідати один одному історії про привидів.Історія з привидами (1981)
Ghost Story
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У чотирьох старих є одна спільна таємниця. Колись вони вбили молоду дівчину, дух якої і досі не дає їм спокою. Кожну зиму вони збираються у загадковому будинку в Англії, щоб повідати один одному історії про привидів.Сюжет (англ.)
Touching story of elderly couple David and Eva who go on one last journey across the USA when they discover Eva is dying, ending up with their granddaughter Jeannie in San Francisco.Tell Me a Riddle (1980)
Tell Me a Riddle
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Touching story of elderly couple David and Eva who go on one last journey across the USA when they discover Eva is dying, ending up with their granddaughter Jeannie in San Francisco.Сюжет
Джон Рассел, композитор і професор музики, втратив при трагічних обставинах своїх дружину і дочку. У пошуках утіхи він переїздить в старий маєток. В якому впродовж двадцяти років ніхто не жив.Проте у Джона складається враження, що в будинку хтось є, і цей хтось - дитина, що намагається присвятити його в якусь таємницю. Джон вирішує дослідити історію цього будинку і взнає жахливий секрет...
Підкидьок (1980)
The Changeling
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Джон Рассел, композитор і професор музики, втратив при трагічних обставинах своїх дружину і дочку. У пошуках утіхи він переїздить в старий маєток. В якому впродовж двадцяти років ніхто не жив.Проте у Джона складається враження, що в будинку хтось є, і цей хтось - дитина, що намагається присвятити його в якусь таємницю. Джон вирішує дослідити історію цього будинку і взнає жахливий секрет...
Сучасна притча про те, як неосвічений садівник, що бачив життя лише з екрану свого телевізора, випадково потрапляє у вищий прошарок суспільства, де його слово набирає сенсаційної ваги.Коли я буду там (1979)
Being There
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Сучасна притча про те, як неосвічений садівник, що бачив життя лише з екрану свого телевізора, випадково потрапляє у вищий прошарок суспільства, де його слово набирає сенсаційної ваги.Сюжет (англ.)
Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals, as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career, so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor, and their developing relationship further complicates and compromises his life.The Seduction of Joe Tynan (1979)
The Seduction of Joe Tynan
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Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals, as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career, so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor, and their developing relationship further complicates and compromises his life.Сюжет (англ.)
The pressures of problems at home and at work are taking a tremendous toll on a middle-aged husband, and he begins to take it out on his wife.Intimate Strangers (1977)
Intimate Strangers
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The pressures of problems at home and at work are taking a tremendous toll on a middle-aged husband, and he begins to take it out on his wife.Сюжет (англ.)
A youth anthology series focusing primarily on adaptations of children's literature.ABC Weekend Specials (1977—1996)
ABC Weekend Specials
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A youth anthology series focusing primarily on adaptations of children's literature.Сюжет (англ.)
A renegade USAF general, Lawrence Dell, escapes from a military prison and takes over an ICBM silo near Montana and threatens to provoke World War 3 unless the President reveals details of a secret meeting held just after the start of the Vietnam War between Dell and the then President's most trusted advisors.Twilight's Last Gleaming (1977)
Twilight's Last Gleaming
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A renegade USAF general, Lawrence Dell, escapes from a military prison and takes over an ICBM silo near Montana and threatens to provoke World War 3 unless the President reveals details of a secret meeting held just after the start of the Vietnam War between Dell and the then President's most trusted advisors.Сюжет
Сором’язливий паризький клерк Трелковскі винаймає у старому будинку недорогу квартиру, де попередня орендарка Сімона Шуль вчинила спробу самогубства, вистрибнувши з вікна. Трелковський потерпає від недоброзичливості сусідів, консьєржки та хазяїна, який встановив суворі правила проживання. Після смерті Сімони, яку він відвідував у лікарні, Трелковський починає відчувати психологічний дискомфорт. Він підозрює, що його хазяїн та сусіди таємно планують змусити його також покінчити життя самогубством. У змові він звинувачує навіть Стеллу, молоду жінку, у яку закохався. Чим далі, тим сильніше колишня квартирантка заволодіває його думками, й він будь-що-будь хоче розкрити таємницю померлої жінки і її долі...Квартирант (1976)
The Tenant
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Сором’язливий паризький клерк Трелковскі винаймає у старому будинку недорогу квартиру, де попередня орендарка Сімона Шуль вчинила спробу самогубства, вистрибнувши з вікна. Трелковський потерпає від недоброзичливості сусідів, консьєржки та хазяїна, який встановив суворі правила проживання. Після смерті Сімони, яку він відвідував у лікарні, Трелковський починає відчувати психологічний дискомфорт. Він підозрює, що його хазяїн та сусіди таємно планують змусити його також покінчити життя самогубством. У змові він звинувачує навіть Стеллу, молоду жінку, у яку закохався. Чим далі, тим сильніше колишня квартирантка заволодіває його думками, й він будь-що-будь хоче розкрити таємницю померлої жінки і її долі...Сюжет
Документальний фільм про зародження такого жанру, як кіномюзикл. Найяскравіші та найбільш запам'ятовувані музичні номери з відомих фільмів студії MGM коментують блискучі зірки — Фред Астер, Джин Келлі, Елізабет Тейлор та багато інших. Захоплююча історія кіномюзикла, починаючи з 1920-х до 1950-х років XX століття.Ці розваги! Частина 2 (1976)
That's Entertainment, Part II
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Документальний фільм про зародження такого жанру, як кіномюзикл. Найяскравіші та найбільш запам'ятовувані музичні номери з відомих фільмів студії MGM коментують блискучі зірки — Фред Астер, Джин Келлі, Елізабет Тейлор та багато інших. Захоплююча історія кіномюзикла, починаючи з 1920-х до 1950-х років XX століття.Сюжет (англ.)
When petty criminals start turning up murdered, a detective discovers they are being killed by a group of his fellow officers who think the criminals were treated too leniently by the courts.The Death Squad (1974)
The Death Squad
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When petty criminals start turning up murdered, a detective discovers they are being killed by a group of his fellow officers who think the criminals were treated too leniently by the courts.Сюжет (англ.)
A mini-series made up of four plays, each showing Benjamin Franklin at a different stage in his life. In each episode, Franklin is played by a different actor.The Lives of Benjamin Franklin (1974—1975)
The Lives of Benjamin Franklin
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A mini-series made up of four plays, each showing Benjamin Franklin at a different stage in his life. In each episode, Franklin is played by a different actor.Сюжет (англ.)
An anthology of suspense dramas concentrating on individuals confronted with supernatural occurrences.Circle of Fear (1972—1973)
Circle of Fear
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An anthology of suspense dramas concentrating on individuals confronted with supernatural occurrences.Сюжет (англ.)
Californian lawyer Bill McKay fights for the little man. His charisma and integrity get him noticed by the Democratic Party machine and he is persuaded to run for the Senate against an apparently unassailable incumbent. It's agreed he can handle it his own way, on his own terms. But once he's in the race and his prospects begin to improve, the deal starts to change.Кандидат (1972)
The Candidate
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Californian lawyer Bill McKay fights for the little man. His charisma and integrity get him noticed by the Democratic Party machine and he is persuaded to run for the Senate against an apparently unassailable incumbent. It's agreed he can handle it his own way, on his own terms. But once he's in the race and his prospects begin to improve, the deal starts to change.Сюжет (англ.)
A young woman has difficulty understanding why her husband walks out on her. Alone for the first time, she finds life difficult to cope with and for a time lives with the hope that her ...Two Is a Happy Number (1972)
Two Is a Happy Number
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A young woman has difficulty understanding why her husband walks out on her. Alone for the first time, she finds life difficult to cope with and for a time lives with the hope that her ...Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about the glorious history of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and its decline leading to the sale of its back lot and props. By extension this provides a general history of Hollywood's Golden Age and the legendary studio system.Hollywood: The Dream Factory (1972)
Hollywood: The Dream Factory
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A documentary about the glorious history of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and its decline leading to the sale of its back lot and props. By extension this provides a general history of Hollywood's Golden Age and the legendary studio system.Сюжет (англ.)
Death takes a human form and visits Earth to try to find out why humans want so desperately to cling to life. He unexpectedly falls in love with a beautiful young woman.Death Takes a Holiday (1971)
Death Takes a Holiday
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Death takes a human form and visits Earth to try to find out why humans want so desperately to cling to life. He unexpectedly falls in love with a beautiful young woman.Сюжет (англ.)
Hackman plays a New York professor who wants a change in his life, and plans to get married to his girlfriend and move to California. His mother understands his need to get away, but warns him that moving so far away could be hard on his father. Just before the wedding, the mother dies. Hackman's sister (who has been disowned by their father for marrying a Jewish man) advises him to live his own life, and not let himself be controlled by their father.I Never Sang for My Father (1970)
I Never Sang for My Father
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Hackman plays a New York professor who wants a change in his life, and plans to get married to his girlfriend and move to California. His mother understands his need to get away, but warns him that moving so far away could be hard on his father. Just before the wedding, the mother dies. Hackman's sister (who has been disowned by their father for marrying a Jewish man) advises him to live his own life, and not let himself be controlled by their father.Companions in Nightmare (1968)
Companions in Nightmare
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This particular series combines several "The Dick Cavett Show" on ABC: ABC This Morning/The Dick Cavett Show ABC Daytime March 1968 - January 1969 The Dick Cavett Show ABC Primetime May 1969 - September 1969 The Dick Cavett Show ABCThe Dick Cavett Show (1968—1995)
The Dick Cavett Show
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This particular series combines several "The Dick Cavett Show" on ABC: ABC This Morning/The Dick Cavett Show ABC Daytime March 1968 - January 1969 The Dick Cavett Show ABC Primetime May 1969 - September 1969 The Dick Cavett Show ABCСюжет (англ.)
In the Puritan New England town of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of girls go dancing in the forest with a black slave named Tituba...The Crucible (1967)
The Crucible
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In the Puritan New England town of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of girls go dancing in the forest with a black slave named Tituba...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати