Мартін Кокрейн
Martin Cochrane
Дата народження: 1 січня 1946 (79 років)
Знак зодіаку: Козоріг
Місце народження: Лондон, Англія, Об'єднане Королівство
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 35
Ролі: актор
Відділ «Місія неможлива» розпущено, а Ітан Гант із командою починають власну війну проти Синдикату — групи оперативників-зрадників, які прагнуть знищити світовий порядок.Місія неможлива: Нація ізгоїв (2015)
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
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Відділ «Місія неможлива» розпущено, а Ітан Гант із командою починають власну війну проти Синдикату — групи оперативників-зрадників, які прагнуть знищити світовий порядок.Сюжет
Таксист Джон Сміт цілком щасливий і має дуже райдужні перспективи у майбутньому. Одного разу чоловік встає на захист бездомної та піддається побиттю. Чоловік не приходить додому, і дружина Стефані звертається по допомогу до поліції. Щоправда, те саме робить і друга його дружина Мішель.Чоловік двох дружин (2012)
Run for Your Wife
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Таксист Джон Сміт цілком щасливий і має дуже райдужні перспективи у майбутньому. Одного разу чоловік встає на захист бездомної та піддається побиттю. Чоловік не приходить додому, і дружина Стефані звертається по допомогу до поліції. Щоправда, те саме робить і друга його дружина Мішель.Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the novel by Bernard Cornwell, "Sharpe's Waterloo" brings maverick British officer Lt. Col. Richard Sharpe to his last fight against the French, in June of 1815. Sharpe is assigned...Sharpe's Waterloo (1997)
Sharpe's Waterloo
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Based on the novel by Bernard Cornwell, "Sharpe's Waterloo" brings maverick British officer Lt. Col. Richard Sharpe to his last fight against the French, in June of 1815. Sharpe is assigned...Сюжет (англ.)
The Knock follows Her Majesty's Customs and Excise officers' lives and their efforts to hunt down the criminals trying to smuggle all sorts of contraband to the UK.The Knock (1994—2000)
The Knock
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The Knock follows Her Majesty's Customs and Excise officers' lives and their efforts to hunt down the criminals trying to smuggle all sorts of contraband to the UK.Сюжет (англ.)
Clive and Sonia team up to sabotage their spouses' affair without revealing their knowledge. Their antics strain relationships around them while drawing Clive and Sonia closer together.Ain't Misbehavin (1994—1995)
Ain't Misbehavin
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Clive and Sonia team up to sabotage their spouses' affair without revealing their knowledge. Their antics strain relationships around them while drawing Clive and Sonia closer together.Сюжет
Річард Шарп, сержант 2-го батальйону 95-го стрілецького полку, за врятування життя серу Артуру Уейслі отримує звання лейтенанта. Незабаром з'ясовується, що віддані йому під командування солдати - це недисциплінована банда покидьків, що не збирається його приймати в якості офіцера...Стрілки Шарпа (1993—2008)
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Річард Шарп, сержант 2-го батальйону 95-го стрілецького полку, за врятування життя серу Артуру Уейслі отримує звання лейтенанта. Незабаром з'ясовується, що віддані йому під командування солдати - це недисциплінована банда покидьків, що не збирається його приймати в якості офіцера...Сюжет
Колишній співробітник ЦРУ, а нині професор воєнно - морської академії США Джек Райан (Херрісон Форд), знаходячись в Лондоні з докладом, випадково стає свідком терористичного акту Ірландської республіканської армії проти королівської сім'ї. Райан запобігає трагедії, але ірландські терористи загрожують помститися. Небезпечна загроза нависає над Райаном, його дружиною і дочкою.Ігри патріотів (1992)
Patriot Games
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Колишній співробітник ЦРУ, а нині професор воєнно - морської академії США Джек Райан (Херрісон Форд), знаходячись в Лондоні з докладом, випадково стає свідком терористичного акту Ірландської республіканської армії проти королівської сім'ї. Райан запобігає трагедії, але ірландські терористи загрожують помститися. Небезпечна загроза нависає над Райаном, його дружиною і дочкою.Сюжет
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.Heartbeat (1992—2010)
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Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.Сюжет (англ.)
Drama series about ordinary civilians who work as Special Police Constables in their spare time.Specials (1991)
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Drama series about ordinary civilians who work as Special Police Constables in their spare time.Сюжет (англ.)
British version of the US TV show 'Who's The Boss?'The Upper Hand (1990—1996)
The Upper Hand
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British version of the US TV show 'Who's The Boss?'Сюжет (англ.)
Anthology of unconnected movies of different genres.Screen One (1985—1994)
Screen One
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Anthology of unconnected movies of different genres.Сюжет (англ.)
The trials of the Henry and the Jastrow families amid the events after the USA's entry into World War II.War and Remembrance (1988—1989)
War and Remembrance
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The trials of the Henry and the Jastrow families amid the events after the USA's entry into World War II.Сюжет (англ.)
Various plays from each of the home nations.The Play on One (1988—1991)
The Play on One
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Various plays from each of the home nations.Сюжет (англ.)
Richard Hannay is a man of his times: an Edwardian gentleman and adventurer, a mining engineer from South Africa of Scottish origin, who lives by his own standards and wits, upholding a ...Генні (1988—1989)
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Richard Hannay is a man of his times: an Edwardian gentleman and adventurer, a mining engineer from South Africa of Scottish origin, who lives by his own standards and wits, upholding a ...Сюжет (англ.)
In the time of Napoleon, Becky Sharp, a poor orphan girl, schemes for money and position. Her most-used stepladder is her old school friend, Amelia Sedley. Both women marry soldiers, and both of them are affected by the Battle of WatVanity Fair (1987)
Vanity Fair
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In the time of Napoleon, Becky Sharp, a poor orphan girl, schemes for money and position. Her most-used stepladder is her old school friend, Amelia Sedley. Both women marry soldiers, and both of them are affected by the Battle of WatСюжет (англ.)
The lives of firefighters at Blackwall Fire Station.London's Burning (1988—2002)
London's Burning
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The lives of firefighters at Blackwall Fire Station.Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Casualty (1986—)
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The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
John Lacey comes home one evening to discover a letter from his wife (starting with "Dear John" - hence the title) telling him that she is leaving him. Lonely and now divorced, the series tells of his adventures as John joins a divorcee club (where lonely divorced people can meet) and meets the strange members within...Дорогий Джон (1986—1987)
Dear John
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John Lacey comes home one evening to discover a letter from his wife (starting with "Dear John" - hence the title) telling him that she is leaving him. Lonely and now divorced, the series tells of his adventures as John joins a divorcee club (where lonely divorced people can meet) and meets the strange members within...Сюжет (англ.)
Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.The Bill (1984—2010)
The Bill
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Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.Сюжет (англ.)
Sitcom based around widower Simon, his daughter Samantha and life at his advertising agency - Eyecatchers.Me and My Girl (1984—1988)
Me and My Girl
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Sitcom based around widower Simon, his daughter Samantha and life at his advertising agency - Eyecatchers.Сюжет (англ.)
The series followed the wavering relationship between two ex-lovers, Penny Warrender, a secretary for an advertising firm, and Vincent Pinner, an ex ice cream salesman turned turf accountant (bookmaker) who is also the son of a wealthy scrap metal merchant. The couple split up following Vincent's decision not to marry Penny on their wedding day, leaving her at the altar. In the pilot episode, 5 years since their intended wedding day, the pair meet again by chance in a pub, while out on individual dates. The pair decide to forget the past and become friends, although the rekindling of their relationship is not welcomed by Penny's snobbish parents, particularly her mother, Daphne, played by Sylvia Kay.Просто добрі друзі (1983—1986)
Just Good Friends
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The series followed the wavering relationship between two ex-lovers, Penny Warrender, a secretary for an advertising firm, and Vincent Pinner, an ex ice cream salesman turned turf accountant (bookmaker) who is also the son of a wealthy scrap metal merchant. The couple split up following Vincent's decision not to marry Penny on their wedding day, leaving her at the altar. In the pilot episode, 5 years since their intended wedding day, the pair meet again by chance in a pub, while out on individual dates. The pair decide to forget the past and become friends, although the rekindling of their relationship is not welcomed by Penny's snobbish parents, particularly her mother, Daphne, played by Sylvia Kay.Сюжет (англ.)
A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.Dramarama (1983—1989)
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A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.Сюжет (англ.)
The Maryhill CID investigates gruesome murders against the bleak backdrop of the city of Glasgow.Таґґарт (1983—2011)
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The Maryhill CID investigates gruesome murders against the bleak backdrop of the city of Glasgow.Сюжет (англ.)
Alcoholic and divorced father of a young daughter, DS Jim Bergerac is a true maverick who prefers doing things his own way, and consequently doesn't always carry out his investigations the way his boss would like.Bergerac (1981—1991)
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Alcoholic and divorced father of a young daughter, DS Jim Bergerac is a true maverick who prefers doing things his own way, and consequently doesn't always carry out his investigations the way his boss would like.Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy that follows two brothers from London's rough Peckham estate as they wheel and deal through a number of dodgy deals and search for the big score that'll make them millionaires.Дурням щастить (1981—1991)
Only Fools and Horses
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Comedy that follows two brothers from London's rough Peckham estate as they wheel and deal through a number of dodgy deals and search for the big score that'll make them millionaires.Сюжет (англ.)
Newly-promoted Inspector Jean Darblay takes charge of the police station in the fictional Lancashire town of Hartley. She is the first woman to be placed in charge of the station and ...Juliet Bravo (1980—1985)
Juliet Bravo
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Newly-promoted Inspector Jean Darblay takes charge of the police station in the fictional Lancashire town of Hartley. She is the first woman to be placed in charge of the station and ...Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of tough lady cop Maggie Forbes.Ніжний дотик (1980—1984)
The Gentle Touch
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The adventures of tough lady cop Maggie Forbes.Сюжет (англ.)
A covert branch of British Intelligence is assigned to investigate the strange, the supernatural, the...'Omega Factor'.The Omega Factor (1979)
The Omega Factor
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A covert branch of British Intelligence is assigned to investigate the strange, the supernatural, the...'Omega Factor'.Сюжет (англ.)
Six nursing students from all walks of life doing the then-3-year nursing course must cope with the trials and tribulations of getting used to working with people and dealing with fellow nurses, porters, and doctors working in the hiAngels (1975—1983)
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Six nursing students from all walks of life doing the then-3-year nursing course must cope with the trials and tribulations of getting used to working with people and dealing with fellow nurses, porters, and doctors working in the hiСюжет
Комічні пригоди групи військових, які створюють надзвичайно погану концертний гурт, гастролюючи у спекотно-парких джунґлях Бірми, розважаючи війська під час Другої світової війни.Це й наполовину не гаряча мама (1974—1981)
It Ain't Half Hot Mum
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Комічні пригоди групи військових, які створюють надзвичайно погану концертний гурт, гастролюючи у спекотно-парких джунґлях Бірми, розважаючи війська під час Другої світової війни.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати