Лінн Борден
Lynn Borden
Дата народження: 24 березня 1937
Знак зодіаку: Овен
Дата смерті: 3 березня 2015 (77 років)
Місце народження: Детройт, Мічіґан, США
Зріст: 170 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 43
Ролі: актриса
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.Сюжет
Історія команди детективів міста Нью-Йорк, які озброєні найновішими розробками в галузі розкриття злочинів.Місце злочину - Нью-Йорк (2004—2013)
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Історія команди детективів міста Нью-Йорк, які озброєні найновішими розробками в галузі розкриття злочинів.Сюжет (англ.)
An unlucky woman's mother is murdered by a scarf-wielding killer named Silk, leaving the woman injured, traumatised and suffering from amnesia. She's committed to a mental institution, ...Hellhole (1985)
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An unlucky woman's mother is murdered by a scarf-wielding killer named Silk, leaving the woman injured, traumatised and suffering from amnesia. She's committed to a mental institution, ...Сюжет (англ.)
Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.The Fall Guy (1981—1986)
The Fall Guy
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Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.Сюжет (англ.)
The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not-so-bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures to her. A surprising bond of love and redirection forms among the trio as the police close down on the supposed kidnappers.Savannah Smiles (1982)
Savannah Smiles
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The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not-so-bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures to her. A surprising bond of love and redirection forms among the trio as the police close down on the supposed kidnappers.Сюжет (англ.)
This is the story of the evolution of the town Centennial, Colorado. It follows the paths of dozens of people who come to the area for many reasons: money, freedom, or crime. It also shows the bigoted treatment of the Native Indians by the advancing US colonists. It is topped off with a murder mystery that takes 100 years to solve.Centennial (1978—)
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This is the story of the evolution of the town Centennial, Colorado. It follows the paths of dozens of people who come to the area for many reasons: money, freedom, or crime. It also shows the bigoted treatment of the Native Indians by the advancing US colonists. It is topped off with a murder mystery that takes 100 years to solve.Сюжет
На загадковому Тропічному острові, чоловік на ім’я містер Рорк за допомогою своїх асистентів виконує будь-які бажання і фантазії своїх гостей. Єдина умова: «Ви нікому не повинні розповідати, про те що станеться із Вами на Острові». Але чи готові гості до втілення своїх мрій? Чи зможуть контролювати свої бажання?Острів фантазій (1977—1984)
Fantasy Island
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На загадковому Тропічному острові, чоловік на ім’я містер Рорк за допомогою своїх асистентів виконує будь-які бажання і фантазії своїх гостей. Єдина умова: «Ви нікому не повинні розповідати, про те що станеться із Вами на Острові». Але чи готові гості до втілення своїх мрій? Чи зможуть контролювати свої бажання?Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of two California Highway Patrol motorcycle officers.Сюжет (англ.)
A veteran detective loses his partner in a shooting while they are investigating a gangster who is controlling the local porno rackets. He is stunned to discover that the new partner he is assigned is not only a rookie, but a female.Dog and Cat (1977)
Dog and Cat
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A veteran detective loses his partner in a shooting while they are investigating a gangster who is controlling the local porno rackets. He is stunned to discover that the new partner he is assigned is not only a rookie, but a female.Сюжет (англ.)
A scientific expedition in the Atlantic Ocean becomes lost in the Bermuda Triangle and washes up on an uncharted island. They meet up with travelers from other times, planets and dimensions...Фантастична подорож (1977)
The Fantastic Journey
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A scientific expedition in the Atlantic Ocean becomes lost in the Bermuda Triangle and washes up on an uncharted island. They meet up with travelers from other times, planets and dimensions...Сюжет (англ.)
A crime novelist is hired by a shady character to negotiate the return of stolen confidential documents.Сюжет
Двоє поліцейських з Південної Каліфорнії, які геть не схожі один на одного, борються з наркодилерами, грабіжниками та іншими злочинцями.Старскі і Гатч (1975—1979)
Starsky and Hutch
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Двоє поліцейських з Південної Каліфорнії, які геть не схожі один на одного, борються з наркодилерами, грабіжниками та іншими злочинцями.Сюжет (англ.)
McCoy has expensive tastes with an equally costly lifestyle offset with a gambling problem. To make ends meet he becomes a con man relieving others of their ill gotten gains with the aid of Gideon, a nightclub comedian.McCoy (1975—1976)
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McCoy has expensive tastes with an equally costly lifestyle offset with a gambling problem. To make ends meet he becomes a con man relieving others of their ill gotten gains with the aid of Gideon, a nightclub comedian.Сюжет
Завзятий автогонщик Ларі та його механік Дік Соммерс мріють перемогти у перегонах. Щоб здобути гроші, які допоможуть їм потрапити у світ великих перегонів, друзі вирішують пограбувати супермаркет. Прихопивши сто п'ятдесят тисяч доларів, майбутні чемпіони тікають з місця злочину. До них приєднується подружка Ларі Мері Кумбс. Капітан Франклін організовує погоню за трійцею, але дуже швидко розуміє, що його патрульним автомобілям важко тягатися зі швидкісною машиною Ларі.Брудна Мері, шалений Ларі (1974)
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
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Завзятий автогонщик Ларі та його механік Дік Соммерс мріють перемогти у перегонах. Щоб здобути гроші, які допоможуть їм потрапити у світ великих перегонів, друзі вирішують пограбувати супермаркет. Прихопивши сто п'ятдесят тисяч доларів, майбутні чемпіони тікають з місця злочину. До них приєднується подружка Ларі Мері Кумбс. Капітан Франклін організовує погоню за трійцею, але дуже швидко розуміє, що його патрульним автомобілям важко тягатися зі швидкісною машиною Ларі.Сюжет (англ.)
Tony Petrocelli is an Italian-American Harvard-educated lawyer who gave up the big money and frenetic pace of major-metropolitan life to practice in a sleepy city in the American Southwest.Петрочеллі (1974—1976)
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Tony Petrocelli is an Italian-American Harvard-educated lawyer who gave up the big money and frenetic pace of major-metropolitan life to practice in a sleepy city in the American Southwest.Сюжет (англ.)
A boy inventor, his sister and his buddy catch a crooked city treasurer and his cronies with science.The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton (1974)
The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton
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A boy inventor, his sister and his buddy catch a crooked city treasurer and his cronies with science.Сюжет
Історія кохання між ділком з продажу нерухомості і юною хіпі з гітарою. Кожен з них самотній, але по своєму. Брізі відкрита і любить людей, не чекаючи любові у відповідь, Френк любить лише себе і дарує любов своїм жінкам тільки коли йому це потрібно. Брізі навчить Френка любові, а Френк подарує їй океан під назвою життя.Брізі (1973)
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Історія кохання між ділком з продажу нерухомості і юною хіпі з гітарою. Кожен з них самотній, але по своєму. Брізі відкрита і любить людей, не чекаючи любові у відповідь, Френк любить лише себе і дарує любов своїм жінкам тільки коли йому це потрібно. Брізі навчить Френка любові, а Френк подарує їй океан під назвою життя.Сюжет (англ.)
Classic anthology series, which details the personal lives of the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department. The stories ranged from highly dramatic to extremely funny. Even though there weren't any real regulars, Don Meredith and Tony LoBianco were often seen throughout the run of the show as detectives Bert Jameson and Tony Calabrese respectively.Поліційна історія (1973—1988)
Police Story
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Classic anthology series, which details the personal lives of the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department. The stories ranged from highly dramatic to extremely funny. Even though there weren't any real regulars, Don Meredith and Tony LoBianco were often seen throughout the run of the show as detectives Bert Jameson and Tony Calabrese respectively.Сюжет (англ.)
A gambler with serious debts hijacks a small private plane, planning to collect a $1,000,000 ransom. Unfortunately, he's not in the best of company with his mates, and the F.B.I. is waiting...This Is a Hijack (1973)
This Is a Hijack
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A gambler with serious debts hijacks a small private plane, planning to collect a $1,000,000 ransom. Unfortunately, he's not in the best of company with his mates, and the F.B.I. is waiting...Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the life of Tennessee sheriff Buford Pusser whom almost single-handily cleaned up his small town of crime and corruption, but at a personal cost of his family life and nearly his own life.Широко крокуючи (1973)
Walking Tall
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Based on the life of Tennessee sheriff Buford Pusser whom almost single-handily cleaned up his small town of crime and corruption, but at a personal cost of his family life and nearly his own life.Сюжет (англ.)
When two troublemaking female prisoners (one a revolutionary, the other a former harem-girl) can't seem to get along, they are chained together and extradited for safekeeping. The women, still chained together, stumble, stab, and cat-fight their way across the wilderness, igniting a bloody shootout between gangsters and a group of revolutionaries.Black Mama White Mama (1973)
Black Mama White Mama
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When two troublemaking female prisoners (one a revolutionary, the other a former harem-girl) can't seem to get along, they are chained together and extradited for safekeeping. The women, still chained together, stumble, stab, and cat-fight their way across the wilderness, igniting a bloody shootout between gangsters and a group of revolutionaries.Сюжет (англ.)
True story of Jane Duco, a young nun who also had a job as a probation officer.The Weekend Nun (1972)
The Weekend Nun
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True story of Jane Duco, a young nun who also had a job as a probation officer.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1876, the Missouri legislature issues a pardon and amnesty to the James and Younger gangs despite many people considering them outlaws. The pardon is because they protected the homesteaders of Clay County against the marauding railroaders, who wouldn't let anyone or anything get in their way of building the railroad where they wanted. However, the railroad companies and banks still consider them outlaws and will take matters into their own hands if they come across the gangs. Prior to the pardon, Cole Younger had contemplated robbing the First National Bank in Northfield, Minnesota - what is considered the largest bank west of the Mississippi - but has now decided against it. Circumstances, including learning that Jesse James and his gang are going ahead with the robbery behind his back, and that the railroaders issuing a war against them which also includes bribing the legislature to revoke the pardon, make Cole change his mind. But right from the start - even during the planning stages - things don't go quite according to script, which may be an omen for things to come.The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (1972)
The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid
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In 1876, the Missouri legislature issues a pardon and amnesty to the James and Younger gangs despite many people considering them outlaws. The pardon is because they protected the homesteaders of Clay County against the marauding railroaders, who wouldn't let anyone or anything get in their way of building the railroad where they wanted. However, the railroad companies and banks still consider them outlaws and will take matters into their own hands if they come across the gangs. Prior to the pardon, Cole Younger had contemplated robbing the First National Bank in Northfield, Minnesota - what is considered the largest bank west of the Mississippi - but has now decided against it. Circumstances, including learning that Jesse James and his gang are going ahead with the robbery behind his back, and that the railroaders issuing a war against them which also includes bribing the legislature to revoke the pardon, make Cole change his mind. But right from the start - even during the planning stages - things don't go quite according to script, which may be an omen for things to come.Сюжет (англ.)
Jason Crockett is an aging, grumpy, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for his birthday celebration. Pickett Smith is a free-lance photographer who is doing a pollution layout for an ecology magazine. Jason Crockett hates nature, poisoning anything that crawls on his property. On the night of his birthday the frogs and other members of nature begin to pay Crockett back.Frogs (1972)
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Jason Crockett is an aging, grumpy, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for his birthday celebration. Pickett Smith is a free-lance photographer who is doing a pollution layout for an ecology magazine. Jason Crockett hates nature, poisoning anything that crawls on his property. On the night of his birthday the frogs and other members of nature begin to pay Crockett back.Сюжет (англ.)
Attorney and US Navy vet Stewart "Mac" McMillan is appointed Commissioner of Police for the city of San Francisco. He often handles the very high profile cases personally. Helping him out on many of them is his wife Sally, who's father was a detective for the SFPD. In fact, Sally gets so involved that she often puts herself in harms way. They are often assisted by Mac's loyal, but somewhat inept assistant Sgt. Charlie Enright and their hard drinking, smart mouthed live in maid Mildred. Sadly, a few years after Mac's appointment Sally dies in a plane crash. Also, Mildred quits her position and is replaced by her scatterbrained sister Agatha. Also, in later years Enright is promoted to lieutenant.МакМіллан і дружина (1971—1977)
McMillan & Wife
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Attorney and US Navy vet Stewart "Mac" McMillan is appointed Commissioner of Police for the city of San Francisco. He often handles the very high profile cases personally. Helping him out on many of them is his wife Sally, who's father was a detective for the SFPD. In fact, Sally gets so involved that she often puts herself in harms way. They are often assisted by Mac's loyal, but somewhat inept assistant Sgt. Charlie Enright and their hard drinking, smart mouthed live in maid Mildred. Sadly, a few years after Mac's appointment Sally dies in a plane crash. Also, Mildred quits her position and is replaced by her scatterbrained sister Agatha. Also, in later years Enright is promoted to lieutenant.Сюжет (англ.)
Documentary film-maker Bob Sanders and his wife Carol attend a group therapy session that serves as the backdrop for the opening scenes of the film. Returning to their Los Angeles home, the...Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969)
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice
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Documentary film-maker Bob Sanders and his wife Carol attend a group therapy session that serves as the backdrop for the opening scenes of the film. Returning to their Los Angeles home, the...Сюжет (англ.)
The count has stolen enough gold to cause a financial crisis in the world markets so I.C.E. sends in ace spy Matt Helm to stop him. As Matt works alone, the British send in Freya to aid ...The Wrecking Crew (1968)
The Wrecking Crew
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The count has stolen enough gold to cause a financial crisis in the world markets so I.C.E. sends in ace spy Matt Helm to stop him. As Matt works alone, the British send in Freya to aid ...Сюжет (англ.)
Young people in trouble with the law (wealthy Pete stole a car; Linc arrested during Watts riots; Julie ran away from her San Francisco prostitute mother) can avoid jail by infiltrating the counter culture and exposing badguys who prey on other kids.The Mod Squad (1968—1973)
The Mod Squad
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Young people in trouble with the law (wealthy Pete stole a car; Linc arrested during Watts riots; Julie ran away from her San Francisco prostitute mother) can avoid jail by infiltrating the counter culture and exposing badguys who prey on other kids.Сюжет (англ.)
Ironside is confined to a wheel chair (an attempted assassination left him paralyzed). With his former assistants Brown and Whitfield (later Belding) and former delinquent (and later lawyer) Mark, he combats crime for the San Francisco police from his mobile office (a van) while leaving a pot of chili cooking back at headquarters.Ironside (1967—1975)
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Ironside is confined to a wheel chair (an attempted assassination left him paralyzed). With his former assistants Brown and Whitfield (later Belding) and former delinquent (and later lawyer) Mark, he combats crime for the San Francisco police from his mobile office (a van) while leaving a pot of chili cooking back at headquarters.Сюжет (англ.)
Bill's comfortable lifestyle must change when he receives a group of unexpected, long-term, guests.Family Affair (1966—1971)
Family Affair
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Bill's comfortable lifestyle must change when he receives a group of unexpected, long-term, guests.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати