Lisa Dean Ryan
Дата народження: 30 квітня 1972 (52 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Телець
Місце народження: Фенікс, Арізона, США
Зріст: 160 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 23
Ролі: актриса
Саманту запрошують на сучасний спа-курорт, щоб зробити фотографії для їхньої брошури. Саманта та її подруга Кессі зустрічаються з персоналом та іншими гостями, але незабаром одну з гостей, Деббі, знаходять випадково вбитою...Таємнича жінка: Передбачення вбивства (2005)
"Mystery Woman" Mystery Woman: Vision of a Murder
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Саманту запрошують на сучасний спа-курорт, щоб зробити фотографії для їхньої брошури. Саманта та її подруга Кессі зустрічаються з персоналом та іншими гостями, але незабаром одну з гостей, Деббі, знаходять випадково вбитою...Сюжет (англ.)
SEptember, 2001. On its last leg homeward, from Pearl Harbour (Hawaii) to San Diego, the USS Constellation hosts a jolly 'tiger cruise' for USNavy, Marines and USNAF relatives, mainly minors ('Navy brats'). Attitudes and emotions vary from simple joy to open frustration, the worst brat being XO commander Gary Dolan's daughter Maddie, who wants him to refuse a promotion to command for a shore job. Then the news of the WCC terror crisis changes everything, as the crew is recalled to war footing.Tiger Cruise (2004)
Tiger Cruise
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SEptember, 2001. On its last leg homeward, from Pearl Harbour (Hawaii) to San Diego, the USS Constellation hosts a jolly 'tiger cruise' for USNavy, Marines and USNAF relatives, mainly minors ('Navy brats'). Attitudes and emotions vary from simple joy to open frustration, the worst brat being XO commander Gary Dolan's daughter Maddie, who wants him to refuse a promotion to command for a shore job. Then the news of the WCC terror crisis changes everything, as the crew is recalled to war footing.Сюжет (англ.)
The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she is assigned "cold cases". Detective Lilly Rush combines her instincts with the updated technology to bring about justice for all the victims she can.Детектив Раш (2003—2010)
Cold Case
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The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she is assigned "cold cases". Detective Lilly Rush combines her instincts with the updated technology to bring about justice for all the victims she can.Сюжет
Детектив-аматор Саманта Кінслі отримує у спадок книгарню детективної літератури свого дядечка. Незабаром вона потрапляє в життєвий трилер, в якому відбувається і дивна смерть автора бестселерів, і шантаж, і інтриги, і руйнівні сімейні таємниці, які загрожують життю самої Саманти і, лише побувши тричі на межі життя-смерті їй вдається викрити персону "поза будь-якими підозрами", що так майстерно будує цей ланцюг замахів і вбивств, причому найважче було знайти мотив злочину ...Жінка, яка любить детективи (2003—)
Mystery Woman
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Детектив-аматор Саманта Кінслі отримує у спадок книгарню детективної літератури свого дядечка. Незабаром вона потрапляє в життєвий трилер, в якому відбувається і дивна смерть автора бестселерів, і шантаж, і інтриги, і руйнівні сімейні таємниці, які загрожують життю самої Саманти і, лише побувши тричі на межі життя-смерті їй вдається викрити персону "поза будь-якими підозрами", що так майстерно будує цей ланцюг замахів і вбивств, причому найважче було знайти мотив злочину ...Сюжет (англ.)
Inspired by a true incident, a young man returns home to bury his father and reconcile with his childhood sweetheart over a tragedy in their youth.Surfacing: AKA A Letter from My Father (2001)
Surfacing: AKA A Letter from My Father
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Inspired by a true incident, a young man returns home to bury his father and reconcile with his childhood sweetheart over a tragedy in their youth.Сюжет
Завдяки надсучасним технологіям команда криміналістів поліції Лас-Вегаса розслідує найзаплутаніші вбивства в Місті гріхів.CSI: Місце злочину (2000—2015)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
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Завдяки надсучасним технологіям команда криміналістів поліції Лас-Вегаса розслідує найзаплутаніші вбивства в Місті гріхів.Сюжет (англ.)
The story is about three guys that help each other become successful.Guys Like Us (1998—1999)
Guys Like Us
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The story is about three guys that help each other become successful.Сюжет (англ.)
A college reporter (Melissa Joan Hart) uncovers secrets about campus crime after her roommate is raped by the school's star athlete.Silencing Mary (1998)
Silencing Mary
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A college reporter (Melissa Joan Hart) uncovers secrets about campus crime after her roommate is raped by the school's star athlete.Сюжет (англ.)
A young girl is taken with a boy that she meets, but he leads her into gambling where she begins losing money, becomes desperate, and starts to steal.Playing to Win: A Moment of Truth Movie (1998)
Playing to Win: A Moment of Truth Movie
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A young girl is taken with a boy that she meets, but he leads her into gambling where she begins losing money, becomes desperate, and starts to steal.Сюжет (англ.)
A county sheriff is accused by his two daughters of having abused them. Under interrogation, and guided by his pastor, he thinks the devil has blinded him to his guilt and confesses. The girls' accusations get more and more elaborateForgotten Sins (1996)
Forgotten Sins
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A county sheriff is accused by his two daughters of having abused them. Under interrogation, and guided by his pastor, he thinks the devil has blinded him to his guilt and confesses. The girls' accusations get more and more elaborateСюжет (англ.)
Janna Riley is the awkward and shy girl nobody ever seems to notice. Not being able to live up to her mother's expectations of popularity, Janna walks through the school hallways alone, ...Twisted Love (1995)
Twisted Love
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Janna Riley is the awkward and shy girl nobody ever seems to notice. Not being able to live up to her mother's expectations of popularity, Janna walks through the school hallways alone, ...Dead at 21 (1994)
Dead at 21
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Dr. Mark Sloan is a doctor at Community General Hospital, and he is a consultant for the police department. His son Steve Sloan is a detective for the department. He and his father, along with emergency room resident Dr. Jesse Travis and Dr. Amanda Bentley, who is the pathologist at the hospital help to solve some very strange murder cases in Diagnosis Murder.Diagnosis Murder (1993—2001)
Diagnosis Murder
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Dr. Mark Sloan is a doctor at Community General Hospital, and he is a consultant for the police department. His son Steve Sloan is a detective for the department. He and his father, along with emergency room resident Dr. Jesse Travis and Dr. Amanda Bentley, who is the pathologist at the hospital help to solve some very strange murder cases in Diagnosis Murder.Сюжет (англ.)
Boy Meets World is an American television sitcom that chronicles the coming of age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews, a Philadelphian who grows up from a young boy to a married man. The show aired for seven seasons from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the network's TGIF lineup. The entire series has been released on DVD, as well as on iTunes.Хлопець пізнає світ (1993—2000)
Boy Meets World
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Boy Meets World is an American television sitcom that chronicles the coming of age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews, a Philadelphian who grows up from a young boy to a married man. The show aired for seven seasons from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the network's TGIF lineup. The entire series has been released on DVD, as well as on iTunes.Сюжет (англ.)
Detectives from NYPD's 15th Precinct investigate homicides within their precinct.Поліція Нью Йорка (1993—2005)
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Detectives from NYPD's 15th Precinct investigate homicides within their precinct.Сюжет (англ.)
Seven students make their way through their freshman year at Hazelhurst College.Class of '96 (1993)
Class of '96
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Seven students make their way through their freshman year at Hazelhurst College.Сюжет (англ.)
The Webbers are your average American family. So average, in fact that they are selected by a television station to be the stars of their own TV show "At Home with the Webbers". They are moved to a new house that has cameras and microphones installed in it, and paid to just live their lives as they usually would. Their activities are taped and broadcast to the eager public. Television is television, however, and it isn't long before the demands of the viewing public and their new lifestyle take their toll on the Webbers...At Home with the Webbers (1993)
At Home with the Webbers
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The Webbers are your average American family. So average, in fact that they are selected by a television station to be the stars of their own TV show "At Home with the Webbers". They are moved to a new house that has cameras and microphones installed in it, and paid to just live their lives as they usually would. Their activities are taped and broadcast to the eager public. Television is television, however, and it isn't long before the demands of the viewing public and their new lifestyle take their toll on the Webbers...Сюжет
Cеріал показує життя учнів, які живуть у найбагатших районах Беверлі Гілс, і як вони дорослішають разом поступають у коледж та починають працювати. Молодь стає друзями та ворогами, вони закохуються та ненавидять, проходять скрізь безліч кризових ситуацій, такі як алкоголізм, апартеїд у Південній Африці, вагітність та наркотики...Беверлі Гілс 90210 (1990—2000)
Beverly Hills, 90210
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Cеріал показує життя учнів, які живуть у найбагатших районах Беверлі Гілс, і як вони дорослішають разом поступають у коледж та починають працювати. Молодь стає друзями та ворогами, вони закохуються та ненавидять, проходять скрізь безліч кризових ситуацій, такі як алкоголізм, апартеїд у Південній Африці, вагітність та наркотики...Сюжет (англ.)
A teenage genius deals with the usual problems of growing up, on top of being a licensed physician in a difficult residency program.Дуґі Гаусер, М.Д. (1989)
Doogie Howser, M.D.
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A teenage genius deals with the usual problems of growing up, on top of being a licensed physician in a difficult residency program.Сюжет (англ.)
21 Jump Street is the headquarters for a squad of police officers who specialize in investigations relating to young people. Each of the Jump St. personnel was selected for their ability to pass for high school or college students, allowing them to operate undercover in areas where it is difficult for regular police officers to blend in unnoticed.21 Jump Street (1987—1991)
21 Jump Street
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21 Jump Street is the headquarters for a squad of police officers who specialize in investigations relating to young people. Each of the Jump St. personnel was selected for their ability to pass for high school or college students, allowing them to operate undercover in areas where it is difficult for regular police officers to blend in unnoticed.Сюжет (англ.)
CBS late afternoon specials designed for middle school and high school students, dramatizing issues affecting teenagers.CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984—1994)
CBS Schoolbreak Special
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CBS late afternoon specials designed for middle school and high school students, dramatizing issues affecting teenagers.Сюжет (англ.)
The romantic and comic tales of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess.Корабель кохання (1977—1987)
The Love Boat
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The romantic and comic tales of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess.Сюжет (англ.)
"ABC Afterschool Specials" was the umbrella show name for various educational shows that were shown in the afternoon, occasionally. Each episode was produced by a separate company.ABC Спеціально після школи (1972—1997)
ABC Afterschool Specials
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"ABC Afterschool Specials" was the umbrella show name for various educational shows that were shown in the afternoon, occasionally. Each episode was produced by a separate company.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати