Justina Bustos
Дата народження: 7 квітня 1989 (35 років)
Знак зодіаку: Овен
Місце народження: Кордова, Арґентина
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 23
Ролі: актриса
Покинутий перед вівтарем Хосе Луїс змушений поїхати у весільну подорож зі своєю матусею Марі Кармен. Ну й що поганого може статися?Медовий місяць із матір’ю (2022)
Honeymoon with My Mother
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Покинутий перед вівтарем Хосе Луїс змушений поїхати у весільну подорож зі своєю матусею Марі Кармен. Ну й що поганого може статися?Сюжет (англ.)
Laura has been with Antonio all her life and, just when she begins to wonder if that is really the life she wants, Sergio and Siena cross paths in their lives. Sergio is a former high school classmate and Siena, his millennial girlfrThe Key Game (2022)
The Key Game
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Laura has been with Antonio all her life and, just when she begins to wonder if that is really the life she wants, Sergio and Siena cross paths in their lives. Sergio is a former high school classmate and Siena, his millennial girlfrСюжет (англ.)
Emilia is a young psychiatrist living in Buenos Aires with her boyfriend. She has a steady life but is not fully satisfied. She receives an invitation to go back to 28 de Noviembre, her ...Death Doesn't Exist, and Love Doesn't Either (2019)
Death Doesn't Exist, and Love Doesn't Either
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Emilia is a young psychiatrist living in Buenos Aires with her boyfriend. She has a steady life but is not fully satisfied. She receives an invitation to go back to 28 de Noviembre, her ...Сюжет (англ.)
Deborah makes a living by drawing the skin of her clients. One night, her housemate invites her boyfriend and friend to their house. Sitting in the armchair, they consume the series of the ...To Kill The Dragon (2019)
To Kill The Dragon
Otros Pecados (2019)
Otros Pecados
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Torcuato and Bruno, two Spanish friends, flee from the Civil War to take refuge in Argentine territory. However, luck is not presented to them in the same way and they will soon succumb to mutual betrayals.Argentina, tierra de amor y venganza (2019)
Argentina, tierra de amor y venganza
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Torcuato and Bruno, two Spanish friends, flee from the Civil War to take refuge in Argentine territory. However, luck is not presented to them in the same way and they will soon succumb to mutual betrayals.Сюжет (англ.)
Five sisters have to take care of a Hotel for a year after their father's death in order to get the herency he left them of 6 million dollarsLas Estrellas (2017—2018)
Las Estrellas
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Five sisters have to take care of a Hotel for a year after their father's death in order to get the herency he left them of 6 million dollarsСюжет (англ.)
Pablo Rouviot is a renowned psychoanalyst. His life changes completely when Paula arrives to his office and asks him to prove that his brother, a man with serious psychological problems and...The Suffering (2017)
The Suffering
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Pablo Rouviot is a renowned psychoanalyst. His life changes completely when Paula arrives to his office and asks him to prove that his brother, a man with serious psychological problems and...Breadcrumbs (2016)
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A global anthology film featuring innovative love stories from the some of the world's most visionary directors.Сюжет (англ.)
A couple married for 12 years and 2 kids, decide to go out. The night doesn't go as planned.Una noche de amor (2016)
Una noche de amor
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A couple married for 12 years and 2 kids, decide to go out. The night doesn't go as planned.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, form his early childhood days in Argentina to his becoming Pope Francis.Francis: Pray for Me (2015)
Francis: Pray for Me
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A look at the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, form his early childhood days in Argentina to his becoming Pope Francis.Сюжет (англ.)
The Puccio are apparently a family like any other: Archimedes, the father has a plan in hand, for which he needs the help of his family. He gathers his children to help him carry out the ...Historia de un clan (2015)
Historia de un clan
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The Puccio are apparently a family like any other: Archimedes, the father has a plan in hand, for which he needs the help of his family. He gathers his children to help him carry out the ...Сюжет
Фільм на реальних подіях.Молода закохана німецька пара - стюардеса Олена і журналіст Даніель - опиняються в епіцентрі кривавого військового перевороту в Чилі.
Даніеля заарештовують, піддають немислимим катуванням таємної поліції і відправляють в колонію «Дігнідад» - німецьке поселення,
котре видає себе за благодійне товариство, а насправді практично концтабір.
Туди ж - добровільно, під виглядом черниці - відправляється і Олена, щоб врятувати коханого.
У Дігнідад легко потрапити, але дороги назад немає ...
Колонія Дігнідад (2015)
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Фільм на реальних подіях.Молода закохана німецька пара - стюардеса Олена і журналіст Даніель - опиняються в епіцентрі кривавого військового перевороту в Чилі.
Даніеля заарештовують, піддають немислимим катуванням таємної поліції і відправляють в колонію «Дігнідад» - німецьке поселення,
котре видає себе за благодійне товариство, а насправді практично концтабір.
Туди ж - добровільно, під виглядом черниці - відправляється і Олена, щоб врятувати коханого.
У Дігнідад легко потрапити, але дороги назад немає ...
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Six friends spend New Year's at a house by the river. The host, Nicolas brings his ex-girlfriend Pilar with whom he just had a one-night stand. But, he hits on every other girl including the brooding Cata and the voluptuous Belén. When Nicolas unexpectedly falls into bed and then into love with the high-strung Manuela who also happens to be his best friend's girlfriend, the last laugh is on him.Volley (2014)
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Six friends spend New Year's at a house by the river. The host, Nicolas brings his ex-girlfriend Pilar with whom he just had a one-night stand. But, he hits on every other girl including the brooding Cata and the voluptuous Belén. When Nicolas unexpectedly falls into bed and then into love with the high-strung Manuela who also happens to be his best friend's girlfriend, the last laugh is on him.Сюжет
Якщо ти грабіжник, такий собі сучасний Клайд, то чому б не зробити зі своєї дівчини Бонні? Це ж так романтично разом виносити мішки з баксами з пограбованих банків. Нікі та Джес саме така пара. Але згодом романтика заважає бізнесу закоханих і їх починають переслідувати невдачі не тільки у стосунках...Фокус (2015)
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Якщо ти грабіжник, такий собі сучасний Клайд, то чому б не зробити зі своєї дівчини Бонні? Це ж так романтично разом виносити мішки з баксами з пограбованих банків. Нікі та Джес саме така пара. Але згодом романтика заважає бізнесу закоханих і їх починають переслідувати невдачі не тільки у стосунках...Сюжет (англ.)
The main characters are Joaquín (Gustavo Bermúdez), a famous businessman, owner of a motorcycle manufacturing plant, and Manuela (Ana María Orozco), his maid. After the death of his friend ...Somos familia (2014)
Somos familia
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The main characters are Joaquín (Gustavo Bermúdez), a famous businessman, owner of a motorcycle manufacturing plant, and Manuela (Ana María Orozco), his maid. After the death of his friend ...Сюжет (англ.)
A girl Violetta returned home after living in Europe for a while. She is living with her father because her mom died. As she is back in her home town. She learns about music, friendship, and her dad as well. She how Violetta goes through go/bad life. Stick around see how her adventure goes.Violetta (2012—2015)
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A girl Violetta returned home after living in Europe for a while. She is living with her father because her mom died. As she is back in her home town. She learns about music, friendship, and her dad as well. She how Violetta goes through go/bad life. Stick around see how her adventure goes.Сюжет (англ.)
"Caiga Quien Caiga" is a weekly news round-up that takes a humorous and ironic approach to reporting current affairs, show business, and sports. A program that laughs at reality, and takes information to limits beyond what is expecteCaiga quien caiga - CQC (1995)
Caiga quien caiga - CQC
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"Caiga Quien Caiga" is a weekly news round-up that takes a humorous and ironic approach to reporting current affairs, show business, and sports. A program that laughs at reality, and takes information to limits beyond what is expecteСюжет (англ.)
Antonio Gasset hosts this show in which recently released movies and DVDs are thoughtfully discussed in a documentary-like way.Días de cine (1991—)
Días de cine
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Antonio Gasset hosts this show in which recently released movies and DVDs are thoughtfully discussed in a documentary-like way.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати