Джон Лісон
John Leeson
Дата народження: 28 лютого 1943 (82 роки)
Знак зодіаку:
Місце народження: Лестер, Лестершир, Англія, Великобританія
Зріст: 169 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 44
Ролі: актор
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With the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (1963) approaching, former Doctors Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy try to sneak onto the set of the anniversary special.The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (2013)
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
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With the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (1963) approaching, former Doctors Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy try to sneak onto the set of the anniversary special.Сюжет (англ.)
A series of documentaries celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (1963), each focusing on a different incarnation of the Doctor.Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited (2013)
Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited
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A series of documentaries celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (1963), each focusing on a different incarnation of the Doctor.Сюжет (англ.)
Explore the real life science behind the biggest concepts and most iconic ideas in the incredible Doctor Who universe.The Science of Doctor Who (2012)
The Science of Doctor Who
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Explore the real life science behind the biggest concepts and most iconic ideas in the incredible Doctor Who universe.Stargazing Live: Back to Earth (2012—)
Stargazing Live: Back to Earth
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Celebrities try to find the most obscure answers to win money for their chosen charities.Pointless Celebrities (2010—)
Pointless Celebrities
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Celebrities try to find the most obscure answers to win money for their chosen charities.Сюжет
Телесеріал про пригоди пса-робота K-9 із серіалу «Доктор Хто», знятий за допомогою комп'ютерної анімації та живих зйомок.К-9 (2009—2010)
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Телесеріал про пригоди пса-робота K-9 із серіалу «Доктор Хто», знятий за допомогою комп'ютерної анімації та живих зйомок.The Justin Lee Collins Show (2009)
The Justin Lee Collins Show
The Sarah Jane Adventures Comic Relief Special (2009)
The Sarah Jane Adventures Comic Relief Special
Сара Джейн Сміт — журналістка, яка мандрувала з Доктором у 1970-х роках — продовжує розслідувати загадкові та незрозумілі події у сучасній Англії, в ході цього все ще стикаючись із іншопланетянами. Розслідування вона проводить за допомогою своїх друзів: Клайда Ленґера, Марії Джексон і Рані Чандри; а також за допомогою своїх названих дітей: Люка та Скай Смітів. Кілька разів розслідування проводив разом із ними й Доктор.Пригоди Сари Джейн (2007—2011)
The Sarah Jane Adventures
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Сара Джейн Сміт — журналістка, яка мандрувала з Доктором у 1970-х роках — продовжує розслідувати загадкові та незрозумілі події у сучасній Англії, в ході цього все ще стикаючись із іншопланетянами. Розслідування вона проводить за допомогою своїх друзів: Клайда Ленґера, Марії Джексон і Рані Чандри; а також за допомогою своїх названих дітей: Люка та Скай Смітів. Кілька разів розслідування проводив разом із ними й Доктор.Сюжет
Документальний серіал про виробництво британського науково-фантастичного телесеріалу компанії BBC «Доктор Хто».Доктор Хто: Конфіденційно (2005—2011)
Doctor Who Confidential
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Документальний серіал про виробництво британського науково-фантастичного телесеріалу компанії BBC «Доктор Хто».Сюжет
Після чергової регенерації тисячолітній прибулець, що називає себе Доктором, знову готовий прожити нове життя. Йому вкотре доведеться зустрітитсь зі старими ворогами, новими таємницями та заново познайомитись зі своїми друзями. Динозавр у центрі Лондону, мумія у космічному поїзді та рослинний апокаліпсис - чи готові ви до таких пригод?Доктор Хто (2005)
Doctor Who
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Після чергової регенерації тисячолітній прибулець, що називає себе Доктором, знову готовий прожити нове життя. Йому вкотре доведеться зустрітитсь зі старими ворогами, новими таємницями та заново познайомитись зі своїми друзями. Динозавр у центрі Лондону, мумія у космічному поїзді та рослинний апокаліпсис - чи готові ви до таких пригод?Сюжет (англ.)
Series of 3 programmes produced for Sky One - showing the Ultimate Top 10 : Moments, Aliens and Robots as voted by the British public. Interviews with leading actors and film critics, ...Ultimate Sci-Fi Top 10 (2004)
Ultimate Sci-Fi Top 10
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Series of 3 programmes produced for Sky One - showing the Ultimate Top 10 : Moments, Aliens and Robots as voted by the British public. Interviews with leading actors and film critics, ...Сюжет (англ.)
Would-be universe conqueror Skagra seeks out the location of the lost planet Shada, home to a Time Lord prison, from a Time Lord who's a professor at Cambridge and is old friends with the Doctor.Doctor Who: Shada (2003)
Doctor Who: Shada
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Would-be universe conqueror Skagra seeks out the location of the lost planet Shada, home to a Time Lord prison, from a Time Lord who's a professor at Cambridge and is old friends with the Doctor.Сюжет (англ.)
British general knowledge quiz show which spawned imitations around the world, notably in the USA.Найслабша ланка (2000—2002)
The Weakest Link
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British general knowledge quiz show which spawned imitations around the world, notably in the USA.Сюжет (англ.)
The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.Лікарі (2000—)
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The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.Сюжет (англ.)
In the 18th century, the only way to navigate accurately at sea was to follow a coastline all the way, which would not get you from Europe to the West Indies or the Americas. Observing the sun or stars would give you the latitude, but not the longitude unless done in conjunction with a clock that would keep time accurately at sea, and no such clock existed. After one too many maritime disasters due to navigational errors, the British Parliament set up a substantial prize for a way to find the longitude at sea. The film's main story is that of craftsman John Harrison: he built a clock that would do the job, what we would now call a marine chronometer. But the Board of Longitude was biased against this approach and claiming the prize was no simple matter. Told in parallel is the 20th century story of Rupert Gould, for whom the restoration of Harrison's clocks to working order became first a hobby, then an obsession that threatened to wreck his life.Longitude (2000)
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In the 18th century, the only way to navigate accurately at sea was to follow a coastline all the way, which would not get you from Europe to the West Indies or the Americas. Observing the sun or stars would give you the latitude, but not the longitude unless done in conjunction with a clock that would keep time accurately at sea, and no such clock existed. After one too many maritime disasters due to navigational errors, the British Parliament set up a substantial prize for a way to find the longitude at sea. The film's main story is that of craftsman John Harrison: he built a clock that would do the job, what we would now call a marine chronometer. But the Board of Longitude was biased against this approach and claiming the prize was no simple matter. Told in parallel is the 20th century story of Rupert Gould, for whom the restoration of Harrison's clocks to working order became first a hobby, then an obsession that threatened to wreck his life.Сюжет
Екранізація класичного роману Вільяма Теккерея, події якого відбуваються і в елегантних салонах вищого світу лондона, і на полях битв із армією Наполеона.Красива, розумна і чарівна Шарп - колишня гувернантка. Вона неперевершена спокусниця та кар'єристка. Беккі готова піти на будь-які хитрощі і розбити незчисленну кількість чоловічих сердець, аби заволодіти багатим і знатним чоловіком. Все її бурне і сповнене пригод життя посвячене одній меті - пошуку впливового покровителя. А її покірна подруга Амелія віддано кохає офіцера Джорджа Осборна, хоча за нею потай сохне його вірний друг капітан Доббін. Чи зможуть подруги пережити всі примхи кохання, приготовлені для них долею?
Ярмарок марнославства (1998)
Vanity Fair
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Екранізація класичного роману Вільяма Теккерея, події якого відбуваються і в елегантних салонах вищого світу лондона, і на полях битв із армією Наполеона.Красива, розумна і чарівна Шарп - колишня гувернантка. Вона неперевершена спокусниця та кар'єристка. Беккі готова піти на будь-які хитрощі і розбити незчисленну кількість чоловічих сердець, аби заволодіти багатим і знатним чоловіком. Все її бурне і сповнене пригод життя посвячене одній меті - пошуку впливового покровителя. А її покірна подруга Амелія віддано кохає офіцера Джорджа Осборна, хоча за нею потай сохне його вірний друг капітан Доббін. Чи зможуть подруги пережити всі примхи кохання, приготовлені для них долею?
Сюжет (англ.)
Ed, Ros, Alex and Beckett form the high-tech crime fighting team who work for the mysterious, secretive Bureau 2 chief, Jan, and are only assigned the most difficult and dangerous cases.Bugs (1995—1999)
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Ed, Ros, Alex and Beckett form the high-tech crime fighting team who work for the mysterious, secretive Bureau 2 chief, Jan, and are only assigned the most difficult and dangerous cases.Сюжет (англ.)
Crazy antics ensue when Barry and Paul Chuckle get into various exaggerated situations.ChuckleVision (1987—2009)
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Crazy antics ensue when Barry and Paul Chuckle get into various exaggerated situations.Сюжет (англ.)
Elaborate tricks involving actors are played on members of the public who have been set up by friends or family.Beadle's About (1986—1996)
Beadle's About
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Elaborate tricks involving actors are played on members of the public who have been set up by friends or family.Сюжет (англ.)
A small British colony is invaded by its Communist neighbour. Newly elected female President of the United States, Barbara Adams, tried to sort out the mess but the British under the leader of PM Sir Mortimer Chris sends in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, General Mosquera, leader of the Communist country, hires the best terrorist in the world, Lacrobat, to kidnap the British princess Wendy to hold her to ransom to get the British out. So now Barbara has not only got to deal with Mosquera and Lacrobat, she has also to deal with Sir Mortimer, who totally goes mad and thinks up really stupid ideas (such as pushing the unemployed over a cliff and that the entire employment problem is caused by evil pixies.) but also with the fact that Russia is looking to aid the Communist country and this could start World War III...Whoops Apocalypse (1988)
Whoops Apocalypse
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A small British colony is invaded by its Communist neighbour. Newly elected female President of the United States, Barbara Adams, tried to sort out the mess but the British under the leader of PM Sir Mortimer Chris sends in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, General Mosquera, leader of the Communist country, hires the best terrorist in the world, Lacrobat, to kidnap the British princess Wendy to hold her to ransom to get the British out. So now Barbara has not only got to deal with Mosquera and Lacrobat, she has also to deal with Sir Mortimer, who totally goes mad and thinks up really stupid ideas (such as pushing the unemployed over a cliff and that the entire employment problem is caused by evil pixies.) but also with the fact that Russia is looking to aid the Communist country and this could start World War III...Сюжет (англ.)
Biography of Irish writer Oscar Wilde.Oscar (1985)
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Biography of Irish writer Oscar Wilde.Сюжет (англ.)
Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.The Bill (1984—2010)
The Bill
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Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.Сюжет (англ.)
'Allo 'Allo! is a British sitcom broadcast on BBC One from 1982 to 1992 comprising eighty-five episodes. The story is set up in a small town café in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. It is a parody of another BBC programme, the wartime drama Secret Army. 'Allo, 'Allo! was created by David Croft, who also wrote the theme music, and Jeremy Lloyd. Lloyd and Croft wrote the first six seasons. The remaining seasons were written by Lloyd and Paul Adam. In 2004, 'Allo 'Allo came 13th in Britain's Best Sitcom. A reunion special, comprising new material, archive clips and specially recorded interviews, was broadcast on 28 April 2007 on BBC Two.Алло, алло! (1982—1992)
'Allo 'Allo!
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'Allo 'Allo! is a British sitcom broadcast on BBC One from 1982 to 1992 comprising eighty-five episodes. The story is set up in a small town café in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. It is a parody of another BBC programme, the wartime drama Secret Army. 'Allo, 'Allo! was created by David Croft, who also wrote the theme music, and Jeremy Lloyd. Lloyd and Croft wrote the first six seasons. The remaining seasons were written by Lloyd and Paul Adam. In 2004, 'Allo 'Allo came 13th in Britain's Best Sitcom. A reunion special, comprising new material, archive clips and specially recorded interviews, was broadcast on 28 April 2007 on BBC Two.Сюжет (англ.)
The further adventures of Tucker Jenkins and his former classmates from Grange Hill. Follow Tucker and friends as they duck and dive their way through love and life during a time of high unemployment in the 1980s.Tucker's Luck (1983—1985)
Tucker's Luck
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The further adventures of Tucker Jenkins and his former classmates from Grange Hill. Follow Tucker and friends as they duck and dive their way through love and life during a time of high unemployment in the 1980s.Сюжет (англ.)
An introduction of contemporary computer technology, its applications and its effect on society.The Computer Programme (1982)
The Computer Programme
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An introduction of contemporary computer technology, its applications and its effect on society.Сюжет
Під Різдво на Сару Джейн чекає вир дивних подій. Зникає улюблена тітка, з'являється дивна коробка, зникає підопічний тітки ...А тут ще якісь шабаші відьом в окрузі ...
К-9 і компанія - "Кращий друг дівчини" (1981)
K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend
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Під Різдво на Сару Джейн чекає вир дивних подій. Зникає улюблена тітка, з'являється дивна коробка, зникає підопічний тітки ...А тут ще якісь шабаші відьом в окрузі ...
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A 41-year-old man is unable to leave home because of his domineering mother.Sorry! (1981—1988)
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A 41-year-old man is unable to leave home because of his domineering mother.Сюжет (англ.)
A family film which follows the life of a real otter and its adventures in the wild.Tarka the Otter (1979)
Tarka the Otter
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A family film which follows the life of a real otter and its adventures in the wild.Сюжет (англ.)
Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Minder (1979—1994)
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Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати