Джин О'доннелл
Gene O'Donnell
Дата народження: 28 лютого 1911
Знак зодіаку: Риби
Дата смерті: 22 листопада 1992 (81 рік)
Місце народження: Айова, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 65
Ролі: актор
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Dr. Michael Rhodes is a college professor with an interest in the paranormal. He and his assistant Nancy spend much of their time investigating mysteries involving extra-sensory perception, spirits, possessions, and other such experiThe Sixth Sense (1972)
The Sixth Sense
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Dr. Michael Rhodes is a college professor with an interest in the paranormal. He and his assistant Nancy spend much of their time investigating mysteries involving extra-sensory perception, spirits, possessions, and other such experiСюжет (англ.)
Similar in format to Serling's much more famous "Twilight Zone" series. Each week we get a new tale, represented by a painting in an old museum. Whereas the tales in "Twilight Zone" were more science fiction, these tales have a darker, more horrific edge.Night Gallery (1969—1973)
Night Gallery
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Similar in format to Serling's much more famous "Twilight Zone" series. Each week we get a new tale, represented by a painting in an old museum. Whereas the tales in "Twilight Zone" were more science fiction, these tales have a darker, more horrific edge.Безсмертний (1969—1971)
The Immortal
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Tony Petrocelli, a bright young lawyer practicing in the rich cattle town of Baker, becomes embroiled in a murder case.The Lawyer (1970)
The Lawyer
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Tony Petrocelli, a bright young lawyer practicing in the rich cattle town of Baker, becomes embroiled in a murder case.Сюжет (англ.)
Behind the scenes at the fictitious Century Studios in Hollywood, headed by the (initially) unseen John Bracken.Bracken's World (1969)
Bracken's World
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Behind the scenes at the fictitious Century Studios in Hollywood, headed by the (initially) unseen John Bracken.Сюжет (англ.)
A down-on-his-luck New York private eye takes a bodyguard job for the death-threatened mistress of a shady millionaire and gets involved in conspiracy and murder.Сюжет
Другий фільм епопеї про розумних мавп, правлячих Землею після ядерної катастрофи. Астронавта посилають до Нью-Йорка знайти його колегу, який, як вважається, загубився серед зруйнованого ядерним вибухом міста. Мавпи ведуть війну з людьми-мутантами, що залишилися в живих після трагедії.Планета Мавп (1968)
Planet of the Apes
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Другий фільм епопеї про розумних мавп, правлячих Землею після ядерної катастрофи. Астронавта посилають до Нью-Йорка знайти його колегу, який, як вважається, загубився серед зруйнованого ядерним вибухом міста. Мавпи ведуть війну з людьми-мутантами, що залишилися в живих після трагедії.Сюжет (англ.)
Three young outlaws try to stay together and keep one step ahead of the law.Ride to Hangman's Tree (1967)
Ride to Hangman's Tree
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Three young outlaws try to stay together and keep one step ahead of the law.Сюжет (англ.)
Ed convinces his best friend Paul that he should fool around with other women in order to preserve his happy marriage. Ed illustrates his point with a series of vignettes acted out by a lot of famous celebrities. The joke of it all is that Paul is married to lovely Ruth!A Guide for the Married Man (1967)
A Guide for the Married Man
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Ed convinces his best friend Paul that he should fool around with other women in order to preserve his happy marriage. Ed illustrates his point with a series of vignettes acted out by a lot of famous celebrities. The joke of it all is that Paul is married to lovely Ruth!Сюжет (англ.)
The Wild West adventures of the residents and staff of Barkley Ranch in California's San Joaquin Valley.Велика Долина (1965—1969)
The Big Valley
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The Wild West adventures of the residents and staff of Barkley Ranch in California's San Joaquin Valley.Сюжет (англ.)
Professor Leaf, an absent-minded poet with a prejudice against the sciences, is forced to face the fact that his son is a math prodigy with little artistic talent of his own.Dear Brigitte (1965)
Dear Brigitte
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Professor Leaf, an absent-minded poet with a prejudice against the sciences, is forced to face the fact that his son is a math prodigy with little artistic talent of his own.Сюжет (англ.)
The original primetime soap took place in the title town, which was founded by the Peyton family, whose members included the Harringtons. Some of the plots involved Rodney Harrington, the ...Пейтон Плейс (1964—1985)
Peyton Place
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The original primetime soap took place in the title town, which was founded by the Peyton family, whose members included the Harringtons. Some of the plots involved Rodney Harrington, the ...Сюжет
Актору Дейлу Нельсону надходить приваблива у фінансовому плані пропозиція - його просять прикинутися божевільним, потрапити в психіатричну лікарню і випитати в одного з пацієнтів, де той сховав вкрадений мільйон доларів.Шокотерапія (1964)
Shock Treatment
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Актору Дейлу Нельсону надходить приваблива у фінансовому плані пропозиція - його просять прикинутися божевільним, потрапити в психіатричну лікарню і випитати в одного з пацієнтів, де той сховав вкрадений мільйон доларів.Сюжет (англ.)
Young Harrison Destry, son of legendary lawman Tom Destry, had been a sheriff himself until he was framed and sent to prison. Now he roams about looking for the hombres that did him wrong. He's not the typical foolhardy hero, thou...Destry (1964)
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Young Harrison Destry, son of legendary lawman Tom Destry, had been a sheriff himself until he was framed and sent to prison. Now he roams about looking for the hombres that did him wrong. He's not the typical foolhardy hero, thou...Сюжет (англ.)
A father's attempts to protect his college-age daughter from trouble backfire, and he finds himself in the middle of scandal after scandal.Take Her, She's Mine (1963)
Take Her, She's Mine
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A father's attempts to protect his college-age daughter from trouble backfire, and he finds himself in the middle of scandal after scandal.Сюжет (англ.)
Rock Hudson plays an Air Force Colonel who has just been re-assigned as a cold war B-52 commander who must shape up his men to pass a grueling inspection that the previous commander had failed, and had been fired for. He is also recently married, and as a tough commanding officer doing whatever he has to do to shape his men up, his wife sees a side to him that she hadn't seen before.A Gathering of Eagles (1963)
A Gathering of Eagles
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Rock Hudson plays an Air Force Colonel who has just been re-assigned as a cold war B-52 commander who must shape up his men to pass a grueling inspection that the previous commander had failed, and had been fired for. He is also recently married, and as a tough commanding officer doing whatever he has to do to shape his men up, his wife sees a side to him that she hadn't seen before.Сюжет (англ.)
The wacky misadventures of a forever-scheming woman, her reluctant best friend, and her cantankerous boss.The Lucy Show (1962—1968)
The Lucy Show
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The wacky misadventures of a forever-scheming woman, her reluctant best friend, and her cantankerous boss.Сюжет (англ.)
After WW2, a Los Angeles crime ring uses a complex scheme, involving freight ships and corrupt health officers, to smuggle drugs into the USA.Hell Bound (1957)
Hell Bound
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After WW2, a Los Angeles crime ring uses a complex scheme, involving freight ships and corrupt health officers, to smuggle drugs into the USA.Сюжет (англ.)
A party girl is murdered, and everyone at a Utah motel is a suspect.The Girl in Black Stockings (1957)
The Girl in Black Stockings
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A party girl is murdered, and everyone at a Utah motel is a suspect.Сюжет
Професійний адвокат вирішує складні кримінальні справи своїх клієнтів.Пері Мейсон (1957—1966)
Perry Mason
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Професійний адвокат вирішує складні кримінальні справи своїх клієнтів.Сюжет (англ.)
A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common.Створюючи жінку (1957)
Designing Woman
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A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common.Сюжет (англ.)
A big-city reporter between jobs is traveling with his wife through a small Ozarks town and gets a lead on a bank robbery. He tracks down the brutal gang that committed the robbery, only to...Hot Summer Night (1957)
Hot Summer Night
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A big-city reporter between jobs is traveling with his wife through a small Ozarks town and gets a lead on a bank robbery. He tracks down the brutal gang that committed the robbery, only to...Сюжет (англ.)
Bernie Goldsmith, a long-time civilian employee of the U.S. Navy is suspended as a security risk when investigators discover he had communist affiliations in his youth. Snubbed by former ...Three Brave Men (1956)
Three Brave Men
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Bernie Goldsmith, a long-time civilian employee of the U.S. Navy is suspended as a security risk when investigators discover he had communist affiliations in his youth. Snubbed by former ...Сюжет (англ.)
Bruce Hallerton becomes coach of the Panthers, a little league baseball team. The fact that an attractive widow has her son in the team causes problems with his wife.The Great American Pastime (1956)
The Great American Pastime
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Bruce Hallerton becomes coach of the Panthers, a little league baseball team. The fact that an attractive widow has her son in the team causes problems with his wife.Сюжет (англ.)
Canadian Mountie Sgt. Preston patrols the wilds of the Yukon with his horse Rex and his faithful dog Yukon King, battling both the elements and criminals.Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (1955—1958)
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon
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Canadian Mountie Sgt. Preston patrols the wilds of the Yukon with his horse Rex and his faithful dog Yukon King, battling both the elements and criminals.Сюжет
Тривалий американський телесеріал, спочатку виходив на радіо, а пізніше на телебаченні. Дія шоу проходить в Додж-Сіті, штат Канзас, і в основі сюжету — наведення порядку на Заході США в дев'ятнадцятому столітті.Дим зі ствола (1955—1975)
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Тривалий американський телесеріал, спочатку виходив на радіо, а пізніше на телебаченні. Дія шоу проходить в Додж-Сіті, штат Канзас, і в основі сюжету — наведення порядку на Заході США в дев'ятнадцятому столітті.Сюжет (англ.)
Western stories and legends based, and filmed, in and around Death Valley, CA. One of the longest-running Western series, originating on radio in the 1930s. The continuing sponsor was "20 Mule Team" Borax, a product mined in Death Valley.Death Valley Days (1952—)
Death Valley Days
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Western stories and legends based, and filmed, in and around Death Valley, CA. One of the longest-running Western series, originating on radio in the 1930s. The continuing sponsor was "20 Mule Team" Borax, a product mined in Death Valley.Сюжет (англ.)
Live dramatic shows featuring Hollywood stars. Initially, the show was a thirty-minute weekly show, but when it moved to NBC in August 1954, the show was extended to sixty minutes, and the plays were primarily adaptations of motio...Lux Video Theatre (1950)
Lux Video Theatre
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Live dramatic shows featuring Hollywood stars. Initially, the show was a thirty-minute weekly show, but when it moved to NBC in August 1954, the show was extended to sixty minutes, and the plays were primarily adaptations of motio...Сюжет (англ.)
Live dramas based on stories by members of the Mystery Writers of AmericaСюжет (англ.)
Actor, Producer, and Director Robert Montgomery introduced each telecast, sometimes interviewing one of the stars, and sometimes appearing in the play.Robert Montgomery Presents (1950—1957)
Robert Montgomery Presents
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Actor, Producer, and Director Robert Montgomery introduced each telecast, sometimes interviewing one of the stars, and sometimes appearing in the play.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати