Френк Ферґюсон
Frank Ferguson
Дата народження: 25 грудня 1906
Знак зодіаку: Козоріг
Дата смерті: 12 вересня 1978 (71 рік)
Місце народження: Ферндейл, Каліфорнія, США
Зріст: 179 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 282
Ролі: актор
Як народився американський кінематограф? Хто присутній при його пологах? Куди дивився в цей час Грифіт? Отчого на світі студії? Що вони витворяють з режисерами і скільки разів на день? Приведіть десять найвиразніших сцен американського кіно. Думати, ніби відповіді на ці і інші питання в такій екзаменаційній формі ви одержите в цьому фільмі, - помилково. Але на дуже багато з них ви зможете відповісти після перегляду самостійно.Історія американського кіно від Мартіна Скорсезе (1995)
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies
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Як народився американський кінематограф? Хто присутній при його пологах? Куди дивився в цей час Грифіт? Отчого на світі студії? Що вони витворяють з режисерами і скільки разів на день? Приведіть десять найвиразніших сцен американського кіно. Думати, ніби відповіді на ці і інші питання в такій екзаменаційній формі ви одержите в цьому фільмі, - помилково. Але на дуже багато з них ви зможете відповісти після перегляду самостійно.Сюжет (англ.)
Episodes revolving around the Macahan family as they try to fulfill their dream of going to Oregon. They run into many setbacks along the way and are forced to delay their move many times as a result. Common wild west themes and characters abound, such as Native Americans and crazy mountain men.Як підкорили Захід (1976—1979)
How the West Was Won
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Episodes revolving around the Macahan family as they try to fulfill their dream of going to Oregon. They run into many setbacks along the way and are forced to delay their move many times as a result. Common wild west themes and characters abound, such as Native Americans and crazy mountain men.Сюжет (англ.)
Zeb Macahan, a pioneering westerner, help's move his brother's family to the wild west. They run into several obstacles including the breakout of the Civil War. This sends the father back ...The Macahans (1976)
The Macahans
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Zeb Macahan, a pioneering westerner, help's move his brother's family to the wild west. They run into several obstacles including the breakout of the Civil War. This sends the father back ...Сюжет (англ.)
The life and adventures of the Ingalls family in the nineteenth century American Midwest.Хатинка у преріях (1974—1983)
Little House on the Prairie
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The life and adventures of the Ingalls family in the nineteenth century American Midwest.Сюжет
Китай, сорокові роки. Невдалий шахрай Сін замислив крупну справу. Він вступає до банди зарізяк "Сокири", яка намагається встановити панування в тихому кварталі під назвою ""Свинарник"". Чарівний, але незграбний герой стає ланкою в ланцюзі подій, що породжують карколомні поєдинки, захоплюючий екшн, купу смішних ситуацій і масу вражаючих спецефектів..Розбірки в стилі кунг-фу (1972—1975)
Kung Fu
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Китай, сорокові роки. Невдалий шахрай Сін замислив крупну справу. Він вступає до банди зарізяк "Сокири", яка намагається встановити панування в тихому кварталі під назвою ""Свинарник"". Чарівний, але незграбний герой стає ланкою в ланцюзі подій, що породжують карколомні поєдинки, захоплюючий екшн, купу смішних ситуацій і масу вражаючих спецефектів..Сюжет (англ.)
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression, World War II, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death.Волтони (1971—1981)
The Waltons
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In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression, World War II, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death.Сюжет (англ.)
This daytime soap was a sequel of sorts to the primetime series Peyton Place, revolving around the lives of the citizens of that community. It did not carry over the stories, however, and ...Повернутися в Пейтон Плейс (1972)
Return to Peyton Place
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This daytime soap was a sequel of sorts to the primetime series Peyton Place, revolving around the lives of the citizens of that community. It did not carry over the stories, however, and ...Сюжет (англ.)
The Western films of iconic director John Ford are fondly remembered by stars James Stewart, Henry Fonda, and John Wayne, with whom he shoots a scene in Monument Valley.The American West of John Ford (1971)
The American West of John Ford
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The Western films of iconic director John Ford are fondly remembered by stars James Stewart, Henry Fonda, and John Wayne, with whom he shoots a scene in Monument Valley.Сюжет (англ.)
Samuel "Sarge" Cavanaugh is a priest at the St. Aloysius Parish in San Diego, California. He is known as Sarge because of his police background of working for nine years as a homicide detective in the area in which he tries to hel...Sarge (1971—1972)
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Samuel "Sarge" Cavanaugh is a priest at the St. Aloysius Parish in San Diego, California. He is known as Sarge because of his police background of working for nine years as a homicide detective in the area in which he tries to hel...Сюжет (англ.)
James O'Hara of the United States Treasury works in several branches to stop illegal activities such as smuggling contraband, tax evasion, and the like.О'Гара. Міністерство фінансів США (1971—1972)
O'Hara, U.S. Treasury
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James O'Hara of the United States Treasury works in several branches to stop illegal activities such as smuggling contraband, tax evasion, and the like.Сюжет (англ.)
Attorney and US Navy vet Stewart "Mac" McMillan is appointed Commissioner of Police for the city of San Francisco. He often handles the very high profile cases personally. Helping him out on many of them is his wife Sally, who's father was a detective for the SFPD. In fact, Sally gets so involved that she often puts herself in harms way. They are often assisted by Mac's loyal, but somewhat inept assistant Sgt. Charlie Enright and their hard drinking, smart mouthed live in maid Mildred. Sadly, a few years after Mac's appointment Sally dies in a plane crash. Also, Mildred quits her position and is replaced by her scatterbrained sister Agatha. Also, in later years Enright is promoted to lieutenant.МакМіллан і дружина (1971—1977)
McMillan & Wife
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Attorney and US Navy vet Stewart "Mac" McMillan is appointed Commissioner of Police for the city of San Francisco. He often handles the very high profile cases personally. Helping him out on many of them is his wife Sally, who's father was a detective for the SFPD. In fact, Sally gets so involved that she often puts herself in harms way. They are often assisted by Mac's loyal, but somewhat inept assistant Sgt. Charlie Enright and their hard drinking, smart mouthed live in maid Mildred. Sadly, a few years after Mac's appointment Sally dies in a plane crash. Also, Mildred quits her position and is replaced by her scatterbrained sister Agatha. Also, in later years Enright is promoted to lieutenant.Сюжет (англ.)
The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place.Cannon (1971—1976)
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The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place.Сюжет (англ.)
Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry, two of the most wanted outlaws in the history of the West, are popular "with everyone except the railroads and the banks", since "in all the trains and banks ...Alias Smith and Jones (1971—1973)
Alias Smith and Jones
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Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry, two of the most wanted outlaws in the history of the West, are popular "with everyone except the railroads and the banks", since "in all the trains and banks ...Сюжет (англ.)
The widow of a scientist who was murdered by his colleagues goes undercover at the research lab where he worked to expose them.Along Came a Spider (1970)
Along Came a Spider
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The widow of a scientist who was murdered by his colleagues goes undercover at the research lab where he worked to expose them.Nanny and the Professor (1970—1971)
Nanny and the Professor
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A spaceship from Earth crash-lands on an Earth-like planet on which everything, including the human-like inhabitants, is twelve times the size of its counterpart on Earth.Земля велетнів (1968—1970)
Land of the Giants
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A spaceship from Earth crash-lands on an Earth-like planet on which everything, including the human-like inhabitants, is twelve times the size of its counterpart on Earth.Сюжет (англ.)
A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Adam-12 (1968—1975)
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A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Сюжет (англ.)
A New York City attorney and his wife attempt to live as genteel farmers in the bizarre community of Hooterville.Зелені гектари (1965—1971)
Green Acres
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A New York City attorney and his wife attempt to live as genteel farmers in the bizarre community of Hooterville.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at what happened to Custer and his troops at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Custer, an outspoken believer in fair treatment for the Indians, is ousted from his post and forced into ...The Great Sioux Massacre (1965)
The Great Sioux Massacre
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A look at what happened to Custer and his troops at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Custer, an outspoken believer in fair treatment for the Indians, is ousted from his post and forced into ...Сюжет (англ.)
Story of Cam Calloway and his family, who live in a densely wooded area in New England. Cam dreams of building a sanctuary for the geese that fly over the area each year, and he tries ...Those Calloways (1965)
Those Calloways
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Story of Cam Calloway and his family, who live in a densely wooded area in New England. Cam dreams of building a sanctuary for the geese that fly over the area each year, and he tries ...Сюжет (англ.)
An aging, reclusive Southern belle, plagued by a horrifying family secret, descends into madness after the arrival of a lost relative.Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte
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An aging, reclusive Southern belle, plagued by a horrifying family secret, descends into madness after the arrival of a lost relative.Сюжет (англ.)
The original primetime soap took place in the title town, which was founded by the Peyton family, whose members included the Harringtons. Some of the plots involved Rodney Harrington, the ...Пейтон Плейс (1964—1985)
Peyton Place
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The original primetime soap took place in the title town, which was founded by the Peyton family, whose members included the Harringtons. Some of the plots involved Rodney Harrington, the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Voyage chronicled the adventures of the world's first privately owned nuclear submarine, the SSRN Seaview. Designed by Admiral Harriman Nelson, she was a tool of oceanographic research for the Nelson Institute of Marine Research. Though the show is known for its "monster" episodes, many plots were veiled commentaries of what was happening in the news. Such plotlines as nuclear doomsday, pollution of natural resources, foreign threat, and theft of American technology are all still relevant today.Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964—1968)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
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Voyage chronicled the adventures of the world's first privately owned nuclear submarine, the SSRN Seaview. Designed by Admiral Harriman Nelson, she was a tool of oceanographic research for the Nelson Institute of Marine Research. Though the show is known for its "monster" episodes, many plots were veiled commentaries of what was happening in the news. Such plotlines as nuclear doomsday, pollution of natural resources, foreign threat, and theft of American technology are all still relevant today.Сюжет (англ.)
Gunslinger Clint Cooper returns to his hometown to help fight off a raid by his former gang.The Quick Gun (1964)
The Quick Gun
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Gunslinger Clint Cooper returns to his hometown to help fight off a raid by his former gang.Сюжет (англ.)
Young Harrison Destry, son of legendary lawman Tom Destry, had been a sheriff himself until he was framed and sent to prison. Now he roams about looking for the hombres that did him wrong. He's not the typical foolhardy hero, thou...Destry (1964)
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Young Harrison Destry, son of legendary lawman Tom Destry, had been a sheriff himself until he was framed and sent to prison. Now he roams about looking for the hombres that did him wrong. He's not the typical foolhardy hero, thou...Сюжет (англ.)
The experiences of a young, tough-minded, idealistic high-school English teacher on his first job provided the stories in this series. John Novak begins at Jefferson High School in Los Angeles under Principal Albert Vane, who does...Mr. Novak (1963—1965)
Mr. Novak
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The experiences of a young, tough-minded, idealistic high-school English teacher on his first job provided the stories in this series. John Novak begins at Jefferson High School in Los Angeles under Principal Albert Vane, who does...Сюжет (англ.)
Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo, and Betty Jo Bradley are three sisters living with their Uncle Joe who owns the family hotel, and is always coming up with zany ideas. Their whole town revolves around the train "The Cannon Ball". The show also includes Kate (the mother), Steve (Betty Jo's boyfriend) and Sam Drucker (Store Keeper) who is also in "Green Acres".Petticoat Junction (1963—1970)
Petticoat Junction
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Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo, and Betty Jo Bradley are three sisters living with their Uncle Joe who owns the family hotel, and is always coming up with zany ideas. Their whole town revolves around the train "The Cannon Ball". The show also includes Kate (the mother), Steve (Betty Jo's boyfriend) and Sam Drucker (Store Keeper) who is also in "Green Acres".Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of frontier lawyer Temple Houston, son of the legendary Sam Houston.Temple Houston (1963—1964)
Temple Houston
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The adventures of frontier lawyer Temple Houston, son of the legendary Sam Houston.Сюжет (англ.)
These are the adventures of the misfit crew of PT-73 during World War II. They're one of the best fighting crews in the Navy, but break regulations when it suits them. Their commander, LCDR McHale, is at times as roguish as his crew, but he puts his foot down when things go too far. They are assigned an XO, Ensign Parker, who is by-the-book, but too much of a klutz to command too much respect. They have a house-boy Fuji, who deserted the Japanese Navy, who wears a POW outfit just in case he's caught so he won't be shot at. Their nemesis is CAPT Binghamton and his aide LT Carpenter. They're initially stationed in the South Pacific, but move to Italy in the last season.McHale's Navy (1962—1966)
McHale's Navy
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These are the adventures of the misfit crew of PT-73 during World War II. They're one of the best fighting crews in the Navy, but break regulations when it suits them. Their commander, LCDR McHale, is at times as roguish as his crew, but he puts his foot down when things go too far. They are assigned an XO, Ensign Parker, who is by-the-book, but too much of a klutz to command too much respect. They have a house-boy Fuji, who deserted the Japanese Navy, who wears a POW outfit just in case he's caught so he won't be shot at. Their nemesis is CAPT Binghamton and his aide LT Carpenter. They're initially stationed in the South Pacific, but move to Italy in the last season.Сюжет (англ.)
Alice and Duncan MacRoberts are looking forward to an unexpected inheritance from Scotland but than are surprised when it's a servant. Higgins is a prim butler who lends a hand with the three adventuresome children while the young...Наша людина Гіґґінс (1962—1963)
Our Man Higgins
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Alice and Duncan MacRoberts are looking forward to an unexpected inheritance from Scotland but than are surprised when it's a servant. Higgins is a prim butler who lends a hand with the three adventuresome children while the young...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати