Оуен Маккарті
Eoin McCarthy
Місце народження: Дун Лаогхейр, графство Дублін, Ірландія
Зріст: 188 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 27
Ролі: актор
Детектив-інспектор Джон Кітінґ і преподобний Вілл Девенпорт знову об’єднуються, щоби розкривати заплутані таємниці у невеличкому селищі Ґранчестер.Ґранчестер (2014)
Серіал 9 сезонів, 59 епізодів
Поновлений серіал
актор у ролі Stephen Staunton
6 жовтня 2014 (Світ)
Велика Британія
45 хв
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Детектив-інспектор Джон Кітінґ і преподобний Вілл Девенпорт знову об’єднуються, щоби розкривати заплутані таємниці у невеличкому селищі Ґранчестер.
Є українське аудіо
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A year in the life of a half-breed Gypsy as he tries, against the odds, to adjust to the 21st century and leave his roots behind.Traveller (2013)
актор у ролі OConnell
7 грудня 2013 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 48 хв
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A year in the life of a half-breed Gypsy as he tries, against the odds, to adjust to the 21st century and leave his roots behind.Сюжет (англ.)
A revealing biopic about politician Dr. Marjorie "Mo" Mowlam (Dame Julie Walters).Mo (2010)
актор у ролі Martin McGuinness
31 січня 2010 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 41 хв
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A revealing biopic about politician Dr. Marjorie "Mo" Mowlam (Dame Julie Walters).Сюжет
Том Бейлі закоханий у Ганну — свою найкращу подругу. Але Том боїться зобов'язань і відмовляється визнати очевидне — йому слід відкрити свої почуття Ганні до того, як вона знайде рішучішого залицяльника. Коли Колін, багатий шотландець, підкорює серце дівчини і робить їй пропозицію, Том змушений стати свідком її щастя — тому що вона вибирає його своїм свідком нареченої...Як відбити наречену (2008)
Made of Honor
актор у ролі Cousin Ewan
1 травня 2008 (Україна)
США, Велика Британія
1 год 41 хв
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Том Бейлі закоханий у Ганну — свою найкращу подругу. Але Том боїться зобов'язань і відмовляється визнати очевидне — йому слід відкрити свої почуття Ганні до того, як вона знайде рішучішого залицяльника. Коли Колін, багатий шотландець, підкорює серце дівчини і робить їй пропозицію, Том змушений стати свідком її щастя — тому що вона вибирає його своїм свідком нареченої...
Є українське аудіо
Супутники промислової корпорації виявили в Антарктиді величезну піраміду. Дослідити її має експедиція, членам якої загрожує подвійна небезпека: по-перше, вчених «супроводжує» загін молодих Хижаків, а по-друге, у піраміді - яйця Чужих...Чужий проти Хижака (2004)
AVP: Alien vs. Predator
актор у ролі Karl
12 серпня 2004 (Світ)
США, Велика Британія, Чехія, Канада, Німеччина
1 год 41 хв
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Супутники промислової корпорації виявили в Антарктиді величезну піраміду. Дослідити її має експедиція, членам якої загрожує подвійна небезпека: по-перше, вчених «супроводжує» загін молодих Хижаків, а по-друге, у піраміді - яйця Чужих...
Є українське аудіо
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Adapted from James Joyce's Ulysses, Bloom is the enthralling story of June 16th, 1904 and a gateway into the consiousness of its three main characters: Stephen Dedalus, Molly Bloom and the extraordinary Leopold Bloom.Bloom (2003)
актор у ролі Blazes Boylan
16 квітня 2004 (Світ)
1 год 53 хв
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Adapted from James Joyce's Ulysses, Bloom is the enthralling story of June 16th, 1904 and a gateway into the consiousness of its three main characters: Stephen Dedalus, Molly Bloom and the extraordinary Leopold Bloom.Сюжет (англ.)
A dark comedy about two old-time con-men who pretend to be able to communicate with the dead.Mystics (2003)
актор у ролі Conor
12 грудня 2003 (Світ)
Ірландія, Велика Британія
1 год 30 хв
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A dark comedy about two old-time con-men who pretend to be able to communicate with the dead.Сюжет
Нікому не дано передбачити свою долю. Деніс вважав себе абсолютно щасливою людиною: у нього були коханана дружина, затишний будинок і хороша робота - кращого і бажати не можна. Але бандити, що забралися в будинок, позбавили його всього, адже навіть найсуворіший вирок злочинцю не поверне Денісу загиблу дружину.І тоді він вирішує сам покарати того, хто відняв у нього надію на світле майбутнє. Заради помсти він готовий на все - його не зупинить стіна, за яку заховали ворога.
Месник (2002)
The Escapist
актор у ролі Escort Officer 1
12 квітня 2002 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 28 хв
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Нікому не дано передбачити свою долю. Деніс вважав себе абсолютно щасливою людиною: у нього були коханана дружина, затишний будинок і хороша робота - кращого і бажати не можна. Але бандити, що забралися в будинок, позбавили його всього, адже навіть найсуворіший вирок злочинцю не поверне Денісу загиблу дружину.І тоді він вирішує сам покарати того, хто відняв у нього надію на світле майбутнє. Заради помсти він готовий на все - його не зупинить стіна, за яку заховали ворога.
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The series revolves around three young men, Barry, Raymond and Michael, who share a house on Dublin's Bachelor's Walk.Bachelors Walk (2001—2003)
Bachelors Walk
Серіал 3 сезони, 20 епізодів
актор у ролі Daniel
1 жовтня 2001 (Світ)
60 хв
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The series revolves around three young men, Barry, Raymond and Michael, who share a house on Dublin's Bachelor's Walk.Сюжет (англ.)
Jenny Cole lives with her husband and son in middle America. She is pregnant and starts to have very vivid dreams about a small city that has a big church. She then starts talking to her ...Yesterday's Children (2000)
Yesterday's Children
актор у ролі John Sutton
15 жовтня 2000 (Світ)
1 год 33 хв
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Jenny Cole lives with her husband and son in middle America. She is pregnant and starts to have very vivid dreams about a small city that has a big church. She then starts talking to her ...Сюжет (англ.)
SPOILER: Archie MacDonald, carving out a life for himself as a restaurateur in London, finds himself called back to his home in the Scottish Highlands to assume his role as The Laird of Glenbogle and get the 40,000 acre estate back on its feet. No matter the romantic interest and all the emotional undercurrents as the young Laird Archie wrestles the Glenbogle estate into the 21st century. Justine, Archie's girlfriend has competition from local school Headmistress Katrina and cook Lexie battle for the Laird's heart. Whilst Archie has to cope with his eccentric parents Molly and Hector and their friend and neighbor Kilwillie. 5 years later, Archie's half-brother Paul Bowman comes to Glenbogle, and becomes Laird of Glenbogle, whilst Archie and his new wife Lexie leave for New Zealand. He has many romantic interests including farmer Isobel Anderson, neighbor Lucy Ford, brewery chairwoman Amanda MacLeish and shepherdess Iona Maclean. Paul has to control the wacky duo of Uncle Donald, the chef Ewan and his goddaughter Amy whilst single parent Golly gets help from his daughter Jess and friend Molly with looking after his new-born.Monarch of the Glen (2000—2005)
Monarch of the Glen
Серіал 7 сезонів, 64 епізоди
актор у ролі Stuart
27 лютого 2000 (Світ)
Велика Британія
50 хв
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SPOILER: Archie MacDonald, carving out a life for himself as a restaurateur in London, finds himself called back to his home in the Scottish Highlands to assume his role as The Laird of Glenbogle and get the 40,000 acre estate back on its feet. No matter the romantic interest and all the emotional undercurrents as the young Laird Archie wrestles the Glenbogle estate into the 21st century. Justine, Archie's girlfriend has competition from local school Headmistress Katrina and cook Lexie battle for the Laird's heart. Whilst Archie has to cope with his eccentric parents Molly and Hector and their friend and neighbor Kilwillie. 5 years later, Archie's half-brother Paul Bowman comes to Glenbogle, and becomes Laird of Glenbogle, whilst Archie and his new wife Lexie leave for New Zealand. He has many romantic interests including farmer Isobel Anderson, neighbor Lucy Ford, brewery chairwoman Amanda MacLeish and shepherdess Iona Maclean. Paul has to control the wacky duo of Uncle Donald, the chef Ewan and his goddaughter Amy whilst single parent Golly gets help from his daughter Jess and friend Molly with looking after his new-born.Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday lives, professional and personal, of the doctors, nurses and patients who find themselves, for various reasons, in the wards of the frenetic cardiac unit of Holby City General Hospital.Holby City (1999—2022)
Holby City
Серіал 23 сезони, 909 епізодів
актор у ролі Roy Gill
12 січня 1999 (Світ)
Велика Британія
50 хв
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The everyday lives, professional and personal, of the doctors, nurses and patients who find themselves, for various reasons, in the wards of the frenetic cardiac unit of Holby City General Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
With the help of a feisty aristocratic woman, a working-class Scotland Yard inspector hunts for a serial killer of young women in Victorian London.The Cater Street Hangman (1998)
The Cater Street Hangman
актор у ролі Thomas Pitt
19 грудня 1998 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 40 хв
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With the help of a feisty aristocratic woman, a working-class Scotland Yard inspector hunts for a serial killer of young women in Victorian London.Сюжет
Що відрізняє фільм "Завтра не вмре ніколи"? Це розмаїття завдань, що стоять перед Бондом (ні багато ні мало - запобігти третій світовій війні, яку провокує медіа-магнат). Це участь всіх країн і континентів (пригоди суперагента знімалися в США, Англії, Мексиці, Франції, Таїланді й Німеччині). Це кількість суперсучасної військової техніки, задіяної при зйомках, і хитромудрі шпигунські пристосування.Завтра не помре ніколи (1997)
Tomorrow Never Dies
актор у ролі Yeoman - HMS Bedford
11 грудня 1997 (Світ)
Велика Британія, США
1 год 59 хв
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Що відрізняє фільм "Завтра не вмре ніколи"? Це розмаїття завдань, що стоять перед Бондом (ні багато ні мало - запобігти третій світовій війні, яку провокує медіа-магнат). Це участь всіх країн і континентів (пригоди суперагента знімалися в США, Англії, Мексиці, Франції, Таїланді й Німеччині). Це кількість суперсучасної військової техніки, задіяної при зйомках, і хитромудрі шпигунські пристосування.
Є українське аудіо
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Peter Clifford, a young Catholic priest from Manchester, is transferred to the village of Ballykissangel, Ireland, and is taken by the dry-humored publican Assumpta Fitzgerald who has almost the exact opposite of his good nature and dislikes the organized church. He has to deal with occasional battles against his hateful superior, Father MacAnally, and the day-to-day problems of the people: Brian Quigley, whose constant search for money often leads him to immorality, his daughter Niamh and her lover straight-arrow garda Ambrose Egan, uptight and inquisitive shopkeeper Kathleen Hendley, gruff vet Siobhan Mehigan, cheery mechanic Padraig O'Kelly, comical schoolteacher Brendan Kearney, and elderly farmer Eamon Byrne. Later arrivals to the town include former monk Father Aidan O'Connell, pariah Sean Dillon and his daughter Emma, Eamon's nephew Danny, female Garda Frankie Sullivan, Australian Father Vincent Sheahan, and horse-trainer Avril Burke.Ballykissangel (1996—2001)
Серіал 6 сезонів, 58 епізодів
актор у ролі Garrett
11 лютого 1996 (Світ)
Велика Британія
50 хв
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Peter Clifford, a young Catholic priest from Manchester, is transferred to the village of Ballykissangel, Ireland, and is taken by the dry-humored publican Assumpta Fitzgerald who has almost the exact opposite of his good nature and dislikes the organized church. He has to deal with occasional battles against his hateful superior, Father MacAnally, and the day-to-day problems of the people: Brian Quigley, whose constant search for money often leads him to immorality, his daughter Niamh and her lover straight-arrow garda Ambrose Egan, uptight and inquisitive shopkeeper Kathleen Hendley, gruff vet Siobhan Mehigan, cheery mechanic Padraig O'Kelly, comical schoolteacher Brendan Kearney, and elderly farmer Eamon Byrne. Later arrivals to the town include former monk Father Aidan O'Connell, pariah Sean Dillon and his daughter Emma, Eamon's nephew Danny, female Garda Frankie Sullivan, Australian Father Vincent Sheahan, and horse-trainer Avril Burke.Сюжет (англ.)
The life and adventures of the members of The Armed Robbery Squad. Amid numerous security van robberies, bank robberies and gem heists with a lot of car chases, shouting and guns blazing, the squad members private lives are reveal...Thief Takers (1995—1997)
Thief Takers
Серіал 3 сезони, 25 епізодів
актор у ролі James Patrick Dolan
25 січня 1996 (Світ)
Велика Британія
60 хв
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The life and adventures of the members of The Armed Robbery Squad. Amid numerous security van robberies, bank robberies and gem heists with a lot of car chases, shouting and guns blazing, the squad members private lives are reveal...Сюжет (англ.)
The movie narrates the story of David Carr, an unemployed worker and member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. In 1936 he decides to fight for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War, an anti-fascist coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists. Similar to George Orwell's experiences documented in Homage to Catalonia, he joins the POUM worker militia and witnesses first hand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by the Stalinists, loyal only to the dictat of Moscow.Land and Freedom (1995)
Land and Freedom
актор у ролі Connor
7 квітня 1995 (Світ)
Велика Британія, Іспанія, Німеччина, Італія, Франція
1 год 49 хв
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The movie narrates the story of David Carr, an unemployed worker and member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. In 1936 he decides to fight for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War, an anti-fascist coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists. Similar to George Orwell's experiences documented in Homage to Catalonia, he joins the POUM worker militia and witnesses first hand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by the Stalinists, loyal only to the dictat of Moscow.Сюжет (англ.)
The life and times of a small-town family practitioner and police surgeon.Dangerfield (1995—1999)
Серіал 6 сезонів, 62 епізоди
актор у ролі Carl Elland 1 episode, 1996
27 січня 1995 (Світ)
Велика Британія
50 хв
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The life and times of a small-town family practitioner and police surgeon.Сюжет (англ.)
A Crusader-turned-Monk uses his botanical knowledge to solve mysteries in the old Norman England town of Shrewsbury.Cadfael (1994—1998)
Серіал 4 сезони, 13 епізодів
актор у ролі Sheriff Hugh Beringar
29 травня 1994 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 15 хв
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A Crusader-turned-Monk uses his botanical knowledge to solve mysteries in the old Norman England town of Shrewsbury.Сюжет (англ.)
Five bittersweet vignettes that span the entire human history about five different men, all called Hector and played by the same actor (Robin Williams), who find themselves at a critical juncture in their lives. In prehistoric times, Hector lives in peace with his wife and their little son and daughter in a cave on a quite uninhabited island somewhere in the north. His world is shattered when a group of foreign pagan raiders led by a young chieftain and a somewhat pacifistic priest arrive there. In Ancient Rome, Hector is a loyal well-treated slave of Lucinnius, a somewhat naive big trader with political connections. When his latest shipment fails to arrive and the local corrupt governor Cyprion refuses to lend him money for his further endeavors due to bad omen that a professional soothsayer saw while reading the future from a chicken liver, he is ruined. To make things worse, just as Hector plans to ask his master for freedom and elope with his master's female African slave Thalia, Lucinnius informs him that they've been chosen to be scapegoats and must kill themselves under the governor's orders. In medieval times, Hector is a Scotsman who's traveling with a somewhat zealotic but friendly and well-intentioned priest on a mission of mercy to help the fallen crusaders, mortally wounded in the bloody skirmishes, make it to the other side in peace. Beatrice, a nice beautiful flirtatious Italian widow, is traveling part of the way with them as well. Hector is tired of death and carnage and wants to go home but when he and Beatrice connect despite not speaking each-others languages, he falls for her. The priest warns him that he can't handle her needs but Hector doesn't take his friendly warning seriously and eventually leaves with her. However, he soon realizes that the priest was referring to responsibilities of a complicated family life. During the Renaissance, a group of Portuguese nobleman and their servants and soldiers gets shipwrecked somewhere on the coast of Africa. They make an encampment at the beach and try to find some Africans to ask for help but they also try to uphold their strict old ways of life at their beach camp. The realities of the life and death situation they're in kick in quickly and things go wrong for most of them. Hector is one of the lower nobleman, who tries to reconnect with his lover, who wants nothing to do with him. However, Hector's misfortune turns out to be his blessing this time, if only temporarily. In present day New York, Hector is about to pick up his young daughter and little son he hasn't seen in years from his ex wife and her new husband and take them to a seaside bungalow where they can reconnect again. However, his day turns into a quagmire. First he gets blamed by the police for a bizarre accident that almost kills one of the tenants in a building owned by his somewhat sleazy partner Boris. Then Hector borrows the flower delivery car from his nice girlfriend Anna to get the kids but forgets to deliver the flowers which Anna's client ordered for a celebration. His kids don't make things much easier for him either. He decides to treat them like adults for a change and they have a redeeming serious talk about their uneasy relationship.Being Human (1994)
Being Human
актор у ролі Leader
6 травня 1994 (Світ)
Велика Британія, Японія
2 год 2 хв
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Five bittersweet vignettes that span the entire human history about five different men, all called Hector and played by the same actor (Robin Williams), who find themselves at a critical juncture in their lives. In prehistoric times, Hector lives in peace with his wife and their little son and daughter in a cave on a quite uninhabited island somewhere in the north. His world is shattered when a group of foreign pagan raiders led by a young chieftain and a somewhat pacifistic priest arrive there. In Ancient Rome, Hector is a loyal well-treated slave of Lucinnius, a somewhat naive big trader with political connections. When his latest shipment fails to arrive and the local corrupt governor Cyprion refuses to lend him money for his further endeavors due to bad omen that a professional soothsayer saw while reading the future from a chicken liver, he is ruined. To make things worse, just as Hector plans to ask his master for freedom and elope with his master's female African slave Thalia, Lucinnius informs him that they've been chosen to be scapegoats and must kill themselves under the governor's orders. In medieval times, Hector is a Scotsman who's traveling with a somewhat zealotic but friendly and well-intentioned priest on a mission of mercy to help the fallen crusaders, mortally wounded in the bloody skirmishes, make it to the other side in peace. Beatrice, a nice beautiful flirtatious Italian widow, is traveling part of the way with them as well. Hector is tired of death and carnage and wants to go home but when he and Beatrice connect despite not speaking each-others languages, he falls for her. The priest warns him that he can't handle her needs but Hector doesn't take his friendly warning seriously and eventually leaves with her. However, he soon realizes that the priest was referring to responsibilities of a complicated family life. During the Renaissance, a group of Portuguese nobleman and their servants and soldiers gets shipwrecked somewhere on the coast of Africa. They make an encampment at the beach and try to find some Africans to ask for help but they also try to uphold their strict old ways of life at their beach camp. The realities of the life and death situation they're in kick in quickly and things go wrong for most of them. Hector is one of the lower nobleman, who tries to reconnect with his lover, who wants nothing to do with him. However, Hector's misfortune turns out to be his blessing this time, if only temporarily. In present day New York, Hector is about to pick up his young daughter and little son he hasn't seen in years from his ex wife and her new husband and take them to a seaside bungalow where they can reconnect again. However, his day turns into a quagmire. First he gets blamed by the police for a bizarre accident that almost kills one of the tenants in a building owned by his somewhat sleazy partner Boris. Then Hector borrows the flower delivery car from his nice girlfriend Anna to get the kids but forgets to deliver the flowers which Anna's client ordered for a celebration. His kids don't make things much easier for him either. He decides to treat them like adults for a change and they have a redeeming serious talk about their uneasy relationship.Сюжет (англ.)
Following his service in World War II, Dr. Finlay returns to the practice at Arden House, at a time when the National Health Service is about to be instituted.Doctor Finlay (1993—1996)
Doctor Finlay
Серіал 4 сезони, 26 епізодів
актор у ролі John Moore
9 травня 1993 (Світ)
Велика Британія
60 хв
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Following his service in World War II, Dr. Finlay returns to the practice at Arden House, at a time when the National Health Service is about to be instituted.Сюжет (англ.)
A bright, pretty and determined young girl named Anna Lee quits the police department in search of adventure, and joins a small and somewhat stuffy detective agency, whose members don't look particularly kindly on her short skirts, sAnna Lee: Headcase (1993)
Anna Lee: Headcase
актор у ролі Quex
10 січня 1993 (Світ)
Велика Британія
2 год 0 хв
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A bright, pretty and determined young girl named Anna Lee quits the police department in search of adventure, and joins a small and somewhat stuffy detective agency, whose members don't look particularly kindly on her short skirts, sСюжет (англ.)
DI Jack Frost is an unconventional policeman with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice. Sloppy, disorganized and disrespectful, he attracts trouble like a magnet.A Touch of Frost (1992—2010)
A Touch of Frost
Серіал 15 сезонів, 42 епізоди
актор у ролі Father Sullivan
30 жовтня 1992 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 45 хв
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DI Jack Frost is an unconventional policeman with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice. Sloppy, disorganized and disrespectful, he attracts trouble like a magnet.Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Casualty (1986—)
Серіал 37 сезонів, 1171 епізод
Поновлений серіал
актор у ролі Joseph Connor
6 вересня 1986 (Світ)
Велика Британія
50 хв
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The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
Lovejoy is a loveable rogue and an antiques dealer with an amazing talent for spotting hidden treasures. When not looking for the odd collectible, Lovejoy spends most of his time using his con-artist skills to help out the less fortunate. His partners in crime are wealthy Lady Jane, his dim assistant Eric, and the genially intoxicated Tinker.Lovejoy (1986—1994)
Серіал 6 сезонів, 73 епізоди
актор у ролі Beau Derek Whittaker
10 січня 1986 (Світ)
Велика Британія
50 хв
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Lovejoy is a loveable rogue and an antiques dealer with an amazing talent for spotting hidden treasures. When not looking for the odd collectible, Lovejoy spends most of his time using his con-artist skills to help out the less fortunate. His partners in crime are wealthy Lady Jane, his dim assistant Eric, and the genially intoxicated Tinker.Сюжет (англ.)
Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.The Bill (1984—2010)
The Bill
Серіал 26 сезонів, 2349 епізодів
актор у ролі Cal Holloway
16 жовтня 1984 (Світ)
Велика Британія
25 хв
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Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.Сюжет (англ.)
A year in the life of a half-breed Gypsy as he tries, against the odds, to adjust to the 21st century and leave his roots behind.Tribe (2011)
актор у ролі O Connell
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A year in the life of a half-breed Gypsy as he tries, against the odds, to adjust to the 21st century and leave his roots behind.Коментарі:
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