Крейґ Чуді
Craig Chudy
Дата народження: 21 жовтня 1937 (87 років)
Знак зодіаку: Терези
Місце народження: Чікаґо, Іллінойс, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 24
Ролі: актор
Сюжет (англ.)
Mike Hammer is a two-fisted private eye. He's tough, he's honest, and the girls love him. The series follows his exploits as he solves a variety of crimes, most of which involve a murder somewhere along the way...The New Mike Hammer (1984—1987)
The New Mike Hammer
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Mike Hammer is a two-fisted private eye. He's tough, he's honest, and the girls love him. The series follows his exploits as he solves a variety of crimes, most of which involve a murder somewhere along the way...Сюжет
Вам ніколи не приходила в голову думка потрапити всередину комп'ютерної гри і стати її учасником? До певного моменту Кевін Флінн теж думав, що це можливо лише в його уяві. Але, опинившись в секретній лабораторії, що розробляла комп'ютерні програми, йому надається можливість побачити електронний світ зсередини і битися в жорстокій сутичці з самим господарем віртуального всесвіту.Трон (1982)
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Вам ніколи не приходила в голову думка потрапити всередину комп'ютерної гри і стати її учасником? До певного моменту Кевін Флінн теж думав, що це можливо лише в його уяві. Але, опинившись в секретній лабораторії, що розробляла комп'ютерні програми, йому надається можливість побачити електронний світ зсередини і битися в жорстокій сутичці з самим господарем віртуального всесвіту.Сюжет (англ.)
Several years after the deaths of Dick Buek and her father, Jill Kinmont and her mother leave Los Angeles to spend their summer in their hometown of Bishop, California. They rent a summer ...The Other Side of the Mountain: Part II (1978)
The Other Side of the Mountain: Part II
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Several years after the deaths of Dick Buek and her father, Jill Kinmont and her mother leave Los Angeles to spend their summer in their hometown of Bishop, California. They rent a summer ...Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of an easy-going ex-convict turned private investigator.The Rockford Files (1974—1980)
The Rockford Files
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The cases of an easy-going ex-convict turned private investigator.Сюжет
Новорічна ніч на розкішному океанському лайнері "Посейдон", що йде з Америки до Греції. Святкування переривається раптовим ударом гігантської хвилі, викликаної близьким підводним землетрусом. Вода обрушується на корабель і перевертає його догори дном. Невеличкій жменьці людей на чолі зі священиком (Джин Хекман) чудом вдається пробратися у відсіки, ще не заповнені водою. Пасажирам доведеться пережити кілька моторошних годин у напруженій боротьбі за виживання, перш ніж вони знову побачать світло сонця...Пригоди "Посейдона" (1972)
The Poseidon Adventure
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Новорічна ніч на розкішному океанському лайнері "Посейдон", що йде з Америки до Греції. Святкування переривається раптовим ударом гігантської хвилі, викликаної близьким підводним землетрусом. Вода обрушується на корабель і перевертає його догори дном. Невеличкій жменьці людей на чолі зі священиком (Джин Хекман) чудом вдається пробратися у відсіки, ще не заповнені водою. Пасажирам доведеться пережити кілька моторошних годин у напруженій боротьбі за виживання, перш ніж вони знову побачать світло сонця...Сюжет (англ.)
Thomas Banacek is a clever and well-to-do insurance investigator living in Boston. He makes good money by solving the most intricate and unusual mysteries, and is very proud of his Polish heritage. His contacts include his street-smart chauffeur Jay and British bookstore owner Felix.Banacek (1972—1974)
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Thomas Banacek is a clever and well-to-do insurance investigator living in Boston. He makes good money by solving the most intricate and unusual mysteries, and is very proud of his Polish heritage. His contacts include his street-smart chauffeur Jay and British bookstore owner Felix.Сюжет (англ.)
The crew of Los Angeles County Fire Department Station 51, particularly the paramedic team, and Rampart Hospital respond to emergencies in their operating area.Emergency! (1972—1979)
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The crew of Los Angeles County Fire Department Station 51, particularly the paramedic team, and Rampart Hospital respond to emergencies in their operating area.Сюжет
Легендарний комісар Коломбо з поліції Лос-Анджелеса розслідує злочини легко й швидко. У цьому йому часто допомагає роль "тюхтія". Його ніхто не сприймає всерйоз, однак сам Коломбо аж ніяк не дурень.Коломбо (1971—2003)
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Легендарний комісар Коломбо з поліції Лос-Анджелеса розслідує злочини легко й швидко. У цьому йому часто допомагає роль "тюхтія". Його ніхто не сприймає всерйоз, однак сам Коломбо аж ніяк не дурень.Сюжет (англ.)
WWI. Lili Smith is a beloved British music hall singer, often providing inspiration for the British and French troops and general populace singing rallying patriotic songs. She is also half German - her real last name being Schmidt - and is an undercover German spy, using her feminine wiles to gather information from the high ranking and generally older military officers and diplomats she seduces. Masquerading as her Swiss uncle, Colonel Kurt Von Ruger is not only her German handler but her lover. Kurt's boss, General Kessler, doesn't fully trust Lili as she is still half British. That is why it irks him that Kurt has entrusted Lili with the important mission of finding out more about the Allied air defense plans, the air which is becoming a more important battleground of the war. Of the five men who are most privy to such information, Kurt believes the best target is American pilot, Major William Larrabee as he is young, single and a ladies man. Lili is more than easily able to strike a romantic and sexual relationship with Bill. Lili's mission is threatened when she learns that two French agents believe that Larrabee is passing information to a female German spy. But Lili believes she's also stumbled onto some vital information when she accidentally learns from one of Bill's pilot compatriots, T.C. Carstairs, of a secret mission code named "Crepe Suzette". Crepe Suzette ends up being a game changer for Lili, not only with her position as a spy, but in her relationship with Bill. The outcome of "Suzette" also threatens both Bill and Lili's lives.Darling Lili (1970)
Darling Lili
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WWI. Lili Smith is a beloved British music hall singer, often providing inspiration for the British and French troops and general populace singing rallying patriotic songs. She is also half German - her real last name being Schmidt - and is an undercover German spy, using her feminine wiles to gather information from the high ranking and generally older military officers and diplomats she seduces. Masquerading as her Swiss uncle, Colonel Kurt Von Ruger is not only her German handler but her lover. Kurt's boss, General Kessler, doesn't fully trust Lili as she is still half British. That is why it irks him that Kurt has entrusted Lili with the important mission of finding out more about the Allied air defense plans, the air which is becoming a more important battleground of the war. Of the five men who are most privy to such information, Kurt believes the best target is American pilot, Major William Larrabee as he is young, single and a ladies man. Lili is more than easily able to strike a romantic and sexual relationship with Bill. Lili's mission is threatened when she learns that two French agents believe that Larrabee is passing information to a female German spy. But Lili believes she's also stumbled onto some vital information when she accidentally learns from one of Bill's pilot compatriots, T.C. Carstairs, of a secret mission code named "Crepe Suzette". Crepe Suzette ends up being a game changer for Lili, not only with her position as a spy, but in her relationship with Bill. The outcome of "Suzette" also threatens both Bill and Lili's lives.Сюжет
Фільм про американський армійський медичний підрозділ під час війни в Кореї. Поставлений фільм за романом Річарда Хукера.Військово-польовий госпіталь М.Е.Ш. (1970)
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Фільм про американський армійський медичний підрозділ під час війни в Кореї. Поставлений фільм за романом Річарда Хукера.Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of well-respected neurosurgeon Dr. David Craig and his two young charges.The Bold Ones: The New Doctors (1969—1973)
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors
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The cases of well-respected neurosurgeon Dr. David Craig and his two young charges.Сюжет (англ.)
Chet Kincaid, gym teacher at an inner-city Los Angeles high school, deals with students, principal Mr. Langford and counselor Marsha Peterson. He lives with his mother Rose, brother Brian ...The Bill Cosby Show (1969—1971)
The Bill Cosby Show
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Chet Kincaid, gym teacher at an inner-city Los Angeles high school, deals with students, principal Mr. Langford and counselor Marsha Peterson. He lives with his mother Rose, brother Brian ...Сюжет (англ.)
A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Adam-12 (1968—1975)
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A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Сюжет (англ.)
Mannix worked originally for Wickersham at Intertect and then struck out on his own, assisted by Peggy Fair (whose cop-husband had been killed) and police department contact Tobias.Меннікс (1967—1975)
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Mannix worked originally for Wickersham at Intertect and then struck out on his own, assisted by Peggy Fair (whose cop-husband had been killed) and police department contact Tobias.Сюжет (англ.)
David Vincent, an architect returning home after a hard, hard, day parks his car in an old ghost town in order to rest for a while before continuing on home. Suddenly, in the middle of the ...The Invaders (1967—1968)
The Invaders
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David Vincent, an architect returning home after a hard, hard, day parks his car in an old ghost town in order to rest for a while before continuing on home. Suddenly, in the middle of the ...Сюжет (англ.)
An elite covert operations unit carries out highly sensitive missions subject to official denial in the event of failure, death or capture.Місія. Нездійсненна (1966—1973)
Mission: Impossible
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An elite covert operations unit carries out highly sensitive missions subject to official denial in the event of failure, death or capture.Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of a reformed cat-burglar turned bodyguard.T.H.E. Cat (1966—1967)
T.H.E. Cat
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The cases of a reformed cat-burglar turned bodyguard.Сюжет (англ.)
A 16-year-old tomboy and high school athlete finds herself caught between being beating boys at sports and having a boyfriend, while her conservative father opposes women's rights in his campaign for mayor.Billie (1965)
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A 16-year-old tomboy and high school athlete finds herself caught between being beating boys at sports and having a boyfriend, while her conservative father opposes women's rights in his campaign for mayor.Сюжет (англ.)
A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Days of Our Lives (1965)
Days of Our Lives
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A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Сюжет (англ.)
A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Дні нашого життя (1965—)
Days of Our Lives
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A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Сюжет (англ.)
A space colony family struggles to survive when a spy/accidental stowaway throws their ship hopelessly off course.Загублені у космосі (1965—1968)
Lost in Space
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A space colony family struggles to survive when a spy/accidental stowaway throws their ship hopelessly off course.Сюжет (англ.)
A former Notre Dame football star crash lands over a mythical Arabian country while on spy mission to the USSR. He is then forced by the football-obsessed king of that country to coach their football team .John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! (1965)
John Goldfarb, Please Come Home!
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A former Notre Dame football star crash lands over a mythical Arabian country while on spy mission to the USSR. He is then forced by the football-obsessed king of that country to coach their football team .Сюжет
У серіалі розповідається про агента ЦРУ Наполеона Соло і агента КДБ Іллю Курякіна, які змушені були співпрацювати. Спершу вони ставились один до одного недоброзичливо, але згодом здружились.Агенти U.N.C.L.E. (1964—1968)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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У серіалі розповідається про агента ЦРУ Наполеона Соло і агента КДБ Іллю Курякіна, які змушені були співпрацювати. Спершу вони ставились один до одного недоброзичливо, але згодом здружились.Сюжет (англ.)
As the sons age, we go through their teenage dating problems, marriage and careers.The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952—1966)
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
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As the sons age, we go through their teenage dating problems, marriage and careers.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати