Алекс Корд
Alex Cord
Дата народження: 3 травня 1933
Знак зодіаку: Телець
Дата смерті: 9 серпня 2021 (88 років)
Місце народження: Квітковий парк, Лонг-Айленд, Нью-Йорк, США
Зріст: 183 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 78
Ролі: актор
Jay Sebring....Cutting to the Truth (2020)
Jay Sebring....Cutting to the Truth
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Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.Fire from Below (2009)
Fire from Below
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Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.Сюжет (англ.)
Hollywood's depiction of Native Americans in Western films is traced through interviews and archive footage.Images of Indians: How Hollywood Stereotyped the Native American (2003)
Images of Indians: How Hollywood Stereotyped the Native American
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Hollywood's depiction of Native Americans in Western films is traced through interviews and archive footage.Сюжет (англ.)
Five years after the mad terrorist Norman Galagher was sentenced to holographic stasis, he is given a parole hearing. But an equipment failure engineered by his cronies transforms the criminal into a living hologram with god-like powers. Now, stopping him is up to Kurt Decoda, the man who as a police rookie was responsible for arresting Galagher.Hologram Man (1995)
Hologram Man
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Five years after the mad terrorist Norman Galagher was sentenced to holographic stasis, he is given a parole hearing. But an equipment failure engineered by his cronies transforms the criminal into a living hologram with god-like powers. Now, stopping him is up to Kurt Decoda, the man who as a police rookie was responsible for arresting Galagher.Сюжет (англ.)
Griffin Campbell heads up volunteers in a remote mountain town who perform dangerous rescue missions. Morgan runs the general store, Lisa the gas station, Cruz is a teacher and Flynn a ski instructor. They bond at night swapping stories.High Sierra Search and Rescue (1995)
High Sierra Search and Rescue
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Griffin Campbell heads up volunteers in a remote mountain town who perform dangerous rescue missions. Morgan runs the general store, Lisa the gas station, Cruz is a teacher and Flynn a ski instructor. They bond at night swapping stories.Сюжет (англ.)
Mick and Joey Barrett are brothers who like to spend their time surfing. However, it doesn't pay the bills, so they offer their services to whoever needs it and occasionally get involved with all sort of adventures. In the first seasHigh Tide (1994—1997)
High Tide
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Mick and Joey Barrett are brothers who like to spend their time surfing. However, it doesn't pay the bills, so they offer their services to whoever needs it and occasionally get involved with all sort of adventures. In the first seasСюжет
У серіялі розповідається про техаського рейнджера Кордела Вокера, який виріс серед індіянців племені Черокі у свого дядька Рея Вогнехідця, а тепер мешкає на своєму ранчо. Вокер майстерно володіє бойовими мистецтвами і використовує їх при затриманні злочинців. Разом з ним працює помічник рейнджера Джеймс Трівет. Їм трапляються найрізноманітніші справи. Іноді їм допомагає колишній рейнджер Сі-Ді Паркер, у якого зараз бар. У суді їхнім представником є помічниця прокурора Даласу, штат Техас Алекс Кейгіл, яка керує християнським центром «Надія».Вокер – техаський рейнджер (1993—2001)
Walker, Texas Ranger
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У серіялі розповідається про техаського рейнджера Кордела Вокера, який виріс серед індіянців племені Черокі у свого дядька Рея Вогнехідця, а тепер мешкає на своєму ранчо. Вокер майстерно володіє бойовими мистецтвами і використовує їх при затриманні злочинців. Разом з ним працює помічник рейнджера Джеймс Трівет. Їм трапляються найрізноманітніші справи. Іноді їм допомагає колишній рейнджер Сі-Ді Паркер, у якого зараз бар. У суді їхнім представником є помічниця прокурора Даласу, штат Техас Алекс Кейгіл, яка керує християнським центром «Надія».Сюжет (англ.)
Kwai Chang Caine was a priest at a Shaolin temple, where his son Peter also lived and studied. The temple was destroyed and father and son each thought the other had perished in the fire.Кунґ-фу. Продовження легенди (1993—1997)
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues
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Kwai Chang Caine was a priest at a Shaolin temple, where his son Peter also lived and studied. The temple was destroyed and father and son each thought the other had perished in the fire.Сюжет (англ.)
Two friends, both named Frank, accidentally obtain a suitcase at the airport. It contains incriminating evidence against a mafia boss, who sends his Terminator-like lackie to find them. The...The Naked Truth (1992)
The Naked Truth
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Two friends, both named Frank, accidentally obtain a suitcase at the airport. It contains incriminating evidence against a mafia boss, who sends his Terminator-like lackie to find them. The...Сюжет (англ.)
A CIA operative kills a terrorist during a prison break. When a group of terrorists attempts to recover a microchip implanted in the man's body, one of them is captured and convinced by the CIA to work for them as an informer.CIA Code Name: Alexa (1992)
CIA Code Name: Alexa
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A CIA operative kills a terrorist during a prison break. When a group of terrorists attempts to recover a microchip implanted in the man's body, one of them is captured and convinced by the CIA to work for them as an informer.Сюжет (англ.)
A serial killer is after hookers and strippers. A male detective and his female partner are assigned to stop him.Roots of Evil (1992)
Roots of Evil
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A serial killer is after hookers and strippers. A male detective and his female partner are assigned to stop him.Street Asylum (1990)
Street Asylum
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A sensuous young woman seduces an unwitting man into committing murder.A Girl to Kill For (1990)
A Girl to Kill For
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A sensuous young woman seduces an unwitting man into committing murder.Сюжет (англ.)
A team of renegade soldiers of World War II try to avoid the constitution of the IV Reich.The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission (1988)
The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission
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A team of renegade soldiers of World War II try to avoid the constitution of the IV Reich.Сюжет (англ.)
An elite covert operations unit carries out highly sensitive missions subject to official denial in the event of failure, death or capture.Mission: Impossible (1988—1990)
Mission: Impossible
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An elite covert operations unit carries out highly sensitive missions subject to official denial in the event of failure, death or capture.Сюжет
Спін-офф серії фільмів «Кошмар на вулиці В’язів». Кожен епізод представлений Фредді Крюгером і містить дві різні історії, з у восьми з них у серії головним антагоністом є Фредді Крюгер.Кошмари Фредді (1988)
Freddy's Nightmares
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Спін-офф серії фільмів «Кошмар на вулиці В’язів». Кожен епізод представлений Фредді Крюгером і містить дві різні історії, з у восьми з них у серії головним антагоністом є Фредді Крюгер.Сюжет (англ.)
Humanity must resume its war against the Martians when they revive after decades of hibernation following their defeat in the 1950s.War of the Worlds (1988—1990)
War of the Worlds
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Humanity must resume its war against the Martians when they revive after decades of hibernation following their defeat in the 1950s.Сюжет (англ.)
A horror anthology about a family of monsters watching a different horror story every week on their TV. Each tale is separate, often cautionary with occasional dark humor and irony and features various deadly creatures.Monsters (1988—1991)
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A horror anthology about a family of monsters watching a different horror story every week on their TV. Each tale is separate, often cautionary with occasional dark humor and irony and features various deadly creatures.Сюжет (англ.)
A bunch of young people are invited to a Caribbean cruise on a gangster's yacht, to distract the attention of the authorities. Unfortunately, a mutant cat which escaped from a test laboratory also gets on board, and kills most of the passengers.Uninvited (1988)
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A bunch of young people are invited to a Caribbean cruise on a gangster's yacht, to distract the attention of the authorities. Unfortunately, a mutant cat which escaped from a test laboratory also gets on board, and kills most of the passengers.Сюжет (англ.)
Harry MacGraw is a private investigator who appeared three times in the television series, Murder, She Wrote. He now stars in his own series, wherein he is still a private investigator in Boston. Who always seems to lose all of hi...The Law and Harry McGraw (1987—1988)
The Law and Harry McGraw
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Harry MacGraw is a private investigator who appeared three times in the television series, Murder, She Wrote. He now stars in his own series, wherein he is still a private investigator in Boston. Who always seems to lose all of hi...Сюжет (англ.)
Veteran district attorney "Fatman" McCabe solves cases with the help of his easygoing private investigator partner Jake Styles.Jake and the Fatman (1987—1992)
Jake and the Fatman
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Veteran district attorney "Fatman" McCabe solves cases with the help of his easygoing private investigator partner Jake Styles.Сюжет (англ.)
First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Біографія (1987—)
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First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Сюжет
Детективний телесеріал з Анджелою Ленсбері в головній ролі, розповідає про пригоди письменниці Джессіки Флетчер. Серіал виходив в ефір 12 сезонів, з 1984 по 1996 рік.Залишившись одна після смерті чоловіка, мешканка невеликого портового містечка Кебот-Коув, в штаті Мен, Джессіка Флетчер присвячує себе написанню детективів. Вона починає багато подорожувати, відвідувати друзів, збирати матеріали для нових книг, а заодно допомагати поліції розплутувати вбивства, які по дивним обставинам відбуваються там, куди вона приїжджає.
Вона написала вбивство (1984—1996)
Murder, She Wrote
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Детективний телесеріал з Анджелою Ленсбері в головній ролі, розповідає про пригоди письменниці Джессіки Флетчер. Серіал виходив в ефір 12 сезонів, з 1984 по 1996 рік.Залишившись одна після смерті чоловіка, мешканка невеликого портового містечка Кебот-Коув, в штаті Мен, Джессіка Флетчер присвячує себе написанню детективів. Вона починає багато подорожувати, відвідувати друзів, збирати матеріали для нових книг, а заодно допомагати поліції розплутувати вбивства, які по дивним обставинам відбуваються там, куди вона приїжджає.
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Airwolf is a high tech helicopter created by a government agency called "THE FIRM". The scientist who created it, is also a bit deranged, he steals it and takes it to Libya. Deputy Director Michael Colesmith Briggs, codenamed Archangel, who oversaw the Airwolf project has to try and get it back. Stringfellow Hawke, the only other man other than the creator who knows how to fly Airwolf, is recruited by Archangel to go to Libya to try and get it back. Only problem is that Hawke is a bit of a loner and an introvert, and his fee for doing this job is that THE FIRM must locate his brother, who is MISSING IN ACTION in Vietnem, dead or alive.Airwolf (1984)
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Airwolf is a high tech helicopter created by a government agency called "THE FIRM". The scientist who created it, is also a bit deranged, he steals it and takes it to Libya. Deputy Director Michael Colesmith Briggs, codenamed Archangel, who oversaw the Airwolf project has to try and get it back. Stringfellow Hawke, the only other man other than the creator who knows how to fly Airwolf, is recruited by Archangel to go to Libya to try and get it back. Only problem is that Hawke is a bit of a loner and an introvert, and his fee for doing this job is that THE FIRM must locate his brother, who is MISSING IN ACTION in Vietnem, dead or alive.Сюжет (англ.)
A group of models fly into the jungle of some South American country to look for a photo location. Their plane is shot down and they are captured by a drug baron's private army. At the same...Jungle Warriors (1984)
Jungle Warriors
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A group of models fly into the jungle of some South American country to look for a photo location. Their plane is shot down and they are captured by a drug baron's private army. At the same...Сюжет (англ.)
As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.Повітряний вовк (1984—1987)
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As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.Сюжет (англ.)
Afternoon game show which combined elements of two classic game shows "Match Game" and "Hollywood Squares" into one.Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour (1983)
Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour
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Afternoon game show which combined elements of two classic game shows "Match Game" and "Hollywood Squares" into one.Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of the staff and guests of the St. Gregory Hotel.Сюжет (англ.)
A.J. Simon is a polished fellow with a taste for classic cars and tailored suits. Rick Simon is his less refined (but still pleasant) older brother who has a taste for cowboy boots and four-wheel drive pickups. The two of them live in San Diego, where they own a private detective agency. The series chronicles their exploits.Simon & Simon (1981—1989)
Simon & Simon
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A.J. Simon is a polished fellow with a taste for classic cars and tailored suits. Rick Simon is his less refined (but still pleasant) older brother who has a taste for cowboy boots and four-wheel drive pickups. The two of them live in San Diego, where they own a private detective agency. The series chronicles their exploits.Сюжет (англ.)
During World War II the passenger liner "Goliath" is sunk by a German submarine. Portions of the ship's hull remain airtight, and some of the passengers and crew survive. Over the decades they build a rigidly regulated society completely isolated from the surface world, until in contemporary times a diving team begins to explore the wreck.Goliath Awaits (1981)
Goliath Awaits
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During World War II the passenger liner "Goliath" is sunk by a German submarine. Portions of the ship's hull remain airtight, and some of the passengers and crew survive. Over the decades they build a rigidly regulated society completely isolated from the surface world, until in contemporary times a diving team begins to explore the wreck.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати