The Bridesmaid (2004)

The Bridesmaid

La demoiselle d'honneur

1 год 51 хв  • 
Країни: Франція Німеччина Італія
Жанр: трилер драма романтичний
Прем'єра в світі:
Режисер: Клод Шаброль
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.7 (2905)
Моя оцінка:
Сюжет (англ.):

A middle class family in Loire, where things seem just a tad off kilter. Philippe dotes on his mother, who has raised his two sisters and him. Gérard, a wealthy man just divorced, is paying attention to her, then drops her. Philippe is actually pleased, and retrieves from Gérard's garden a stone head - of the goddess Flora - that his mother had given Gérard. At the wedding of one of his sisters, Philippe meets Senta, a quirky and moody young woman: they fall quickly in love, despite her odd behaviors and Philippe's general good sense. Senta announces a plan for them to prove their love to each other; it involves poetry, tree planting, and murder. What will Philippe do?

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Актори: (Всі 39)

Сценаристи: Клод Шаброль, Pierre Leccia, Ruth Rendell
Композитор: Матьє Шаброль
Оператори: Едуарду Серра
Зображення: (Всі 1)

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