Цзян Вень
Wen Jiang
Дата народження: 5 січня 1963 (62 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Козоріг
Місце народження: Таншань, Китай
Зріст: 180 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 35
Ролі: актор (34), режисер ★ 7.03 (7), сценарист ★ 8.5 (6), продюсер (5)
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It follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power emanating from three Mazovian bracelets that were given to her as birthday gifts and these bracelets turned the princess to become cruel and she loses her humanity.The Curse of Turandot (2021)
The Curse of Turandot
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It follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power emanating from three Mazovian bracelets that were given to her as birthday gifts and these bracelets turned the princess to become cruel and she loses her humanity.Сюжет (англ.)
A young swordsman in 1930's China returns home to try and solve a five-year-old murder case. Described as the third installment of the gangster trilogy that includes "Let The Bullets Fly" and "Gone With The Bullets."Hidden Man (2018)
Hidden Man
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A young swordsman in 1930's China returns home to try and solve a five-year-old murder case. Described as the third installment of the gangster trilogy that includes "Let The Bullets Fly" and "Gone With The Bullets."Сюжет
Група повстанців намагається захопити креслення «Зірки Смерті» – досконалої зброї Імперії, здатної знищувати цілі планети. Кілька сміливців, ризикуючи життям, кидають виклик Імператору і загонам могутнього Дарта Вейдера.Бунтар Один. Зоряні Війни. Історія (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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Група повстанців намагається захопити креслення «Зірки Смерті» – досконалої зброї Імперії, здатної знищувати цілі планети. Кілька сміливців, ризикуючи життям, кидають виклик Імператору і загонам могутнього Дарта Вейдера.Сюжет (англ.)
A stop motion animated Star Wars series, created by fans and Lucasfilm, to introduce the new Rogue One action figures from Tongal. The shorts follow the Rogue One character's adventures throughout the galaxy as they battle the Emp...Star Wars: Go Rogue (2016)
Star Wars: Go Rogue
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A stop motion animated Star Wars series, created by fans and Lucasfilm, to introduce the new Rogue One action figures from Tongal. The shorts follow the Rogue One character's adventures throughout the galaxy as they battle the Emp...Сюжет (англ.)
In this series of short films, Nature is given a voice to raise awareness that people need nature in order to survive.Nature Is Speaking (2014—2016)
Nature Is Speaking
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In this series of short films, Nature is given a voice to raise awareness that people need nature in order to survive.Сюжет
Шанхай. Приблизно 1920 рік. Колишній аристократ Ма Дзурі стає професійним аферистом і вступає в змову з поліцейським «Бруні» Сяном Фейтаном. Вони відмивають гроші у великих масштабах. Вони також займалися конкурсом краси, на який була запрошена вся еліта міста. Але несподівана перемога аутсайдера приводить у рух ланцюг подій, яка переростає в смертельний вир...Віднесені кулями (2014)
Gone with the Bullets
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Шанхай. Приблизно 1920 рік. Колишній аристократ Ма Дзурі стає професійним аферистом і вступає в змову з поліцейським «Бруні» Сяном Фейтаном. Вони відмивають гроші у великих масштабах. Вони також займалися конкурсом краси, на який була запрошена вся еліта міста. Але несподівана перемога аутсайдера приводить у рух ланцюг подій, яка переростає в смертельний вир...Сюжет
Головний герой історії — мисливець за скарбами Джей Сі на прізвисько Яструб, що працює по всьому світу. Відомий антиквар пропонує йому відшукати шість рідкісних статуеток у вигляді голів тварин. Свого часу ці бронзові скульптури входили до набору з 12-ти предметів, що уособлювали знаки зодіаку. Фігурки прикрашали фонтан легендарного Літнього палацу на околиці Пекіна. У 1860 році величну споруду було розграбовано і зруйновано англо-французькими військами під кінець Другої опіумної війни, а статуетки безповоротно загублені.Обладунки Бога 3: Місія Зодіак (2012)
Chinese Zodiac
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Головний герой історії — мисливець за скарбами Джей Сі на прізвисько Яструб, що працює по всьому світу. Відомий антиквар пропонує йому відшукати шість рідкісних статуеток у вигляді голів тварин. Свого часу ці бронзові скульптури входили до набору з 12-ти предметів, що уособлювали знаки зодіаку. Фігурки прикрашали фонтан легендарного Літнього палацу на околиці Пекіна. У 1860 році величну споруду було розграбовано і зруйновано англо-французькими військами під кінець Другої опіумної війни, а статуетки безповоротно загублені.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of legendary Guan Yu crossing five passes & slaying six generals. He played a major role in the civil war that led to the collapse of Han Dynasty & the establishment of Shu Han of the 3 Kingdoms, making Liu Bei its first emperor.Guan yun chang (2011)
The Lost Bladesman
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The story of legendary Guan Yu crossing five passes & slaying six generals. He played a major role in the civil war that led to the collapse of Han Dynasty & the establishment of Shu Han of the 3 Kingdoms, making Liu Bei its first emperor.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in China during the Warlords Period of the1920s, notorious bandit chief Zhang descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang, himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues.Let the Bullets Fly (2010)
Let the Bullets Fly
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Set in China during the Warlords Period of the1920s, notorious bandit chief Zhang descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang, himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues.Сюжет (англ.)
This fascinating look into the mind and inner life of one of Asia's greatest cinematographers, Mark Lee Ping-Bing, features famous collaborators like Wong Kar-wei, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, and Sylvia Chang, and Shu Qi.Let the Wind Carry Me (2009)
Let the Wind Carry Me
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This fascinating look into the mind and inner life of one of Asia's greatest cinematographers, Mark Lee Ping-Bing, features famous collaborators like Wong Kar-wei, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, and Sylvia Chang, and Shu Qi.Сюжет
Епічна історична драма, присвячена шістдесятирічному ювілею заснування Китайської Народної Республіки. Фільм присвячений подіям між 1945 і 1949 роках, коли комуністи, під керівництвом Мао Цзедуна боролися з націоналістами Чана Кайші, після невдалої спроби створити уряд.Заснування республіки (2009)
The Founding of a Republic
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Епічна історична драма, присвячена шістдесятирічному ювілею заснування Китайської Народної Республіки. Фільм присвячений подіям між 1945 і 1949 роках, коли комуністи, під керівництвом Мао Цзедуна боролися з націоналістами Чана Кайші, після невдалої спроби створити уряд.Сюжет
Услід за Парижем, фоном для нових короткометражних фільмів зв'язаних однією вічною темою вибрано не менш відоме місто, Нью-Йорк.Дванадцять п'ятихвилинних фільмів про любов в тому самому великому місті зняла плеяда відомих режисерів і актрис світового кінематографу.
Нью-Йорк, я кохаю тебе (2009)
New York, I Love You
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Услід за Парижем, фоном для нових короткометражних фільмів зв'язаних однією вічною темою вибрано не менш відоме місто, Нью-Йорк.Дванадцять п'ятихвилинних фільмів про любов в тому самому великому місті зняла плеяда відомих режисерів і актрис світового кінематографу.
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Jiang Wen stars in his third directorial work that boasts a stellar cast including Joan Chen, Anthony Wong and Jaycee Chan. A polyptych of interconnected stories in different time-zones, shifting between a Yunnan village, a campus, and the Gobi Desert.The Sun Also Rises (2007)
The Sun Also Rises
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Jiang Wen stars in his third directorial work that boasts a stellar cast including Joan Chen, Anthony Wong and Jaycee Chan. A polyptych of interconnected stories in different time-zones, shifting between a Yunnan village, a campus, and the Gobi Desert.Сюжет (англ.)
The story is based on the traditional Chinese folklore about a boy named Chenxiang. His mother, Sanshengmu, was a goddess and his father, Liu Yanchang, was a mortal. Since their marriage was forbidden, his maternal uncle, Erlang S...Lotus Lantern (2005)
Lotus Lantern
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The story is based on the traditional Chinese folklore about a boy named Chenxiang. His mother, Sanshengmu, was a goddess and his father, Liu Yanchang, was a mortal. Since their marriage was forbidden, his maternal uncle, Erlang S...Сюжет (англ.)
Peking, 1948. A winter night. A man returns home to find a letter awaiting him written by a woman before her death. in the letter she tells him the story of her love for him -a life-long passion that has not diminished over time, but one that he has never known. her story spans 18 years from the moment she -then a 13 year-old girl- sets her eyes on her new neighbor. she tells their brief but passionate love in her youthi the hardship she goes through raising their child alone, and their final encounter after the war, during which the man fails tor ecognize her and one which leaves her in despair. Now having lost her son, she no longer has the courage to live on. Only in a letter is she capable of telling him everything, for the first and the last time. shaken by the letter, the man searches his memory for the nameless woman.Letter from an Unknown Woman (2004)
Letter from an Unknown Woman
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Peking, 1948. A winter night. A man returns home to find a letter awaiting him written by a woman before her death. in the letter she tells him the story of her love for him -a life-long passion that has not diminished over time, but one that he has never known. her story spans 18 years from the moment she -then a 13 year-old girl- sets her eyes on her new neighbor. she tells their brief but passionate love in her youthi the hardship she goes through raising their child alone, and their final encounter after the war, during which the man fails tor ecognize her and one which leaves her in despair. Now having lost her son, she no longer has the courage to live on. Only in a letter is she capable of telling him everything, for the first and the last time. shaken by the letter, the man searches his memory for the nameless woman.Сюжет (англ.)
Generational family saga set in Shanghai in the thirties, sixties and eighties.Jasmine Women (2004)
Jasmine Women
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Generational family saga set in Shanghai in the thirties, sixties and eighties.Сюжет
Лейтенант Лі покинув свій пост в армії Китайської імперії, тому уряд доручив японському воїну Лаю Сі повернути його або покінчити з ним раз і назавжди.Воїни неба й землі (2003)
Warriors of Heaven and Earth
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Лейтенант Лі покинув свій пост в армії Китайської імперії, тому уряд доручив японському воїну Лаю Сі повернути його або покінчити з ним раз і назавжди.Сюжет (англ.)
After Xiao Yu's mother died in an accident, she moved back to live with her birth father who she knows little about. Gradually, they grew to know each other and to accept each other for who...My Father and I (2003)
My Father and I
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After Xiao Yu's mother died in an accident, she moved back to live with her birth father who she knows little about. Gradually, they grew to know each other and to accept each other for who...Сюжет (англ.)
Well, apparently Wu Fang (Wei Zhao) is a young lady on a mission. Namely, to go on as many dates as quickly as possible, not to drink as much tea as possible, but to find the man of her ...Green Tea (2003)
Green Tea
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Well, apparently Wu Fang (Wei Zhao) is a young lady on a mission. Namely, to go on as many dates as quickly as possible, not to drink as much tea as possible, but to find the man of her ...Сюжет
Пропажа бойової зброї для будь-якого поліцейського - біда, а для китайського поліцейського Машана - трагедія, йому за цю провину «світить» кілька років у в'язниці.Знайти пропажу він повинен всього за кілька годин, але справа все більше приймає дивний оберт: спочатку кулею з цього пістолета вбита колишня кохана Машана, потім всі докази вказують на нього. ..
Загублена зброя (2002)
The Missing Gun
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Пропажа бойової зброї для будь-якого поліцейського - біда, а для китайського поліцейського Машана - трагедія, йому за цю провину «світить» кілька років у в'язниці.Знайти пропажу він повинен всього за кілька годин, але справа все більше приймає дивний оберт: спочатку кулею з цього пістолета вбита колишня кохана Машана, потім всі докази вказують на нього. ..
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Foreign filmmakers' interviews, overseas film events report and Chinese films in the world.World Film Report (2002)
World Film Report
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Foreign filmmakers' interviews, overseas film events report and Chinese films in the world.Сюжет (англ.)
This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine during the waning years of the Ching dynasty. The affairs of ...The Grand Mansion Gate (2001—2003)
The Grand Mansion Gate
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This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine during the waning years of the Ching dynasty. The affairs of ...Сюжет (англ.)
During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time they will be collected. The village leaders convene to interrogate the prisoners. The townspeople then struggle to accommodate the prisoners. One is a bellicose Japanese nationalist, the other a nervous translator. Will the townspeople manage to keep the prisoners until the New Year?Devils on the Doorstep (2000)
Devils on the Doorstep
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During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time they will be collected. The village leaders convene to interrogate the prisoners. The townspeople then struggle to accommodate the prisoners. One is a bellicose Japanese nationalist, the other a nervous translator. Will the townspeople manage to keep the prisoners until the New Year?Сюжет (англ.)
A spurned lover seeks a rich man for revenge. A random onlooker -- who witnessed the public assault committed by the rich man against the lover -- seeks for monetary compensation for his ...Keep Cool (1997)
Keep Cool
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A spurned lover seeks a rich man for revenge. A random onlooker -- who witnessed the public assault committed by the rich man against the lover -- seeks for monetary compensation for his ...Сюжет (англ.)
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and ...The Soong Sisters (1997)
The Soong Sisters
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The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and ...Сюжет (англ.)
Epic drama about China's first emperor (221 BC) who struggles to make his childhood best friend, now China's greatest composer, succumb to his will and compose a grand anthem to his ...The Emperor's Shadow (1996)
The Emperor's Shadow
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Epic drama about China's first emperor (221 BC) who struggles to make his childhood best friend, now China's greatest composer, succumb to his will and compose a grand anthem to his ...Сюжет (англ.)
MA Xiaojun, a teenager boy, enjoying 100% freedom, grew up brutally in Beijing in the special days of cultural revolution. With nothing to do in schools, he began to sneak into strangers' homes using a self-made key. One day, he opened a door, entering the house of MI Lan. Without any notice, Mi came back home early, making MA nowhere to hide but under the bed. He saw the well-shaped young girl changing and naturally, as a teenager boy, he fell into the puppy love. Without any agenda or expectation, he tried to court the girl... Time passed away, young boys and girls changed. When looking back at the days of puberty, it seems the Sun shined strongly everyday. And the heat of the sun, though far fading, can still be felt in the memories of the people of that generation. Long story short, it is a Chinese version of the sorrows of younger Werther.陽光燦爛的日子 (1994)
In the Heat of the Sun
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MA Xiaojun, a teenager boy, enjoying 100% freedom, grew up brutally in Beijing in the special days of cultural revolution. With nothing to do in schools, he began to sneak into strangers' homes using a self-made key. One day, he opened a door, entering the house of MI Lan. Without any notice, Mi came back home early, making MA nowhere to hide but under the bed. He saw the well-shaped young girl changing and naturally, as a teenager boy, he fell into the puppy love. Without any agenda or expectation, he tried to court the girl... Time passed away, young boys and girls changed. When looking back at the days of puberty, it seems the Sun shined strongly everyday. And the heat of the sun, though far fading, can still be felt in the memories of the people of that generation. Long story short, it is a Chinese version of the sorrows of younger Werther.Сюжет (англ.)
A story about 1990's a six-member family and their neighbors, relatives and friends of cross-section society in Beijing, with reflection of city life's way in mainland China.I Love My Family (1993—1994)
I Love My Family
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A story about 1990's a six-member family and their neighbors, relatives and friends of cross-section society in Beijing, with reflection of city life's way in mainland China.Сюжет (англ.)
A Chinese cello artist who grew up under the educational background of Mao era came to New York to make a living. During doing business in New York, his career, love, and family had both gains and losses.Bei Jing ren zai Niu Yue (1993—1994)
Bei Jing ren zai Niu Yue
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A Chinese cello artist who grew up under the educational background of Mao era came to New York to make a living. During doing business in New York, his career, love, and family had both gains and losses.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати