Салім Грант
Salim Grant
Дата народження: 28 травня 1977 (47 років)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Даллас, Техас, США
Зріст: 185 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 17
Ролі: актор
Телебачення - це наше все! Реаліті, ток-шоу, вікторини і спортивні трансляції - що б ми робили без них темними зимовими вечорами? Дуже просто - ми б робили власні програми. І вже точно справилися б не гірше!Телебардак (2006)
National Lampoon's TV: The Movie
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Телебачення - це наше все! Реаліті, ток-шоу, вікторини і спортивні трансляції - що б ми робили без них темними зимовими вечорами? Дуже просто - ми б робили власні програми. І вже точно справилися б не гірше!Сюжет (англ.)
A high school student named Brett Bumpers receives a mysterious package one day. He does not know who gave it to him, but after a while he finds out that the totem within the package can give him 3 wishes. When the most beautiful girl in school, Samantha, invites him to dance on the next day, he knows for sure that his first wish has come true. He uses the second one to make Samantha fall in love with him, but when someone starts killing students in the school, he realizes that it has something to do with the totem. Now it's his responsibility to save their lives.Wishcraft (2002)
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A high school student named Brett Bumpers receives a mysterious package one day. He does not know who gave it to him, but after a while he finds out that the totem within the package can give him 3 wishes. When the most beautiful girl in school, Samantha, invites him to dance on the next day, he knows for sure that his first wish has come true. He uses the second one to make Samantha fall in love with him, but when someone starts killing students in the school, he realizes that it has something to do with the totem. Now it's his responsibility to save their lives.Сюжет (англ.)
Three female friends, tight since grade school, support each other during a weekend college scholarship retreat where they learn how tough it is to pursue a dream, and how much easier it is...What About Your Friends: Weekend Getaway (2002)
What About Your Friends: Weekend Getaway
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Three female friends, tight since grade school, support each other during a weekend college scholarship retreat where they learn how tough it is to pursue a dream, and how much easier it is...Сюжет (англ.)
Lydia DeLucca is a New Jersey bartender who wants more out of her life than just marriage and kids. So she breaks off her engagement, and heads to college. This doesn't make her ex-boyfriend Lou happy, who thinks she is wasting her tThat's Life (2000—2002)
That's Life
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Lydia DeLucca is a New Jersey bartender who wants more out of her life than just marriage and kids. So she breaks off her engagement, and heads to college. This doesn't make her ex-boyfriend Lou happy, who thinks she is wasting her tСюжет (англ.)
Nikki decides to go to school to get her degree so she can go to Santa Monica college.The Parkers (1999—2004)
The Parkers
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Nikki decides to go to school to get her degree so she can go to Santa Monica college.Сюжет
Суворий і шикарний Лос-Анджелес, 1950-ті роки. Троє поліцейських із власними мотивами розслідують жорстоку стрілянину, у якій щось не сходиться.Таємниці Лос-Анджелеса (1997)
L.A. Confidential
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Суворий і шикарний Лос-Анджелес, 1950-ті роки. Троє поліцейських із власними мотивами розслідують жорстоку стрілянину, у якій щось не сходиться.Сюжет (англ.)
Angus is a large, pathetic 14 year old whose thoughts are most often filled with the image of one Melissa Lefevre. Angus is shy and thinks that he has no chance of ever 'getting' her. Being especially uncool, he is incredibly surprised (along with the rest of the school) that he is chosen to dance with her at the Winter Ball. The only one not surprised is the cool-kid who set him up to fail, but Angus' best friend is going to help him win the heart of Melissa by developing a new look for him.Angus (1995)
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Angus is a large, pathetic 14 year old whose thoughts are most often filled with the image of one Melissa Lefevre. Angus is shy and thinks that he has no chance of ever 'getting' her. Being especially uncool, he is incredibly surprised (along with the rest of the school) that he is chosen to dance with her at the Winter Ball. The only one not surprised is the cool-kid who set him up to fail, but Angus' best friend is going to help him win the heart of Melissa by developing a new look for him.Сюжет (англ.)
Tia and Tamera Mowry play twins who were separated at birth and by chance meet each other in a shopping mall. Ray Campbell, Tamera's adopted father, is very different from Tia's adopted mother, Lisa Landry, but the twins don't want to be separated so Ray and Lisa end up living together. The series often focuses on the trouble the twins get into due to their identical appearance and the love-hate relationship between Lisa and Ray.Sister Sister (1994—1999)
Sister Sister
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Tia and Tamera Mowry play twins who were separated at birth and by chance meet each other in a shopping mall. Ray Campbell, Tamera's adopted father, is very different from Tia's adopted mother, Lisa Landry, but the twins don't want to be separated so Ray and Lisa end up living together. The series often focuses on the trouble the twins get into due to their identical appearance and the love-hate relationship between Lisa and Ray.Сюжет (англ.)
Boy Meets World is an American television sitcom that chronicles the coming of age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews, a Philadelphian who grows up from a young boy to a married man. The show aired for seven seasons from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the network's TGIF lineup. The entire series has been released on DVD, as well as on iTunes.Хлопець пізнає світ (1993—2000)
Boy Meets World
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Boy Meets World is an American television sitcom that chronicles the coming of age events and everyday life-lessons of Cory Matthews, a Philadelphian who grows up from a young boy to a married man. The show aired for seven seasons from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the network's TGIF lineup. The entire series has been released on DVD, as well as on iTunes.Врятовані дзвінком: Новий клас (1993—2000)
Saved by the Bell: The New Class
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a single black mother raising her 3 children...w/comedienne Thea Vidale..comedienne, Yvette Wilson & a very young Brandy, who went on 2 star n her own series, Moesha w/Yvette Wilson playing...Thea (1993—)
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a single black mother raising her 3 children...w/comedienne Thea Vidale..comedienne, Yvette Wilson & a very young Brandy, who went on 2 star n her own series, Moesha w/Yvette Wilson playing...Salute Your Shorts (1991—1992)
Salute Your Shorts
Два гангстерські угрупування починають війну за сфери впливу, і цим намагається скористатись у своїх цілях вбивця-професіонал (Норріс) – насправді поліцейський, який вирішив зникнути після того, як його зрадив і намагався вбити корумпований напарник… У 90-х Норріс вже лінувався навіть ставити нормальні бійки, тому його герої переважно використовували вогнепальну зброю. Мабуть, режисери у той час так само лінувались фільмувати Чака, тому на цю роль він зазвичай звав брата Аарона.Ліквідатор (1991)
The Hitman
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Два гангстерські угрупування починають війну за сфери впливу, і цим намагається скористатись у своїх цілях вбивця-професіонал (Норріс) – насправді поліцейський, який вирішив зникнути після того, як його зрадив і намагався вбити корумпований напарник… У 90-х Норріс вже лінувався навіть ставити нормальні бійки, тому його герої переважно використовували вогнепальну зброю. Мабуть, режисери у той час так само лінувались фільмувати Чака, тому на цю роль він зазвичай звав брата Аарона.Сюжет (англ.)
Elliot Hopper is a widower with three children, he is currently working on a deal. It seems like his wife illness was very costly and this deal could put them out of the red. However he ...Ghost Dad (1990)
Ghost Dad
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Elliot Hopper is a widower with three children, he is currently working on a deal. It seems like his wife illness was very costly and this deal could put them out of the red. However he ...Сюжет (англ.)
The Winslow family deals with various misadventures, many of them caused by their pesky next-door neighbor, ultra-nerd Steve Urkel.Сімейні справи (1989—1998)
Family Matters
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The Winslow family deals with various misadventures, many of them caused by their pesky next-door neighbor, ultra-nerd Steve Urkel.Сюжет (англ.)
Animated series (loosely) based on the film series, in which Daniel, Miyagi and new friend Taki travel the world in search of an ancient Japanese talisman.The Karate Kid (1989)
The Karate Kid
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Animated series (loosely) based on the film series, in which Daniel, Miyagi and new friend Taki travel the world in search of an ancient Japanese talisman.Сюжет
Кевін Арнольд згадує, як соціальні зміни в 60-і роки робили дорослішання надзвичайно цікавим.Чудові роки (1988—1993)
The Wonder Years
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Кевін Арнольд згадує, як соціальні зміни в 60-і роки робили дорослішання надзвичайно цікавим.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати