Sacha Parkinson
Дата народження: 11 березня 1992 (33 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Риби
Місце народження: Солфорд, Ланкашир, Англія, Великобританія
Зріст: 168 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 30
Ролі: актриса
Історія життя відомої письменниці Емілі Бронте, авторки роману «Буремний перевал».Емілі (2022)
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Історія життя відомої письменниці Емілі Бронте, авторки роману «Буремний перевал».Сюжет (англ.)
The story follows John Parker, a 19 year old from Manchester who embarks on a journey to Brighton, the spiritual home of the Mods, on an old Lambretta scooter left to him by his father. The film is a celebration of Mod culture and faThe Pebble and the Boy (2021)
The Pebble and the Boy
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The story follows John Parker, a 19 year old from Manchester who embarks on a journey to Brighton, the spiritual home of the Mods, on an old Lambretta scooter left to him by his father. The film is a celebration of Mod culture and faСюжет (англ.)
The friendship of cancer survivors Ben and Mark is tested when a piece of news forces each character to change their perspective. Old wounds are opened as they discover their true selves.Running Naked (2020)
Running Naked
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The friendship of cancer survivors Ben and Mark is tested when a piece of news forces each character to change their perspective. Old wounds are opened as they discover their true selves.Сюжет (англ.)
A faithful Jehovah's Witness is forced to shun her own sister because of a religious transgression. As the separation draws out, she starts to question the meaning of God's love.Apostasy (2017)
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A faithful Jehovah's Witness is forced to shun her own sister because of a religious transgression. As the separation draws out, she starts to question the meaning of God's love.Сюжет (англ.)
Funny, moving, painful and raucous, "Truckers" tells stories of ordinary people pushed to extremes. In this poignant mini-series, six truck drivers working for a haulage yard in Northern England undergo life-changing journeys.Truckers (2013)
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Funny, moving, painful and raucous, "Truckers" tells stories of ordinary people pushed to extremes. In this poignant mini-series, six truck drivers working for a haulage yard in Northern England undergo life-changing journeys.Сюжет (англ.)
By Any Means follows a clandestine unit living on the edge and playing the criminal elite at their own game, existing in the grey area between the letter of the law and true justice.By Any Means (2013)
By Any Means
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By Any Means follows a clandestine unit living on the edge and playing the criminal elite at their own game, existing in the grey area between the letter of the law and true justice.Сюжет (англ.)
By day Gerri Dandridge is a sexy professor, but by night she transforms into a real-life vampire with an unquenchable thirst for human blood. So when a group of high school students travel abroad to study in Romania, they find themselves ensnared in her chilling web of lust and terror. Charlie and “Evil†Ed must stop Gerri from drinking and bathing in the blood of a “new moon virgin,†which just so happens to be Charlie’s ex-girlfriend, Amy.Fright Night 2: New Blood (2013)
Fright Night 2: New Blood
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By day Gerri Dandridge is a sexy professor, but by night she transforms into a real-life vampire with an unquenchable thirst for human blood. So when a group of high school students travel abroad to study in Romania, they find themselves ensnared in her chilling web of lust and terror. Charlie and “Evil†Ed must stop Gerri from drinking and bathing in the blood of a “new moon virgin,†which just so happens to be Charlie’s ex-girlfriend, Amy.Сюжет (англ.)
The hard labour of cotton mill workers and the abuse they endure.The Mill (2013—2014)
The Mill
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The hard labour of cotton mill workers and the abuse they endure.Сюжет
Історія про життя підлітків у декораціях 90-х очима шістнадцятирічної Рей, забавної товстушки з проблемами психічного.Мій божевільний щоденник (2013—2015)
My Mad Fat Diary
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Історія про життя підлітків у декораціях 90-х очима шістнадцятирічної Рей, забавної товстушки з проблемами психічного.Сюжет
Середньостатистичний американський підприємець Селфрідж опиняється в самому центрі зосередження амбітного проєкту. Сталося це в період його візиту в британську столицю на світанку 20-го століття. Під час поїздки Селфрідж переконується, що Англії бракує торгових центрів. У 1909 році підприємець відкриває перше подібне місце. В історії буде висвітлена значна частина його життя, де будуть пережиті як злети, так і падіння власної справи.Містер Селфрідж (2013—2016)
Mr Selfridge
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Середньостатистичний американський підприємець Селфрідж опиняється в самому центрі зосередження амбітного проєкту. Сталося це в період його візиту в британську столицю на світанку 20-го століття. Під час поїздки Селфрідж переконується, що Англії бракує торгових центрів. У 1909 році підприємець відкриває перше подібне місце. В історії буде висвітлена значна частина його життя, де будуть пережиті як злети, так і падіння власної справи.Сюжет (англ.)
The 50th anniversary live episode. The tram crashes into the viaduct, the Kabin, and the Bistro. Several people are hurt and there are deaths.Coronation Street: Tram Crash (2010)
Coronation Street: Tram Crash
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The 50th anniversary live episode. The tram crashes into the viaduct, the Kabin, and the Bistro. Several people are hurt and there are deaths.Сюжет (англ.)
When he becomes a father at the tender age of 14, Robbie's life quickly spirals out of control. Feeling angry and neglected by his own dad, he kick-starts a series of events that will ...A Boy Called Dad (2009)
A Boy Called Dad
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When he becomes a father at the tender age of 14, Robbie's life quickly spirals out of control. Feeling angry and neglected by his own dad, he kick-starts a series of events that will ...Сюжет (англ.)
On the Wirral in the grim early years of Margaret Thatcher's premiership, the opportunities for thrill seeking young men looking to escape 9 to 5 drudgery are what they've always been: sex, drugs, rock n' roll, fashion, football and fighting.Awaydays (2009)
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On the Wirral in the grim early years of Margaret Thatcher's premiership, the opportunities for thrill seeking young men looking to escape 9 to 5 drudgery are what they've always been: sex, drugs, rock n' roll, fashion, football and fighting.Сюжет (англ.)
An unknown virus pandemic kills more than 90% of the world's population. Those immune must strive to survive and overcome the difficulties of this new world order, hoping that the virus will not mutate.Ті, що вижили (2008—2010)
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An unknown virus pandemic kills more than 90% of the world's population. Those immune must strive to survive and overcome the difficulties of this new world order, hoping that the virus will not mutate.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in the mid-60s and based on the novel by award-winning author David Almond, this dark and mesmerizing fable tells how 14-year-old David's life is changed forever by a mysterious outsider.Clay (2008)
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Set in the mid-60s and based on the novel by award-winning author David Almond, this dark and mesmerizing fable tells how 14-year-old David's life is changed forever by a mysterious outsider.Сюжет (англ.)
Alan Titchmarsh presents a mix of celebrity interviews, music, topical discussions and gardening features.Шоу Алана Тітчмарша (2007)
The Alan Titchmarsh Show
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Alan Titchmarsh presents a mix of celebrity interviews, music, topical discussions and gardening features.Сюжет (англ.)
Series of one-off dramas, each focusing on a different house within the same street.The Street (2006—2009)
The Street
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Series of one-off dramas, each focusing on a different house within the same street.Сюжет (англ.)
A contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school.Waterloo Road (2006—2015)
Waterloo Road
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A contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school.Сюжет (англ.)
The lives and relationships of a group of siblings and their estranged father Frank Gallagher on a rough Manchester estate.Безсоромні (2004—2013)
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The lives and relationships of a group of siblings and their estranged father Frank Gallagher on a rough Manchester estate.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in the 1960s, this British medical drama follows the staff and patients of St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital.The Royal (2003—2011)
The Royal
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Set in the 1960s, this British medical drama follows the staff and patients of St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
Early morning chat show presented by Lorraine Kelly, with celebrity interviews, cooking tips, fashion features and musical guests.Лоррейн (2001—)
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Early morning chat show presented by Lorraine Kelly, with celebrity interviews, cooking tips, fashion features and musical guests.Сюжет (англ.)
The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.Лікарі (2000—)
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The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.Сюжет (англ.)
Lively daytime TV show, in which four "loose women" chat about news, issues and life in general.Loose Women (1999—)
Loose Women
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Lively daytime TV show, in which four "loose women" chat about news, issues and life in general.Сюжет (англ.)
Morning news, interviews and entertainment features.GMTV (1993—2010)
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Morning news, interviews and entertainment features.Сюжет (англ.)
Multiple daily news bulletins for the Granada North West region.Granada Reports (1992—)
Granada Reports
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Multiple daily news bulletins for the Granada North West region.Сюжет (англ.)
Magazine show featuring lifestyle, cookery, fashion and news segments, along with celebrity interviews and gossip.Цього ранку (1988—)
This Morning
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Magazine show featuring lifestyle, cookery, fashion and news segments, along with celebrity interviews and gossip.Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Casualty (1986—)
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The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.The Bill (1984—2010)
The Bill
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Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.Сюжет (англ.)
The long running television series of the Grange Hill Comprehensive School, and the children's everyday lives.Grange Hill (1978—2008)
Grange Hill
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The long running television series of the Grange Hill Comprehensive School, and the children's everyday lives.Сюжет
Серіал Вулиця коронації фокусується на повсякденному житті людей робітничого класу в Везерфілд.Вулиця коронацій (1960—)
Coronation Street
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Серіал Вулиця коронації фокусується на повсякденному житті людей робітничого класу в Везерфілд.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати