Regardt van den Bergh
Дата народження: 2 вересня 1952 (72 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Діва
Місце народження: Йоганнесбурґ, Південна Африка
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 20
Ролі: актор (13), режисер ★ 6 (12), сценарист (3), продюсер (1)
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Reverend Tienie Benade is confronted by a cross road that will test his career, his marriage and his faith. A beautiful story about a man who needs to win back his confidence and to once ...Dominee Tienie (2018)
Dominee Tienie
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Reverend Tienie Benade is confronted by a cross road that will test his career, his marriage and his faith. A beautiful story about a man who needs to win back his confidence and to once ...Сюжет (англ.)
Die Byl follows the life and work of Piet van Bijl, a brilliant detective who specializes in the tracking of serial killers. Based on real detective Piet Byleveld from South Africa who was alleged to have a 99% success rate in his...Die Byl (2016—2022)
Die Byl
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Die Byl follows the life and work of Piet van Bijl, a brilliant detective who specializes in the tracking of serial killers. Based on real detective Piet Byleveld from South Africa who was alleged to have a 99% success rate in his...Сюжет (англ.)
The story of Anna, a teacher who through an error in judgement loses everything that matters to her in life. In her heartache she finds a job at a farm school called Uitvlucht in the ...Uitvlucht (2015)
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The story of Anna, a teacher who through an error in judgement loses everything that matters to her in life. In her heartache she finds a job at a farm school called Uitvlucht in the ...Сюжет
Південна Африка. Кейптаун. 2012 рік. Відділ серійних вбивств поліції Кейптауна починає розслідування звірячого вбивства білої дівчини. Те, що здавалося тривіальним злочин, швидко перетворюється в круговерть стрілянини і смертей, бо в справі виявляються замішані спочатку торговці наркотиками, потім банди абсолютно відморожених головорізів, а далі поліцейські виходять на інтереси могутньої транснаціональної корпорації. У жорсткому, динамічному і безкомпромісному кримінальному трилері, де кров ллється рікою, героям важко вижити і не всім це вдається. Але детективи Алі Сокіл і Браян Іпкін йдуть до кінця, яку б ціну їм не довелося за це заплатити.Зулу. Теорія змови (2013)
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Південна Африка. Кейптаун. 2012 рік. Відділ серійних вбивств поліції Кейптауна починає розслідування звірячого вбивства білої дівчини. Те, що здавалося тривіальним злочин, швидко перетворюється в круговерть стрілянини і смертей, бо в справі виявляються замішані спочатку торговці наркотиками, потім банди абсолютно відморожених головорізів, а далі поліцейські виходять на інтереси могутньої транснаціональної корпорації. У жорсткому, динамічному і безкомпромісному кримінальному трилері, де кров ллється рікою, героям важко вижити і не всім це вдається. Але детективи Алі Сокіл і Браян Іпкін йдуть до кінця, яку б ціну їм не довелося за це заплатити.Сюжет (англ.)
Sometimes the first step to making a difference and following your dreams, is to follow your heart and find someone who shares those dreams with you.Klein Karoo (2013)
Klein Karoo
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Sometimes the first step to making a difference and following your dreams, is to follow your heart and find someone who shares those dreams with you.Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the favourite Afrikaans children's novel, Hanna is 14 going on 15 and is part of a rather unconventional family. They go on holiday to the Cederberg for a family reunion, which leads to plenty of surprises and reconciliation. Hanna is an intelligent and imaginative young girl who's earned herself the nickname "Hoekom," because she's forever questioning things. When her eccentric mother decides that the family – including her gay biological dad, actor stepfather, detestable half-brother and two stepbrothers – should spend their winter holiday in a remote house on a mountain, they end up stranded with nowhere to go and no-one to turn to except each other.The Incredible Adventures of Hanna Hoekom (2010)
The Incredible Adventures of Hanna Hoekom
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Based on the favourite Afrikaans children's novel, Hanna is 14 going on 15 and is part of a rather unconventional family. They go on holiday to the Cederberg for a family reunion, which leads to plenty of surprises and reconciliation. Hanna is an intelligent and imaginative young girl who's earned herself the nickname "Hoekom," because she's forever questioning things. When her eccentric mother decides that the family – including her gay biological dad, actor stepfather, detestable half-brother and two stepbrothers – should spend their winter holiday in a remote house on a mountain, they end up stranded with nowhere to go and no-one to turn to except each other.Сюжет (англ.)
A burdened young man finds a troubled horse and contacts a South African horse whisperer for help. The horse whisperer leads the pair down a path of redemption where they heal one other. Inspired by actual events.Tornado and the Kalahari Horse Whisperer (2009)
Tornado and the Kalahari Horse Whisperer
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A burdened young man finds a troubled horse and contacts a South African horse whisperer for help. The horse whisperer leads the pair down a path of redemption where they heal one other. Inspired by actual events.Сюжет (англ.)
"How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation's trust?" The news of Hansie Cronjé's involvement with Indian bookmakers and his resulting public confession rocked the international ...Hansie: A True Story (2008)
Hansie: A True Story
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"How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation's trust?" The news of Hansie Cronjé's involvement with Indian bookmakers and his resulting public confession rocked the international ...Сюжет (англ.)
Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. With nothing more than a caravan on a patch of land, and help from his foreman, Simeon Bhengu, the Buchan family struggle to settle in a new country. Faced with ever mounting challenges, hardships and personal turmoil, Angus quickly spirals down into a life consumed by anger, fear and destruction. Based on the inspiring true story by Angus Buchan the book was adapted for the big screen by Regardt van den Bergh and weaves together the moving life journey of a man who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest.Faith Like Potatoes (2006)
Faith Like Potatoes
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Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. With nothing more than a caravan on a patch of land, and help from his foreman, Simeon Bhengu, the Buchan family struggle to settle in a new country. Faced with ever mounting challenges, hardships and personal turmoil, Angus quickly spirals down into a life consumed by anger, fear and destruction. Based on the inspiring true story by Angus Buchan the book was adapted for the big screen by Regardt van den Bergh and weaves together the moving life journey of a man who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest.Сюжет (англ.)
The indoctrination of Gerrit Wolfaardt is complete: his family traditions, history, culture- even his church-have taught him that black South Africans are a cancer in the land. Under the ...Final Solution (2001)
Final Solution
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The indoctrination of Gerrit Wolfaardt is complete: his family traditions, history, culture- even his church-have taught him that black South Africans are a cancer in the land. Under the ...Сюжет (англ.)
A family's life in the Karoo (a semi-desert area in South Africa) is changed when a travelling circus leaves behind a clown.Сюжет (англ.)
On June 12, 1964, Nelson Mandela, along with a number of political detainees, was sentenced to life imprisonment in what remains the most sensational treason trial in the history of South ...Mandela and de Klerk (1997)
Mandela and de Klerk
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On June 12, 1964, Nelson Mandela, along with a number of political detainees, was sentenced to life imprisonment in what remains the most sensational treason trial in the history of South ...Сюжет (англ.)
Matthew 15:1 - 28:20 - The year is about 62 A.D., and the aging apostle Matthew recalls the remarkable events he witnessed as a young man. As his story unfolds, the centuries melt away and ...The Gospel According to Matthew (1993)
The Gospel According to Matthew
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Matthew 15:1 - 28:20 - The year is about 62 A.D., and the aging apostle Matthew recalls the remarkable events he witnessed as a young man. As his story unfolds, the centuries melt away and ...Сюжет
Молодий Сол працює разом зі своїм батьком лісорубом в африканських джунглях. Безсердечний власник лісопилки Макдональд платить їм за найнижчим тарифом. Через це робочим ще додатково доводиться полювати на слонів...Кола в лісі (1989)
Circles in a Forest
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Молодий Сол працює разом зі своїм батьком лісорубом в африканських джунглях. Безсердечний власник лісопилки Макдональд платить їм за найнижчим тарифом. Через це робочим ще додатково доводиться полювати на слонів...Сюжет (англ.)
A unit of green Afrikaner army reservists must take on a dangerous gang of psychopaths straight out of Mad Max and hook up with some pretty girls along the way.Wild Maneuvres (1985)
Wild Maneuvres
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A unit of green Afrikaner army reservists must take on a dangerous gang of psychopaths straight out of Mad Max and hook up with some pretty girls along the way.Сюжет (англ.)
80's South African action comedy shot mostly in Afrikaans, one of South Africa's 11 indigenous languages. The main character, played by Arnold Vosloo, is a spoilt young man from a rich ...Boetie Goes To The Border (1984)
Boetie Goes To The Border
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80's South African action comedy shot mostly in Afrikaans, one of South Africa's 11 indigenous languages. The main character, played by Arnold Vosloo, is a spoilt young man from a rich ...Place Under the Sun (1979)
Place Under the Sun
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An ailing African leader is admitted to a hospital. A male nurse at the hospital kidnaps him, but it turns out that things aren't exactly what they seem to be.Target of an Assassin (1977)
Target of an Assassin
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An ailing African leader is admitted to a hospital. A male nurse at the hospital kidnaps him, but it turns out that things aren't exactly what they seem to be.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Transvaal, in 1900, the British army condemns to death an American mining engineer for aiding and abetting the Boer enemy. The engineer escapes from custody and takes refuge at an ...Strangers at Sunrise (1969)
Strangers at Sunrise
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In the Transvaal, in 1900, the British army condemns to death an American mining engineer for aiding and abetting the Boer enemy. The engineer escapes from custody and takes refuge at an ...Сюжет (англ.)
It was a time of parables and miracles. Of divine love and deep compassion. Through the accounts of the Apostle Matthew, we follow Jesus Christ through the cities of Judea and bear witness ...Jesus the Christ (2002)
Jesus the Christ
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It was a time of parables and miracles. Of divine love and deep compassion. Through the accounts of the Apostle Matthew, we follow Jesus Christ through the cities of Judea and bear witness ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати