Патрік Тротон
Patrick Troughton
Дата народження: 25 березня 1920
Знак зодіаку: Овен
Дата смерті: 28 березня 1987 (67 років)
Місце народження: Мілл-Гілл, Лондон, Англія, Великобританія
Зріст: 173 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 132
Ролі: актор
Доктор вирушає у свою найбільшу подорож у ювілейному спецвипуску, присвяченому 50- річчю. У 2013 році щось жахливе прокидається у Лондонській Національній Галереї; у 1562 смертельна змова назріває у Англії часів Єлизаветти; і десь у космосі древня битва досягає свого руйнівного завершення. Вся реальність опиняється під загрозою,коли небезпечне минуле Доктора повертається і починає переслідувати його.Доктор Хто: День Доктора (2013)
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor
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Доктор вирушає у свою найбільшу подорож у ювілейному спецвипуску, присвяченому 50- річчю. У 2013 році щось жахливе прокидається у Лондонській Національній Галереї; у 1562 смертельна змова назріває у Англії часів Єлизаветти; і десь у космосі древня битва досягає свого руйнівного завершення. Вся реальність опиняється під загрозою,коли небезпечне минуле Доктора повертається і починає переслідувати його.Сюжет (англ.)
Documents the rise of Mary Whitehouse (Dame Julie Walters) during the 1960s, and the relationship between her and Sir Hugh Carleton Greene (Hugh Bonneville), the Director General of the BBC.Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story (2008)
Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story
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Documents the rise of Mary Whitehouse (Dame Julie Walters) during the 1960s, and the relationship between her and Sir Hugh Carleton Greene (Hugh Bonneville), the Director General of the BBC.Сюжет (англ.)
In light of a new 2006 BBC Robin Hood series, Jonathan Ross looks at the ways the popular outlaw of Sherwood Forest has been portrayed in the media throughout the years.World of Robin Hood (2006)
World of Robin Hood
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In light of a new 2006 BBC Robin Hood series, Jonathan Ross looks at the ways the popular outlaw of Sherwood Forest has been portrayed in the media throughout the years.Сюжет (англ.)
Daily magazine show broadcast form the BBC's Pebble Mill studios. The show originally ran from 1973 to 1986 and was resurrected in 1991 (as "Pebble Mill") and ran until 1996.Гальковий завод (1972—1991)
Pebble Mill at One
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Daily magazine show broadcast form the BBC's Pebble Mill studios. The show originally ran from 1973 to 1986 and was resurrected in 1991 (as "Pebble Mill") and ran until 1996.Сюжет (англ.)
Chief Inspector Morse has an ear for music, a taste for beer and a nose for crime. He sets out with Detective Sergeant Lewis to solve each intriguing case.Інспектор Морс (1987—1993)
Inspector Morse
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Chief Inspector Morse has an ear for music, a taste for beer and a nose for crime. He sets out with Detective Sergeant Lewis to solve each intriguing case.Сюжет (англ.)
It's about a young couple living in a basement apartment and the funny thing that happen to them and their family.The Two of Us (1986—1990)
The Two of Us
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It's about a young couple living in a basement apartment and the funny thing that happen to them and their family.Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of a super-powered granny who fights crime in her community.Super Gran (1985—1987)
Super Gran
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The adventures of a super-powered granny who fights crime in her community.Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the classic children's novel by John Masefield, the story follows the exploits of a young boy, Kay Harker, who finds himself drawn into a world of magic and danger when he ...The Box of Delights (1984)
The Box of Delights
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Based on the classic children's novel by John Masefield, the story follows the exploits of a young boy, Kay Harker, who finds himself drawn into a world of magic and danger when he ...Сюжет (англ.)
Joe, Bill and Pete are members of the "Coot Club", spending most of their time on the river in their little boat, the "Death and Glory." Trouble starts when they are blamed for setting boats free from their moorings. Tom Dudgeon, ...Swallows and Amazons Forever!: The Big Six (1984)
Swallows and Amazons Forever!: The Big Six
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Joe, Bill and Pete are members of the "Coot Club", spending most of their time on the river in their little boat, the "Death and Glory." Trouble starts when they are blamed for setting boats free from their moorings. Tom Dudgeon, ...Сюжет (англ.)
A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.Dramarama (1983—1989)
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A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.Сюжет (англ.)
The lives of a series of queens belonging to the Ptolemaic Dynasty of ancient Egypt, culminating in its final active ruler Cleopatra VII.The Cleopatras (1983)
The Cleopatras
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The lives of a series of queens belonging to the Ptolemaic Dynasty of ancient Egypt, culminating in its final active ruler Cleopatra VII.Сюжет (англ.)
Frank Bough and Selina Scott present Britain's first ever regular early morning television programme and bring the nation a mix of news, sport, features, weather, aerobics, astrology from Russell Grant and celebrity chat.Breakfast Time (1983)
Breakfast Time
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Frank Bough and Selina Scott present Britain's first ever regular early morning television programme and bring the nation a mix of news, sport, features, weather, aerobics, astrology from Russell Grant and celebrity chat.Сюжет (англ.)
Upon being demobbed, RAF serviceman Harvey Moon returns home and finds his family involved in various troubles. His wife is not interested in resuming their relationship, and works in a seedy nightclub frequented by American servi...Shine on Harvey Moon (1982—1995)
Shine on Harvey Moon
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Upon being demobbed, RAF serviceman Harvey Moon returns home and finds his family involved in various troubles. His wife is not interested in resuming their relationship, and works in a seedy nightclub frequented by American servi...Сюжет (англ.)
Simon Bognor, the accident-prone investigator for the Department of Trade, has to contend with double-dealing, murders, dismissive bosses and his fierce fiancee Monica.Боґнор (1981)
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Simon Bognor, the accident-prone investigator for the Department of Trade, has to contend with double-dealing, murders, dismissive bosses and his fierce fiancee Monica.Сюжет (англ.)
A divorced woman decides to train as a Nanny in 1930s England. The series is unique as, not only, is she a more mature person but she is also modern with 'progressive' ideas.Nanny (1981—1983)
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A divorced woman decides to train as a Nanny in 1930s England. The series is unique as, not only, is she a more mature person but she is also modern with 'progressive' ideas.Сюжет (англ.)
The annual BBC telethon for its own children's charity. Every BBC local and national radio and television station gets involved. Your only chance to see Auntie Beeb's top newsreaders and political pundits in The Rocky Horror Pictu...Діти у потребі (1980—)
Children in Need
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The annual BBC telethon for its own children's charity. Every BBC local and national radio and television station gets involved. Your only chance to see Auntie Beeb's top newsreaders and political pundits in The Rocky Horror Pictu...Сюжет (англ.)
Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Minder (1979—1994)
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Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Сюжет (англ.)
A rather naive, middle-class man is admitted to a hospital ward and finds that he is sharing it with a working-class layabout and an upper-class hypochondriac. All three of them cause headaches for the hospital staff.Only When I Laugh (1979—1982)
Only When I Laugh
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A rather naive, middle-class man is admitted to a hospital ward and finds that he is sharing it with a working-class layabout and an upper-class hypochondriac. All three of them cause headaches for the hospital staff.Сюжет (англ.)
7x50min episodes. While still the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII meets the married American socialite, Wallis Simpson. Their relationship causes furor in the palace and in ...Edward & Mrs. Simpson (1978)
Edward & Mrs. Simpson
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7x50min episodes. While still the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII meets the married American socialite, Wallis Simpson. Their relationship causes furor in the palace and in ...Сюжет (англ.)
Modern adaptation of Enid Blyton's adventure stories about Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog.Славетна п'ятірка (1978—1979)
The Famous Five
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Modern adaptation of Enid Blyton's adventure stories about Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog.Сюжет (англ.)
On their way to school Paul and Fiona find and help a Professor Wagstaff who's trapped inside his new, untested time machine, so beginning an adventure that will send them back and forth through their local history.A Hitch in Time (1978)
A Hitch in Time
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On their way to school Paul and Fiona find and help a Professor Wagstaff who's trapped inside his new, untested time machine, so beginning an adventure that will send them back and forth through their local history.Сюжет (англ.)
Henry Plantagenet (later King Henry II), sees his opportunity to seize the crown of England and create a kingdom of law and order.The Devil's Crown (1978)
The Devil's Crown
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Henry Plantagenet (later King Henry II), sees his opportunity to seize the crown of England and create a kingdom of law and order.Сюжет
All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.All Creatures Great and Small (1978—1990)
All Creatures Great and Small
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All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.Сюжет (англ.)
A faithful adaptation of the classic novel that follows the attempt of young Jim Hawkins and his adult companions to find a legendary pirate treasure that's also coveted by their cook, who's actually an infamous pirate, Long John Silver.Treasure Island (1977)
Treasure Island
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A faithful adaptation of the classic novel that follows the attempt of young Jim Hawkins and his adult companions to find a legendary pirate treasure that's also coveted by their cook, who's actually an infamous pirate, Long John Silver.Сюжет (англ.)
Anthology of plays and novels adapted into feature length movies.BBC2 Play of the Week (1977—1979)
BBC2 Play of the Week
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Anthology of plays and novels adapted into feature length movies.Сюжет
На долю легендарного Синдбада випало чимало пригод. Але Синдбад і помислити не міг, що найнебезпечнішим з них стане... весілля принцеси Фарри! Шлюб неможливий без благословення брата Фарри, принца Касіма. Касім став жертвою злих чар - відьма Зенобія перетворила принца на бабуїна.Синдбад і око тигра (1977)
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
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На долю легендарного Синдбада випало чимало пригод. Але Синдбад і помислити не міг, що найнебезпечнішим з них стане... весілля принцеси Фарри! Шлюб неможливий без благословення брата Фарри, принца Касіма. Касім став жертвою злих чар - відьма Зенобія перетворила принца на бабуїна.Yanks Go Home (1976—1977)
Yanks Go Home
Lorna Doone (1976)
Lorna Doone
Багато хто вірить, що в апокаліпсисі передбачено жахливе майбутнє людства: з’явиться антихрист, який несе на собі печатку “666” – знак апокаліптичного звіра. Роберта Торна, американського дипломата, не цікавлять похмурі пророцтва. Його дружина Кетрін перенесла важкі роди і ще не знає, що її дитина померла. Священик лікарні показує Торну інше немовля і радить дипломату видати хлопчика за свого сина. Через п’ять років Торн стає свідком дивних і трагічних подій, пов’язаних з маленьким Демієном. Врешті-решт він розуміє, що виховує антихриста.Технічні характеристики:
Омен (1976)
The Omen
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Багато хто вірить, що в апокаліпсисі передбачено жахливе майбутнє людства: з’явиться антихрист, який несе на собі печатку “666” – знак апокаліптичного звіра. Роберта Торна, американського дипломата, не цікавлять похмурі пророцтва. Його дружина Кетрін перенесла важкі роди і ще не знає, що її дитина померла. Священик лікарні показує Торну інше немовля і радить дипломату видати хлопчика за свого сина. Через п’ять років Торн стає свідком дивних і трагічних подій, пов’язаних з маленьким Демієном. Врешті-решт він розуміє, що виховує антихриста.Технічні характеристики:
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A young boy named Tozo must prevent Nasca, the bloodthirsty high priest of Teshcata, from seizing control of the Aztec civilisation.The Feathered Serpent (1976—1978)
The Feathered Serpent
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A young boy named Tozo must prevent Nasca, the bloodthirsty high priest of Teshcata, from seizing control of the Aztec civilisation.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати