Норман Мітчелл
Norman Mitchell
Дата народження: 27 серпня 1918
Знак зодіаку: Діва
Дата смерті: 19 березня 2001 (82 роки)
Місце народження: Шеффілд, Йоркшир, Англія, Великобританія
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 177
Ролі: актор
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A prison ship on its way to a remote island prison runs aground on rocks and sinks. Mixed survivors of cons and prison guards struggle ashore, only to discover to their horror that another survivor has made it ashore before them. Murderous psychotic, Leo Rook, who not only had a hand in the ship's sinking but has decapitated all but one of the island's lighthouse crew. Stranded, with no means of escape or call for help, the survivors must face a night of terror as they know that since they've learned that Leo survived going down with the ship he can't let any of them live and is hellbent on adding their severed heads to his collection.Lighthouse (1999)
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A prison ship on its way to a remote island prison runs aground on rocks and sinks. Mixed survivors of cons and prison guards struggle ashore, only to discover to their horror that another survivor has made it ashore before them. Murderous psychotic, Leo Rook, who not only had a hand in the ship's sinking but has decapitated all but one of the island's lighthouse crew. Stranded, with no means of escape or call for help, the survivors must face a night of terror as they know that since they've learned that Leo survived going down with the ship he can't let any of them live and is hellbent on adding their severed heads to his collection.Сюжет (англ.)
British Comedy Sketch ShowUnnatural Acts (1998)
Unnatural Acts
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British Comedy Sketch ShowСюжет (англ.)
Shortly after she moves into her own flat in Brighton, Bella finds she is being spied on and generally harassed by a man living across from her. Finally driven to solving the problem with a...Dirty Weekend (1993)
Dirty Weekend
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Shortly after she moves into her own flat in Brighton, Bella finds she is being spied on and generally harassed by a man living across from her. Finally driven to solving the problem with a...Сюжет (англ.)
The horny farmer McDonald has his wicked way with a goat. Life returns to normal for the family, until the goat gives birth! The mutant off spring, called Billy, is tormented by the ...Revenge of Billy the Kid (1992)
Revenge of Billy the Kid
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The horny farmer McDonald has his wicked way with a goat. Life returns to normal for the family, until the goat gives birth! The mutant off spring, called Billy, is tormented by the ...Сюжет
Історичний фільм про "справу Дрейфуса". Цей фільм, знятий для англійського телебачення Кеном Расселом, є досить незвичайним для режисера, який все життя експериментує із зображенням. Тут теж поставлений свого роду експеримент - Рассел знімає досить точний історичний костюмний фільм з елементами фарсу і гротеску про справу, яка сама була повна фарсу і гротеску. Головну роль полковника Пікара - "першої людини XX століття", французького патріота і антисеміта, який встав на захист честі французької армії і єврея Дрейфуса, грає Річард Дрейфус, який є одночасно і продюсером цього фільму (що, безсумнівно, не є випадковістю). У досить гротескній ролі генерала Буадеффра - Олівер Рід, який знімався у багатьох фільмах Рассела. На невелику роль військового міністра Рассел запросив Ліндсея Андерсона, режисера фільму "О, щасливчик!". Сам Альфред Дрейфус (Кеннет Коллі) представлений у фільмі без жодного пафосу і героїзму (хоч він і отримав надалі Орден Почесного Легіону) - боязкою і недалекою людиною (як його і описують більшість істориків). Ну і ще треба відзначити абсолютно чудово зроблений фінал фільму.Заручники честі (1991)
Prisoner of Honor
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Історичний фільм про "справу Дрейфуса". Цей фільм, знятий для англійського телебачення Кеном Расселом, є досить незвичайним для режисера, який все життя експериментує із зображенням. Тут теж поставлений свого роду експеримент - Рассел знімає досить точний історичний костюмний фільм з елементами фарсу і гротеску про справу, яка сама була повна фарсу і гротеску. Головну роль полковника Пікара - "першої людини XX століття", французького патріота і антисеміта, який встав на захист честі французької армії і єврея Дрейфуса, грає Річард Дрейфус, який є одночасно і продюсером цього фільму (що, безсумнівно, не є випадковістю). У досить гротескній ролі генерала Буадеффра - Олівер Рід, який знімався у багатьох фільмах Рассела. На невелику роль військового міністра Рассел запросив Ліндсея Андерсона, режисера фільму "О, щасливчик!". Сам Альфред Дрейфус (Кеннет Коллі) представлений у фільмі без жодного пафосу і героїзму (хоч він і отримав надалі Орден Почесного Легіону) - боязкою і недалекою людиною (як його і описують більшість істориків). Ну і ще треба відзначити абсолютно чудово зроблений фінал фільму.Сюжет (англ.)
Anthology of unconnected movies of different genres.Screen One (1985—1994)
Screen One
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Anthology of unconnected movies of different genres.Сюжет (англ.)
This show is set in the year 1927. Lord Meldrum is a wealthy widower and he owns a rubber factory. He lives with his brother Teddy, mother in law Lady Lavender and two daughters, Poppy and Cissy. Meldrum is having an affair with Lady Agatha, wife of his rival Sir Ralph. He is trying to persuade Teddy to marry a socialite Madge Cartwright, but Teddy fancies servant girls more than the upper class ladies so he's reluctant to marry Madge. Poppy is a flapper who often flirts with the servant James. She's very different from her sister Cissy - in appearance as well as in attitude. Cissy fancies women more than men, she wears male clothes and is a member of the workers movement and a workers political party. Lady Lavender is extravagant, she owns a parrot and likes to throw food at servants. The servants live downstairs and they consist of Mrs. Lipton, the cook; James, a stuck up and snobbish servant; Henry, the youngest servant who usually gets kicked behind the ear by James or Mrs. Lipton. The butler Stokes was the last to join the servants, with his daughter Ivy, the maid. He is shady and despises the rich. During the WWI, he and James were in the trenches with Teddy. They saved his life and on account of that, Stokes gets the position of a butler upon his arrival at the house. The lowest ranked amongst the servants is poor Mable, the washing lady. She doesn't live with Meldrums.Ви дзвонили, Мілорде? (1988—1993)
You Rang, M'Lord?
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This show is set in the year 1927. Lord Meldrum is a wealthy widower and he owns a rubber factory. He lives with his brother Teddy, mother in law Lady Lavender and two daughters, Poppy and Cissy. Meldrum is having an affair with Lady Agatha, wife of his rival Sir Ralph. He is trying to persuade Teddy to marry a socialite Madge Cartwright, but Teddy fancies servant girls more than the upper class ladies so he's reluctant to marry Madge. Poppy is a flapper who often flirts with the servant James. She's very different from her sister Cissy - in appearance as well as in attitude. Cissy fancies women more than men, she wears male clothes and is a member of the workers movement and a workers political party. Lady Lavender is extravagant, she owns a parrot and likes to throw food at servants. The servants live downstairs and they consist of Mrs. Lipton, the cook; James, a stuck up and snobbish servant; Henry, the youngest servant who usually gets kicked behind the ear by James or Mrs. Lipton. The butler Stokes was the last to join the servants, with his daughter Ivy, the maid. He is shady and despises the rich. During the WWI, he and James were in the trenches with Teddy. They saved his life and on account of that, Stokes gets the position of a butler upon his arrival at the house. The lowest ranked amongst the servants is poor Mable, the washing lady. She doesn't live with Meldrums.Сюжет (англ.)
In the time of Napoleon, Becky Sharp, a poor orphan girl, schemes for money and position. Her most-used stepladder is her old school friend, Amelia Sedley. Both women marry soldiers, and both of them are affected by the Battle of WatVanity Fair (1987)
Vanity Fair
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In the time of Napoleon, Becky Sharp, a poor orphan girl, schemes for money and position. Her most-used stepladder is her old school friend, Amelia Sedley. Both women marry soldiers, and both of them are affected by the Battle of WatСюжет (англ.)
In Switzerland in the 14th Century, William Tell and his son Matthew are imprisoned by the tyrannical Gessler. Having split the apple on his son's head with his crossbow, much to Gessler's chagrin, there is no stopping William Tel...Crossbow (1987—1989)
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In Switzerland in the 14th Century, William Tell and his son Matthew are imprisoned by the tyrannical Gessler. Having split the apple on his son's head with his crossbow, much to Gessler's chagrin, there is no stopping William Tel...Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Casualty (1986—)
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The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
Harry Caines is the new Customs Surveyor, or district head, at Wrelling, a small port on the Dorset Coast. His job as 'the new broom' is to shake up the office and keep one step ahead of the smugglers and criminals. He must land '...The Collectors (1986)
The Collectors
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Harry Caines is the new Customs Surveyor, or district head, at Wrelling, a small port on the Dorset Coast. His job as 'the new broom' is to shake up the office and keep one step ahead of the smugglers and criminals. He must land '...Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of a nerdish teenage boy as recorded in his personal diary.The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ (1985)
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾
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The misadventures of a nerdish teenage boy as recorded in his personal diary.Сюжет (англ.)
As portrayed by Peter Bowles (The Irish R.M., To the Manor Born), London gossip columnist Neville Lytton exudes a sophisticated charm that masks a tenacious commitment to his job. Whether consorting with banking tycoons and ex-dictatLytton's Diary (1985—1986)
Lytton's Diary
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As portrayed by Peter Bowles (The Irish R.M., To the Manor Born), London gossip columnist Neville Lytton exudes a sophisticated charm that masks a tenacious commitment to his job. Whether consorting with banking tycoons and ex-dictatСюжет (англ.)
An anthology series of chilling tales with a twist.Fox Mystery Theater (1984)
Fox Mystery Theater
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An anthology series of chilling tales with a twist.Сюжет (англ.)
Stories about real-life international zoo vet David Taylor (in the TV programmes, he was called Donald Turner) from his early days as a newly-qualified vet in the 1950s to his international standing in the 1970s; each series of th...One by One (1984—1987)
One by One
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Stories about real-life international zoo vet David Taylor (in the TV programmes, he was called Donald Turner) from his early days as a newly-qualified vet in the 1950s to his international standing in the 1970s; each series of th...Сюжет (англ.)
Series follows the very different lives of Jan Leigh, a poor but studious young country lad and Diana Gayelorde-Sutton, the equally single minded daughter of a rich landowner, from the 1920s through to post-war Britain.Diana (1984)
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Series follows the very different lives of Jan Leigh, a poor but studious young country lad and Diana Gayelorde-Sutton, the equally single minded daughter of a rich landowner, from the 1920s through to post-war Britain.Dream Stuffing (1984)
Dream Stuffing
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A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.Dramarama (1983—1989)
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A series of plays for children which featured the supernatural frequently and science fiction occasionally.Сюжет (англ.)
Caroline is to be wed to Sir Ralph and invites her sister Barbara to be her bridesmaid. Barbara seduces Ralph, however, and she becomes the new Lady, but despite her new wealthy situation, ...The Wicked Lady (1983)
The Wicked Lady
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Caroline is to be wed to Sir Ralph and invites her sister Barbara to be her bridesmaid. Barbara seduces Ralph, however, and she becomes the new Lady, but despite her new wealthy situation, ...Сюжет (англ.)
Kitty Baldry (Julie Chirstie) is a haughty society queen with a tunneled view of life. Kitty's complacency is rocked when her husband, Captain Chris Baldry (Alan Bates), returns from the ...Повернення солдата (1982)
The Return of the Soldier
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Kitty Baldry (Julie Chirstie) is a haughty society queen with a tunneled view of life. Kitty's complacency is rocked when her husband, Captain Chris Baldry (Alan Bates), returns from the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Virginia-born Lady Astor is the first woman to sit in Parliament. Her outspokenness in unpopular causes leaves her open to heartbreak, public and private.Nancy Astor (1982)
Nancy Astor
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Virginia-born Lady Astor is the first woman to sit in Parliament. Her outspokenness in unpopular causes leaves her open to heartbreak, public and private.Сюжет (англ.)
This TV series is based on a book of the same name by Howard Spring published in 1940. It describes the rise of the British socialist movement from the mid 19th century to the 1930s by following the life of its protagonist a studi...Fame Is the Spur (1982)
Fame Is the Spur
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This TV series is based on a book of the same name by Howard Spring published in 1940. It describes the rise of the British socialist movement from the mid 19th century to the 1930s by following the life of its protagonist a studi...Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy about two rival antique dealers.Never the Twain (1981—1991)
Never the Twain
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Comedy about two rival antique dealers.Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy series starring Harry H Corbett (in his final series), as Grundy, a recently divorced puritanical newsagent who hates the notion of a 'permissive society' and rallies against it. He strikes up a friendship with Beryl Loomis...Grundy (1980)
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Comedy series starring Harry H Corbett (in his final series), as Grundy, a recently divorced puritanical newsagent who hates the notion of a 'permissive society' and rallies against it. He strikes up a friendship with Beryl Loomis...Сюжет (англ.)
While golfing on the Welsh coast, Bobby Jones apparently hits a stranger who falls off the the sea cliff. His enigmatic last words are "Why didn't they ask Evans?"Чому не запитали Еванса? (1980)
Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
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While golfing on the Welsh coast, Bobby Jones apparently hits a stranger who falls off the the sea cliff. His enigmatic last words are "Why didn't they ask Evans?"Сюжет
Яскравий і начасний сатиричний серіал про залаштунки політики, що ґрунтується на однойменній книзі, що вийшла друком у Британії 1989 року. Час іде, а бюрократія та плутократія незмінні.У міністерство адміністративних справ призначено нового міністра – Джима Гакера, невиразного політика „третього” ешелону, який бачить у своєму призначенні нагоду голосно заявити про себе. Проте всі його ініціативи натикаються на прихований саботаж з боку апарату міністерства, яким чверть століття керує постійний секретар міністерства сер Гамфрі Епелбі. На думку сера Гамфрі, міністри, як діти, вони тільки створюють хаос, який змушені впорядковувати та насправді піклуватися про державні справи скромні та непримітні працівники адміністративної служби Її Величності...
А між двох вогнів (міністром та постійним секретарем міністерства) – надміру буквальний та відданий (коли міністру, а коли Серу Гамфрі) особистий секретар міністра Бернард Вуллі. Головне питання, чи вдасться міністру подолати адміністративно-бюрократичний апарат, чи, навпаки, апарату вдасться приручити міністра?
Так, пане міністре (1980—1982)
Yes Minister
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Яскравий і начасний сатиричний серіал про залаштунки політики, що ґрунтується на однойменній книзі, що вийшла друком у Британії 1989 року. Час іде, а бюрократія та плутократія незмінні.У міністерство адміністративних справ призначено нового міністра – Джима Гакера, невиразного політика „третього” ешелону, який бачить у своєму призначенні нагоду голосно заявити про себе. Проте всі його ініціативи натикаються на прихований саботаж з боку апарату міністерства, яким чверть століття керує постійний секретар міністерства сер Гамфрі Епелбі. На думку сера Гамфрі, міністри, як діти, вони тільки створюють хаос, який змушені впорядковувати та насправді піклуватися про державні справи скромні та непримітні працівники адміністративної служби Її Величності...
А між двох вогнів (міністром та постійним секретарем міністерства) – надміру буквальний та відданий (коли міністру, а коли Серу Гамфрі) особистий секретар міністра Бернард Вуллі. Головне питання, чи вдасться міністру подолати адміністративно-бюрократичний апарат, чи, навпаки, апарату вдасться приручити міністра?
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Dudley Rush is an artist with a difference. Eccentric and childlike, he insists of wearing his large lion ventriloquist glove-puppet on his hand whenever he draws the "Barney, the Bionic Bulldog" comic strip. Unhappy about having ...Keep It in the Family (1980—1983)
Keep It in the Family
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Dudley Rush is an artist with a difference. Eccentric and childlike, he insists of wearing his large lion ventriloquist glove-puppet on his hand whenever he draws the "Barney, the Bionic Bulldog" comic strip. Unhappy about having ...Сюжет (англ.)
A rather naive, middle-class man is admitted to a hospital ward and finds that he is sharing it with a working-class layabout and an upper-class hypochondriac. All three of them cause headaches for the hospital staff.Only When I Laugh (1979—1982)
Only When I Laugh
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A rather naive, middle-class man is admitted to a hospital ward and finds that he is sharing it with a working-class layabout and an upper-class hypochondriac. All three of them cause headaches for the hospital staff.Сюжет (англ.)
Potter is a British sitcom written by Roy Clarke. Running for three series, it originally starred Arthur Lowe as Redvers Potter, a busybody former sweet manufacturer ("Pottermints - the hotter mints") with time on his hands following retirement. Set in suburban South London, the series followed Potter in his various attempts to keep himself occupied by interfering in other people's business.Поттер (1979—)
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Potter is a British sitcom written by Roy Clarke. Running for three series, it originally starred Arthur Lowe as Redvers Potter, a busybody former sweet manufacturer ("Pottermints - the hotter mints") with time on his hands following retirement. Set in suburban South London, the series followed Potter in his various attempts to keep himself occupied by interfering in other people's business.Сюжет (англ.)
Children's series about the adventures of Worzel Gummidge, a scarecrow who comes to life.Worzel Gummidge (1979—1989)
Worzel Gummidge
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Children's series about the adventures of Worzel Gummidge, a scarecrow who comes to life.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати