Нанні Моретті
Nanni Moretti
Дата народження: 19 серпня 1953 (71 рік)
Знак зодіаку: Лев
Місце народження: Бруніко, Трентіно-Альто-Адідже, Італія
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 45
Ролі: актор (40), продюсер (23), режисер ★ 6.44 (21), сценарист ★ 6.44 (20)
Сюжет (англ.)
A movie director struggles with his relationship with his family, and with his latest movie, about the impact on the Italian Communist Party of the USSR invasion of Hungary in 1956.A Brighter Tomorrow (2023)
A Brighter Tomorrow
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A movie director struggles with his relationship with his family, and with his latest movie, about the impact on the Italian Communist Party of the USSR invasion of Hungary in 1956.Сюжет (англ.)
The life of male protagonist from the 1970s to the near future and the myriad relationships that have criss-crossed its path along the way.The Hummingbird (2022)
The Hummingbird
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The life of male protagonist from the 1970s to the near future and the myriad relationships that have criss-crossed its path along the way.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of three families living in three apartments in the same bourgeois condominium.Three Floors (2021)
Three Floors
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The story of three families living in three apartments in the same bourgeois condominium.Сюжет (англ.)
After the coup d'État of the Democratic government of Allende, the embassy of Italy in Santiago played a major role in helping the opposers of the regime, and extradited many of them Italy....Сантьґо (2018)
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After the coup d'État of the Democratic government of Allende, the embassy of Italy in Santiago played a major role in helping the opposers of the regime, and extradited many of them Italy....Сюжет (англ.)
L'esercente, produttore e scrittore torinese Lorenzo Ventavoli si racconta all'amico di sempre, il critico Steve Della Casa, con un dialogo conviviale brillante e ricco di stimoli che tocca...Venanzio Revolt: I miei primi 80 anni di cinema (2016)
Venanzio Revolt: I miei primi 80 anni di cinema
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L'esercente, produttore e scrittore torinese Lorenzo Ventavoli si racconta all'amico di sempre, il critico Steve Della Casa, con un dialogo conviviale brillante e ricco di stimoli che tocca...Filmstudio, mon amour (2015)
Filmstudio, mon amour
The Legend of the Palme D'Or (2015)
The Legend of the Palme D'Or
Маргарита знімає фільм, головну роль у якому грає відомий і абсолютно нестерпний американський актор італійського походження. До її творчих метань додаються і життєві труднощі: мати Маргарити лежить у лікарні, дочка переживає кризу перехідного віку. І лише брат героїні, як завжди, залишається на висоті.Моя мама (2015)
My Mother
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Маргарита знімає фільм, головну роль у якому грає відомий і абсолютно нестерпний американський актор італійського походження. До її творчих метань додаються і життєві труднощі: мати Маргарити лежить у лікарні, дочка переживає кризу перехідного віку. І лише брат героїні, як завжди, залишається на висоті.Сюжет (англ.)
Renowned British journalist examines Italy's moral, political and economic crisis, looking for clues to its possible salvation--and that of the West as a whole.Girlfriend in a Coma (2012)
Girlfriend in a Coma
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Renowned British journalist examines Italy's moral, political and economic crisis, looking for clues to its possible salvation--and that of the West as a whole.Сюжет
Після смерті Папи Римського конклав збирається для таємного голосування за нового понтифіка. Все це привертає увагу журналістів з усього католицького світу. Фаворитом конклаву вважають кардинала Ґреґорі. Попри всі очікування, новим Папою стає кардинал Мелвілль — та перед першою зустріччю з людьми в нього відбувається приступ паніки.У нас є Папа (2011)
We Have a Pope
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Після смерті Папи Римського конклав збирається для таємного голосування за нового понтифіка. Все це привертає увагу журналістів з усього католицького світу. Фаворитом конклаву вважають кардинала Ґреґорі. Попри всі очікування, новим Папою стає кардинал Мелвілль — та перед першою зустріччю з людьми в нього відбувається приступ паніки.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the strange bereavement behavior of an Italian executive. Based on a novel by Sandro Veronesi.Quiet Chaos (2008)
Quiet Chaos
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A look at the strange bereavement behavior of an Italian executive. Based on a novel by Sandro Veronesi.Сюжет
Тридцять три (33!) всесвітньо відомих режисери взяли участь у створенні цього альманаха на замовлення Дирекції кінофестивалю Канн спеціально до 60-го ювілея. Кожен зняв короткометражний фільм на тему кіно.У кожного своє кіно (2007)
To Each His Own Cinema
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Тридцять три (33!) всесвітньо відомих режисери взяли участь у створенні цього альманаха на замовлення Дирекції кінофестивалю Канн спеціально до 60-го ювілея. Кожен зняв короткометражний фільм на тему кіно.Сюжет (англ.)
A skewering of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.The Caiman (2006)
The Caiman
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A skewering of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.Je lis dans tes yeux (2004)
Je lis dans tes yeux
Французька нічна телепрограма новин і ток-шоу, яка виходила на Canal+ щодня ввечері з 19:10 до 20:20Le grand journal de Canal+ (2004—2010)
Le grand journal de Canal+
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Французька нічна телепрограма новин і ток-шоу, яка виходила на Canal+ щодня ввечері з 19:10 до 20:20Сюжет (англ.)
Every week Fabio Fazio interviews famous people, Italians and international ones.Che tempo che fa (2003—)
Che tempo che fa
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Every week Fabio Fazio interviews famous people, Italians and international ones.Anguish Cry of Predator Bird (2003)
Anguish Cry of Predator Bird
Сюжет (англ.)
A New York pharmacy and the feelings of the people who have run it, putting their heart and soul into it, for two generations: the Gardini family.The Last Customer (2003)
The Last Customer
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A New York pharmacy and the feelings of the people who have run it, putting their heart and soul into it, for two generations: the Gardini family.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at Fellini's creative process. In extensive interviews, Fellini talks a bit about his background and then discusses how he works and how he creates. Several actors, a producer, a writer, and a production manager talk about working with Fellini. Archive footage of Fellini and others on the set plus clips from his films provide commentary and illustration for the points interviewees make. Fellini is fully in charge; actors call themselves puppets. He dismisses improvisation and calls for "availability." His sets and his films create images that look like reality but are not; we see the differences and the results.Fellini: I'm a Born Liar (2002)
Fellini: I'm a Born Liar
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A look at Fellini's creative process. In extensive interviews, Fellini talks a bit about his background and then discusses how he works and how he creates. Several actors, a producer, a writer, and a production manager talk about working with Fellini. Archive footage of Fellini and others on the set plus clips from his films provide commentary and illustration for the points interviewees make. Fellini is fully in charge; actors call themselves puppets. He dismisses improvisation and calls for "availability." His sets and his films create images that look like reality but are not; we see the differences and the results.Сюжет
Дружна сім'я з маленького італійського містечка. Батько - Джованні, мати - Паола і двоє їх дітей: старша Ірен і Андреа. Джованні - психоаналітик. Він приймає пацієнтів в кабінеті і все, що він отримує від своєї роботи - величезний список людських неврозів, що знаходиться в разючому контрасті з його власним спокійним життям. Одного разу недільним ранком Джованні отримує терміновий виклик від одного з пацієнтів. Він не може піти зі своїм сином, як обіцяв. Андреа відправляється пірнати з друзями. Але він не повернеться...Кімната сина (2001)
The Son's Room
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Дружна сім'я з маленького італійського містечка. Батько - Джованні, мати - Паола і двоє їх дітей: старша Ірен і Андреа. Джованні - психоаналітик. Він приймає пацієнтів в кабінеті і все, що він отримує від своєї роботи - величезний список людських неврозів, що знаходиться в разючому контрасті з його власним спокійним життям. Одного разу недільним ранком Джованні отримує терміновий виклик від одного з пацієнтів. Він не може піти зі своїм сином, як обіцяв. Андреа відправляється пірнати з друзями. Але він не повернеться...Сюжет (англ.)
Nanni, a renowned director, is working on a musical when suddenly he has a change of heart and cancels the film on the first shooting day. He has a new idea, making a documentary about the Italian national elections, but work isn't going very fast, much to the frustration of the crew. Nanni can't stop thinking, worrying and getting excited about the birth and early days of life of his newborn son, yet is torn by his sense of obligation to make the documentary.April (1998)
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Nanni, a renowned director, is working on a musical when suddenly he has a change of heart and cancels the film on the first shooting day. He has a new idea, making a documentary about the Italian national elections, but work isn't going very fast, much to the frustration of the crew. Nanni can't stop thinking, worrying and getting excited about the birth and early days of life of his newborn son, yet is torn by his sense of obligation to make the documentary.Сюжет (англ.)
Take a walk into the weird world of filmmaker Raul Ruiz as he takes us to Paris for a twisted ride. A man which shares four names and four personalities (which is the real one?) is the link...Three Lives and Only One Death (1996)
Three Lives and Only One Death
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Take a walk into the weird world of filmmaker Raul Ruiz as he takes us to Paris for a twisted ride. A man which shares four names and four personalities (which is the real one?) is the link...Сюжет (англ.)
The work and obsessions of director Nanni Moretti when the Iranian movie "Close Up" is scheduled to open in the movie theater he owns in Rome. Attention to details and above all a great love for cinema at its best.Прем'ера першого плану (1996)
Opening Day of Close-Up
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The work and obsessions of director Nanni Moretti when the Iranian movie "Close Up" is scheduled to open in the movie theater he owns in Rome. Attention to details and above all a great love for cinema at its best.Сюжет (англ.)
Professor Alberto Sajevo sees a woman walking in downtown Turin and starts following her for days; he finally meets her and they start talking, but they both give fake names. She is not the...The Second Time (1995)
The Second Time
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Professor Alberto Sajevo sees a woman walking in downtown Turin and starts following her for days; he finally meets her and they start talking, but they both give fake names. She is not the...Сюжет (англ.)
Nanni Moretti directs himself playing himself in this wry look at life. Presented in three chapters, Moretti uses the experiences of traveling on his motor-scooter, cruising with his friend...Dear Diary (1993)
Dear Diary
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Nanni Moretti directs himself playing himself in this wry look at life. Presented in three chapters, Moretti uses the experiences of traveling on his motor-scooter, cruising with his friend...Сюжет (англ.)
Antonio Gasset hosts this show in which recently released movies and DVDs are thoughtfully discussed in a documentary-like way.Días de cine (1991—)
Días de cine
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Antonio Gasset hosts this show in which recently released movies and DVDs are thoughtfully discussed in a documentary-like way.Сюжет (англ.)
Cesare Botero (Nanni Moretti) is a young minister well-known to be corrupted and corrupter. He is looking for an appropriate spokesman. He finds the right person in Prof. Luciano Sandulli (Silvio Orlando). Sandulli is a very good and polite person, he is positive and full of hopes, but unluckily his economic position is disastrous. So he immediately accepts the new job. He has to write all the speeches of the minister, and soon became a sort of mentor. In fact his first impact with Rome and his politician world is positive, Sandulli is really convinced the young minister want really change the situation working for the common interest. But step by step, nevertheless his economic and familiar situation gets a lot of benefits by his new job, he enters in a world in which intrigues and corruption are the only laws. The honest Sandulli will react trying to resist to the cynic world of Botero. He will come back to his students.The Yes Man (1991)
The Yes Man
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Cesare Botero (Nanni Moretti) is a young minister well-known to be corrupted and corrupter. He is looking for an appropriate spokesman. He finds the right person in Prof. Luciano Sandulli (Silvio Orlando). Sandulli is a very good and polite person, he is positive and full of hopes, but unluckily his economic position is disastrous. So he immediately accepts the new job. He has to write all the speeches of the minister, and soon became a sort of mentor. In fact his first impact with Rome and his politician world is positive, Sandulli is really convinced the young minister want really change the situation working for the common interest. But step by step, nevertheless his economic and familiar situation gets a lot of benefits by his new job, he enters in a world in which intrigues and corruption are the only laws. The honest Sandulli will react trying to resist to the cynic world of Botero. He will come back to his students.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати