Повертаючись додому з війни, Пол Сатон випадково знайомиться в потязі з прекрасною дівчиною, яка їде додому з навчання. Розговорившись, він дізнаєть, що вона вагітна від одруженого професора з коледжу, і після недовгого роздуму погоджується з'явитися з нею перед її деспотичним батьком як чоловік, щоб хоча б на невеликий час відтягнути момент публічного позбавлення її честі. Все йде добре до Винного свята під час якого вони божевільно закохуються один в одного і вихор почуттів відносить їх в неймовірно чудову країну під назвою «пристрасть».Прогулянка в хмарах (1995)
A Walk in the Clouds
11 серпня 1995 (Світ)
США, Мексика
1 год 42 хв
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Повертаючись додому з війни, Пол Сатон випадково знайомиться в потязі з прекрасною дівчиною, яка їде додому з навчання. Розговорившись, він дізнаєть, що вона вагітна від одруженого професора з коледжу, і після недовгого роздуму погоджується з'явитися з нею перед її деспотичним батьком як чоловік, щоб хоча б на невеликий час відтягнути момент публічного позбавлення її честі. Все йде добре до Винного свята під час якого вони божевільно закохуються один в одного і вихор почуттів відносить їх в неймовірно чудову країну під назвою «пристрасть».
Є українське аудіо
Сюжет (англ.)
America's First Family of Fright awaken after an accidental 22 year nap and must adjust to life in the 1980s.The Munsters Today (1987—1991)
The Munsters Today
Серіал 3 сезони, 73 епізоди
8 жовтня 1988 (Світ)
30 хв
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America's First Family of Fright awaken after an accidental 22 year nap and must adjust to life in the 1980s.Nothing Is Easy (1986—1987)
Nothing Is Easy
Серіал 1 сезон, 19 епізодів
22 вересня 1986 (Світ)
30 хв
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The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not-so-bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures to her. A surprising bond of love and redirection forms among the trio as the police close down on the supposed kidnappers.Savannah Smiles (1982)
Savannah Smiles
актор у ролі Alvie, продюсер, сценарист
9 квітня 1982 (Світ)
1 год 45 хв
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The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not-so-bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures to her. A surprising bond of love and redirection forms among the trio as the police close down on the supposed kidnappers.Сюжет (англ.)
Phillip Drummond, a widowed Manhattan millionaire and president of the mega-firm Trans Allied Inc., adopts two African American orphans from Harlem, 8-year-old Arnold and 12-year-old Willis. Drummond had made a promise to their dying mother, his housekeeper, that he would care for the boys after she passes away; their father had died years earlier. The boys, whom Drummond always introduced as his two sons, went from rags to riches literally overnight. At first, Willis was rather skeptical of their newfound wealth, but eventually, both he and Arnold felt right at home in their newfound surroundings. Also part of the family were Drummond's beautiful daughter, 13-year-old Kimberly; and his no-nonsense housekeeper, Edna Garrett. As the years passed, Mrs. Garrett left to become housemother at the Eastland School for Girls; she was replaced by the cantankerous Adelaide Brubaker and still later, charming Pearl Gallagher. Arnold's friends, Dudley and Robbie (and later, Charlie); Willis' girlfriend, Charlene; cast members from "The Facts of Life"; and Drummond's sister, Sophia, were frequently seen. In early 1984, Drummond found true love, marrying fitness instructor Maggie McKinney; she had a 6-year-old son, Sam. While most series revolved around the typical lessons of growing up, some were quite serious (including a frightening encounter with a child molester and a memorable episode dealing with drug abuse guest starring First Lady Nancy Reagan).Diff'rent Strokes (1978—1986)
Diff'rent Strokes
Серіал 8 сезонів, 189 епізодів
3 листопада 1978 (Світ)
30 хв
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Phillip Drummond, a widowed Manhattan millionaire and president of the mega-firm Trans Allied Inc., adopts two African American orphans from Harlem, 8-year-old Arnold and 12-year-old Willis. Drummond had made a promise to their dying mother, his housekeeper, that he would care for the boys after she passes away; their father had died years earlier. The boys, whom Drummond always introduced as his two sons, went from rags to riches literally overnight. At first, Willis was rather skeptical of their newfound wealth, but eventually, both he and Arnold felt right at home in their newfound surroundings. Also part of the family were Drummond's beautiful daughter, 13-year-old Kimberly; and his no-nonsense housekeeper, Edna Garrett. As the years passed, Mrs. Garrett left to become housemother at the Eastland School for Girls; she was replaced by the cantankerous Adelaide Brubaker and still later, charming Pearl Gallagher. Arnold's friends, Dudley and Robbie (and later, Charlie); Willis' girlfriend, Charlene; cast members from "The Facts of Life"; and Drummond's sister, Sophia, were frequently seen. In early 1984, Drummond found true love, marrying fitness instructor Maggie McKinney; she had a 6-year-old son, Sam. While most series revolved around the typical lessons of growing up, some were quite serious (including a frightening encounter with a child molester and a memorable episode dealing with drug abuse guest starring First Lady Nancy Reagan).Сюжет (англ.)
An undercover policewoman finds herself framed for murder by a crime. Forced to flee for her life, she determines to clear her name and bring the real killers to justice.The Hunted Lady (1977)
The Hunted Lady
актор у ролі Sen. Roger Clements
28 листопада 1977 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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An undercover policewoman finds herself framed for murder by a crime. Forced to flee for her life, she determines to clear her name and bring the real killers to justice.Сюжет (англ.)
When their moonshiner father is killed by a corrupt deputy, two young girls decide to take over his business and get revenge on the men who had him killed.Dixie Dynamite (1976)
Dixie Dynamite
актор у ролі Tom Eldridge
13 травня 1976 (Світ)
1 год 28 хв
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When their moonshiner father is killed by a corrupt deputy, two young girls decide to take over his business and get revenge on the men who had him killed.Сюжет (англ.)
Jason Robards is a man who decides he'd rather be a tree.Mr. Sycamore (1975)
Mr. Sycamore
актор у ролі Rev. Fletcher
12 грудня 1975 (Світ)
1 год 27 хв
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Jason Robards is a man who decides he'd rather be a tree.Сюжет (англ.)
A former secret agent gives up the spy business to become a private investigator with an eye for women and a fast car, in the employ of a beautiful blond attorney who is also a lover.Matt Helm (1975)
Matt Helm
Серіал 1 сезон, 13 епізодів
актор у ролі Brandon
7 травня 1975 (Світ)
60 хв
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A former secret agent gives up the spy business to become a private investigator with an eye for women and a fast car, in the employ of a beautiful blond attorney who is also a lover.Сюжет (англ.)
"The Jeffersons" was perhaps the most-successful spinoff series to "All in the Family." George Jefferson was the black version of Archie Bunker in many respects, both were loud-mouthed, opinionated and set in their bigoted ways. By 1975, Jefferson's fledging dry-cleaning business, Jefferson Cleaners, had successfully grown into a small chain; his newfound wealth led to moving his family to a "deluxe apartment in the sky" in Manhattan. His family included his wife, Louise, a level-headed and open-minded woman who often had to scold George when his mouth got him into trouble; and Lionel, an engineering major at a local college. He especially disliked Tom and Helen Willis, a mixed couple (he was white, she was black) whose daughter, Jenny, was dating and later married Lionel; Florence, his sharp-tongued maid; and Harry Bentley, the esoteric Englishman who lived next door. George often flaunted his wealth and displayed rude, arrogant, bigoted behavior; however, he often found that money didn't open every door or win him favor with everyone. In later years, George and Louise became grandparents (welcoming an adorable little girl, Jessica); and Lionel and Jenny found work he as an electrical engineer, she as a fashion designer. However, Lionel and Jenny's marriage soon began to crumble. Meanwhile, as Jefferson Cleaners continued to expand, George continually had to deal with competing dry-cleaning franchises, who sought to put George out of business. In the final season, George and Tom formed a partnership and purchased Charlie's Bar, their favorite hangout.Джефферсони (1975—1985)
The Jeffersons
Серіал 11 сезон, 253 епізоди
18 січня 1975 (Світ)
30 хв
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"The Jeffersons" was perhaps the most-successful spinoff series to "All in the Family." George Jefferson was the black version of Archie Bunker in many respects, both were loud-mouthed, opinionated and set in their bigoted ways. By 1975, Jefferson's fledging dry-cleaning business, Jefferson Cleaners, had successfully grown into a small chain; his newfound wealth led to moving his family to a "deluxe apartment in the sky" in Manhattan. His family included his wife, Louise, a level-headed and open-minded woman who often had to scold George when his mouth got him into trouble; and Lionel, an engineering major at a local college. He especially disliked Tom and Helen Willis, a mixed couple (he was white, she was black) whose daughter, Jenny, was dating and later married Lionel; Florence, his sharp-tongued maid; and Harry Bentley, the esoteric Englishman who lived next door. George often flaunted his wealth and displayed rude, arrogant, bigoted behavior; however, he often found that money didn't open every door or win him favor with everyone. In later years, George and Louise became grandparents (welcoming an adorable little girl, Jessica); and Lionel and Jenny found work he as an electrical engineer, she as a fashion designer. However, Lionel and Jenny's marriage soon began to crumble. Meanwhile, as Jefferson Cleaners continued to expand, George continually had to deal with competing dry-cleaning franchises, who sought to put George out of business. In the final season, George and Tom formed a partnership and purchased Charlie's Bar, their favorite hangout.Сюжет (англ.)
Harry Orwell is a world-weary private investigator who was forced to leave the San Diego Police Department after a bullet became lodged near his spine. He lives on the beach, and when he's not working on cases he spends his time fixiHarry O (1973—1976)
Harry O
Серіал 2 сезони, 44 епізоди
актор у ролі Cary
12 вересня 1974 (Світ)
60 хв
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Harry Orwell is a world-weary private investigator who was forced to leave the San Diego Police Department after a bullet became lodged near his spine. He lives on the beach, and when he's not working on cases he spends his time fixiСюжет (англ.)
Wade Griffin quits the police force after three decades to become a private eye.Сюжет (англ.)
An attractive young hitchhiker named Ginger meets and and takes up with a lonely, middle-aged advertising executive who is recently divorced. He is inspired by her free-spirited ...Ginger in the Morning (1974)
Ginger in the Morning
сценарист, продюсер, актор у ролі Charlie
2 березня 1973 (Світ)
1 год 30 хв
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An attractive young hitchhiker named Ginger meets and and takes up with a lonely, middle-aged advertising executive who is recently divorced. He is inspired by her free-spirited ...Сюжет (англ.)
The exploits of milk-swilling, geriatric private eye Barnaby Jones.Барнабі Джонс (1973—1980)
Barnaby Jones
Серіал 4 сезони, 61 епізод
актор у ролі Cal Medford
28 січня 1973 (Світ)
60 хв
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The exploits of milk-swilling, geriatric private eye Barnaby Jones.Сюжет
Китай, сорокові роки. Невдалий шахрай Сін замислив крупну справу. Він вступає до банди зарізяк "Сокири", яка намагається встановити панування в тихому кварталі під назвою ""Свинарник"". Чарівний, але незграбний герой стає ланкою в ланцюзі подій, що породжують карколомні поєдинки, захоплюючий екшн, купу смішних ситуацій і масу вражаючих спецефектів..Розбірки в стилі кунг-фу (1972—1975)
Kung Fu
Серіал 3 сезони, 62 епізоди
актор у ролі Horace Mercer
14 жовтня 1972 (Світ)
60 хв
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Китай, сорокові роки. Невдалий шахрай Сін замислив крупну справу. Він вступає до банди зарізяк "Сокири", яка намагається встановити панування в тихому кварталі під назвою ""Свинарник"". Чарівний, але незграбний герой стає ланкою в ланцюзі подій, що породжують карколомні поєдинки, захоплюючий екшн, купу смішних ситуацій і масу вражаючих спецефектів..Сюжет
Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.Вулиці Сан-Франциско (1972—1977)
The Streets of San Francisco
Серіал 5 сезонів, 120 епізодів
актор у ролі Benson
16 вересня 1972 (Світ)
60 хв
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Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression, World War II, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death.Волтони (1971—1981)
The Waltons
Серіал 9 сезонів, 223 епізоди
актор у ролі Ted Hanover
14 вересня 1972 (Світ)
60 хв
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In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression, World War II, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death.Сюжет (англ.)
The crew of Los Angeles County Fire Department Station 51, particularly the paramedic team, and Rampart Hospital respond to emergencies in their operating area.Emergency! (1972—1979)
Серіал 7 сезонів, 132 епізоди
актор у ролі Charles Evans
22 січня 1972 (Світ)
60 хв
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The crew of Los Angeles County Fire Department Station 51, particularly the paramedic team, and Rampart Hospital respond to emergencies in their operating area.Сюжет (англ.)
The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place.Cannon (1971—1976)
Серіал 5 сезонів, 123 епізоди
актор у ролі Arnold Benton
14 вересня 1971 (Світ)
60 хв
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The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place.Сюжет (англ.)
Detective Chad Smith shares his life as a policeman, and as a family man with his wife and three children.The Smith Family (1971—1972)
The Smith Family
Серіал 2 сезони, 39 епізодів
актор у ролі Marty
20 січня 1971 (Світ)
30 хв
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Detective Chad Smith shares his life as a policeman, and as a family man with his wife and three children.Сюжет (англ.)
Trials, tribulations, affairs & heartbreaks of students, faculty & administration of fictitious Bancroft College.Bright Promise (1969—1972)
Bright Promise
Серіал 3 сезони, 321 епізод
актор у ролі Howard Jones
29 вересня 1969 (Світ)
30 хв
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Trials, tribulations, affairs & heartbreaks of students, faculty & administration of fictitious Bancroft College.Сюжет (англ.)
The show is about doctors Marcus Welby, a general practitioner and Steven Kiley, Welby's young assistant. The two try to treat people as individuals in an age of specialized medicine and uncaring doctors.Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969—1976)
Marcus Welby, M.D.
Серіал 7 сезонів, 171 епізод
актор у ролі Martin Loring
23 вересня 1969 (Світ)
60 хв
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The show is about doctors Marcus Welby, a general practitioner and Steven Kiley, Welby's young assistant. The two try to treat people as individuals in an age of specialized medicine and uncaring doctors.Сюжет (англ.)
A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Adam-12 (1968—1975)
Серіал 7 сезонів, 174 епізоди
актор у ролі Tom Dunne aka Tom Dunbar
21 вересня 1968 (Світ)
30 хв
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A realistic police drama following the lives of two officers of the LAPD, veteran Pete Malloy and his rookie partner, Jim Reed. Done in a spare, almost "docudrama" style, each episode covered a variety of incidents that the officers encountered during a shift, from the tragic to the trivial.Сюжет (англ.)
This groundbreaking series had 3 rotating stars, who were featured in independent episodes tied together by a loose common theme; Howard Publications, the publishing empire of Glenn Howard. Episodes featuring Howard focused on his buThe Name of the Game (1968—1971)
The Name of the Game
Серіал 3 сезони, 76 епізодів
актор у ролі Ross Craig
20 вересня 1968 (Світ)
1 год 30 хв
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This groundbreaking series had 3 rotating stars, who were featured in independent episodes tied together by a loose common theme; Howard Publications, the publishing empire of Glenn Howard. Episodes featuring Howard focused on his buСюжет (англ.)
David Vincent, an architect returning home after a hard, hard, day parks his car in an old ghost town in order to rest for a while before continuing on home. Suddenly, in the middle of the ...The Invaders (1967—1968)
The Invaders
Серіал 2 сезони, 43 епізоди
актор у ролі Jack Palay
10 січня 1967 (Світ)
51 хв
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David Vincent, an architect returning home after a hard, hard, day parks his car in an old ghost town in order to rest for a while before continuing on home. Suddenly, in the middle of the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Ann Marie is a struggling actress living in New York City. In between trying to find jobs acting and modeling she has time for her boyfriend, Don Hollinger, and her dad, Lew Marie.That Girl (1966—1971)
That Girl
Серіал 5 сезонів, 137 епізодів
актор у ролі Bob Harrison
8 вересня 1966 (Світ)
30 хв
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Ann Marie is a struggling actress living in New York City. In between trying to find jobs acting and modeling she has time for her boyfriend, Don Hollinger, and her dad, Lew Marie.Сюжет (англ.)
A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Days of Our Lives (1965)
Days of Our Lives
Серіал 0 сезонів, 0 епізодів
актор у ролі J.R. Barnett
8 листопада 1965 (Світ)
60 хв
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A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Сюжет (англ.)
A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Дні нашого життя (1965—)
Days of Our Lives
Серіал 49 сезонів, 4893 епізоди
Поновлений серіал
актор у ролі J.R.
8 листопада 1965 (Світ)
60 хв
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A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.Коментарі:
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Лариса Руснак - Голос Анджеліни Джолі, Кейт Бланшетт, Джулії Робертс / Український дубляж8 березня 2025
Олександр Ігнатуша - Голос Гаррісона Форда, Морґана Фрімена, Ієна Маккеллена / Український дубляж7 березня 2025
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Поки дивився фільм дуже часто ловив себе на думці ...
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Справжня Білосніжка в Німеччині :-) https://www.yo...Білосніжка (2025)
Серіал топчик і набуває зовсім іншого значення в н...Фолаут (2024)
Неочікувано вишукана гра Дейзі Рідлі. Простенький ...Іноді я думаю про смерть (2023)
це москальський сайт. не треба його тут рекламуват...Пункт призначення 4 (2009)
Справжня Білосніжка в Кореї https://www.youtube.co...Білосніжка (2025)
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