Маріо Камерини
Mario Camerini
Дата народження: 6 лютого 1895
Знак зодіаку: Водолій
Дата смерті: 4 лютого 1981 (85 років)
Місце народження: Рим, Лаціо, Італія
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 32
Ролі: режисер ★ 6 (29), сценарист ★ 6.25 (28), продюсер (2), актор (1)
Io non vedo, tu non parli, lui non sente (1971)
Io non vedo, tu non parli, lui non sente
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Il giornalista Paolo Respighi incontra Annie Robson durante un volo. Lei è un'ereditiera che va a Roma dove la attende suo zio. Annie e suo zio devono poi lasciare Roma per recarsi a Beirut...The Almost Perfect Crime (1966)
The Almost Perfect Crime
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Il giornalista Paolo Respighi incontra Annie Robson durante un volo. Lei è un'ereditiera che va a Roma dove la attende suo zio. Annie e suo zio devono poi lasciare Roma per recarsi a Beirut...Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.Seduction Of The South (1961)
Seduction Of The South
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Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.Сюжет (англ.)
A randomly formed group of Italians gets deeply involved in a crime in Montacarlo....And Suddenly It's Murder! (1960)
...And Suddenly It's Murder!
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A randomly formed group of Italians gets deeply involved in a crime in Montacarlo.Сюжет (англ.)
Various sentimental events of a group of young people in Rome.First Love (1959)
First Love
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Various sentimental events of a group of young people in Rome.Сюжет (англ.)
Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.Holiday Island (1957)
Holiday Island
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Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.Сюжет (англ.)
Alberto is a newspaper vendor in Roma fascinated by the local high society. His secret dream is to be part of it or at least socialize with that people he can only watch on the newspapers he sells. When Alberto befriends with an aristocratic older man, 'Il Conte Max', fallen into disgrace, his dreams seem to be realized. In fact Max starts to teach him the right manners and social habit to enter high society world. Through this, unexpectedly, Alberto succeeds to have a relationship with a young baroness! But the more he goes on, the more he starts understanding it is better to stay within is previous world.Count Max (1957)
Count Max
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Alberto is a newspaper vendor in Roma fascinated by the local high society. His secret dream is to be part of it or at least socialize with that people he can only watch on the newspapers he sells. When Alberto befriends with an aristocratic older man, 'Il Conte Max', fallen into disgrace, his dreams seem to be realized. In fact Max starts to teach him the right manners and social habit to enter high society world. Through this, unexpectedly, Alberto succeeds to have a relationship with a young baroness! But the more he goes on, the more he starts understanding it is better to stay within is previous world.Сюжет (англ.)
A Roman nun who was a missionary in Africa for 20 years is sent to a convent near Naples where she grows very fond of a boy whose father has died. The child's mother is about to leave him ...The Awakening (1956)
The Awakening
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A Roman nun who was a missionary in Africa for 20 years is sent to a convent near Naples where she grows very fond of a boy whose father has died. The child's mother is about to leave him ...Сюжет
Драма, номінована на Оскар в 1957 році, розказує про міжнародний конфлікт, небезпечні пригоди, захоплюючі інтриги і трагічну любов на фоні широкомасштабного вторгнення Наполеона до Росії.Війна і мир (1956)
War and Peace
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Драма, номінована на Оскар в 1957 році, розказує про міжнародний конфлікт, небезпечні пригоди, захоплюючі інтриги і трагічну любов на фоні широкомасштабного вторгнення Наполеона до Росії.Сюжет
Чарівна Кармела, дружина мельника Луки, привернула увагу нового губернатора Неаполя. Щоб заманити красуню у своє ліжко, господар міста заарештував її чоловіка, після чого натякнув їй, на яких умовах мельник буде випущений на свободу. Кармела вирушила до чоловіка. Тим часом мельник втік з-під варти, але вдома застав лише губернатора. Запідозривши найгірше, він побіг в будинок губернатора, щоб в помсту збезчестити його дружину...Прекрасна мельничиха (1955)
The Miller's Beautiful Wife
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Чарівна Кармела, дружина мельника Луки, привернула увагу нового губернатора Неаполя. Щоб заманити красуню у своє ліжко, господар міста заарештував її чоловіка, після чого натякнув їй, на яких умовах мельник буде випущений на свободу. Кармела вирушила до чоловіка. Тим часом мельник втік з-під варти, але вдома застав лише губернатора. Запідозривши найгірше, він побіг в будинок губернатора, щоб в помсту збезчестити його дружину...Сюжет
Класична історія Гомера про подвиги й пригоди давньогрецького героя Одісея під час його повернення додому до дружини Пенелопи після Троянської війни.Які тільки випробування не випали на долю Одісея - його намагалися звабити чарівні й збуджені самотні жінки, захопити в полон і порвати на шматки величезні й потворні циклопи, отруїти підступні й нещадні правителі маленьких прибережних середземноморських держав.
Але впертий і безстрашний Одісей невблаганно й непохитно «рвався на Захід», додому, до теплої й вірної своєї дружини Пенелопи...
Пригоди Одіссея (1954)
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Класична історія Гомера про подвиги й пригоди давньогрецького героя Одісея під час його повернення додому до дружини Пенелопи після Троянської війни.Які тільки випробування не випали на долю Одісея - його намагалися звабити чарівні й збуджені самотні жінки, захопити в полон і порвати на шматки величезні й потворні циклопи, отруїти підступні й нещадні правителі маленьких прибережних середземноморських держав.
Але впертий і безстрашний Одісей невблаганно й непохитно «рвався на Захід», додому, до теплої й вірної своєї дружини Пенелопи...
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Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to...Sunday Heroes (1952)
Sunday Heroes
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Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to...Сюжет (англ.)
A poor musician hires a courtesan to pose as his wife so he can "give" her to a wealthy count in return for patronage.Wife for a Night (1952)
Wife for a Night
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A poor musician hires a courtesan to pose as his wife so he can "give" her to a wealthy count in return for patronage.Сюжет (англ.)
After World War 2, a newly married couple travel to Italy on their honeymoon and visit the town where he fought. The town, however, holds some secrets.Honeymoon Deferred (1951)
Honeymoon Deferred
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After World War 2, a newly married couple travel to Italy on their honeymoon and visit the town where he fought. The town, however, holds some secrets.Сюжет (англ.)
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He ...Outlaw Girl (1950)
Outlaw Girl
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Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He ...The Captain's Daughter (1947)
The Captain's Daughter
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After years at the Russion front in WW II, the Italian soldier Bruno returns home. But he receives an anonymous letter warning him that during his absence, his fiancée Gina has begun an ...Two Anonymous Letters (1945)
Two Anonymous Letters
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After years at the Russion front in WW II, the Italian soldier Bruno returns home. But he receives an anonymous letter warning him that during his absence, his fiancée Gina has begun an ...Сюжет (англ.)
Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.T'amerò sempre (1943)
T'amerò sempre
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Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.Сюжет (англ.)
Lumbardy, Italy, seventeenth century. Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her ...The Betrothed (1941)
The Betrothed
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Lumbardy, Italy, seventeenth century. Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her ...Сюжет (англ.)
A story of complex emotions regarding a beautiful young girl torn between her handsome fiancée and a kind wealthy man who both admire her.Walzer einer Nacht (1940)
Walzer einer Nacht
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A story of complex emotions regarding a beautiful young girl torn between her handsome fiancée and a kind wealthy man who both admire her.A Hundred Thousand Dollars (1940)
A Hundred Thousand Dollars
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In a fit of jealousy, store clerk Assia Norris walks out on her boyfriend and heads for a vacation in the Alps, but not before "borrowing" a high-priced ski wardrobe.Department Store (1939)
Department Store
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In a fit of jealousy, store clerk Assia Norris walks out on her boyfriend and heads for a vacation in the Alps, but not before "borrowing" a high-priced ski wardrobe.Сюжет (англ.)
Vittorio De Sica, heir to a large sum of money and owner of a newspaper vending stall, makes enough money out of his business to take a vacation at a fashionable resort. He is given a ...Mister Max (1937)
Mister Max
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Vittorio De Sica, heir to a large sum of money and owner of a newspaper vending stall, makes enough money out of his business to take a vacation at a fashionable resort. He is given a ...Сюжет (англ.)
Based on a Pirandello play, Vittori De Sica plays a wealthy young social lion who has to constantly fight off a horde of women who are eager to marry him because of his position and money. ...But It's Nothing Serious (1937)
But It's Nothing Serious
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Based on a Pirandello play, Vittori De Sica plays a wealthy young social lion who has to constantly fight off a horde of women who are eager to marry him because of his position and money. ...Сюжет (англ.)
A cynical millionaire announces that he intends to disguise himself as a hobo and give a million lire to anyone who treats him nicely. As a result, every bum in Rome is given the royal treatment on the off-chance that they're the millionaire.I'll Give a Million (1935)
I'll Give a Million
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A cynical millionaire announces that he intends to disguise himself as a hobo and give a million lire to anyone who treats him nicely. As a result, every bum in Rome is given the royal treatment on the off-chance that they're the millionaire.Сюжет (англ.)
A woman becomes convinced that her husband is an infamous wife-killer intent on adding her to his list of victims.Сюжет (англ.)
Bruno, a young Milanese driver, falls in love with Mariuccia, dependent on a perfumery. Wanting to impress her, he shows up for their first date, in his employer's car.What Scoundrels Men Are! (1932)
What Scoundrels Men Are!
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Bruno, a young Milanese driver, falls in love with Mariuccia, dependent on a perfumery. Wanting to impress her, he shows up for their first date, in his employer's car.Сюжет (англ.)
A young honeymooning couple are lured away to a seaside resort by a high-society sleazeball, who has plans to seduce the girl, while at the same time her hubby in desperation stakes all his money on the roulette wheels.Rails (1931)
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A young honeymooning couple are lured away to a seaside resort by a high-society sleazeball, who has plans to seduce the girl, while at the same time her hubby in desperation stakes all his money on the roulette wheels.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати