Лоретта Суіт
Loretta Swit
Дата народження: 4 листопада 1937 (87 років)
Знак зодіаку: Скорпіон
Місце народження: Пассаїк, Нью-Джерсі, США
Зріст: 168 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 77
Ролі: актриса
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Examines how sitcoms have evolved to reflect the changing face of American families.Історія сіткому (2021)
History of the Sitcom
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Examines how sitcoms have evolved to reflect the changing face of American families.Сюжет (англ.)
Faced with an indifferent youth group, a new youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) tries to motivate his students to read God's Word and get serious about their faith.Play the Flute (2019)
Play the Flute
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Faced with an indifferent youth group, a new youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) tries to motivate his students to read God's Word and get serious about their faith.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the top stories in entertainment and celebrity news.Celebrity Page (2013—2011)
Celebrity Page
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A look at the top stories in entertainment and celebrity news.Сюжет (англ.)
Show will focus on home improvements, crafts, parenting tips, and lifestyle, health and fitness enhancements.Home & Family (2012—2020)
Home & Family
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Show will focus on home improvements, crafts, parenting tips, and lifestyle, health and fitness enhancements.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about legendary songwriter and 70's icon Paul Williams.Paul Williams: Still Alive (2011)
Paul Williams: Still Alive
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A documentary about legendary songwriter and 70's icon Paul Williams.Сюжет (англ.)
The Real MASH traces the original stories and people that inspired the fictional TV series and feature film about the Korean War.The Real M*A*S*H (2010)
The Real M*A*S*H
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The Real MASH traces the original stories and people that inspired the fictional TV series and feature film about the Korean War.Сюжет (англ.)
Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Звіт з червоної доріжки (2009)
Red Carpet Report
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Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Сюжет (англ.)
A 2002 FOX TV retrospective documentary on the series M*A*S*H that features interviews with writers, producers and past cast members.'M*A*S*H': 30th Anniversary Reunion (2002)
'M*A*S*H': 30th Anniversary Reunion
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A 2002 FOX TV retrospective documentary on the series M*A*S*H that features interviews with writers, producers and past cast members.History vs. Hollywood (2001)
History vs. Hollywood
Сюжет (англ.)
Contestants guess the correctness of celebrities' answers in order to win spaces in a tic-tac-toe game.Hollywood Squares (1998—2004)
Hollywood Squares
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Contestants guess the correctness of celebrities' answers in order to win spaces in a tic-tac-toe game.Сюжет (англ.)
Outrageous late-night talk show with celebrity guests, shocking audience confessions and bizarre internet sites.So Graham Norton (1998—2003)
So Graham Norton
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Outrageous late-night talk show with celebrity guests, shocking audience confessions and bizarre internet sites.Сюжет (англ.)
Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.E! Mysteries & Scandals (1998—2001)
E! Mysteries & Scandals
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Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.Сюжет
Му та Ципа. Велика корова та моторна курка. Вони завжди на бігу. Зустрічай з-під землі та нагорі. Ця пара не дає спокою ані собі, ані тобі, ані друзям. Му та Ципа - це ураган. Розкрутять. Дістануть. Підкорять. Та розсмішать. Справи поділяють на двох, а веселощі вистачає на усіх.Му та Ципа (1995—1999)
Cow and Chicken
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Му та Ципа. Велика корова та моторна курка. Вони завжди на бігу. Зустрічай з-під землі та нагорі. Ця пара не дає спокою ані собі, ані тобі, ані друзям. Му та Ципа - це ураган. Розкрутять. Дістануть. Підкорять. Та розсмішать. Справи поділяють на двох, а веселощі вистачає на усіх.Сюжет
Пригодницький казковий фільм, в якому юним борцям за чистоту навколишньої природи допомагає в їх боротьбі дух знаменитого лісового мисливця - Джон МакКенна, слідопит і страж нетрів лісу і всіх його мешканців.Він захищає повний чудес ліс від непрошених гостей, знає багато легенд, які таїть загадковий ліс. Врятувати ліс для інших поколінь, і є завдання Джона та його молодих помічників.
Лісовий воїн (1996)
Forest Warrior
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Пригодницький казковий фільм, в якому юним борцям за чистоту навколишньої природи допомагає в їх боротьбі дух знаменитого лісового мисливця - Джон МакКенна, слідопит і страж нетрів лісу і всіх його мешканців.Він захищає повний чудес ліс від непрошених гостей, знає багато легенд, які таїть загадковий ліс. Врятувати ліс для інших поколінь, і є завдання Джона та його молодих помічників.
Сюжет (англ.)
This brief revival of the 1960s cop thriller continued the adventures of Amos Burke, a senior Los Angeles police officer and millionaire. By now, Burke was a widower with a son, Peter, who was a detective under his command. The re...Burke's Law (1994—1995)
Burke's Law
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This brief revival of the 1960s cop thriller continued the adventures of Amos Burke, a senior Los Angeles police officer and millionaire. By now, Burke was a widower with a son, Peter, who was a detective under his command. The re...Сюжет (англ.)
Find out more about the women you love and admire who have made their mark in movies, music, politics, sports, and more in these "Intimate Portraits."Intimate Portrait (1990—2005)
Intimate Portrait
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Find out more about the women you love and admire who have made their mark in movies, music, politics, sports, and more in these "Intimate Portraits."Сюжет (англ.)
Dr. Mark Sloan is a doctor at Community General Hospital, and he is a consultant for the police department. His son Steve Sloan is a detective for the department. He and his father, along with emergency room resident Dr. Jesse Travis and Dr. Amanda Bentley, who is the pathologist at the hospital help to solve some very strange murder cases in Diagnosis Murder.Diagnosis Murder (1993—2001)
Diagnosis Murder
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Dr. Mark Sloan is a doctor at Community General Hospital, and he is a consultant for the police department. His son Steve Sloan is a detective for the department. He and his father, along with emergency room resident Dr. Jesse Travis and Dr. Amanda Bentley, who is the pathologist at the hospital help to solve some very strange murder cases in Diagnosis Murder.Сюжет (англ.)
The film tells why a girl was killed by two of her best friends.A Killer Among Friends (1992)
A Killer Among Friends
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The film tells why a girl was killed by two of her best friends.Сюжет
5 вересня 1992 Бет-всесвіт було заново відроджено: на американських телеекранах відбулася прем'єра нового мультсеріалу про Бетмена, відомого також як BTAS. Створений мультиплікаторами з кінокомпанії "Ворнер Бразерс" на хвилі популярності фільмів Тіма Бертона, серіал являв собою виключно вдалий синтез кращих сюжетних мотивів і стилістичних рішень багаторічної коміксової і кінематографічної "бетменіани"; навіть найвибагливіші фани відчували, що на цей раз все зроблено "так, як треба ". BTAS завоював таку популярність, що вплинув на поточну послідовність історій DC, подарувавши їй нових персонажів і змінивши імідж багатьох вже наявних.Бетмен: Мультсеріал (1992—1995)
Batman: The Animated Series
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5 вересня 1992 Бет-всесвіт було заново відроджено: на американських телеекранах відбулася прем'єра нового мультсеріалу про Бетмена, відомого також як BTAS. Створений мультиплікаторами з кінокомпанії "Ворнер Бразерс" на хвилі популярності фільмів Тіма Бертона, серіал являв собою виключно вдалий синтез кращих сюжетних мотивів і стилістичних рішень багаторічної коміксової і кінематографічної "бетменіани"; навіть найвибагливіші фани відчували, що на цей раз все зроблено "так, як треба ". BTAS завоював таку популярність, що вплинув на поточну послідовність історій DC, подарувавши їй нових персонажів і змінивши імідж багатьох вже наявних.Сюжет (англ.)
A woman is simultaneously framed for the murder of her husband and terrorized by the deranged woman who actually killed him.Hell Hath No Fury (1991)
Hell Hath No Fury
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A woman is simultaneously framed for the murder of her husband and terrorized by the deranged woman who actually killed him.Сюжет (англ.)
Danny is hopelessly in love with his teacher Peggy Noble. Of course she doesn't even notice him while she plans to marry the obnoxious coach Roy "Jack-jaw" Kelton. When Danny's friend Lloyd...14 Going on 30 (1988)
14 Going on 30
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Danny is hopelessly in love with his teacher Peggy Noble. Of course she doesn't even notice him while she plans to marry the obnoxious coach Roy "Jack-jaw" Kelton. When Danny's friend Lloyd...Сюжет (англ.)
Dolly Parton's second short-lived variety series.Сюжет (англ.)
Syndicated show which debuted in the USA in September 1987, and ran until 1989. Two teams of three men and three women competed, one person from a team was given the name of a famous person and had to communicate the name to the r...Win, Lose or Draw (1987)
Win, Lose or Draw
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Syndicated show which debuted in the USA in September 1987, and ran until 1989. Two teams of three men and three women competed, one person from a team was given the name of a famous person and had to communicate the name to the r...Сюжет (англ.)
First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Біографія (1987—)
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First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Сюжет (англ.)
The true story of treasure hunter Mel Fisher, who spent much of his life--and his fortune--hunting for sunken Spanish treasure galleons off the coast of Florida.Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story (1986)
Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story
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The true story of treasure hunter Mel Fisher, who spent much of his life--and his fortune--hunting for sunken Spanish treasure galleons off the coast of Florida.Сюжет (англ.)
A small British colony is invaded by its Communist neighbour. Newly elected female President of the United States, Barbara Adams, tried to sort out the mess but the British under the leader of PM Sir Mortimer Chris sends in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, General Mosquera, leader of the Communist country, hires the best terrorist in the world, Lacrobat, to kidnap the British princess Wendy to hold her to ransom to get the British out. So now Barbara has not only got to deal with Mosquera and Lacrobat, she has also to deal with Sir Mortimer, who totally goes mad and thinks up really stupid ideas (such as pushing the unemployed over a cliff and that the entire employment problem is caused by evil pixies.) but also with the fact that Russia is looking to aid the Communist country and this could start World War III...Whoops Apocalypse (1988)
Whoops Apocalypse
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A small British colony is invaded by its Communist neighbour. Newly elected female President of the United States, Barbara Adams, tried to sort out the mess but the British under the leader of PM Sir Mortimer Chris sends in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, General Mosquera, leader of the Communist country, hires the best terrorist in the world, Lacrobat, to kidnap the British princess Wendy to hold her to ransom to get the British out. So now Barbara has not only got to deal with Mosquera and Lacrobat, she has also to deal with Sir Mortimer, who totally goes mad and thinks up really stupid ideas (such as pushing the unemployed over a cliff and that the entire employment problem is caused by evil pixies.) but also with the fact that Russia is looking to aid the Communist country and this could start World War III...Сюжет (англ.)
A French Catholic boarding school allows three Jewish children to take refuge at Christmas during the Nazi occupation.Miracle at Moreaux (1985)
Miracle at Moreaux
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A French Catholic boarding school allows three Jewish children to take refuge at Christmas during the Nazi occupation.Сюжет (англ.)
Desperate to keep an account from a financially-ailing brewery, an advertising firm concocts a macho ad campaign centered on three losers who inadvertently prevent a robbery at a bar.Сюжет (англ.)
The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a ...The Execution (1985)
The Execution
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The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати