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Loading dock worker Arnie's work and family life get turned upside-down when he suddenly gets promoted to a high-level management position.Сюжет (англ.)
In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a ...Сюжет (англ.)
Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.Сюжет (англ.)
A bored housewife poses as a call girl for a movie star sex-symbol, hoping she can prove to her husband, the star's agent, that she is still desirable to other men and thereby, rekindle the spark in their marriage.The Secret Life of an American Wife (1968)
The Secret Life of an American Wife
25 червня 1968 (Світ)
1 год 32 хв
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A bored housewife poses as a call girl for a movie star sex-symbol, hoping she can prove to her husband, the star's agent, that she is still desirable to other men and thereby, rekindle the spark in their marriage.Сюжет
Другий фільм епопеї про розумних мавп, правлячих Землею після ядерної катастрофи. Астронавта посилають до Нью-Йорка знайти його колегу, який, як вважається, загубився серед зруйнованого ядерним вибухом міста. Мавпи ведуть війну з людьми-мутантами, що залишилися в живих після трагедії.Планета Мавп (1968)
Planet of the Apes
7 лютого 1968 (Світ)
1 год 52 хв
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Другий фільм епопеї про розумних мавп, правлячих Землею після ядерної катастрофи. Астронавта посилають до Нью-Йорка знайти його колегу, який, як вважається, загубився серед зруйнованого ядерним вибухом міста. Мавпи ведуть війну з людьми-мутантами, що залишилися в живих після трагедії.
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There is an on-going battle of industrial espionage between rival cosmetics companies, Femina, owned by Sir Jason Fox, and May Fortune, owned by Matthew Cutter. Caught in the middle between the two are among others top industrial designer Patricia Foster, who officially is on May Fortune's payroll after being fired by Femina, and Christopher White, a suave Brit who also is officially on May Fortune's payroll as Cutter's right hand man. On the surface, Patricia is still working for Femina trying to steal the new top secret formula for a water repellent hairspray developed by Dr. Stuart Clancy for May Fortune, that hairspray which would make all other hairsprays obsolete, while Christopher secretly tries to stop her. Below the surface, it is not clear whether either Patricia or Christopher truly are working for May Fortune, Femina or someone else. But as they progress through these on the surface missions, their true missions are eventually revealed as are their true allegiances, which place both Patricia and Christopher in mortal danger with regard to a recent story of an Interpol agent being killed in the Swiss Alps.Caprice (1967)
кінематографіст, актор у ролі Extra
18 квітня 1967 (Світ)
1 год 38 хв
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There is an on-going battle of industrial espionage between rival cosmetics companies, Femina, owned by Sir Jason Fox, and May Fortune, owned by Matthew Cutter. Caught in the middle between the two are among others top industrial designer Patricia Foster, who officially is on May Fortune's payroll after being fired by Femina, and Christopher White, a suave Brit who also is officially on May Fortune's payroll as Cutter's right hand man. On the surface, Patricia is still working for Femina trying to steal the new top secret formula for a water repellent hairspray developed by Dr. Stuart Clancy for May Fortune, that hairspray which would make all other hairsprays obsolete, while Christopher secretly tries to stop her. Below the surface, it is not clear whether either Patricia or Christopher truly are working for May Fortune, Femina or someone else. But as they progress through these on the surface missions, their true missions are eventually revealed as are their true allegiances, which place both Patricia and Christopher in mortal danger with regard to a recent story of an Interpol agent being killed in the Swiss Alps.Сюжет (англ.)
Jennifer Nelson and Bruce Templeton meet when Bruce reels in her mermaid suit leaving Jennifer bottomless in the waters off Catalina Island. She later discovers that Bruce is the big boss at her work (a research lab). Bruce hires Jennifer to be his biographer - only to try and win her affections. However, there's a problem. Bruce's friend General Wallace Bleeker believes that Jennifer is a Russian spy, and he has her placed under surveillance. Then, when Jennifer catches on...Watch Out!The Glass Bottom Boat (1966)
The Glass Bottom Boat
9 червня 1966 (Світ)
1 год 50 хв
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Jennifer Nelson and Bruce Templeton meet when Bruce reels in her mermaid suit leaving Jennifer bottomless in the waters off Catalina Island. She later discovers that Bruce is the big boss at her work (a research lab). Bruce hires Jennifer to be his biographer - only to try and win her affections. However, there's a problem. Bruce's friend General Wallace Bleeker believes that Jennifer is a Russian spy, and he has her placed under surveillance. Then, when Jennifer catches on...Watch Out!Сюжет (англ.)
When American couple Janet (Doris Day) and Mike (Rod Taylor) move to England for his business, she soon fears he's having an affair with his attractive secretary and decides to get back at him by pretending she has been unfaithful.Do Not Disturb (1965)
Do Not Disturb
22 грудня 1965 (Світ)
1 год 42 хв
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When American couple Janet (Doris Day) and Mike (Rod Taylor) move to England for his business, she soon fears he's having an affair with his attractive secretary and decides to get back at him by pretending she has been unfaithful.Сюжет (англ.)
Charlton Heston stars as Renaissance artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), who begrudgingly paints the Sistine Chapel for imperious Pope Julius II in this epic adaptation of Irvine Stone's novel directed by Carol Reed. While the novel covers Michelangelo's life from birth to death, the film focuses on the battle of wills between the perfectionist artist and the impatient Pope who commissions (and eventually commands) him to paint the famed chapel.The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
The Agony and the Ecstasy
16 вересня 1965 (Світ)
США, Італія
2 год 18 хв
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Charlton Heston stars as Renaissance artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), who begrudgingly paints the Sistine Chapel for imperious Pope Julius II in this epic adaptation of Irvine Stone's novel directed by Carol Reed. While the novel covers Michelangelo's life from birth to death, the film focuses on the battle of wills between the perfectionist artist and the impatient Pope who commissions (and eventually commands) him to paint the famed chapel.Сюжет (англ.)
A former Notre Dame football star crash lands over a mythical Arabian country while on spy mission to the USSR. He is then forced by the football-obsessed king of that country to coach their football team .John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! (1965)
John Goldfarb, Please Come Home!
24 березня 1965 (Світ)
1 год 36 хв
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A former Notre Dame football star crash lands over a mythical Arabian country while on spy mission to the USSR. He is then forced by the football-obsessed king of that country to coach their football team .Сюжет (англ.)
A four-time widow discusses her four marriages, in which all of her husbands became incredibly rich and died prematurely because of their drive to be rich.What a Way to Go! (1964)
What a Way to Go!
12 жовтня 1964 (Світ)
1 год 51 хв
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A four-time widow discusses her four marriages, in which all of her husbands became incredibly rich and died prematurely because of their drive to be rich.Сюжет
1939 рік, Рим. Приймаючи кардинальський сан, Стівен Фермойл (Том Трайон) згадує основні етапи свого життя. У 1917 році в Римі він був посвячений у священики своїм другом і покровителем кардиналом Кваренгі. Він повертається до рідного Бостона, де його батько працює автобусним кондуктором, на підмогу місцевому священикові з маленьким парафією. Сестра Стівена Мона хоче вийти заміж за молодого єврея; той обіцяє прийняти католицтво, але відмовляється від цього наміру, зіткнувшись з обмеженістю мислення майбутніх родичів. Весілля зривається, і Мона впадає у відчай...Кардинал (1963)
The Cardinal
12 грудня 1963 (Світ)
2 год 55 хв
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1939 рік, Рим. Приймаючи кардинальський сан, Стівен Фермойл (Том Трайон) згадує основні етапи свого життя. У 1917 році в Римі він був посвячений у священики своїм другом і покровителем кардиналом Кваренгі. Він повертається до рідного Бостона, де його батько працює автобусним кондуктором, на підмогу місцевому священикові з маленьким парафією. Сестра Стівена Мона хоче вийти заміж за молодого єврея; той обіцяє прийняти католицтво, але відмовляється від цього наміру, зіткнувшись з обмеженістю мислення майбутніх родичів. Весілля зривається, і Мона впадає у відчай...Сюжет
Кінематографічна поема, присвячена прекрасній Клеопатрі, знаменитій цариці Єгипту, жінці, яка готова на все заради збереження величі свого народу. Події фільму розгортаються в першому столітті до нашої ери в Стародавньому Римі і Єгипті. Будучи вигнаною з палацу своїм ревнивим братом, Клеопатра відновлює свій титул за допомогою Римського імператора Юлія Цезаря. Одержима ідеєю об'єднання Єгипту і Риму в одну велику імперію, вона спокушає Цезаря і чекає від нього дитину. Коли його вбивають, Клеопатра наближає до себе генерала Марка Антонія. Вона легко знаходить в ньому вірного союзника. Фактично все готово до створення небаченої досі імперії, коли наступник Цезаря, Октавіан, оголошує їм обом війну...Клеопатра (1963)
12 червня 1963 (Світ)
США, Велика Британія, Швейцарія
3 год 12 хв
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Кінематографічна поема, присвячена прекрасній Клеопатрі, знаменитій цариці Єгипту, жінці, яка готова на все заради збереження величі свого народу. Події фільму розгортаються в першому столітті до нашої ери в Стародавньому Римі і Єгипті. Будучи вигнаною з палацу своїм ревнивим братом, Клеопатра відновлює свій титул за допомогою Римського імператора Юлія Цезаря. Одержима ідеєю об'єднання Єгипту і Риму в одну велику імперію, вона спокушає Цезаря і чекає від нього дитину. Коли його вбивають, Клеопатра наближає до себе генерала Марка Антонія. Вона легко знаходить в ньому вірного союзника. Фактично все готово до створення небаченої досі імперії, коли наступник Цезаря, Октавіан, оголошує їм обом війну...
Є українське аудіо
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A Psychiatrist and his life with a patient he helped to recover.Tender Is the Night (1962)
Tender Is the Night
19 січня 1962 (Світ)
2 год 22 хв
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A Psychiatrist and his life with a patient he helped to recover.Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the classic fairy tale, Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe (the Three Stooges) substitute for the Seven Dwarfs while the princess Snow White (Olympic figure skating champion Carol Heiss) is forced to flee from her jealous stepmother, the queen (Patricia Medina), who takes drastic steps to insure that Snow White never gains the throne.Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
Snow White and the Three Stooges
24 грудня 1961 (Світ)
1 год 47 хв
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Based on the classic fairy tale, Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe (the Three Stooges) substitute for the Seven Dwarfs while the princess Snow White (Olympic figure skating champion Carol Heiss) is forced to flee from her jealous stepmother, the queen (Patricia Medina), who takes drastic steps to insure that Snow White never gains the throne.Сюжет (англ.)
Sam and George strike gold in Alaska. George sends Sam to Seattle to bring George's fiancé back to Alaska. Sam finds she is already married, and returns instead with Angel. Sam, after trying to get George and Angel together, finally romances Angel, who, in the meantime, is busy fighting off the advances of George's younger brother, Billy.North to Alaska (1960)
North to Alaska
7 листопада 1960 (Світ)
2 год 2 хв
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Sam and George strike gold in Alaska. George sends Sam to Seattle to bring George's fiancé back to Alaska. Sam finds she is already married, and returns instead with Angel. Sam, after trying to get George and Angel together, finally romances Angel, who, in the meantime, is busy fighting off the advances of George's younger brother, Billy.Сюжет (англ.)
Gus Brubaker has been drafted... again. Due to a clerical error, Gus finds himself deployed to a little Japanese island where everyone is bored to death. So Gus decided to build a hotel and hire locals to run the place.Wake Me When It's Over (1960)
Wake Me When It's Over
10 червня 1960 (Світ)
2 год 6 хв
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Gus Brubaker has been drafted... again. Due to a clerical error, Gus finds himself deployed to a little Japanese island where everyone is bored to death. So Gus decided to build a hotel and hire locals to run the place.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1936, the witty columnist Sheilah Graham leaves her noble British fiancé and travels in the Queen Mary from Southampton, England, to New York. She seeks out the editor of the North American Newspaper Alliance, John Wheeler, offering her services but he sends her to the Daily Mirror. Sheilah becomes successful and John offers a job in Hollywood to write a gossip column about the stars. When Sheilah meets the decadent writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, they immediately fall in love. Sheilah discovers that Scott accepts any job to financially support his wife Zelda that is in asylum, and his daughter at a boarding school. She opens her heart to him and tells the truth about her origins; but their relationship is affected by his drinking problem.Beloved Infidel (1959)
Beloved Infidel
17 листопада 1959 (Світ)
2 год 3 хв
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In 1936, the witty columnist Sheilah Graham leaves her noble British fiancé and travels in the Queen Mary from Southampton, England, to New York. She seeks out the editor of the North American Newspaper Alliance, John Wheeler, offering her services but he sends her to the Daily Mirror. Sheilah becomes successful and John offers a job in Hollywood to write a gossip column about the stars. When Sheilah meets the decadent writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, they immediately fall in love. Sheilah discovers that Scott accepts any job to financially support his wife Zelda that is in asylum, and his daughter at a boarding school. She opens her heart to him and tells the truth about her origins; but their relationship is affected by his drinking problem.Сюжет
1950, в маленькому німецькому місті професор старшої школи Емануель Рат закохується в молоду танцівницю кабаре, цей вибір приводить до драматичної розв'язкиБлакитний янгол (1959)
The Blue Angel
4 вересня 1959 (Світ)
1 год 47 хв
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1950, в маленькому німецькому місті професор старшої школи Емануель Рат закохується в молоду танцівницю кабаре, цей вибір приводить до драматичної розв'язкиСюжет (англ.)
In this legendary Gershwin opera set among the black residents of a fishing village in 1912 South Carolina, Bess - a woman with a disreputable history - tries to break free from her brutish lover Crown after he becomes wanted for murder. The only person willing to overlook her past and offer her shelter is the crippled Porgy. Their relationship is threatened by the disapproval of the townspeople, the presence of her old drug supplier Sportin' Life - and the threatened return of Crown.Поргі та Бесс (1959)
Porgy and Bess
24 червня 1959 (Світ)
2 год 18 хв
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In this legendary Gershwin opera set among the black residents of a fishing village in 1912 South Carolina, Bess - a woman with a disreputable history - tries to break free from her brutish lover Crown after he becomes wanted for murder. The only person willing to overlook her past and offer her shelter is the crippled Porgy. Their relationship is threatened by the disapproval of the townspeople, the presence of her old drug supplier Sportin' Life - and the threatened return of Crown.Сюжет (англ.)
Harry Bannerman, a Connecticut suburbanite who becomes involved in various shenanigans with his wife Grace Oglethorpe, leads a protest movement against a secret army plan to set up a missile base in their community.Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! (1958)
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys!
23 грудня 1958 (Світ)
1 год 46 хв
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Harry Bannerman, a Connecticut suburbanite who becomes involved in various shenanigans with his wife Grace Oglethorpe, leads a protest movement against a secret army plan to set up a missile base in their community.Сюжет (англ.)
Jim Douglas has been relentlessly pursuing the four outlaws who murdered his wife, but finds them in jail about to be hanged. While he waits to witness their execution, they escape; and the townspeople enlist Douglas' aid to recapture them.The Bravados (1958)
The Bravados
25 червня 1958 (Світ)
1 год 38 хв
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Jim Douglas has been relentlessly pursuing the four outlaws who murdered his wife, but finds them in jail about to be hanged. While he waits to witness their execution, they escape; and the townspeople enlist Douglas' aid to recapture them.Сюжет (англ.)
Can a girl from Little Rock find happiness with a mature French planter she got to know one enchanted evening away from the military hospital where she is a nurse? Or should she just wash that man out of her hair? Bloody Mary is the philosopher of the island and it's hard to believe she could be the mother of Liat who has captured the heart of Lt. Joseph Cable USMC. While waiting for action in the war in the South Pacific, sailors and nurses put on a musical comedy show. The war gets closer and the saga of Nellie Forbush and Emile de Becque becomes serious drama.South Pacific (1958)
South Pacific
18 березня 1958 (Світ)
2 год 37 хв
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Can a girl from Little Rock find happiness with a mature French planter she got to know one enchanted evening away from the military hospital where she is a nurse? Or should she just wash that man out of her hair? Bloody Mary is the philosopher of the island and it's hard to believe she could be the mother of Liat who has captured the heart of Lt. Joseph Cable USMC. While waiting for action in the war in the South Pacific, sailors and nurses put on a musical comedy show. The war gets closer and the saga of Nellie Forbush and Emile de Becque becomes serious drama.Сюжет (англ.)
The mysterious man hanging about at the research department of a big TV network proves to be engineer Richard Sumner, who's been ordered to keep his real purpose secret: computerizing the office. Department head Bunny Watson, who knows everything, needs no computer to unmask Richard. The resulting battle of wits and witty dialogue pits Bunny's fear of losing her job against her dawning attraction to Richard.Desk Set (1957)
Desk Set
2 серпня 1957 (Світ)
1 год 43 хв
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The mysterious man hanging about at the research department of a big TV network proves to be engineer Richard Sumner, who's been ordered to keep his real purpose secret: computerizing the office. Department head Bunny Watson, who knows everything, needs no computer to unmask Richard. The resulting battle of wits and witty dialogue pits Bunny's fear of losing her job against her dawning attraction to Richard.Сюжет
A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent? And what is going to happen when the two fall in love?The Girl Can't Help It (1956)
The Girl Can't Help It
1 грудня 1956 (Світ)
1 год 38 хв
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A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent? And what is going to happen when the two fall in love?Сюжет (англ.)
Ray Henderson joins Buddy De Sylva and Lew Brown to form a successful 1920s musical show writing team. They soon have several hits on Broadway but De Sylva's personal ambition leads to ...The Best Things in Life Are Free (1956)
The Best Things in Life Are Free
28 вересня 1956 (Світ)
1 год 44 хв
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Ray Henderson joins Buddy De Sylva and Lew Brown to form a successful 1920s musical show writing team. They soon have several hits on Broadway but De Sylva's personal ambition leads to ...Сюжет (англ.)
Mrs. Anna Leonowens and her son Louis arrive in Bangkok, where she has contracted to teach English to the children of the royal household. She threatens to leave when the house she had been promised is not available, but falls in love with the children. A new slave, a gift of a vassal king, translates "Uncle Tom's Cabin" into a Siamese ballet, expressing her unhappiness at being with the King. She attempts to escape with her lover. Anna and the King fall in love, but her British upbringing inhibits her from joining his harem. She is just about to leave Siam when she hears of the King's imminent death, and returns to help his son, her favorite pupil, rule his people.Король і Я (1956)
The King and I
29 червня 1956 (Світ)
2 год 13 хв
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Mrs. Anna Leonowens and her son Louis arrive in Bangkok, where she has contracted to teach English to the children of the royal household. She threatens to leave when the house she had been promised is not available, but falls in love with the children. A new slave, a gift of a vassal king, translates "Uncle Tom's Cabin" into a Siamese ballet, expressing her unhappiness at being with the King. She attempts to escape with her lover. Anna and the King fall in love, but her British upbringing inhibits her from joining his harem. She is just about to leave Siam when she hears of the King's imminent death, and returns to help his son, her favorite pupil, rule his people.Сюжет (англ.)
Miss Dove is a strict disciplinary, plus a well respected teacher, who has inspired her students to individual greatness. One day during class, Miss Dove experiences great pain in her back,...Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955)
Good Morning, Miss Dove
23 листопада 1955 (Світ)
1 год 47 хв
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Miss Dove is a strict disciplinary, plus a well respected teacher, who has inspired her students to individual greatness. One day during class, Miss Dove experiences great pain in her back,...Сюжет (англ.)
Newsman Mark Elliott is an American war correspondent in Hong Kong, separated from his wife. During the closing days of the Chinese Civil War, he meets and pursues a beautiful Eurasian doctor, the widow of a Nationalist general. But when they begin to fall in love, their friends and her Chinese family pressure them to stop the cross-cultural relationship.Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing
18 серпня 1955 (Світ)
1 год 42 хв
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Newsman Mark Elliott is an American war correspondent in Hong Kong, separated from his wife. During the closing days of the Chinese Civil War, he meets and pursues a beautiful Eurasian doctor, the widow of a Nationalist general. But when they begin to fall in love, their friends and her Chinese family pressure them to stop the cross-cultural relationship.Сюжет (англ.)
Wealthy American Jervis Pendleton III (Fred Astaire) has a chance encounter at a French orphanage with a cheerful 18-year-old resident, Julie Andre (Leslie Caron). He anonymously pays for her education at a New England college. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor regularly, but he never writes back. Her nickname for him, "Daddy Long Legs", is taken from the description of him given to Andre by some of her fellow orphans who see his shadow as he leaves their building. Several years later, he visits her at school, still concealing his identity. Despite their large age difference, they soon fall in love.Daddy Long Legs (1955)
Daddy Long Legs
5 травня 1955 (Світ)
2 год 6 хв
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Wealthy American Jervis Pendleton III (Fred Astaire) has a chance encounter at a French orphanage with a cheerful 18-year-old resident, Julie Andre (Leslie Caron). He anonymously pays for her education at a New England college. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor regularly, but he never writes back. Her nickname for him, "Daddy Long Legs", is taken from the description of him given to Andre by some of her fellow orphans who see his shadow as he leaves their building. Several years later, he visits her at school, still concealing his identity. Despite their large age difference, they soon fall in love.Коментарі:
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Лариса Руснак - Голос Анджеліни Джолі, Кейт Бланшетт, Джулії Робертс / Український дубляж8 березня 2025
Олександр Ігнатуша - Голос Гаррісона Форда, Морґана Фрімена, Ієна Маккеллена / Український дубляж7 березня 2025
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Допоможіть дізнатися назву кіно по сюжету23 березня 2025, 13:50
"Стежу за серіалами"18 березня 2025, 18:05
Позначки повторного перегляду, оцінка сезонів серіялів, останні переглянуті серіяли та виставлення оцінок.10 березня 2025, 13:55
Зняти з пошуку акторів-продюсерів.8 березня 2025, 8:38
ДФ т ХФ про українських дисидентів7 березня 2025, 2:17
Номінанти Золотий Глобус/Оскар 202517 лютого 2025, 10:41
Останні коментарі до фільмів
Серіал топчик і набуває зовсім іншого значення в н...
Фолаут (2024)
Неочікувано вишукана гра Дейзі Рідлі. Простенький ...Іноді я думаю про смерть (2023)
це москальський сайт. не треба його тут рекламуват...Пункт призначення 4 (2009)
Справжня Білосніжка в Кореї https://www.youtube.co...Білосніжка (2025)
Файний фільм, от тільки як на мене - трохи затягну...Носферату (2024)
Ще краще за попередню частину!...Нікчемний Я 2 (2013)
Прикольний мультфільм)...Ґарфілд (2004)
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