Kyôko Kagawa
Дата народження: 5 грудня 1931 (93 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Стрілець
Місце народження: Ібаракі, Японія
Зріст: 162 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 47
Ролі: актриса
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Karen Imamiya is a detective who deals with fraud and scam cases. She arrests Hayato Kaji, who is involved in a voice phishing case. Karen and her colleagues do not know who is at the top ...Swindle Detective (2019)
Swindle Detective
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Karen Imamiya is a detective who deals with fraud and scam cases. She arrests Hayato Kaji, who is involved in a voice phishing case. Karen and her colleagues do not know who is at the top ...Сюжет (англ.)
Jacky is the young heir to a construction company in Taiwan. His father sends him to Kyoto to oversee the renovation of a hotel they bought. Jacky is going in hopes to get back his ...Omotenashi (2018)
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Jacky is the young heir to a construction company in Taiwan. His father sends him to Kyoto to oversee the renovation of a hotel they bought. Jacky is going in hopes to get back his ...Tenshi no Iru Toshokan (2017)
Tenshi no Iru Toshokan
Повнометражний документальний фільм про життя та фільми легендарного актора Тошіро Міфуне. У фільмі поєднані відеокліпи, архівні кадри та інтерв'ю з такими корифеями, як Стівен Спілберґ і Мартін Скорсезе. Оповідач Кіану Рівз.Міфуне. Останній самурай (2015)
Mifune: The Last Samurai
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Повнометражний документальний фільм про життя та фільми легендарного актора Тошіро Міфуне. У фільмі поєднані відеокліпи, архівні кадри та інтерв'ю з такими корифеями, як Стівен Спілберґ і Мартін Скорсезе. Оповідач Кіану Рівз.Сюжет (англ.)
Film critic and historian 'Mark Cousins' uses film clips, interviews with filmmakers, and illustrative footage of locations around the world to take viewers through film and filmmaking history, from the late 19th century to today, with a particular emphasis on world cinema.The Story of Film: An Odyssey (2011)
The Story of Film: An Odyssey
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Film critic and historian 'Mark Cousins' uses film clips, interviews with filmmakers, and illustrative footage of locations around the world to take viewers through film and filmmaking history, from the late 19th century to today, with a particular emphasis on world cinema.Сюжет (англ.)
A movie examining a young boy's first encounter with true fear in his endless pursuit of courage.Сюжет (англ.)
A salary man debates selling his grandfather's land to pay off his father's debt.Tokyo Rendezvous (2008)
Tokyo Rendezvous
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A salary man debates selling his grandfather's land to pay off his father's debt.Сюжет (англ.)
Set during Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), "Bluestockings" tells the tale story of a love triangle between wealthy businessman Yuichiro (Etsushi Toyokawa), his wife Akiko (Kyoko Hasegawa), and Kiyoko (Yoshino Kimura).Bluestockings (2005)
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Set during Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), "Bluestockings" tells the tale story of a love triangle between wealthy businessman Yuichiro (Etsushi Toyokawa), his wife Akiko (Kyoko Hasegawa), and Kiyoko (Yoshino Kimura).Сюжет (англ.)
An urban Japanese couple decide to move to the country.Letter from the Mountain (2002)
Letter from the Mountain
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An urban Japanese couple decide to move to the country.Сюжет
Одразу після смерті люди потрапляють у будівлю, де вони мають тиждень на те, щоб обрати один спогад зі свого життя, який залишиться із ними назавжди. Робітники будівлі допомагають людям з вибором, а потім детально відтворюють спогад на знімальному майданчику.Після життя (1998)
After Life
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Одразу після смерті люди потрапляють у будівлю, де вони мають тиждень на те, щоб обрати один спогад зі свого життя, який залишиться із ними назавжди. Робітники будівлі допомагають людям з вибором, а потім детально відтворюють спогад на знімальному майданчику.Сюжет (англ.)
A successful but unhappy Japanese accountant finds the missing passion in his life when he begins to secretly take ballroom dance lessons.Shall We Dance? (1996)
Shall We Dance?
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A successful but unhappy Japanese accountant finds the missing passion in his life when he begins to secretly take ballroom dance lessons.Сюжет (англ.)
Three Japanese pilgrims arrive in India. Miss Naruse is looking for Otsu, a Catholic priest, her lover ten years before; after time in France and Israel, he has come to Benares where he carries the bodies of the poor to the crematoriDeep River (1995)
Deep River
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Three Japanese pilgrims arrive in India. Miss Naruse is looking for Otsu, a Catholic priest, her lover ten years before; after time in France and Israel, he has come to Benares where he carries the bodies of the poor to the crematoriСюжет (англ.)
Following World War II, a retired professor approaching his autumn years finds his quality of life drastically reduced in war-torn Tokyo. Denying despair, he pursues writing and celebrates his birthday with his adoring students.Madadayo (1993)
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Following World War II, a retired professor approaching his autumn years finds his quality of life drastically reduced in war-torn Tokyo. Denying despair, he pursues writing and celebrates his birthday with his adoring students.Сюжет (англ.)
Tora-san's opinions about Americans get challenged when another wandering peddler Michael Jordan stops by Shibamata.Tora-san's Dream of Spring (1979)
Tora-san's Dream of Spring
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Tora-san's opinions about Americans get challenged when another wandering peddler Michael Jordan stops by Shibamata.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary film on the life and works of director Kenji Mizoguchi.Kenji Mizoguchi: The Life of a Film Director (1975)
Kenji Mizoguchi: The Life of a Film Director
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A documentary film on the life and works of director Kenji Mizoguchi.Сюжет
Червона Борода - це прізвисько лікаря лікарні для бідних, у яку після університету попадає молодий і честолюбний доктор Ясумото. Він не приймає порядків, які панують у лікарні, суворості й часом, брутальності доктора.Тільки згодом Ясумото розуміє, що за твердістю й суворістю Червоної Бороди ховається безмежна доброта, висока моральність і справжнє милосердя. Він осягає справжнє призначення лікаря й визнає його своїм учителем.
Червона борода (1965)
Red Beard
16+Читати опис
Червона Борода - це прізвисько лікаря лікарні для бідних, у яку після університету попадає молодий і честолюбний доктор Ясумото. Він не приймає порядків, які панують у лікарні, суворості й часом, брутальності доктора.Тільки згодом Ясумото розуміє, що за твердістю й суворістю Червоної Бороди ховається безмежна доброта, висока моральність і справжнє милосердя. Він осягає справжнє призначення лікаря й визнає його своїм учителем.
Сюжет (англ.)
An executive of a Yokohama shoe company becomes a victim of extortion when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped by mistake and held for ransom.Високі та низькі (1963)
High and Low
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An executive of a Yokohama shoe company becomes a victim of extortion when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped by mistake and held for ransom.Сюжет
Після корабельної аварії пасажири лайнера опиняються на острові Бейру, де колись проводилися випробування ядерної зброї. Флора і фауна острова мутували. Рятувальники, які знаходять жертв, здивовані, що в тих, хто вижив, не спостерігається ніяких ознак впливу радіації. У ході дослідження острова учені знаходять безліч дивних речей, а також двох крихітних фей, яких лідер експедиції Кларк Нельсон вирішує викрасти й забрати з острова на материк попри те, що вони попереджають його про свій телепатичний зв'язок з велетенським метеликом Мотрою, який негайно вилітає на допомогу своїм феям.Мотра (1961)
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Після корабельної аварії пасажири лайнера опиняються на острові Бейру, де колись проводилися випробування ядерної зброї. Флора і фауна острова мутували. Рятувальники, які знаходять жертв, здивовані, що в тих, хто вижив, не спостерігається ніяких ознак впливу радіації. У ході дослідження острова учені знаходять безліч дивних речей, а також двох крихітних фей, яких лідер експедиції Кларк Нельсон вирішує викрасти й забрати з острова на материк попри те, що вони попереджають його про свій телепатичний зв'язок з велетенським метеликом Мотрою, який негайно вилітає на допомогу своїм феям.Death on the Mountain (1961)
Death on the Mountain
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Mohei is a wandering swordsman. He arrives in the city of Osaka, where the Toyotomi clan accepts him and comes to depend upon his courage and his battlefield skills. Those skills are sorely...Daredevil in the Castle (1961)
Daredevil in the Castle
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Mohei is a wandering swordsman. He arrives in the city of Osaka, where the Toyotomi clan accepts him and comes to depend upon his courage and his battlefield skills. Those skills are sorely...Сюжет (англ.)
A young executive hunts down his father’s killer. Continuing his legendary collaboration with actor Toshiro Mifune, Kurosawa combines elements of Hamlet and American film noir to chilling effect in exposing the corrupt boardrooms of postwar corporate Japan.The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
The Bad Sleep Well
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A young executive hunts down his father’s killer. Continuing his legendary collaboration with actor Toshiro Mifune, Kurosawa combines elements of Hamlet and American film noir to chilling effect in exposing the corrupt boardrooms of postwar corporate Japan.Сюжет (англ.)
The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor Keikoh's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's ...The Three Treasures (1959)
The Three Treasures
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The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor Keikoh's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's ...The Outsiders (1958)
The Outsiders
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Kyoko, the daughter of a successful novelist, marries an aspiring writer. However, her husband's difficulties with his writing and his resentment over her father cause deep strains in the marriage.Little Peach (1958)
Little Peach
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Kyoko, the daughter of a successful novelist, marries an aspiring writer. However, her husband's difficulties with his writing and his resentment over her father cause deep strains in the marriage.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them. In Part II, the search for the scrolls continues.Yagyu Secret Scrolls: Ninjitsu - Part II (1958)
Yagyu Secret Scrolls: Ninjitsu - Part II
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In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them. In Part II, the search for the scrolls continues.Onna goroshi abura jigoku (1957)
Onna goroshi abura jigoku
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In medieval Japan, aging Rokubei, his younger wife of four years Osugi and her uncle run a tenement complex at the bottom of a cliff, the complex which from the naked eye at the top of the cliff looks like nothing more than a rubbish heap. The tenants are a group of down-and-outers with some who operate on the far side of the law. Nonetheless, the tenants are close knit community in wallowing in their collective misery, those who care who know their lives will never get better as long as they stay there. The landlords have no compassion for the tenants, they mockingly only stating that the tenants will be given a favorable standing in a future life for any good deeds done around the tenement. The recent arrival of Kahei, a mysterious elderly man, affectionately referred to as Grandpa, who spins tales of the unknown, provides at least hope that there is a better life out there somewhere. Sutekichi, a thief who arguably is the leader among the tenants, and Osugi are carrying on an affair behind Rokubei's back. Although he has previously professed his love for her, the words were more an empty platitude. He begins to have feelings for Osugi's younger sister, Okaya, who works for her sister cleaning up the tenement under her watchful eye. Okaya does not know if she can trust the words of anyone who lives in the complex, while Osugi, who knows of Sutekichi feelings for Okaya, begins to have feelings of jealousy. Osugi and Sutekichi work toward their own goals at the expense of others within the complex.The Lower Depths (1957)
The Lower Depths
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In medieval Japan, aging Rokubei, his younger wife of four years Osugi and her uncle run a tenement complex at the bottom of a cliff, the complex which from the naked eye at the top of the cliff looks like nothing more than a rubbish heap. The tenants are a group of down-and-outers with some who operate on the far side of the law. Nonetheless, the tenants are close knit community in wallowing in their collective misery, those who care who know their lives will never get better as long as they stay there. The landlords have no compassion for the tenants, they mockingly only stating that the tenants will be given a favorable standing in a future life for any good deeds done around the tenement. The recent arrival of Kahei, a mysterious elderly man, affectionately referred to as Grandpa, who spins tales of the unknown, provides at least hope that there is a better life out there somewhere. Sutekichi, a thief who arguably is the leader among the tenants, and Osugi are carrying on an affair behind Rokubei's back. Although he has previously professed his love for her, the words were more an empty platitude. He begins to have feelings for Osugi's younger sister, Okaya, who works for her sister cleaning up the tenement under her watchful eye. Okaya does not know if she can trust the words of anyone who lives in the complex, while Osugi, who knows of Sutekichi feelings for Okaya, begins to have feelings of jealousy. Osugi and Sutekichi work toward their own goals at the expense of others within the complex.Сюжет (англ.)
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is ...Yagyu Secret Scrolls (1957)
Yagyu Secret Scrolls
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In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати